A Bill providing for the disposition and management of the Smithson fund
Request permissionsDownload image PrintMr. Robbins from the Joint Committee on the Smithson Bequest reported the bill which was read and passed to a second reading. The bill states that the Smithson fund should be managed by a board of nine trustees, subject to regulations imposed by Congress. Trustees shall hold office for one year. All expenditures made by the board are subject to approval by the President of the United States. Trustees are directed to prepare a charter of incorporation and plan for an institution for the increase and diffusion of knowledge.
Smithsonian Legal Documents
for other bills relating to the act establishing the Smithsonian Institution see S. 18, S. 259, S. 293, S. 292, H. R. 5, H.R. 863, H.R. 386, H.R. 418, H.R. 1, H.R. 1160, H.R. 1161
Institutional History Division, Smithsonian Institution Archives, 600 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024-2520, SIHistory@si.edu
Number of pages: 3; Page Numbers: 1-3