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Results for "Museums -- Administration"
Finding Aids
Blog Posts
Subject: Publicity
Subject: Jean Dubuffet 1943-1963: Paintings
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Office of Public Affairs (2)
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Communications and Marketing (1)
Assemblages (Exhibition) (1993: Washington (3)
D.C.) (3)
DIRECTIONS: Boyd Webb (Exhibition) (1990-1991: Washington (3)
DIRECTIONS: Cindy Sherman (Exhibition) (1995: Washington (3)
DIRECTIONS: Ericka Beckman (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (3)
DIRECTIONS: Keith Sonnier Neon (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (3)
DIRECTIONS: Mel Chin (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (3)
DIRECTIONS: Walter Pichler: Works on Paper (Exhibition) (1988: Washington (3)
Francis Bacon (Exhibition) (1989-1990: Washington (3)
Jean Dubuffet 1943-1963: Paintings (3)
John Baldessari (Exhibition) (1990-1991: Washington (3)
Martin Puryear (Exhibition) (1992: Washington (3)
Museum exhibits (3)
Publicity (3)
Robert Moskowitz (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (3)
Sculptures (3)
Sean Scully: Twenty Years (3)
Sigmar Polke (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (3)
Stephan Balkenhol: Sculptures and Drawings (Exhibition) (1995-1996: Washington (3)
WORKS: Daniel Buren (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (3)
WORKS: Krzysztof Wodiczko (Exhibition) (1988-1989: Washington (3)
WORKS: Lawrence Weiner - With the Passage of Time (Exhibition) (1990-1991: Washington (3)
1948-1977 (Exhibition) (1996-1997: Washington (2)
1976-1995 (Exhibition) (1995: Washington (2)
1989-1991 (Exhibition) (1991-1992: Washington (2)
American Collages: Selections from the Museum's Collection (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
Awards in the Visual Arts 10 (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (2)
Bay Area Figurative Art: 1950-1965 (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
Bruce Nauman (Exhibition) (1994-1995: Washington (2)
Comparisons: An Exercise in Looking (Exhibition) (1990-1991: Washington (2)
Crosscurrents of Modernism: Four Latin American Pioneers (Exhibition) (1992: Washington (2)
Culture and Commentary: An Eighties Perspective (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Adrian Piper "What It's Like (2)
DIRECTIONS: Alison Saar (Exhibition) (1993: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Christian Marclay (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Francesc Torres (Exhibition) (1992: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Gary Simmons (Exhibition) (1995: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Glen Ligon - To Disembark (Exhibition) (1993-1994: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Ilya Kabakov "Ten Characters" (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Jac Leirner (Exhibition) (1993: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Jeanne Dunning (Exhibition) (1994: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Juan Munoz (Exhibition) (1997: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Martin Kippenberger (Exhibition) (1995: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Mike Kelley "Half a Man" (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Saint Clair Cemin (Exhibition) (1991-1992: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Sue Coe (Exhibition) (1994: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Susan Solano (Exhibition) (1989-1990: Washington (2)
DIRECTIONS: Thomas Struth Museum Photos (Exhibition) (1992: Washington (2)
Distemper: Dissonant Themes of the Art of the 1990's (Exhibition) (1996: Washington (2)
Eva Hesse: A Retrospective (Exhibition) (1992-1993: Washington (2)
Felix Gonzales-Torres: "Traveling" (Exhibition) (1994: Washington (2)
Frank Stella Prints from the Museum's Collection (Exhibition) (1992: Washington (2)
Franz Gertsch: Nine Lage-Scale Woodcuts (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
Gary Hill (Exhibition) (1994: Washington (2)
Jeff Wall (Exhibition) (1997: Washington (2)
Kafka and a Quote (Exhibition) (1992-1993: Washington (2)
Picasso Linocuts from the Museum's Collection (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (2)
Recent Acquisitions (2)
Robert Motherwell: Prints and Collages from the Museum's Collection (Exhibition) (1991-1992: Washington (2)
Stanley Spencer: An English Vision (Exhibition) (1997-1998: Washington (2)
Susan Rothenberg: Paintings and Drawings (Exhibition) (1993: Washington (2)
What It Is #2" (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (2)
WORKS: Alfredo Jaar (Exhibition) (1991-1992: Washington (2)
WORKS: Ann Hamilton and Kathryn Clark "View" (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (2)
WORKS: Buster Simpson (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (2)
WORKS: David Ireland (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
WORKS: Dennis Adams (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
WORKS: Houston Conwill (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (2)
WORKS: Joseph Kosuth: The Herald Tribune (2)
WORKS: Matt Mullican (Exhibition) (1990: Washington (2)
1844-1916 (1)
1881-1973 (1)
1901-1966 (1)
1901-1966 (Exhibition) (1988: Washington (1)
1901-1985 (1)
1904-1997 (1)
1906-1978 (1)
1909-1992 (1)
1925-2008 (1)
1931- (1)
1936-1970 (1)
1941- (1)
1944-1960 (Exhibition) (2001: Washington (1)
1945- (1)
1948- (1)
1951 (1)
1966- (1)
1972-1985 (Exhibition) (2004-2005: Washington (1)
1975-1991 (Exhibition) (1998: Washington (1)
1976-1995 (Exhibition). (1995: Washington (1)
1986-1988 (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (1)
A Retrospective: Sculptures (1)
A Survey (1)
Adams (1)
Adrian (1)
Alberto (1)
Alberto Giacometti (1)
Alfredo (1)
Alison Saar (Exhibition) (1993: Washington (1)
Ana Mendieta: Earth Body Sculpture and Performance (1)
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Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for
Museums -- Administration
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 10-047, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Communications and Marketing, Publicity Files, circa 1975-2006
1975 1975-2006 circa 1975-2006
: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Communications and Marketing
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 01-082, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Office of Public Affairs, Publicity Records, circa 1970-1996
1970 1970-1996 circa 1970-1996
: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Office of Public Affairs
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 02-213, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Office of Public Affairs, Publicity Records, 1976, 1988-1999
1988 1988-1999 1976, 1988-1999
: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Office of Public Affairs
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for
Museums -- Administration