Description: [edan-image:id=siris_sic_9667,size=250,left]Robert Kennicott, born on November 13, 1835, was an original member and co-creator of the Megatherium Club and made quite a wave during his lifetime. He was considered a great naturalist, collecting specimens from his expeditions as well as local areas. Kennicott began his life in New Orleans on November 13, 1835, but his family
Description: [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="385" caption="Games, by Axel Tregoning, Creative Commons: Attribution 2.0."][/caption] While some people seem to enjoy fantasizing about doomsday scenarios and the end of the “real” world, a recent piece on Ars Tehchnica’s website makes it clear that virtual worlds don’t last forever, either.