Results for "American Voices: Latino Photographers in the United States (Exhibition) (1997: Washington, D.C.)"

Showing results 1 - 1 of 1 for American Voices: Latino Photographers in the United States (Exhibition) (1997: Washington, D.C.)
  1. Benedict Arnold's Lake Champlain Gondola/Gunboat Remains

    Benedict Arnold's Lake Champlain Gondola/Gunboat Remains

    • Date: 1961 Revolution, 1775-1783
    • Creator: Lundeberg, Philip K. 1923-2019
    • Creator: Lundeberg, Philip K. 1923-2019

Showing results 1 - 1 of 1 for American Voices: Latino Photographers in the United States (Exhibition) (1997: Washington, D.C.)