Reference Request
Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Accession 12-372
National Museum of American History. Division of Home and Community Life
Curatorial Records, 1945, 1960-2010
Descriptive Entry
This accession consists of flag files created and maintained by the Division of Home and Community Life. The flag files consist of research and documentation of the various versions of the United States flag as well as textile examinations of flags conducted by curators. Staff represented included Katherine Dirks, associate curator; Rita J. Adrosko, curator; and Grace Rogers Cooper, curator. Some of the materials date from when staff was part of the Department of Social and Cultural History, the Division of Social History, and the Division of Textiles. Materials include correspondence, memoranda, textile analysis records, drawings, reports, images, textile samples, and clippings. Some materials are in electronic format.
Access RestrictionBox 2 contains materials restricted indefinitely; see finding aid. Transferring office; 08/13/2012 memorandum, Toda to Winkle; Contact reference staff for details.
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
- Adrosko, Rita J.
- Cooper, Grace Rogers
- Dirks, Katherine
- National Museum of American History (U.S.). Department of Social and Cultural History
- National Museum of American History (U.S.). Division of Social History
- National Museum of American History (U.S.). Division of Textiles
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 12-372, National Museum of American History. Division of Home and Community Life, Curatorial Records