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Results for "Turning of the Joseph Henry Statue"
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Subject: Museum exhibits
Subject: Doghouse (Exhibition) (1990: New York
Subject: N.Y.)
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Exhibitions (1)
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Office of the Registrar (1)
1680-1760 (Exhibition) (1999: New York (2)
1872-1933 (Exhibition) (1987-1988: New York (2)
1929-1972 (Exhibition) (1997: New York (2)
and America (Exhibition) (1988-1989: New York (2)
Arches for Galveston (Exhibition) (1987-1988: New York (2)
Arquitectonica: The Times Square Project (Exhibition) (1998: New York (2)
Art museums (2)
Art Nouveau Bing: The Paris Style 1900 (Exhibition) (1987: New York (2)
Art that is Life: The Arts and Crafts Movement in America (Exhibition) (1988: New York (2)
Avant-Garde Letterhead (Exhibition) (1996: New York (2)
Cooper-Hewitt Collections: A Design Resource (Exhibition) (1991-1992: New York (2)
Costumes (2)
Courts and Colonies: The William and Mary Style in Holland (2)
Czech Cubism: Architecture and Design (Exhibition) (1993: New York (2)
Decorative arts (2)
Doghouse (Exhibition) (1990: New York (2)
England (2)
Erich Mendelsohn: 1887-1953 (Exhibition) (1988-1989: New York (2)
Flora Danica and the Heritage of Danish Porcelain (Exhibition) (1990: New York (2)
Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Wax Building: Creating a Corporate Cathedral (Exhibition) (1987: New York (2)
Henry Dreyfuss Directing Design: The Industrial Designer and his Work (2)
Huguenot Legacy: English Silver (2)
Intimate World of Alexander Calder (Exhibition) (1989-1990: New York (2)
Jewels (Exhibition) (1988: New York (2)
Mechanical Brides: Women and Machines from Home to Office (Exhibition) (1993-1994: New York (2)
Mixing Messages: Graphic Design in Contemporary Culture (Exhibition) (1996-1997: New York (2)
Museum exhibits (2)
N.Y.) (2)
Paris Opera on Stage: Designs (2)
Robert Adam and Kedleston Hall (Exhibition) (1987: New York (2)
Triumph of Simplicity: 350 Years of Swedish Silver (Exhibition) (1988: New York (2)
Turned Wood Bowls (Exhibition) (1989: New York (2)
Under the Sun: An Outdoor Exhibition of Light (1998: New York (2)
Unlimited by Design (Exhibition) (1998-1999: New York (2)
Vienna/New York: The Work of Joseph Urban (2)
Views of Rome: Drawings and Watercolors from the Collection of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Exhibition) (1989: New York (2)
Walter Crane: Design for Children (Exhibition) (1993-1994: New York (2)
1890-1940 (Exhibition) (1988-1989: New York (1)
1914-1933 (Exhibition) (1988: New York (1)
43rd Annual Winter Antiques Show (Exhibition) (1997: New York (1)
Aluminum By Design: From Jewelry to Jets (Exhibition) (2001: New York (1)
American Enterprise: Nineteenth Century Patent Models (Exhibition) (1984: New York (1)
American Picture Palaces (Exhibition) (1982-1983: New York (1)
Annual Reports (Exhibition) (1988: New York (1)
Berlin 1900-1933: Architecture and Design (Exhibition) (1986-1987: New York (1)
Body Language: Jewelry and Accessories at the NDM (Exhibition) (1995: New York (1)
Bon Voyage! Designs for Travel (Exhibition) (1986: New York (1)
Bridge in the Garden (Exhibition) (1991: New York (1)
Buildings -- Repair and reconstruction (1)
Canes and Walking Sticks (Exhibition) (1983: New York (1)
Ceramics of the Weimar Republic (1)
Chicago Furniture: Art (1)
City Dwellings and Country Houses: Robert Adam and His Style (Exhibition) (1982: New York (1)
Color by the Yard: Printed Fabrics from 1760-1860 (Exhibition) (1987-1988: New York (1)
Color Light Surface: Recent Textiles (Exhibition) (1990: Courts and Colonies: The William and Mary Style in Holland (1)
Color Light Surface: Recent Textiles (Exhibition) (1990: New York (1)
Countess Gems (Exhibition) (1988: New York (1)
Craft (1)
Day Without Art (Exhibition) (1984: New York (1)
Day Without Art (Exhibition) (1990: New York (1)
Day Without Art (Exhibition) (1991: New York (1)
Day Without Art (Exhibition) (1992-1993: New York (1)
Day Without Art (Exhibition) (1994: New York (1)
Design and Fabric Technology: Pushing the Limits (Exhibition) (1993: New York (1)
Design for Life: A Centennial Celebration (Exhibition) (1997-1998: New York (1)
Design Process: Cheryl R. Riley (Exhibition) (1993: New York (1)
Design ≠ Art: Functional Objects from Donald Judd to Rachel Whiteread (Exhibition) (2004-2005: New York (1)
Disegno: Italian Renaissance Designs for the Decorative Arts (Exhibition) (1997: New York (1)
Do-It-Yourself Architecture for the Great Outdoors (Exhibition) (1997: New York (1)
Drawings by Francesco and Giovanni Carlo Bibiena (Exhibition) (1990: New York (1)
Drawings from the National Museum and Royal Palace (1)
Dutch Posters (1)
E. McKnight Kauffer: Graphic Art and Theater Design (Exhibition) (1989-1990: New York (1)
El Nuevo Mundo: The Landscape of Latino L.A. (Exhibition) (1999: New York (1)
Elaine Lustig Cohen (1)
Faberge: Jeweler to Royalty (Exhibition) (1983: New York (1)
Fancy Fronts: Gentlemen's Waistcoats in the Eighteenth Century (Exhibition) (1993-1994: New York (1)
Fashion in Colors (Exhibition) (2005-2006: New York (1)
Feeding Desire: Design and the Tools of the Table (Exhibition) (2006: New York (1)
Field For Dreams: An Eighteenth Century Bedcover (Exhibition) (1995: New York (1)
Fountains: Splash and Spectacle (Exhibition) (1998: New York (1)
From Background to Foreground: Looking at an 18th-century Wallpaper (Exhibition) (1992-1993: New York (1)
From Concept to Building: A Design in Singapore by Architect Paul Rudolph (Exhibition) (1993-1994: New York (1)
Gardens of Delight (Exhibition) (1981: New York (1)
Glass of the Avant-Garde: From Vienna Secession to Bauhaus (Exhibition) (2001-2002: New York (1)
Gold of Greece: Jewelry and Ornaments from the Benaki Museum (Exhibition) (1990-1991: New York (1)
Golden Eye: An International Tribute to the Artisans of India (Exhibition) (1985: New York (1)
Good Offices and Beyond (Exhibition) (1994-1995: New York (1)
Good Offices and Beyond: A Laboratory of Seating (Exhibition) (1994-1995: New York (1)
Graphic Design in the Mechanical Age: Selections from the Merrill T. Berman Collection (Exhibition) (1999: New York (1)
Hair (Exhibition) (1980: New York (1)
Hawaii: The Royal Isles (Exhibition) (1982: New York (1)
Hollywood: Legend and Reality (Exhibition) (1986: New York (1)
Honor and Glory: Triumphal Arches (Exhibition) (1987-1988: New York (1)
Immovable Objects: Urban Open Spaces (Exhibition) (1979: New York (1)
Jewelry of Tone Vigeland (Exhibition) (1997: New York (1)
Jewelry: A Selection from the Cooper-Hewitt Collection (Exhibition) (1989-1990: New York (1)
Jewels of Lalique (Exhibition) (1998: New York (1)
Josef and Anni Albers: Designs for Living (Exhibition) (2004-2005: New York (1)
Kitsch to Corbusier: Wallpaper from the 1950s (Exhibition) (1995: New York (1)
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Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for
Turning of the Joseph Henry Statue
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 10-061, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Exhibitions, Exhibition Records, 1980-2006
1980 1980-2006
: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Exhibitions
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 06-123, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Office of the Registrar, Loan Files (Incoming Loans), 1984-1999
1984 1984-1999
: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Office of the Registrar
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for
Turning of the Joseph Henry Statue