Results for "National Science Resources Center (U.S.)"

Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for National Science Resources Center (U.S.)
  1. SI History Bibliography

    Discourse, on the Objects and Importance of The National Institution for the Promotion of Science, Established at Washington, 1840, Delivered at the First Anniversary

    • Date: 1841
    • Creator: Poinsett, Joel Roberts
    • Creator: Poinsett, Joel Roberts

  3. SI History Bibliography

    Random Records of a Lifetime, 1846-1931, 20 volumes, cullings, largely personal, from the scrap heap of three score years and ten, devoted to science, literature and art

    • Creator: Holmes, William Henry 1846-1933
    • Creator: Holmes, William Henry 1846-1933

Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for National Science Resources Center (U.S.)