Results for "Avant-Garde Letterhead (Exhibition) (1996: New York, N.Y.)"

Showing results 1 - 12 of 201 for Avant-Garde Letterhead (Exhibition) (1996: New York, N.Y.)
  1. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 02-166, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Office of Public Programs, Exhibition Records, 1993-1999

    • Date: 1993 1993-1999
    • Creator: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Office of Public Programs
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  3. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 10-061, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Exhibitions, Exhibition Records, 1980-2006

    • Date: 1980 1980-2006
    • Creator: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Exhibitions
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  5. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 02-112, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Department of Design, Exhibition Records, 1996-1999

    • Date: 1996 1996-1999
    • Creator: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Department of Design
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  7. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 14-230, Smithsonian Institution Office of Exhibits Central, Exhibition Records, 1991-1996

    • Date: 1991 1991-1996
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution. Office of Exhibits Central
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  9. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 04-117, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Exhibition Records, 1976-2000

    • Date: 1976 1976-2000
    • Creator: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  11. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 09-206, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Exhibitions, Exhibition Records, circa 1998-2006

    • Date: 1998 1998-2006 circa 1998-2006
    • Creator: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Exhibitions
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  13. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 00-014, National Museum of American Art (U.S.) Curatorial Department, Exhibition Records (Declined), 1994-1996

    • Date: 1994 1994-1996
    • Creator: National Museum of American Art. Curatorial Department
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  15. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 02-134, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Department of Design, Exhibition Records, 1997-2001

    • Date: 1997 1997-2001
    • Creator: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Department of Design
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  17. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 13-215, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Office of the Registrar, Exhibition Records, c. 1975-2010

    • Date: 1975 1975-2010 c 1975-2010
    • Creator: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. Office of the Registrar
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  19. Webpage

    Jacob Kainen (1909-2001) Curator/Printmaker

    • Date: January 31, 2017
    • Description: Jacob Kainen trained as a painter at Brooklyn's Pratt Institute and experimented with printmaking while employed in the graphics program of the Federal Art Project in the 1930's. Kainen, a member of the New York avant-garde in the 1930s, came to the Smithsonian in 1942 and served as graphic arts curator through the 1960's. His friendships in the New York art world assisted his

  21. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 15-275, Smithsonian Institution Office of Exhibits Central, Exhibition Records, 1991-1998

    • Date: 1991 1991-1998
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution. Office of Exhibits Central
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

  23. Finding Aid

    SIA Acc. 97-083, National Portrait Gallery (U.S.) Office of Exhibitions, Exhibition Records, 1980-1996

    • Date: 1980 1980-1996
    • Creator: National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Exhibitions
    • Creator: Smithsonian Institution Archives

Showing results 1 - 12 of 201 for Avant-Garde Letterhead (Exhibition) (1996: New York, N.Y.)
