Results for "Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 266 for Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902
  1. Authority Record/EAC

    Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902

    • Date: 1834 1902

  3. SI History Bibliography

    Biographical Memoir of John Wesley Powell, 1834-1902

    • Date: 1915
    • Creator: Davis, William Morris
    • Creator: Davis, William Morris

  5. Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    • Date: 1885
    • Creator: Parker, Charles

  7. Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    • Date: 1885
    • Creator: Parker, Charles

  9. Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    • Date: 1885
    • Creator: Parker, Charles

  11. Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    • Date: 1901
    • Creator: Bachrach & Bro

  13. Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)

    • Date: 1872 Circa 1872
    • Creator: Bell, C. M (Charles Milton) approximately 1849-1893

  15. Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902) in Bas Relief

    Portrait of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902) in Bas Relief

    • Date: 1918
    • Creator: Usher, Leila 1858-

  17. SI History Bibliography

    John Wesley Powell

    • Date: 1903
    • Creator: Gilbert, Grove Karl 1843-1918
    • Creator: Gilbert, Grove Karl 1843-1918

  19. John Wesley Powell, by Bell, D.C, Smithsonian Archives - History Div, 58254 or MAH-58254.

    John Wesley Powell

    • Creator: Bell, D.C
    • Creator: Bell, D.C

  21. John Wesley Powell

    John Wesley Powell

    • Date: c. 1890
    • Creator: Parker of Washington, D.C
    • Creator: Parker of Washington, D.C

  23. John Wesley Powell

    John Wesley Powell

    • Date: 1875
    • Creator: Parker of Washington, D.C
    • Creator: Parker of Washington, D.C

Showing results 1 - 12 of 266 for Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902
