Results for "Saving Treasures (Television program)"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 5711 for Saving Treasures (Television program)
  1. Blog Post

    Save Our African American Treasures

    • Date: March 29, 2011
    • Description: [caption id="attachment_12162" align="aligncenter" width="384" caption="A participant discusses a lock of hair from a member of her family with NMAAHC staff at a Save Our African American Treasures event held in Detroit, Michigan, by Michael Barnes, Courtesy of The Smithsonian'€™s National Museum of African American History and Culture."][/caption] [caption

  3. "Save Our African American Treasures" in Charleston, S.C

    "Save Our African American Treasures" in Charleston, S.C

    • Date: May 30, 2009
    • Creator: Barnes, Michael R
    • Creator: Barnes, Michael R

  5. Webpage

    The Smithsonian in Television

    • Date: July 10, 2013
    • Description: A list of television shows where the Smithsonian is referenced.

  7. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 11-011, Smithsonian Channel, Productions, 2007-2009

    • Date: 2007 2007-2009
    • Creator: Smithsonian Channel
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  9. Webpage

    The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon

    • Date: March 9, 2022
    • Description: In this TV movie, a team of Smithsonian researchers are on expedition in the Grand Canyon when they discover an Aztec city. Their discovery is marred by the kidnapping of the expedition’s leader and his daughter, and the rest of the team much defeat evil spirits, including the serpent god, to save him.

  11. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 05-046, Smithsonian Institution Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Program Files, 1992-1993

    • Date: 1992 1992-1993
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  13. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 92-031, National Museum of Natural History (U.S.) Environmental Awareness Program, Records, circa 1977-1990

    • Date: 1977 1977-1990 circa 1977-1990
    • Creator: National Museum of Natural History. Environmental Awareness Program
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  15. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 96-022, Smithsonian Associates Campus on the Mall, Program Recordings, 1978-1995 and undated

    • Date: 1978 1978-1995 1978-1995 and undated
    • Creator: Smithsonian Associates. $a Campus on the Mall
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  17. Pink Scrapbook with Blank Cover, by pd_THOR, Creative Commons.

    Cut and Paste, Old Style

    • Date: September 13, 2011
    • Creator: Marvin Heiferman
    • Description: Some years back, and for what seemed like quite a while, people were talking about scrapbooking. As more aspects of everyday life were going digital, it felt like more and more people were paying homage to the paper-based mementoes of their experiences that appeared to be heading for oblivion. Quickly, and to support all the saving, trimming, and gluing that people were

  19. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 16-322, National Museum of American History (U.S.) Office of Curatorial Affairs, Exhibition and Program Records, 1990-2008

    • Date: 1990 1990-2008
    • Creator: National Museum of American History. Office of Curatorial Affairs
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  21. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 16-233, National Museum of African American History and Culture (U.S.) Office of External Affairs, Program Records, 2005-2013

    • Date: 2005 2005-2013
    • Creator: National Museum of African American History and Culture. Office of External Affairs
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  23. Smithsonian experts consult with members of the public about their items.

    Save the Date for the 2011 Smithsonian Archives Fair

    • Date: September 26, 2011
    • Creator: Catherine Shteynberg
    • Description: Access the official records of the Smithsonian Institution and learn about its history, key events, people, and research.

Showing results 1 - 12 of 5711 for Saving Treasures (Television program)
