Jefferson Davis
Download IIIF ManifestRequest permissionsDownload image PrintID: 2002-32233
Creator: Unknown
Form/Genre: Photographic print
Date: 1887
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 95, Box 6, Folder 54
Engraving of Jefferson Davis (1808-1889), Senator from Mississippi, President of the Confederate States of America and Smithsonian Regent.
Historic Images of the Smithsonian
The old negative number is SA-465, but that negative has been lost.
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 95, Box 6, Folder 54
Institutional History Division, Smithsonian Institution Archives, 600 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024-2520,
No restrictions
Confederate States of America
Photographic print
Color: Black and White; Size: 4x6.5; Type of Image: Portrait; Medium: Photographic print