Frederick Webb Hodge (1864-1956)
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Creator: Luptis L. A
Form/Genre: Black-and-white photographs
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 90-105, Science Service Records, Image No. SIA2008-3260
Frederick Webb Hodge (1864-1956), anthropologist who served as editor of "American Anthropologist," 1898-1917, and worked at the Smithsonian Institution from 1901 to 1918, most of that service at the Bureau of American Ethnology. After leaving Washington, D.C., Hodge became editor and assistant director at the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, in New York City.
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 90-105, Science Service Records, Image No. SIA2008-3260
Smithsonian Institution Archives Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507; 600 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20024-2520
Black-and-white photographs
SIA Acc. 90-105 [SIA2008-3260]
Gelatin silver prints