Smithsonian Institution Archives

Topical Finding Aids to Records in the Smithsonian Institution Archives

Guide to Records of Expeditions, 1878-1917

By Adrien Alice Hansel

List of Expeditions (Smithsonian and Non-Smithsonian), 1849-1877

List of Smithsonian Expeditions, 1878-1917 - Chronologic

List of Smithsonian Expeditions, 1878-1917 - Alphabetic

Individual Collectors Associated with the Smithsonian Institution, 1878-1917

Foreign-Sponsored Expeditions Mentioned in Smithsonian Institution Annual Reports

Harriman Alaska Expedition - Bryn Mawr and Smith Glaciers, College Fiord, Port Wells, June 26, 1899 (Photo by C. Hart Merriam)
Harriman Alaska Expedition - Bryn Mawr and Smith Glaciers,
College Fiord, Port Wells, June 26, 1899 (Photo by C. Hart Merriam)
From Harriman Alaska Series, Volume II

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