Reference Request
Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Accession 91-081
Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary
Administrative Records, 1988
Collection Overview
General Information About This Collection | |
Repository: | Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at |
Creator: | Smithsonian Institution. Office of the Secretary |
Title: | Administrative Records |
Dates: | 1988 |
Quantity: | 34 cu. ft. (34 record storage boxes) |
Collection: | Accession 91-081 |
Language of Materials: | English |
Summary: | This accession consists of the administrative records of the Office of the Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams, for the year 1988. Materials include correspondence, memoranda, books, brochures, clippings, drawings, and black-and-white photographs. |
Descriptive Entry
This accession consists of administrative records of the Office of the Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams, for the year 1988.
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 91-081, Smithsonian Institution, Office of the Secretary, Administrative Records
Container List
Box 1
Brooks, Robert A.
Career Service
Eldredge, Charles C.
Exceptional Service
Fleming, Arthur S.
Freer Medal
Getty Prize
Henry Medal
Marconi Prize
McGovern, John P.
National Medal of Science
National Public Service
National Zoo Conservation Medal
Nobel Peace Prize
Smithson, James (medal)
Smithsonian Medals
Sustained Superior Performance
Waterman, Alan T.
World Food Prize
Conferences (3 folders)
Afro-Americans and the Living Constitution (2 folders)
Man & Beast Revisited
USA-USSR (Upper Paleolithic-Paleoindian Adaptations)
Endangered species
Galapagos Islands
Box 2
Development of the Mall/General
Crossroads of Continents: Traditional Cultures of the Peoples of the North Pacific Rim
Field to Factory: Afro-American Migration (1915-1940)
Information Revolution (Info Age)
Insect Zoo
Japanese American Internment
Men & Women: Dressing the Part
Search for Life
Seeds of Change
U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842
National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) (5 folders)
NMAI Board of Trustees
Museums (A-J)
Box 3
Museums (K-Z)
Projects: Reading is Fundamental (RIF)
Publications (A-Z)
Smithsonian Publications Council (SPC)
Smithsonian Year (SI annual report)
Office of the Secretary
Office of the Secretary: Executive Director (Hobbins, James)
Office of the Secretary: Special Assistant to the Secretary (Coudon)
Office of the Secretary: Special Assistant to the Secretary (Mattson)
Box 4
Under Secretary
Under Secretary: Audits and Investigations, Office of
Assistant Secretary for Administration (OASA)
OASA: Airplane
OASA: Allocation of Space
OASA: Allocation of Space/Post Office/Trade Commission
OASA: Allocation of Space/Providence Hospital
OASA: Announcements
OASA: Auto
OASA: Contracts-Grants-Proposals
OASA: National Science Foundation
OASA: Delegation of Authority
OASA: Environmental Management and Safety, Office of
Facilities and Services, Office of
Architectural History & Preservation, Office of
Design & Construction, Office of
Haupt Garden
Plant Services, Office of
Protection Services, Office of
Horticulture, Office of
Management Analysis, Office of
Memos to heads of bureaus
Office of Information Resource Management (OIRM)
Box 5
OIRM: Information Architecture Progress Report
OIRM: Search Committee
OIRM: System/36
Personnel Administration, Office of
Combined Federal Campaign
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Office of (2 folders)
Personnel (3 folders)
Latino Working Committee
Women's Council
Child Care Center
Grievances & Complaints
Health Insurance
Honorary Appointments
Research Associates (Folder 1 of 2)
Box 6
Research Associates (Folder 2 of 2)
Leave (sabbatical)
Pay & Tenure
Performance Appraisals
Recruiting (3 folders)
Recruiting Announcements (4 folders)
Recruiting, Curriculum Vitae
Retirement (TIAA) Plan
Savings Bonds
Deputy Director/STRI (Smithsonian Tropical Research Center)
Summer Employment
Box 7
Personnel 201 (A-L)
Personnel 201 (M-Z)
Printing and Photographic Services, Office of (OPPS)
Procurement & Property Management, Office of (OPPM)
Planning & Budget, Office of
FY 1990
FY 1989
FY 1988
Box 8
FY 1987
Staff Bulletins
Travel Services, Office of
Assistant Secretary for Museums (3 folders)
Arts & Industries Building (A&I)
Afro-American Programs
American Studies Program
Anacostia Museum
Archives of American Art (AAA)
AAA Board of Trustees
AAA Search committee
Bicentennial of U.S. Constitution
Center for Asian Art
Freer Gallery of Art (FGA)
FGA Visiting committee
Freer/Sackler Search Committee
Sackler Gallery of Art (SGA)
SGA Visiting Committee
Box 9
Conservation Analytical Lab (CAL)
Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Design & Decorative Art
Cooper-Hewitt Advisory Council
Cooper-Hewitt Search Committee
Exhibits Central, Office of
Hirshhorn, Joseph/Museum and Sculpture Garden (HMSG)
HMSG Board of Trustees
HMSG Nominating Committee
Institutional Studies, Office of (2 folders)
International Gallery
Museum Programs, Office of
Museum Support Center
National Air & Space Museum (NASM) (4 folders)
NASM Advisory Board
NASM BWI (Baltimore Washington International Airport)
NASM Collections Management Advisory Committee
NASM Enola Gay
NASM Extension (Folder 1 of 4)
Box 10
NASM Extension (Folders 2-4 of 4)
NASM Research Advisory Committee
NASM Restaurant
NASM Special Events Calendar
National Museum of African Art (NMAfA)
Commission on the NMAFA
National Museum of American Art (NMAA) (2 folders)
NMAA Barney House
NMAA Commission
NMAA Renwick Gallery
NMAA Search Committee
National Museum of American History (NMAH) (3 folders)
NMAH Advisory Board
NMAH: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division of
Box 11
NMAH: Armed Forces History, Division of
NMAH: Ceramics & Glass, Division of
NMAH: Community Life, Division of
NMAH: Costumes, Division of
NMAH: Domestic Life, Division of
NMAH: Electricity, Division of
NMAH: Engineering and Industry, Division of
NMAH: Exhibiting
NMAH: Medical Sciences, Division of
NMAH: Musical History, Division of
NMAH: Numismatics, Division of
NMAH: Philatelic Collection (Postal History)
NMAH: Photographic History, Division of
NMAH: Political History, Division of
NMAH: Textiles, Division of
NMAH: Transportation, Division of
National Museum of Natural History/General (NMNH)
NMNH: Anthropology, Department of (SOA - Smithsonian Office of Anthropology) (3 folders)
NMNH: Anthropology/Film Archives
NMNH: Anthropology/Indians (Folders 1-3 of 4)
Box 12
NMNH: Anthropology/Indians (Folder 4 of 4)
NMNH: Anthropology/International Programs of the Human Studies (Film Center)
NMNH: Building Plans
NMNH: Botany, Department of
NMNH: Calendar
NMNH: Education, Office of
NMNH: Entomology
NMNH: Exhibiting
NMNH: Invertebrate Zoology, Department of
NMNH: Mineral Sciences, Department of
NMNH: Paleobiology, Department of
NMNH: Search Committee
NMNH: Vertebrate Zoology, Department of
NMNH: Birds, Division of
National Portrait Gallery (NPG)
NPG Commission (2 folders)
Registrar, Office of the
Registrar's Council
Ripley, S. Dillon Center
Sesquicentennial History of the SI
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES)
SITES Search Committee
Assistant Secretary for Research (OASR) (Folder 1 of 2)
Box 13
Assistant Secretary for Research (OASR) (Folder 2 of 2)
OASR: Biological Diversity
OASR: Columbus Quincentennial
OASR: Council of American Overseas Research Centers
OASR: Dazzler
OASR: Environmental Awareness, Office of
OASR: Henry, Joseph Papers
OASR: Interdisciplinary Studies, Office of
OASR: Interdisciplinary Studies/French Revolution Bicentennial Symposium
OASR: Interdisciplinary Studies/American Committee on the French Revolution
OASR: Man and the Biosphere Program
OASR: Mathias, Charles McC Laboratory for Environmental Research
OASR: National Zoological Park (NZP)
OASR: NZP Friends of (FONZ)
OASR: NZP Police
OASR: Office of Fellowships and Grants (OFG)
OASR: OFG Internship
OASR: Search Committee
OASR: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)
OASR: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)
OASR: Smithsonian Institution Archives
OASR: Smithsonian Institution Libraries (SIL)
OASR: Dibner Library
OASR: SIL Search committee
Box 14
OASR: Smithsonian International Exchange Service
OASR: Smithsonian Marine Station at Link Port
OASR: Harbor Branch Foundation
OASR: Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center (SOSC)
OASR: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
OASR: Smithsonian/university Fellowship Program in Material Culture
Assistant Secretary for Public Service (ASPS)
ASPS: Committee for a Wider Audience, Office of
ASPS: Office of Conference Services
ASPS: Office of Elementary & Secondary Education
ASPS: Office of Folklife Programs
ASPS: Folklife Festival
ASPS: Folklife Advisory Council
ASPS: Smithsonian Office of Wider Office Development
ASPS: Universities (General)
ASPS: Universities, A-C
ASPS: University of Chicago
ASPS: National Opinion Research Center
ASPS: Oriental Institute
ASPS: Universities (D-O)
Box 15
ASPS: Universities (P-Z)
ASPS: Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
ASPS: News Clippings (5 folders)
ASPS: News release
ASPS: News service
Box 16
ASPS: Research reports
ASPS: Torch
ASPS: Smithsonian Council (2 folders)
ASPS: Visitors Information and Associates Reception Center (VIARC)
ASPS: VIARC Docents (Volunteers)
ASPS: VIARC Internship
ASPS: VIARC Smithsonian Institution Visitors
ASPS: VIARC Surveys and Reports
Treasurer (2 folders)
Treasurer: Accounting and Financial Services, Office of
Treasurer: Business Management Office (4 folders)
Treasurer: Museum Shops (2 folders)
Treasurer: Restaurant Concessions
Treasurer: Contracts, Office of
Treasurer: Financial Management and Planning, Office of
Treasurer: Funds, General
Treasurer: Angel, J. Lawrence Memorial Fund
Box 17
Treasurer: Collection Acquisition Program
Treasurer: Education Outreach Program
Treasurer: Erickson, Suzanne Liebers Memorial
Treasurer: Glaser, Stanley J. Edowment
Treasurer: Glennan-Webb-Seamans
Treasurer: Improvement of the Insect Collection
Treasurer: Korean Heritage
Treasurer: Latin American Archaeology
Treasurer: Morgan, Betty J.
Treasurer: Scholarly Studies Program
Treasurer: Seidell, Atherton Endowment
Treasurer: Special Exhibition Fund
Treasurer: Trust Fund
Treasurer: Williston, Samuel Wendell Research Fund
Treasurer: Quarterly Investment Management Report (3 folders)
Treasurer: Investment Policy Committee (3 folders)
Treasurer: South African Research Consortium
Treasurer: Risk Management, Office of
General Counsel (OGC) (3 folders)
Box 18
OGC Agreements
OGC Wills/General
Assistant Secretary for External Affairs (ASEA) (2 folders)
ASEA: Congressional Liaison, Office of
ASEA: International Relations, Office of
ASEA: International Center
ASEA: Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program (SFCP)
ASEA: Special Events, Office of (3 folders)
ASEA: Invitation List (Guest List)
ASEA: Menu
ASEA: Use of Facilities
Box 19
ASEA: Smithsonian Institution Press (SI Press)
ASEA: Handbook of North American Indians
ASEA: Recordings
ASEA: Folkways Collection
ASEA: Regents' Publication Award Program
ASEA: Smithsonian Magazine
ASEA: Article
ASEA: Membership (A-M)
ASEA: Smithsonian Magazine (continued)
ASEA: Membership (N-Z)
ASEA: Smithsonian Horizons (2 folders)
ASEA: Air & Space Magazine
ASEA: Telecommunications, Office of (OTC)
ASEA: Latin Americans
ASEA: Mail Demonstration Laboratory for Interactive Educational Technologies
ASEA: Smithsonian Project Discovery
ASEA: Smithsonian World (SI World)
ASEA: University of the Air
Box 20
ASEA: Development, Office of
ASEA: Development Committee
ASEA: Search Committee
ASEA: Smithsonian Gifts
ASEA: Gifts (A-I)
ASEA: Smithsonian Gifts
ASEA: Gifts (J-Z)
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Contributing Membership (3 folders)
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Donors
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Founders
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Patrons
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Sponsoring
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Supporting
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Sustaining
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Lecture & Seminar Program
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Lunch Group
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Study Tour
Box 21
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Women's Committee
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Smithson, James Society (3 folders)
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Secretary's Circle
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Smithsonian National Associates Program
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/National Associates Board (2 folders)
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Smithsonian Resident Associates Program (2 folders)
ASEA: Smithsonian Associates/Associates Magazine
Management Committee: Auxiliary Activities Council
Management Committee: Bureau Directors Meeting
Management Committee: Council of Business Representatives
Management Committee: Council of Education & Information Directors
Management Committee: Management Committee Members
Management Committee: Agenda
Management Committee: Minutes
Management Committee
Management Committee: Science Bureau Directors' Meeting
Smithsonian Secretaries
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams (RMA)/General
Box 22
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Anthropology (11 folders)
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/SI Series in Archaeological Inquiry
Box 23
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Appointments
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Book
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Book Review
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Clippings
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Clubs & Associations (A-Z)
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Honorary Appointments and Degrees
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Interviews
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Invitations (4 folders)
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Personal
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Christmas Cards (2 folders)
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Photos
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Research Laboratory
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Speech (Folder 1 of 2)
Box 24
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Speech (Folder 2 of 2)
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Trip/Denmark
Secretary, Robert McCormick Adams/Written Articles
Office of the Secretary Emeritus (S. Dillon Ripley)
Office of the Secretary Emeritus (S. Dillon Ripley)/Trip to India
National Gallery of Art (NGA)
NGA Board of Trustees (3 folders)
NGA Finance Committee (3 folders)
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (JFKC)
JFKC Advisory Committee on the Arts
JFKC Board of Trustees
JFKC Executive Committee
JFKC Fine Art Accession Committee
Box 25
Federal Agencies, Commissions, Councils & Departments
Agency for International Development (AID)
Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
Agriculture, Department of
Commerce, Department Of
Commission for the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution
Commission of Fine Arts
Defense, Army & Air Force, Department of
Education, Department of
Energy, Department of
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
General Accounting Office - Comptroller (GAO)
General Services Administration (GSA)
Health & Human Services, Department of (HHS)
National Institutes of Health
Interior, Department of
Interior: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (3 folders)
Interior: Institute of American Indian Native Culture & Arts Development
Interior: National Park Service
Institute of Museum Services
Justice, Department of
King, Martin L. Federal Holiday Commission
Labor, Department of
Librarian of Congress
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) (2 folders)
National Archives
National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC)
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (2 folders)
Box 26
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
OMB Bulletins
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Science & Technology Policy
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
State, Dept of
Transportation, Dept of
United States Information Agency (USIA)
United States Postal Service
White House
President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities (PCAH)
White House Historical Association
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (WWICS) (2 folders)
WWICS Board of Trustees
WWICS Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies
Private Organizations
A Better Change
African American Museums Assn
Air & Space Heritage Council Inc.
American Academy of Achievement
American Academy of Arts & Sciences
American Anthropological Association
American Association for the Advancement of Humanities (AAAH)
American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) (2 folders)
Box 27
American Association of Museums (AAM)
American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums (AAZPA)
American Council of Learned Societies
American Management Systems Inc.
American Nepal Society
American Oriental Society
American Philosophical Society
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
American Schools of Oriental Research
Archaeological Institute of America
Association of American Universities
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB)
Brookings Institution
Business Committee for the Arts Inc.
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
Challenger Center for Space Science Education (5 folders)
College Art Association of America
Consortium of Social Science Associations
Council on Competitiveness
Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
Council on Foundations
Council for International Exchange of Scholars
Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington
Cultural Survival Inc.
Dumbarton Oaks
Foundations A-F
Box 28
Foundations, G-T
Box 29
History of Science Society (HHS)
Institute of American Indian Art
International Cultural Assistance Network
International Institute for Environment and Development
International Platform Association
International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)
Joint Center for Political Studies Inc, (2 folders)
Middle East Studies Association (MESA)
National Academy of Public Administration
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) (8 folders)
NAS Commission on Behavioral & Social Sciences & Education (CBASSE) (Folder 1 of 11)
Box 30
NAS CBASSE (Folders 2-11 of 11)
NAS Global Change
Box 31
NAS International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (2 folders)
NAS National Sciences Resource Center (NAS/NSRC)
NAS/NSRC Advisory Board
NAS Superconducting Supercollider (2 folders)
National Geographic Society (NGS)
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Organization of Chinese American Inc.
Santa Fe Institute (3 folders)
School of American Research (SAR)
Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA)
Society for History in the Federal Government
Society for Professional Archaeologists
United States Capitol Historical Society
World Resources Institute
International Organizations/General
International Council for Archaeozoology
International Council on Monuments and Sites
International Council of Scientific Unions
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
International Rice Research Institute
International Union for Conversation of nature (IUCN)
Sumerian Agriculture Group
United Nations
Box 32
World Monuments Fund
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Office of International Activities (OIA)/General
OIA: Africa
OIA: Algeria
OIA: Argentina
OIA: Australia
OIA: Bahamas
OIA: Bahrain
OIA: Belgium
OIA: Belize
OIA: Benin (West Africa)
OIA: Bolivia
OIA: Brazil
OIA: Burma
OIA: Canada
OIA: Ceylon
OIA: Chile
OIA: China
OIA: Costa Rica
OIA: Cuba
OIA: Czechoslovakia
OIA: Denmark
OIA: Dominican Republic
OIA: Ecuador
OIA: Egypt
OIA: England
OIA: Finland
OIA: France
OIA: Germany
OIA: Greece
OIA: Greenland
OIA: Guatemala
OIA: Guyana
OIA: Haiti
OIA: Hong Kong
OIA: Hungary
OIA: Iceland
OIA: India
OIA: Festival of India
OIA: Indonesia
OIA: Iran
OIA: Iraq
OIA: Ireland
OIA: Israel
OIA: Italy
OIA: Jamaica
OIA: Japan (2 folders)
OIA: Kenya
OIA: Korea
Box 33
OIA: Liberia
OIA: Madagascar
OIA: Malaysia
OIA: Mauritius
OIA: Mexico
OIA: Mongolian Peoples Republic
OIA: Morocco
OIA: Nepal
OIA: Netherlands
OIA: New Guinea
OIA: New Zealand
OIA: Norway
OIA: Oman
OIA: Pakistan
OIA: Peru
OIA: Philippines
OIA: Poland
OIA: Portugal
OIA: San Salvador
OIA: Scotland
OIA: Singapore
OIA: South Africa
OIA: Spain
OIA: Sudan
OIA: Suriname
OIA: Sweden
OIA: Switzerland
OIA: Thailand
OIA: Tunisia
OIA: Turkey
OIA: Venezuela
OIA: Vietnam
OIA: Yemen
OIA: Yugoslavia
Miscellaneous (A-Z)
Box 34
Board of Regents
Regents Audit & Review Committee (2 folders)
Regents Dinner (with tape, January 31, 1988, Air & Space Museum)
Regents Emeritus
Regents Executive Committee
Regents Meetings: September 28, 1987
Regents Meetings: February 1, 1988
Regents Meetings: May 9, 1988
Regents Meetings: September 18, 1988
Regents Meetings: January 30, 1989
Regents Membership
Regents Newsletter
Regents Personnel Committee
Cancel Folder (Correspondence)
OPB Hearings
University of Chicago/NORC
National Board of Smithsonian Associates (Secretary's Report)
- Finding Aid encoded on: 10-6-2020
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