Results for "Goode, G. Brown (George Brown), 1851-1896"

Showing results 1 - 4 of 4 for Goode, G. Brown (George Brown), 1851-1896
  1. SI History Chronology

    Funds for Natural History Collecting Trips

    • Date: October 1849

  3. Baird Receives Funds to Collect for SI, June 27, 1849, Smithsonian Archives - History Div.

    Baird Receives Funds to Collect for SI

    • Date: June 27, 1849

  5. SI History Chronology

    Powell Survey of Colorado River Continued

    • Date: March 3, 1871

  7. SI History Chronology

    Smithsonian Act of Organization Passes

    • Date: August 10, 1846

Showing results 1 - 4 of 4 for Goode, G. Brown (George Brown), 1851-1896