Joseph Henry Statue on Mall
Download IIIF ManifestRequest permissionsDownload image PrintID: 79-13842-19 or SIA79-13842-19
Creator: Bounds, A. Pierce
Form/Genre: Photographic print
Date: 1979
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 371, Box 4, Folder: February 1984
The statue of Joseph Henry, first Secretary of the Smithsonian (1846-1878) in front of the Smithsonian Institution Building, the "Castle" faces the Mall. The statue originally faced the Castle. However, in 1965 Secretary S. Dillon Ripley had it turned to face the Mall. The Castle is covered with ivy. "Smithsonian Institution" is enscribed above the Carriage Porch.
Smithsonian Institution Building (Washington, D.C.)
Historic Images of the Smithsonian
Featured in TORCH supplement, February 1984
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 371, Box 4, Folder: February 1984
Institutional History Division, Smithsonian Institution Archives, 600 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024-2520,
No restrictions
79-13842-19 or SIA79-13842-19
Color: Black and White; Size: 8w x 10h; Type of Image: Statue; Medium: Photographic print