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Results for "Charles Willson Peale and His World (Exhibition) (1982-1983) Washington, D.C.)"
Finding Aids
Blog Posts
Subject: 1886-1953
Subject: 1784-1844 (Exhibition) (1984: Washington
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Conservation Laboratory (1)
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Exhibitions (1)
National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Publications (1)
1741-1827 (3)
1767-1845 (3)
1784-1844 (Exhibition) (1984: Washington (3)
1793-1814 (Exhibition) (1994: Washington (3)
1846: Portrait of the Nation (Exhibition) (1996: Washington (3)
1886-1953 (3)
1918-2006 (3)
Adventurous Pursuits: Americans and the China Trade (3)
American Colonial Portraits: 1700-1776 (Exhibition) (1987-1988: Washington (3)
and Blue: A Salute to American Musicals (Exhibition) (1996: Washington (3)
Andrew (3)
approximately 1823-1896 (3)
Arnold (3)
Arnold Newman's Americans (Exhibition) (1992: Washington (3)
Art museums (3)
Brady (3)
Charles Willson (3)
Charles Willson Peale and His World (Exhibition) (1982: Washington (3)
D.C.) (3)
Douglass (3)
Federal Profiles: Saint-Memin in America (3)
Frederick (3)
Hot (3)
Inc. (3)
Jackson (3)
Majestic in His Wrath: The Life of Frederick Douglass (Exhibition) (1995: Washington (3)
Mathew B. (3)
Mathew Brady's Portraits: Images as History (3)
Museum exhibits (3)
Newman (3)
Noble Heritage: Five Centuries of Portraiture from the Hosokawa Family (Exhibition) (1992: Washington (3)
Old Hickory: A Life Sketch of Andrew Jackson (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (3)
Peale (3)
Photographer (1886-1983) (Exhibition) (1993: Washington (3)
Photography as Art (Exhibition) (1997: Washington (3)
Rebels: Painters and Poets (Exhibition) (1996: Washington (3)
Red (3)
Reiss (3)
Time (3)
To Color America: Portraits by Winold Reiss (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (3)
U.S. Grant: The Man and the Image (Exhibition) (1985: Washington (3)
VanDerZee (3)
Winold (3)
1706-1790 (2)
1732-1799 (2)
1738-1820 (2)
1756-1793 (Exhibition) (1985: Washington (2)
1789-1791 (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (2)
1817?-1895 -- Exhibitions (2)
1862-1937 (2)
1886-1983 (2)
1904-1988 (2)
1920-1960 (Exhibition) (1984: Washington (2)
Abroad in America: Visitors to the New Nation 1776-1914 (Exhibition) (1976: Washington (2)
Adams (2)
American Artist (2)
American Icon: The Eighteenth Century Image of George Washington in Prints and Illustrations (Exhibition) (1982: Washington (2)
Art of Henry Inman (Exhibition) (1987: Washington (2)
Augustus Saint-Gaudens: The Portrait Reliefs (Exhibition) (1969: Washington (2)
Benjamin (2)
Benjamin West and His American Students (Exhibition) (1980: Washington (2)
Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution 1770-1800 (Exhibition) (1973: Washington (2)
Cecilia Beaux and the Art of Portraiture (Exhibition) (1995: Washington (2)
Champions of American Sport (Exhibition) (1981: Washington (2)
Davy Crockett: Gentleman from the Cane (Exhibition) (1986: Washington (2)
Edith (2)
Edith Wharton's World: Portraits of People and Places (Exhibition) (1997: Washington (2)
Edward Sorel: Unauthorized Portraits (Exhibition) (1999: Washington (2)
Faces of Time: Seventy-Five Years of Time Magazine Cover Portraits (Exhibition) (1998: Washington (2)
Facing the Light: Historic American Portrait Daguerreotypes (Exhibition) (1978: Washington (2)
First Federal Congress (2)
Franklin (2)
George (2)
George and Martha Washington: Portraits from the Presidential Years (Exhibition) (1999: Washington (2)
George C. Marshall: Soldier of Peace (Exhibition) (1997: Washington (2)
Godlike Black Dan: Daniel Webster (Exhibition) (1982: Washington (2)
Great Crash (Exhibition) (1979: Washington (2)
Hans (2)
Henry (2)
Irving (2)
Irving Penn Master Images (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (2)
Isamu (2)
Isamu Noguchi Portrait Sculpture (Exhibition) (1989: Washington (2)
James (2)
Jo Davidson Portrait Sculpture (Exhibition) (1978: Washington (2)
John (2)
John Muir (Exhibition) (1970: Washington (2)
Joseph Wright (2)
Lazzaroni: Science and Scientists in the Mid-19th Century America (Exhibition) (1972: Washington (2)
Magical Mixtures: Marisol Portrait Sculpture (Exhibition) (1991: Washington (2)
Masterpieces from Gripsholm Castle: The Swedish National Portrait Collection (Exhibition) (1988: Washington (2)
Masterpieces from Versailles: Three Centuries of Portraiture (Exhibition) (1983: Washington (2)
Miguel Covarrubias Caricatures (Exhibition) (1984: Washington (2)
Mr. Sully (2)
Museum loans (2)
Museums -- Collection management (2)
Museums -- Public relations (2)
Namuth (2)
Noguchi (2)
On the Air: Pioneers of American Broadcasting (Exhibition) (1988: Washington (2)
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Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for
Charles Willson Peale and His World (Exhibition) (1982-1983) Washington, D.C.)
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 01-086, National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution) Conservation Laboratory, Condition and Treatment Records, 1980-1999
1980 1980-1999
: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Conservation Laboratory
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 01-011, National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution) Department of Publications, Publications, 1965-1999
1965 1965-1999
: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Publications
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Finding Aid
SIA Acc. 01-102, National Portrait Gallery (U.S.) Office of Exhibitions, Exhibition Records, 1974-1999
1974 1974-1999
: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Exhibitions
: Smithsonian Institution Archives
Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 for
Charles Willson Peale and His World (Exhibition) (1982-1983) Washington, D.C.)