Reference Request
Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Accession 12-068
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Clippings, 1983-2007
Collection Overview
General Information About This Collection | |
Repository: | Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at |
Creator: | Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute |
Title: | Clippings |
Dates: | 1983-2007 |
Quantity: | 2 cu. ft. (2 record storage boxes) |
Collection: | Accession 12-068 |
Language of Materials: | English |
Summary: | This accession consists of newspaper and magazine clippings related to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and its mission, research, and activities. In addition to clippings, materials include reprints as well as published reports and publications by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and its Center for Tropical Forest Science. |
Descriptive Entry
This accession consists of newspaper and magazine clippings related to the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and its mission, research, and activities. In addition to clippings, materials include reprints as well as published reports and publications by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and its Center for Tropical Forest Science.
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
- Biological stations
- Conservation biology
- Ecology
- Environmental sciences
- Forest ecology
- Publications
- Research
- Research institutes
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 12-068, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Clippings
Container List
Box 1
"Accessing the Canopy: Assessment of Biological Diversity and Microclimate of the Tropical Forest Canopy, Phase I"
"Barro Colorado: Una Isla de Biodiversidade en Panama," Geo: Una Nuevo Vision del Mundo
"Iguanas Verdes: Expertas en Supervivencia," Geo: Una Nueva Vision del Mundo
"Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project," Center for Tropical Forest Science
"Center for Tropical Forest Science"
"Cultivo de Arboles Nativos de Panama: Caoba"
CNC News #3
SI Magazine (Crane)
Kuna Coloring Books
"Strategy for Preserving Tropical Forests," Special Publication Number 2 of the British Ecological Society, 1983
"Lessons from a Ravaged Jungle," International Wildlife, September-October 1986
"Tropical Rainforests: A Disappearing Treasure," Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, 1988
"Clear Cutting Tropical Rainforests," Smithsonian Magazine, April 1988
"Parting the Green Curtain: The Evolution of Tropical Biology in Panama," Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, 1989
"Ecological Effects of a Major Oil Spill on Panamanian Coastal Marine Communities," Science, January 6, 1989
Rubinoff Article, Environment, June 1989
"Short-term Ecological Consequences of a Major Oil Spill on Panamanian Subtidal Reef Corals," 1990
"Problems in the Institutionalization of Tropical Biology: The Case of Barro Colorado Island Biological Laboratory," 1990
"Ants Scream and Trees Commit Suicide," Washington Post National Weekly Edition, January 29-February 4, 1990
"Dealing with Diversity," Trends in Ecology and Evolution, April 1990
"View from the Top" (Crane), Nature, September 1990
"Ascending to Tropical Forest Heaven," Washington Post, September 3, 1990
"Smithsonian's Tropical Niche," Nature, February 1991
"Taste of High Life," Sunday Mail, February 10, 1991
"Mecca for Biologists," Natural Science, March 1991
"Phenomena, Comments, and Notes" (Crane), Smithsonian Magazine, June 1991
"High-wire in the Rain Forest," Popular Science, June 1991
"Crane's Eye View of Tropical Forests," New Scientist, September 1991
"Fathoming the Canopy," BioScience, October 1992
German Marine Article, Geo, November 5, 1992
"Short-term Dynamics of a Neotropical Forest," BioScience, December 1992
"Exploring the Upper Tropical Forest Canopy," Our Planet, 1993
Rolex Awards (Guzman), 1993
"Migration, Gene Glow and Reproductive Isolation Between and Within Morphotypes of the Isopod Excirolana in Two Oceans," Heredity, 1993
"Violent World of Corals is Facing New Dangers," New York Times, February 16, 1993
"Population Structure and Evolution of Virulence in Nematode Parasites of Fig Wasps," Science, March 5, 1993
"What Might Cause Parasites to Become More Virulent," Science, March 5, 1993
"Evolution of Virulence," Nature, April 8, 1993
"Drawing the Line" (Kuna Rainforest), Native Peoples, Spring 1993
"Corn's Slow Path to Stardom," Science News, April 17, 1993
"Crane with a View," Science, April 30, 1993
"Amazing Stories," Economist, May 8, 1993
"Paleocologists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute," Smithsonian Magazine, June 1993
Science, June 1993
"Divergence in Proteins Across the Isthmus of Panama," Science, June 11, 1993
"How Isthmus Made a Difference," Washington Post, June 14, 1993
"Plants Scratch, Claw, and Strangle," Smithsonian Magazine, September 1993
"Bat Research," Quest, Fall 1993
"Some Oil Spills Repeat Harm Again and Again," New York Times, December 21, 1993
Oil Spill Article, Miami Herald, December 26, 1993
Panama Information Packet, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, 1994
"Hanging Out on a Limb," Time Special Issue, 1994
Finnish Crane Article, Luonto, 1994
"New Light on Diversity," Smithsonian Magazine, 1994
"'Living Coastline' Suffers Most from Oil Spills," New Scientist, January 8, 1994
"Gone Batty: Illuminating the Murky World of Tropical Bats," Science News, April 30, 1994
"Tallying the Tropics," Science News, June 1994
"Tending Nature's Garden: How Flora and Fauna Structure Tropical Forests," Science News, September 1994
"Biologists Mast the Treetops, the Real Scene of Forest Action," New York Times, November 22, 1994
"Research in Large, Long-term Tropical Forest Plots," Tree, January 1995
"Corn in the New World: A Relative Latecomer," New York Times, March 7, 1995
"Did Darwin Get It All Right?" Science, March 10, 1995
"Into the Wood," Electric Perspective, March/April 1995
"Tropical Forest Canopy Programme," October 1996
"Los Arrecifes Coralinos," Panama, May 1996
"To Clear the Air," Atlanta Journal Constitution, June 8, 1996
"Craning for a View," Atlanta Journal Constitution, August 3, 1996
"Wrecking the Reefs," Time, September 30, 1996
"A Long Pollen Record from Lowland Amazonia: Forest and Cooling in Glacial Times," Science, October 4, 1996
"Ice-age Rain Forest Found Moist, Cooler," Science, October 4, 1996
"Smithsonian Perspectives," Smithsonian Magazine, October 1996
"Varied Bats of Barro Colorado Island," BioScience, October 1996
"Few Miles of Land Arose From the Sea - and the World Changed," Smithsonian Magazine, December 1996
"Synchronous Spawning: When Timing is Everything," Science, February 21, 1997
"Aprovenchando las Fuerzas de la Naturaleza es Inaugurada Hoy," Nacional, March 6, 1997
"Resurgent Forests Can Be Greenhouse Gas Sponges," Science, July 18, 1997
"Expedition Panama: Science at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute," Scientific American Frontiers, October 8, 1997
"Why We Need the Fig Wasp," Time, November 1997
"Human Settlement of Central America and Northernmost South America (14,000-8,000 BP)," Quaternary International, 1998
"Ecological Implications of Changes in Drought Patterns: Shifts in Forest Composition in Panama," Climactic Change, 1998
"Chocoholics Take Note: Beloved Bean in Peril," New York Times, May 6, 1998
"Fragments of the Forest," Natural History, July/August 1998
"Getting to the Roots of Tubers," Nature, September 24, 1998
"Semiannual General Report," Panama Canal Watershed Monitoring Project, September 30, 1998
"Panama's Ecotourism-Plus Initiative," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, October 1998
"Center for Tropical Forest Science," Handbook: Sources for Applying Ethnobotany to Conservation and Community Development, December 1998
"Frontiers of Knowledge" (Frozen Bats), National Geographic, January 1999
"Light-gap Disturbances, Recruitment Limitation, and Tree Diversity in a Neotropical Forest," Science, January 22, 1999
"Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: Where Caribbean and Pacific Research Meet," Dive Training, March 1999
Islands, April 1999
"Research Project Measures Diversity, Dynamics of Tropical Rain Forests," Smithsonian Institution Research Reports, Autumn 1999
"Field Semester of Dreams," Princeton Alumni Weekly, October 20, 1999
"Coral Spawning," Dive Training, December 1999
"Panama's TCR (Tourism, Culture, and Recreation) Plan," Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, February 2000
"Pervasive Density-dependent Recruitment Enhances Seedling Diversity in a Tropical Forest," Nature, March 30, 2000
"Frogs: The Rainbow Connection," Zoogoer, March/April 2000
"Spatial Patterns in the Distribution of Tropical Tree Species," Science, May 26, 2000
"Surprising Partners - Hotel Firms and Scientists Working Together to Enhance Tourism," Cornell Hotel and Administration Quarterly, June 2000
"Spider Manipulation by a Wasp Larva," Nature, July 20, 2000
"Starch Grains Reveal Early Root Crop Horticulture in the Panamanian Tropical Forest," Nature, October 19, 2000
"Self-similarity and Clustering in the Spatial Distribution of Species," Science, October 27, 2000
"Ancient Morsels," New York Times, October 31, 2000
"Framework for Melittology," November 8, 2000
"Benefits of Allocating Sex," Science, November 8, 2000
"Species-area Relations in Tropical Forests," Science, December 15, 2000
Multiple Articles by William F. Laurance, 2001-2004
"Future of the Brazilian Amazon," Science, January 19, 2001
"Tropical Forest Diversity - The Plot Thickens," Science, January 26, 2001
"Heaven for Scientists," International Wildlife, January/February 2001
"Population Maintenance Among Tropical Reef Fishes: Inferences from Small-island Endemics," PNAS, May 8, 2001
"What was Natural in the Coastal Oceans?," PNAS, May 8, 2001
"Future of Coral Reefs," Science, May 8, 2001
"Coral Reef Biodiversity - Habitat Size Matters," Science, May 24, 2001
"Secrets of the Rain Forest," Archaeology, May/June 2001
"Turmoil Behind the Exhibits," Science, July 13, 2001
"Chocolate con Sabor a Ciencia," La Prensa, July 23, 2001
Box 2
"Long-term Studies of Vegetation Dynamics," Science, July 27, 2001
"Historical Overfishing and the Recent Collapse of Coastal Ecosystems," Science, July 27, 2001
"Factors in the Decline of Coastal Ecosystems," Science, August 31, 2001
"Can We Defy Nature's End" and "Inga - Newcomer of Museum Antiquity?" Science, September 21, 2001
"Logging Off: Mechanisms to Stop or Prevent Industrial Logging in Forests of High Conservation Value," Center for Tropical Forest Science, October 2001
"Why so Many Creatures?: Tapir's Morning Bath," New York Times Book Review, October 7, 2001
"Beta-diversity in Tropical Forest Trees," Science, 2002
"Value of Bees to the Coffee Harvest," Nature, 2002
"At Home in the Field" (Christine A. Christen), April 2002
"Design of Paradise: A Magic Web," Nature Book Review, July 10, 2003
"Los Aportes del Smithsonian," La Prensa, July 13, 2003
"Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute - Organization for Tropical Studies Marine Ecology," Liana: News from the Organization for Tropical Studies, Fall 2003
"Ecological Advice Sparks Sea Change in Judicial Opinion," Nature, August 2003
Starch Grain Analysis by Dolores Piperno, Nature and Others, 2004
"Fungi That Invade Also Protect," New York Times, February 2004
Expansion of Panama Canal, Multiple Articles, April-June 2004
"ICBG (International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups) Bioprospecting," Nature, June 10, 2004
"Stanley Heckadon-Moreno," Mundo Social, December 2004
"Snapping Shrimp," New York Times, March 15, 2005
"Scum of the Earth," Economist, April 9, 2005
"Panama Calling to Preserve Its Edens," New York Times, April 14, 2005
"Coral, Coiba, and the Next Big Thing" (Bioprospecting in Panama), April 20, 2005
"Scientist at Work - Jeremy Jackson," New York Times, April 26, 2005
"Rescuing Environmentalism" (PRORENA Reforestation Business), Economist, April 23, 1005
"To Save Its Canal, Panama Fights for Its Forests," New York Times, May 2005
"Sky-high Experiments," Science, August 26, 2005
"Rainforest Census Takes Shape, Tree by Tree (Almost Leaf by Leaf)," New York Times, June 6, 2006
"Findings: The Fossils Deep Within the Canal's Core," Panorama of the Americas, September 2007
"Shell Fame: Paleobiologist Aaron O'Dea has Made his Name by Sweating the Small Stuff," Smithsonian Magazine, Fall 2007
"Underground: Peering into Ant Brains to Find Out How They Learn," Bostonia, Fall 2007
"Health Checks," Smithsonian Magazine, October 2007
"Panama: Adventures in the Fast Lane," Panorama of the Americas, November 2007
"Last Stand," Smithsonian Magazine, December 2007
"Cacao: Sweetness of the Heart," Panorama of the Americas, December 2007
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