Results for "History"

Showing results 1 - 4 of 4 for History
  1. SI History Bibliography

    The Smithsonian Institution: Its Origin, Growth, and Activities

    • Date: January and February 1896
    • Creator: Bolton, Henry Carrington
    • Creator: Bolton, Henry Carrington

  3. SI History Bibliography

    The Smithsonian Institute

    • Date: December 1839

  5. SI History Bibliography

    Art. I. - 1. The Last Will and Testament of James Smithson, London. 2. The Letters of John Q. Adams, F. Wayland, Thomas Cooper, Richard Rush, S. Chapin, to John Forsyth, Secretary of State on the subject of the trust assumed by the United States, under the will of James Smithson. 3. The Congressional Proceedings and Documents on the same subject

    • Date: July 1842

  7. SI History Bibliography

    The Smithsonian Institute

    • Date: January 1840

Showing results 1 - 4 of 4 for History