Robert M. Patterson's Letter to Joseph Henry (January 27, 1841)
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Creator: Joseph Henry Papers Project
Form/Genre: Document
Date: January 27, 1841
Citation: Reingold, Nathan, et al, eds., The Papers of Joseph Henry, Volume 5, The Princeton Years: January 1841-December 1843 (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1985), 6-7
Letter from Robert M. Patterson, president of the American Philosophical Society, to Joseph Henry, then a professor at Princeton University and later first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, January 27, 1841. In the letter, Patterson informs Henry that he has been appointed as one of the Commissioners to attend the next Annual Assay at the United States Mint and invites Henry to attend the meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Historic Images of the Smithsonian
The accompanying PDF contains SIA2012-3038 and SIA2012-3039, which are pages scanned from the edited transcript of the original version and notes in the Joseph Henry Papers Volume 5, pages 6-7.
Institutional History Division, Smithsonian Archives, 600 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024-2520,
January 27, 1841
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Philadelphia (Pa.)
Number of Images: 1 ; Color: Color ; Size: 8w x 10h ; Type of Image: Document ; Medium: Paper