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Results for "Zoology -- Research"
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National Museum of Natural History. Department of Invertebrate Zoology (37)
Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary (28)
National Museum of Natural History (26)
National Zoological Park. Department of Zoological Research (21)
Sandved, Kjell Bloch 1922- (18)
Unknown (11)
National Museum of Natural History. Department of Entomology (10)
National Museum of Natural History. Office of the Director (10)
National Museum of Natural History. Division of Mammals (9)
Schmitt, Waldo L. (Waldo Lasalle), 1887-1977 (9)
National Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology (8)
United States National Museum (8)
National Museum of Natural History. Department of Vertebrate Zoology (7)
National Zoological Park. Department of Animal Programs (7)
Emily Niekrasz (6)
National Museum of Natural History. Biodiversity Program (6)
Smithsonian Institution. Scholarly Press (6)
Heyer, W. Ronald (5)
Kleiman, Devra G. (5)
Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette (5)
National Zoological Park. Office of the Director (5)
Sabrosky, Curtis W. (Curtis Williams), 1910- (5)
Smithsonian Institution (5)
Snodgrass, R. E. (Robert E.), 1875-1962 (5)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (5)
Dr. Elizabeth Harmon (4)
National Museum of Natural History. Division of Crustacea (4)
National Museum of Natural History. Division of Echinoderms and Lower Invertebrates (4)
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Exhibitions (4)
National Zoological Park (4)
Barnard, J. Laurens (Jerry Laurens), 1928-1991 (3)
Bartsch, Paul, 1871-1960 (3)
Blackwelder, Richard E. (3)
Catherine Shteynberg (3)
Higgins, Robert P. (3)
Hoffmann, Robert S. (3)
National Museum of Natural History. Department of Paleobiology (3)
National Museum of Natural History. Division of Mollusks (3)
National Museum of Natural History. Division of Reptiles and Amphibians (3)
National Zoological Park. Center for Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics (3)
Science Service (3)
Smithsonian Institution. Office of International Relations (3)
Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (3)
Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (3)
Society of Systematic Zoology (3)
Allard, Dean C. 1933- (2)
American Society of Zoologists (2)
Association of Systematics Collections (2)
Berlandier, Jean Louis, -1851 (2)
Berry, S. Stillman (Samuel Stillman), 1887-1984 (2)
Dall, William Healey, 1845-1927 (2)
Effie Kapsalis (2)
Fosberg, F. Raymond (Francis Raymond), 1908-1993 (2)
Gill, Theodore, 1837-1914 (2)
Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley (2)
Hillary Brady (2)
Hobbs, Horton H. (Horton Holcombe), 1914-1994 (2)
Hoogstraal, Harry, 1917-1986 (2)
Hutchins, Louis W., 1916-1957 (2)
Jones, Meredith L. (2)
Kellogg, Remington, 1892-1969 (2)
Knight, Harry H. (2)
Laybourne, Roxie C., 1910-2003 interviewee (2)
Manning, Raymond B. (Raymond Brendan), 1934-2000 (2)
National Museum of Natural History. Associate Director for Science (2)
National Museum of Natural History. Department of Botany (2)
National Museum of Natural History. Division of Birds (2)
National Museum of Natural History. Division of Fishes (2)
National Museum of Natural History. Office of Public Affairs (2)
National Zoological Park. Public Affairs and Communications Department (2)
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (2)
Ploskonka, Jeffrey (2)
Rathbun, Richard, 1852-1918 (2)
Ricc Ferrante (2)
Ridgway, Robert, 1850-1929 (2)
Ripley, S. Dillon (Sidney Dillon), 1913-2001, interviewee (2)
Schultz, Leonard P (Leonard Peter) 1901- (2)
Shimek, Bohumil, 1861-1937 (2)
Smith, Diane 1949- (2)
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (2)
Smithsonian Institution. Assistant Secretary for Research (2)
Smithsonian Institution. Assistant Secretary for Science (2)
Smithsonian Institution. International Exchange Service (2)
Smithsonian Institution. Libraries (2)
Smithsonian Institution. Management Analysis Office (2)
Smithsonian Institution. Office of Public Affairs (2)
Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Registrar (2)
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (2)
United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842) (2)
United States National Museum. Department of Zoology (2)
United States National Museum. Division of Birds (2)
United States National Museum. Division of Fishes (2)
United States National Museum. Division of Insects (2)
United States National Museum. Division of Marine Invertebrates (2)
Aldrich, John Merton, 1866-1944 (1)
Aldrich, John W. (John Warren), 1906-1995, interviewee (1)
Alexander, Charles P. (Charles Paul), 1889-1981 (1)
Allen, Harry W. (Harry Willis), 1892- (1)
American Association for Zoological Nomenclature (1)
American Fisheries Society. Committee on Names of Fishes (1)
Zoology (305)
Zoology--Research (192)
Macaques--Asia (188)
Animals (186)
Birds (180)
Bird banding (125)
Birds--Migration (105)
Birds--Parasites (105)
Zoologists (95)
Invertebrates (94)
Research (92)
United States National Museum (84)
Birds--Egypt (80)
Entomology (73)
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.) (69)
Invertebrate zoology (65)
Zoos (62)
Natural history museums (60)
Marine invertebrates (56)
Museums -- Administration (54)
Entomologists (52)
Museums -- Public relations (50)
Crustacea (49)
Zoology -- Research (48)
Ichthyology (44)
Smithsonian Institution (44)
Personnel management (42)
Vertebrates (40)
Employees (39)
Museums (38)
Ornithology (37)
Smithsonian Institution -- Administration (37)
Zoo animals (36)
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Museums -- Collection management (35)
Schmitt (35)
Paleontology (31)
Professional associations (31)
Scientific surveys (31)
interviewer (30)
Mammalogy (30)
Scientific expeditions (30)
D.C.) (29)
Interviews (29)
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Department of Invertebrate Zoology (29)
National Zoological Park (U.S.) (29)
Oral history (29)
Web sites (29)
Baird (28)
Mollusks (28)
Geology (27)
Migratory birds (27)
United States. Department of Agriculture (27)
Mammals (26)
Marine Biology (26)
Museum exhibits (26)
Natural history (25)
Alexander (24)
Birds--Hawaii (24)
Fishes (24)
Henson (24)
Museum curators (24)
1887-1977 (23)
Botany (23)
Ecology (23)
Herpetology (23)
Waldo L. (Waldo Lasalle) (23)
Ornithologists (22)
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (22)
Mammalogists (21)
Natural History (21)
Pamela M. (21)
Plants (21)
Amphibians (20)
Harvard University (20)
Conservation biology (19)
Kleiman (19)
Paleontologists (19)
Devra G. (18)
Sea birds--Hawaii (18)
United States Fish Commission (18)
Wetmore (18)
Geological Survey (U.S.) (17)
Hope (17)
Ichthyologists (17)
Microscopes (17)
Museum publications (17)
Rathbun (17)
Scientific apparatus and instruments (17)
Worms (17)
Birds--Israel (16)
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Department of Entomology (16)
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Department of Vertebrate Zoology (16)
Specimens (16)
Vertebrate zoology (16)
Yale University (16)
Animal behavior (15)
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Fenner Albert (15)
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Showing results 25 - 36 of 1899 for
Zoology -- Research
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, group D2, 1986.
1986 19860920 19860923
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop CF, 1987.
1987 19870727 19870728
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, Camp troop, 1993.
1993 19930515 19930617
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop CH 2, 1993.
1993 19931018 19931019
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop 22 B, 1995
1995 19950909 19950909
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop 22 N, 1995.
1995 19950803 19950810
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop B, 1995.
1995 19950714 19950716
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop CF 1, 1995.
1995 19950729 19950730
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop D1, 1995.
1995 19950809 19950815
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop F 1, 195.
1995 19950719 19950719
: Dittus, Wolfgang Peter Johann (1943-)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop F 3, 1995.
1995 19950929 19950929
: National Zoological Park (U.S.)
Field Book
National Zoological Park (U. S.), Department of Zoological Research, Animal Research Records, 1954, 1968-2000 : trap data, troop J, 1995.
1995 19950712 19950712
: Dittus, Wolfgang Peter Johann (1943-)
Showing results 25 - 36 of 1899 for
Zoology -- Research
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