Reference Request
Finding Aids to Personal Papers and Special Collections in the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Accession 15-182
Boucot, A. J. (Arthur James), 1924-
Arthur J. Boucot Papers, 1948-1975, 1990
Collection Overview
General Information About This Collection | |
Repository: | Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at |
Creator: | Boucot, A. J. (Arthur James), 1924- |
Title: | Arthur J. Boucot Papers |
Dates: | 1948-1975, 1990 |
Quantity: | 6.5 cu. ft. (6 record storage boxes) (1 document box) |
Collection: | Accession 15-182 |
Language of Materials: | English |
Summary: | This accession consists of the correspondence of Arthur J. Boucot, a geologist and paleontologist who spent the majority of his career at Oregon State University. Boucot donated some of his specimens to the National Museum of Natural History. Materials include correspondence, manuscripts, notes, maps, illustrations, postcards, photographs, and product samples. |
Descriptive Entry
This accession consists of the correspondence of Arthur J. Boucot, a geologist and paleontologist who spent the majority of his career at Oregon State University. Boucot donated some of his specimens to the National Museum of Natural History. Materials include correspondence, manuscripts, notes, maps, illustrations, postcards, photographs, and product samples.
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 15-182, Arthur J. Boucot Papers
Container List
Box 1
A, 1965-1974
Alabama - State Geologist, 1964-1965
Albee, Arden L., 1951-1970
Alberti, Gerhard, 1963-1971
Alekseeva, R. E., 1963-1971
Amos, Arturo J., 1960-1971
Amsden, Thomas W., 1963-1973
Anderson, Michael M., 1966-1967
Arkansas - State Geologist, 1965-1967
Axford, D. W., 1966
Ayrton, William G., 1961-1966
B, 1951-1975
Bailey, James R., 1966
Banks, Harlan P., 1965-1975
Bandy, Orville L., 1966
Barnes, Virgil E., 1966-1972
Barnett, Cecil B., 1974
Barnett, Stockton G., 1964-1967
Barry, T. H., 1966
Barth, Walter, 1971-1972
Bassett, Michael G., 1966-1969
Beland, Jacques, 1958-1966
Belt, Edward S., 1966-1969
Bender, F., 1966
Berdan, Jean M., 1951-1972
Berry, William B. N., 1959-1972
Beydoun, Z. R., 1965-1970
Billings, Marland P., 1953-1975
Birnie, T. A., 1966
Boardman, Richard S., 1965-1966
Bode, William C., 1964-1967
Bolton, Thomas E., 1963-1970
Bonillas, Y., 1966-1967
Boone, Gary M., 1957-1970
Boucek, Bedrich, 1966
Boucot, Arthur J., 1953-1971
Boudette, Eugene L., 1963-1968
Bowman, Richard S., 1962
Branisa, Leonard, 1963-1969
Branson, E. R., 1964-1968
Bridges, Luther W., 1960-1967
Brighton, A. G., 1965-1966
Brunton, C. Howard C., 1965-1969
Budge, David R., 1966-1971
Burchfiel, B. C., 1961-1966
Butler, Edward, 1966
C, 1950-1975
Box 2
Calkins, James A., 1966-1970
Campbell, Kenneth S. W., 1965-1968
Carlson, Marvin P., 1964-1966
Carrington, Thomas J., 1967-1972
Caster, Kenneth E., 1961
Chronic, John, 1961-1964
Churkin, Michael, Jr., 1962-1973
Clark, T. H., 1962-1971
Cloud, Preston E., Jr., 1964-1975
Cocks, L. R. M., 1964-1971
Collier, Frederick J., 1965-1973
Cooper, G. Arthur, 1950-1971
Copeland, Murray J., 1958-1974
Cowie, J. W., 1961-1969
Cox, Leslie R., 1963
Craig, William W., 1967
Creole Petroleum Corporation, 1962-1969
Crompton, A. W., 1963-1966
Cuppels, Norman P., 1965-1966
Curtis, M. L. K., 1958-1969
Cumming, L. M., 1950-1968
D, 1951-1975
Dane, Ernest B., III, 1963-1964
Dawes, Peter R., 1967
Dean, William T., 1971-1973
Dennison, John M., 1963-1974
Dineley, D. L., 1961-1969
Doumani, George A., 1965-1966
Doyle, Robert G., 1962-1971
Drapeau, Georges, 1962-1964
Drot, Jeannine, 1959-1967
Dunnington, H. V., 1965
Durden, Christopher J., 1962-1964
Durkoop, Arnfrid, 1965-1968
Dutro, J. Thomas, Jr., 1959-1971
E, 1964-1973
Ehlers, George M., 1961-1972
Ekren, Bart, 1962-1965
Erben, Heinrich K., 1964-1969
Erinakes, Dennis C., 1963-1965
F, 1965-1975
Fagerstrom, J. A., 1965-1973
Filer, Russell, 1963-1965
Finks, Robert M., 1963
Fisher, Donald W., 1954-1973
Fleming, Charles A., 1959-1971
Flower, Rousseau H., 1951-1971
Flugel, Helmut, 1966-1969
Forbes, William H., 1961-1970
Forcey, Robert M., 1968-1969
Forsyth, Jane L., 1965
Freeman, Thomas, 1966-1967
Fuller, Arthur D., 1961-1968
G, 1965-1974
Gates, Olcott, 1958-1973
Gauri, K. Lal, 1965-1971
Geukens, F., 1960-1962
Box 3
Gill, Edmund D., 1956-1972
Glenister, Brian F., 1961-1967
Globensky, Yvon, 1966
Gobbett, Derek J., 1965-1967
Green, John C., 1961-1965
Greiner, Hugo R., 1958-1967
Griscom, Andrew, 1961
Gronberg, Eric, 1966
Geological Society of America, 1965-1970
1968 Geological Society of America Symposium - Siluro/Devonian Biostratigraphy of the Great Basin and Adjacent Regions, 1967-1968
Guidotti, Charles V., 1964-1972
Gupta, V. J., 1966-1967, 1990
H, 1952-1975
Haas, Winfried, 1961-1971
Hall, Bradford A., 1959-1971
Hamada, Takashi, 1959-1971
Hanson, Henry, 1964-1965
Hantzschel, W., 1966
Haque, A. F. M. M., 1966-1967
Harker, Peter, 1966
Harper, Charles W., Jr., 1960-1973
Harrington, Horacio J., 1960-1971
Hart, Pembroke J., 1966-1971
Harwood, David S., 1963-1967
Havlicek, Vladimir, 1961-1971
Hay, Peter W., 1953-1967
Hazzard, John C., 1965-1971
Hedberg, Hollis D., 1966
Hede, J. Ernhold, 1961-1963
Heers, William H., 1966
Hemer, Darwin Otto, 1966
Henningsmoen, Gunnar, 1961-1969
Hickox, Charles F., 1956-1972
Hill, Dorothy, 1964-1968
Hinman, Eugene E., 1962-1965
Holland, Charles H., 1962-1972
Horny, Radvan, 1961-1968
Hoskins, Donald M., 1961-1966
Hussey, Arthur M., II, 1965-1966
I, 1963-1971
Illinois State Geological Survey, 1965-1966
1968 International Geological Congress, Prague, 1967-1968
Iowa Geological Survey, 1964
Ives, David W., 1962-1963
J, 1965-1975
Jaanusson, Valdar, 1957-1970
Jackson, E. V., 1966-1968
Jaeger, Hermann, 1959-1975
Jensen, Lyndon R., 1971-1973
Johnson, J. Granville, 1962-1975
Jones, Clive R., 1965-1971
Jones, Richard K., 1965-1966
Jux, Ulrich, 1957-1966
K, 1955-1973
Karlson, Katherine, 1966
Kay, Marshall, 1959-1967
Kee, James W., 1965-1966
Kesling, Robert V., 1959-1966
Kibby, T. A., 1963-1967
Kier, Porter M., 1965-1968
Kilgour, William J., 1960-1969
Box 4
Klapper, Gilbert, 1965-1975
Kozlowski, Roman, 1957-1965
Krans, Theo F., 1966-1969
Krommelbein, K., 1966-1967
Kursten, Martin, 1966
L, 1952-1975
Ladd, Harry S., 1966-1967
Lajoie, Jean, 1959-1967
Lamont, Archie, 1957-1969
Lange, Frederico W., 1963-1970
Laufeld, Sven, 1970-1975
Lenz, Alfred C., 1963-1970
Le Maitre, Dorothy, 1959-1965
Lesperance, Pierre J., 1958-1975
Lillie, A. R., 1960-1961
Linckens, W. M. J., 1966-1967
Lundin, Robert F., 1966-1969
M, 1955-1975
MacClintock, Copeland, 1964-1966
MacDonald, W. D., 1966
Mason, G. David, 1967-1971
Masursky, Harold, 1963-1964
Majewske, Otto P., 1962-1964
Martinsson, Anders, 1959-1973
McAlester, A. Lee, 1962-1970
McKeller, Rodney G., 1965-1967
McKeown, Martin C., 1961-1962
McLaren, Digby J., 1960-1970
Megard, Francois, 1967-1973
Mencher, Ely, 1961-1968
Merriam, Daniel F., 1964-1965
Meyerhoff, A. A., 1967-1973
Mikulic, Donald G., 1968-1972
Missouri Geological Survey, 1964
Moench, Robert H., 1964-1966
Muir-Wood, Helen M., 1955-1964
Murphy, Michael A., 1964-1970
Murphy, Thomas D., 1966-1967
Murray, Grover E., 1959-1972
N, 1967-1975
Nalivkin, D. V., 1965-1968
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1966
National Science Foundation, 1965-1972
Naylor, Richard S., 1961-1965
Box 5
Nelson, Bruce W., 1952-1966
Nelson, Elmer R., 1965
Nelson, Katherine G., 1964-1969
Nelson, Samuel J., 1967-1968
Neuman, Robert B., 1959-1972
New Jersey Geological Survey, 1966
Newman, Kevin M., 1964-1966
Nikiforova, O. I., 1957-1974
Norford, Brian S., 1961-1971
Norris, A. W., 1966-1972
O, 1967-1974
Oasis Oil Company, Inc., 1962
Obruchev, D. V., 1966
Obut, A. M., 1963-1965
Ohio Geological Survey, 1965
Oliver, William A., Jr., 1957-1973
Opik, A. A., 1959-1966
Orvig, Tor, 1956-1966
Ormiston, Allen R., 1964-1973
Osberg, Philip H., 1953-1967
Osborne, F. Fitz, 1954-1964
Owen, Edgar W., 1964
Owen, Ellis F., 1964-1968
Oxburgh, E. R., 1969-1970
P, 1966-1974
Packham, Gordon H., 1965-1972
Page, Lincoln R., 1963-1966
Pande, I. C., 1966
Paskevicius, J., 1966
Pavlides, Louis, 1951-1975
Peabody Museum of Natural History, 1948-1969
Penn, Ian, 1966
Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 1965
Percival, E., 1949
Perry, T. G., 1966
Perry, William J., Jr., 1964-1968
Philcox, Michael, 1965-1969
Philip, Graeme M., 1960-1972
Phinney, William C., 1956
Pierce, G. R., 1961-1967
Pitrat, Charles W., 1966
Poll, Kurt, 1961
Poole, F. G., 1967-1973
Poole, William H., 1960-1974
Post, Edwin V., 1959-1963
Potter, John F., 1962-1965
Potter, R. Richard, 1962-1971
Poulsen, Christian, 1957-1962
Powers, R. W., 1965-1966
Prantl, F., 1961
Pray, Lloyd C., 1961-1963
Pribyl, Alois, 1951-1958
Pruvost, Pierre, 1957-1963
R, 1967-1975
Raasch, Gilbert O., 1964
Rankin, Douglas W., 1959-1966
Ray, Richard G., 1963-1974
Regnell, Gerhard, 1959-1967
Reid, K. O., 1965
Remick, Jerome H., 1962-1965
Renouf, John T., 1963-1969
Reso, Anthony, 1961-1965
Rexroad, Carl B., 1963-1974
Rickard, Lawrence V., 1965-1974
Ritchie, Alex, 1961-1962
Robert, Jean-Louis, 1963-1966
Roberts, Ralph J., 1963-1974
Robison, Richard A., 1967
Box 6
Rock Splitting Machine, 1967
Rodgers, John, 1963-1971
Rolfe, W. D. Ian, 1959-1967
Roomusoks, Arvo, 1963-1968
Ross, Reuben J., Jr., 1955-1975
Rosset, R. A. J., 1963
Rowell, A. J., 1960-1968
Roy, David C., 1963-1970
Rubel, Madis, 1964-1972
Rukavishnikova, T. B., 1964-1965
Rush, Richard W., 1962-1964
Rzhonsnitskaya, M. A., 1958-1965
S, 1951-1975
Salvador, Amos, 1961
Sandberg, Charles A., 1966-1973
Sanford, John T., 1966-1971
Sanschagrin, Roland, 1961
Sartenaer, Paul, 1961-1975
Saul, John M., 1963-1971
Savage, Norman M., 1966-1973
Schmidt, Wolfgang, 1957-1959
Schopf, James M., 1956-1967
Scrutton, Colin T., 1969-1970
Sdzuy, Klaus, 1962-1971
Secor, Donald T., Jr., 1965-1969
Shagam, Reginald, 1962-1970
Shaver, Robert H., 1961-1975
Sheehan, Peter M., 1967-1973
Sheldon, Richard P., 1960-1974
Shell Oil Company, 1961-1967
Shrock, Robert R., 1963-1970
Sidorenko, A. V., 1966
Skidmore, W. B., 1959-1969
Smithsonian Institution, 1956-1971
Sohl, Norman F., 1968-1969
Southard, John B., 1961-1970
Spjeldnaes, Nils, 1958-1969
Stearn, Colin W., 1959-1965
Stehli, Francis G., 1959-1970
Stokes, William Lee, 1967
Strachan, Isles, 1958-1962
Struve, Wolfgang, 1962-1971
T, 1964-1975
Tailleur, Irvin L., 1966
Takei, Yoichi, 1967
Talent, John A., 1965-1973
Box 7
Teichert, Curt, 1966-1972
Teller, Lech, 1966
Thomas, H. Dighton, 1963-1964
Thompson, James B., Jr., 1962-1965
Thorsteinsson, R., 1955-1971
Tomczyk, Henryk, and Ewa Tomczykowa, 1962-1966
U, 1952-1973
United States Geological Survey, 1966
V, 1965-1974
Vella, P., 1963
Vivas R., Alberto, 1961-1964
W, 1956-1975
Walliser, O. H., 1961-1966
Walmsley, V. G., 1964-1972
Waterston, Charles D., 1966
Webers, Gerald F., 1965-1970
Werkheiser, John A., 1961-1962
Whitaker, J. H. M., 1966
Whittington, Harry B., 1956-1970
Williams, Harold, 1967-1970
Willis, Ian, 1962-1965
Willman, H. B., 1964-1968
Wolfart, R., 1966-1971
Wright, Anthony D., 1962-1963
Wright, Anthony J., 1967-1974
Y, 1967-1972
Yalcinlar, Ismail, 1963-1968
Yates, Robert G., 1966
Yochelson, Ellis L., 1963-1970
Z, 1969
Zen, E-an, 1966
Zenger, Donald H., 1964-1966
Ziegler, Alfred M., 1965-1973
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