Joseph Henry's Letter to Joseph Leidy (April 19, 1856)
Request permissionsDownload image PrintLetter from Joseph Henry, first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, to Joseph Leidy, a paleontologist, parasitologist, and protozoologist, April 19, 1856. In the letter, Henry agrees to any deputation from the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, stating that the Smithsonian is an institute of collaboration, and not monopoly, intended to advance all branches of science.
Historic Images of the Smithsonian
1 pages scanned from the edited transcript of the original version and notes in the Joseph Henry Papers Volume 9, page 353 (Document 200).
Rothenberg, Marc, et al, eds., The Papers of Joseph Henry, Volume 9, The Smithsonian Years: January 1854-December 1857 (Smithsonian Institution in association with Science History Publications/USA, 2002), 353
Institutional History Division, Smithsonian Archives, 600 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024-2520,
April 19, 1856
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Number of Images: 1 ; Color: Black and White ; Size: 6 3/4w x 10h ; Type of Image: Document ; Medium: Paper