Las Palmas, Argentina During Secretary Wetmore's Field Work
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Creator: Wetmore, Alexander 1886-
Form/Genre: Photographic print
Date: July 19, 1920
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 7006, Box 170, Album: I "Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay - 1920"
Photograph of Alexander Wetmore's quarters at the fonda, a eating and/or drinking establishment, in Las Palmas, in Chaco, Argentina. Visible in this image is the large white house where Wetmore stays during his field work in this area, as well as three unidentified men on the front porch. This photograph was taken by Alexander Wetmore, noted ornithologist and sixth Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1944-1952, while conducting field work for the United States Bureau of Biological Survey throughout the islands of the Caribbean and various Latin American countries.
United States Bureau of Biological Survey
Historic Images of the Smithsonian
There are a variety of pictures from Wetmore's field work in Latin America at this SIA location.
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 7006, Box 170, Album: I "Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay - 1920"
Institutional History Division, Smithsonian Institution Archives, 600 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024-2520,
July 19, 1920
No restrictions
SIA2012-0849 or Wetmore #1354
Color: Black and White; Size: 4w x 3h; Type of Image: Exterior; Medium: Photographic print