Finding Aid - Contains Digitized Material

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Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives

Accession 20-181

Smithsonian Institution

Website Records, 2019

Repository:Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at
Creator:Smithsonian Institution
Title:Website Records
Collection:Accession 20-181
Language of Materials:English

This accession consists of twenty-nine YouTube accounts maintained by units throughout the Smithsonian Institution. The accounts were crawled between March 5 and August 16, 2019, but may contain significantly older content. YouTube is a video-sharing service that many museums, research centers, and programmatic offices use for disseminating informational, educational, and promotional videos. Some of the accounts were crawled twice, once focusing on the account in general and once focusing on the videos. Due to technical issues, some content may be missing and some features may not function as expected. Materials are in electronic format.

Descriptive Entry

This accession consists of 29 YouTube accounts maintained by units throughout the Smithsonian Institution. The accounts were crawled between March 5 and August 16, 2019, but may contain significantly older content. YouTube is a video-sharing service that many museums, research centers, and programmatic offices use for disseminating informational, educational, and promotional videos. Some of the accounts were crawled twice, once focusing on the account in general and once focusing on the videos. Due to technical issues, some content may be missing and some features may not function as expected. Materials are in electronic format.

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This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.



Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection

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Preferred Citation

Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 20-181, Smithsonian Institution, Website Records

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Container List

Electronic Records

Smithsonian's National Zoo (National Zoological Park), crawled March 5, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Global (Office of International Relations), crawled April 4, 2019

Electronic Records

LemelsonCenter (Lemelson Center), General, crawled April 4, 2019

Electronic Records

LemelsonCenter (Lemelson Center), Videos, crawled April 4, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Affiliates (Smithsonian Affiliations), Videos, crawled June 28, 2019

Electronic Records

Earth Optimism (Smithsonian Conservation Commons), General, crawled July 1, 2019

Electronic Records

Earth Optimism (Smithsonian Conservation Commons), Videos, crawled July 1, 2019

Electronic Records

Artlab Hirshhorn (Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, ArtLab+), General, crawled July 8, 2019

Electronic Records

Artlab Hirshhorn (Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, ArtLab+), Videos, crawled July 8, 2019

Electronic Records

Hirshhorn (Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden), General (crawl 1), crawled July 12, 2019

Electronic Records

Hirshhorn (Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden), General (crawl 2), crawled July 12, 2019

Electronic Records

Hirshhorn (Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden), Videos, crawled July 12, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Institution Archives, crawled July 16, 2019

Electronic Records

SmithsonianSMS (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce), crawled July 16, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Music (Smithsonian Institution), General, crawled July 19, 2019

Electronic Records

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, General, crawled July 22, 2019

Electronic Records

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Videos, crawled July 22, 2019

Electronic Records

SmithsonianFM (Smithsonian Facilities, Office of Facilities Management and Reliability), General, crawled July 22, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian's Digitization Program Office (Office of the Chief Information Officer), crawled August 2, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Exhibits, crawled August 5, 2019

Electronic Records

Bocas Research Station (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute), crawled August 7, 2019

Electronic Records

SmithsonianMBC (Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center), crawled August 7, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Magazine (Smithsonian Enterprises), crawled August 7, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Latino Center, crawled August 7, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Latino Center, crawled August 16, 2019

Electronic Records

Museum on Main Street (Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service), crawled August 7, 2019

Electronic Records

MarineGEO (Smithsonian Institution, Marine Global Earth Observatory), crawled August 9, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Associates Replay (Smithsonian Associates), crawled August 9, 2019

Electronic Records

OFI Smithsonian (Office of Fellows and Internships), General, crawled August 12, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Transcription Center (Smithsonian Institution), crawled August 16, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Science Education Center, crawled August 16, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, crawled August 16, 2019

Electronic Records

SmithsonianSERC (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center), crawled August 16, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Folkways (Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage), crawled August 16, 2019

Electronic Records

Smithsonian Gardens (Smithsonian Facilities), crawled August 16, 2019

Electronic Records

sitesExhibitions (Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service), crawled August 16, 2019

Electronic Records