Description: [caption id="" align="alignright" width="171" caption="Elizabeth Sabin Goodwin, c. 1920s–1970s, by Unidentified photographer, Black and white photographic print, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession number: SIA2008-1965. "][/caption] If you put it on Flickr, will they come? Well in this case, the answer is, "yes." In March 2009 we posted a number of images of women
Description: It was, most likely, a foggy day in Oakland in 1882 when Miss Adelia Gates crossed the intersection of 12th and Washington streets and approached the Lemmon Herbarium.At 57, Adelia Gates was an accomplished artist and well-accustomed to new situations. She’d traveled alone to Scandinavia, Mallorca, Italy, and Algeria, and she’d lived in Switzerland while studying watercolor
Description: The Smithsonian Institution Archives will be celebrating African American History Month throughout February with a series of related posts on THE BIGGER PICTURE. “I have engaged in almost Every Branch of work that is usual and unusual about S.I.”[edan-image:id=siris_sic_5597,size=150,left] These words, written by Solomon G. Brown to Secretary Spencer F. Baird on August 12,
Description: This is the latest post in our series on career advice for the aspiring archives professionals. Each edition features information and career advice from a different member of the Archives team, regarding what they do, how they got here, and how you can too. Check out our previous posts, and be sure to let us know who you would like to hear from next!