Results for "Klein, William H. (William Harvey)"

Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for Klein, William H. (William Harvey)
  1. Field notes, Montana and Michigan, September 2-October 19, 1894, and field notes, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Michigan, March 3- September 20, 1895

    Field notes, Montana and Michigan, September 2-October 19, 1894, and field notes, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Michigan, March 3- September 20, 1895

    • Date: 1894-1895 18940902 18950920
    • Creator: Bailey, Vernon, 1864-1942

  3. Field notes, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Montana, December 24, 1893-August 30, 1894

    Field notes, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Montana, December 24, 1893-August 30, 1894

    • Date: 1893-1894 18931224 18940830
    • Creator: Bailey, Vernon, 1864-1942

Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 for Klein, William H. (William Harvey)