Results for "Smithsonian Institution. Educational Outreach Fund"

Showing results 1 - 8 of 8 for Smithsonian Institution. Educational Outreach Fund
  1. SI History Bibliography

    Publications of the Smithsonian Institution, Sale List

    • Date: 1891

  3. SI History Bibliography

    List of Publications of the Smithsonian Institution for Sale or Exchange, May 1894

    • Date: 1894

  5. SI History Bibliography

    The Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1896, The History of its First Half Century

    • Date: 1897

  7. SI History Bibliography

    Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives on Public Buildings and Grounds. Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution Relative to the Fire

    • Creator: United States Congress
    • Creator: United States Congress

  9. SI History Bibliography

    Discourse, on the Objects and Importance of The National Institution for the Promotion of Science, Established at Washington, 1840, Delivered at the First Anniversary

    • Date: 1841
    • Creator: Poinsett, Joel Roberts
    • Creator: Poinsett, Joel Roberts

  11. Authority Record/EAC

    United States Eclipse Expedition to West Africa (1889-1890)

    • Date: 1889 - 1890

  13. John Campbell Merriam (left), Richard Gregory (center), and Edwin Grant Conklin (right)

    John Campbell Merriam (left), Richard Gregory (center), and Edwin Grant Conklin (right)

    • Creator: Davis, Fremont 1915-1977

  15. (seated left to right): Anton Julius Carlson, Kirtley Mather, Forest Ray Moulton, Harlow Shapley; (standing left to right): Edmund Ware Sinnott, George Alfred Baitsel, Fernandus Payne, Karl Lark-Horovitz, Walter Richard Miles, Elvin Charles Stakman

    (seated left to right): Anton Julius Carlson, Kirtley Mather, Forest Ray Moulton, Harlow Shapley; (standing left to right): Edmund Ware Sinnott, George Alfred Baitsel, Fernandus Payne, Karl Lark-Horovitz, Walter Richard Miles, Elvin Charles Stakman

    • Date: 1947
    • Creator: Science Service

Showing results 1 - 8 of 8 for Smithsonian Institution. Educational Outreach Fund