Description: [view in Spanish][edan-image:id=siris_sic_7144,size=200,right]During construction of the Panama Canal at the start of the century, many laborers died of malaria and yellow fever. To find ways to control the diseases, North American biologists came to the isthmus of Panama. Some of these scientists were so impressed by the diversity of the natural environment that they later
Description: [view in English][edan-image:id=siris_sic_7144,size=200,right]A principios de este siglo, durante la construcción del Canal de Panamá, muchos trabajadores murieron de malaria y fiebre amarilla, situación que motivó la llegada de biólogos norteamericanos para combatir estas enfermedades.Esta página describe la parte Smithsonian en la conservación científica y cultural del medio