Description: Listen to reenactments of two articles that were published in the 1936 Smithsonian Annual Report as broadcast during The World Is Yours episode “Smithsonian Annual Report of Scientific Progress.”
Description: Oral history is a technique for generating and preserving original, historically interesting information – primary source material – from personal recollections through planned recorded interviews.
Description: Did you know that Joseph Francis invented the first metal life-saving boat? Or that Gail Borden invented the process for creating condensed milk? Neither did I until I heard The World Is Yours episode titled “Unheraled American Inventors,” which originally aired on April 4, 1937.Where most of the episodes I’ve listened to begin with the host walking up to two people while they
Description: Archived correspondence between Joseph Hirshhorn and modern artists Willem de Kooning, Alexander Calder, and Marc Chagall bring light to the means in which we communicate artist to collector relationships in the digital era.
Showing results 13 - 24 of 249 for Answer Me This (Radio program)