Director's Records, 1978-2000
PrintConsists of records created or maintained by Office of Protection Services (OPS) directors Robert B. Burke (1974-1991), G. Clifford Boocks (Acting, 1992), Charles A. Hines (1993-1994), Michael Sofield (Acting, 1995), David F. Morrell (1996-2002), and Jeanne O'Toole (2014-2021). Materials include correspondence, electronic mail, surveys and studies of OPS policies and practices, consulting reports, training files, and regulations. Some materials are in electronic format.
Series Level Description
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507; 600 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20024-2520
Materials less than 15 years Restricted. Contact reference staff for details
SIA RS00238
1 cu. ft. unprocessed holdings