Ruby Hirose
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Form/Genre: Black-and-white photographs
Citation: Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 90-105, Science Service Records, Image No. SIA2008-3224
Biochemist and bacteriologist Ruby Hirose researched serums and antitoxins at the William S. Merrell Laboratories. In 1940, Hirose was among ten women recognized by the American Chemical Society for accomplishments in chemistry, and later made major contributions to the development of vaccines against infantile paralysis. The original caption to this photograph read: "A hay fever sufferer herself, Dr. R. Hirose, American-born Japanese girl scientist on the research staff of the Wm. S. Merrell biological laboratories, has found a way to improve the pollen extracts used to 'desensitize' hay fever sufferers. ... The idea of treating the pollen with alum to increase its effectiveness developed while Dr. Hirose was working on alum-precipitated toxoid for protection against diphtheria.
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 90-105, Science Service Records, Image No. SIA2008-3224
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507; 600 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20024-2520
Black-and-white photographs
SIA Acc. 90-105 [SIA2008-3224]