Description: The Walt Disney designed--and General Electric sponsored--look at America’s figurative and literal electric future, Progressland, wowed visitors at the 1964 World’s Fair--and elements of it exist today in both Disneyland and Disney World theme parks.
Description: Periodically—given the fleeting nature of life and the ubiquity of photographic imagery—it’s seems like someone’s always trying to hatch another ambitious image-based cultural project to prove that, despite our differences, we’re pretty all much the same.
Description: [caption id="attachment_4178" align="alignleft" width="206" caption="Levi Hill often photographed color lithographic prints, mostly European images, when attempting to perfect his Hillotype color process. This print of a girl and small animal shows his achievement in capturing natural colors on a daguerreotype plate, circa 1851-56."][/caption] Excepting the 8% of males and
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