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Results for "Hirshhorn, Olga"
Finding Aids
Blog Posts
Subject: Traveling exhibitions
Subject: Finster
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (1)
Smithsonian Institution. Office of Exhibits Central. Exhibits Editor's Office (1)
Smithsonian Institution. Traveling Exhibition Service (1)
1916-2001 (3)
D.C.) (3)
Finster (3)
Howard (3)
Photography (3)
Road to Heaven is Paved by Good Works: The Art of Reverend Howard Finster (Traveling exhibition) (1990-1992) (3)
Traveling exhibitions (3)
1792-1867: Architectural Drawings and Watercolors of Paris and Rome (Traveling exhibition) (1990-1991) (2)
1867-1959 (2)
1880-1945 (Traveling exhibition) (1987-1989) (2)
1915-1940 (Exhibition) (1987-2006: Washington (2)
1920-1940 (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1988) (2)
1945-1955 (Traveling exhibition) (1987-1991) (2)
1962-1972 (Traveling exhibition) (1989-1993) (2)
1971-1927 (Traveling exhibition) (1989-1993) (2)
Action! Lithographs for the Cinema by Jean A. Mercier (2)
Africa's Legacy in Mexico: Photographs by Tony Gleaton (Traveling exhibition) (1993-1996) (2)
American Greek Revival Architecture (Traveling exhibition) (1991-1996) (2)
and the Cuddly: Human Attitudes Towards Animals (Traveling exhibition) (1992-1995) (2)
Art As Activist: Revolutionary Posters from Central and Eastern Europe (Traveling exhibition) (1992-1994) (2)
Black Wings: The American Black in Aviation (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1990) (2)
Camera (2)
Capturing the Spirit: Portraits of Contemporary Mexican Artists (Traveling exhibition) (1991-1994) (2)
Ceramics of the Weimar Republic (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1991) (2)
China Between the Revolutions: Photographs by Sydney D. Gamble (2)
Crossroads of Continents: Cultures of Siberia and Alaska (Exhibition) (1988: Washington D.C.) (2)
Day in the Warsaw Ghetto: A Birthday Trip in Hell (Traveling exhibition) (1990-1995) (2)
Dining at the White House: Two Centuries of Presidential Tableware (Traveling exhibition) (1989) (2)
Diversity Endangered (Posters Exhibition) (Traveling exhibition) (1987) (2)
Drawings by Utagawa Kuniyoshi from the Rijksmuseum voor Volenkunde (Traveling exhibition) (1989-1991) (2)
Edward Jacobson Collection (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1989) (2)
English Silver: Masterpieces by Omar Ramsden from the Campbell Collection (Traveling exhibition) (1992-1995) (2)
Exploring Microspace (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1989) (2)
Facing the Gods: Ritual Masks of the Hymalayas (Traveling exhibition) (1989-1991) (2)
Family Folklore I (Traveling exhibition) (1992-1995) (2)
Field to Factory: Afro-American Migration (2)
Frank Lloyd (2)
From Site to Site: Anthropology (2)
Glamour and Allure: The Hollywood Photographs of George Hurrell (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1990) (2)
Good (2)
Harlem Photographs by Aaron Siskind from the National Museum of American Art (Traveling exhibition) (1993-1995) (2)
Italy: One Hundred Years of Photography (Traveling exhibition) (1987-1993) (2)
Jakob Ignaz Hittorff (2)
Kids Bridge (Traveling exhibition) (1992-1997) (2)
Legacy Endures: Conserving Wetlands and Waterfowls (Traveling exhibition) (1989-1991) (2)
Lights (2)
Lincoln and His Contemporaries: Photographs by Mathew Brady from the NPG's F. H. Meserve Collection (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (2)
Major League (2)
Malaysia and the Philippines (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1989) (2)
Many Worlds (Traveling exhibition) (1989-1991) (2)
Marconi (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1991) (2)
Mark Twain and Huck Finn: Joy-Flags and Milestones (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1990) (2)
Master Watercolors and Drawings from the Norton Gallery of Art (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1989) (2)
Mexico As Seen By Her Children (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1990) (2)
Mexico: A Landscape Revisited (Traveling exhibition) (1994-1996) (2)
Music and Dance in Papua New Guinea (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1988) (2)
National Geographic Society: 100 Years of Discovery and Adventure (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1993) (2)
New Vistas: American Art Pottery 1880-1930 from the Cooper-Hewitt Museum (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1988) (2)
No Laughing Matter: Political Cartoonists on the Environment (Traveling exhibition) (1992-1996) (2)
Ocean Planet (Exhibition) (1995: Washington (2)
Odyssey: Mirror of the Mediterranean (Traveling exhibition) (1982-1988) (2)
Official Images: New Deal Photography (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1994) (2)
Old Places (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1991) (2)
Photographer (1886-1983) (Exhibition) (1993: Washington (2)
Plains Indian Arts: Continuity and Change (Traveling exhibition) (1989) (2)
Portraits and Prospects: British and Irish Watercolors & Drawings from the Ulster Museum (Traveling exhibition) (1989-1992) (2)
Portraits in Black: Outstanding Americans of Negro Origin from the Harmon Collection of the National Portrait Gallery (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1989) (2)
Power and Gold: Jewelry from Indonesia (2)
Provincetown and the Art of Printmaking (Traveling exhibition) (1990-1992) (2)
Remaking America: New Uses (2)
Renaissance Master Bronzes from the Kunsthistorische Museum (2)
Rhythm and Blues: Black American Popular Music (2)
Russia (2)
Russian Impressionist: Paintings and Drawings of Leonid Pasternak (2)
Sea Stars (Traveling exhibition) (1989-1993) (2)
Songs of My People (Traveling exhibition) (1991-1997) (2)
Soundtracks (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1990) (2)
Spectacular Vernacular: Traditional Desert Architecture from West Africa to Southwest Asia (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1991) (2)
Steichen and His Men: A Photographic Portrait of World War II (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1993) (2)
Strength and Diversity: Japanese-American Women 1885-1990 (Traveling exhibition) (1993-1996) (2)
Superman: Many Lives (2)
Surealist Art: Selections from the Hirshhorn (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1987) (2)
The Land (2)
The People: Russian Painting 1850-1910 (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1987) (2)
Threadworks: Miniature Textile Art (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1991) (2)
Three Centuries of German Painting and Drawing from the Collection of the Wallraf-Richartz Museum of Cologne (Traveling exhibition) (1985-1986) (2)
Tropical Rainforests: A Disappearing Treasure (Exhibition) (1988: Washington (2)
Two Eagles/Dos Aguilas: A Natural History of the Mexican-American Boundary (Traveling exhibition) (1993-1997) (2)
Unfamiliar Fauna of the Open Sea (Traveling exhibition) (1984-1987) (2)
VanDerZee (2)
Victorian Gardens: A Horticultural Extravaganza (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1993) (2)
Vienna (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1987) (2)
Vietnam Veterans Memorial: A National Experience (Traveling exhibition) (1986-1993) (2)
View from Space: American Astronaut Photography (2)
Views of Rome: Watercolors and Drawings from the Collection of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1991) (2)
Visions of Flight: A Retrospective from the NASA Art Collection (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1991) (2)
Voyages and Visions: Nineteenth-Century European Images of the Middle East from the Victoria and Albert Museum (Traveling exhibition) (1995-1997) (2)
What Style Is It? (Traveling exhibition) (1987-1992) (2)
Wright (2)
ZooArk (Traveling exhibition) (1988-1990) (2)
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Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for
Hirshhorn, Olga
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 00-069, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, Exhibition Records, circa 1977-1999
1977 1977-1999 circa 1977-1999
: Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 00-088, Smithsonian Institution Office of Exhibits Central Exhibits Editor's Office, Exhibition Scripts, 1975-1995
1975 1975-1995
: Smithsonian Institution. Office of Exhibits Central. Exhibits Editor's Office
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 95-161, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, Exhibition Records, c. 1980-1993
1980 1980-1993 c 1980-1993
: Smithsonian Institution. Traveling Exhibition Service
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for
Hirshhorn, Olga