Finding Aid - Contains Digitized Material

Reference Request

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Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives

Accession 97-083

National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Exhibitions

Exhibition Records, 1980-1996

Repository:Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at
Creator:National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution). Office of Exhibitions
Title:Exhibition Records
Quantity:29 cu. ft. (29 record storage boxes)
Collection:Accession 97-083
Language of Materials:English

The bulk of these records document the work of the Office of Exhibitions on exhibitions that were mounted by the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) from 1980 to 1995. Major exhibitions undertaken by the NPG in this period, and documented in these records, include "Benjamin West and His American Students" (1980-1981); "Charles Willson Peale and His World" (1982-1983); "American Colonial Portraits: 1700-1776" (1987-1988); "On the Air: Pioneers of American Broadcasting" (1988-1989); and "Old Hickory: A Life Sketch of Andrew Jackson" (1990-1991). The exhibition records consist largely of lender files, which contain correspondence with lenders, loan agreements, and object photographs. Other exhibition files include scripts, label copy, travel schedules, shipping and insurance information, object conservation information, and catalog and brochure information. The records also include a series of files on outgoing loans from the NPG permanent collection, dating from 1992 to 1996.

Descriptive Entry

This accession consists of records which document the work of the Office of Exhibitions on exhibitions that were mounted by the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) from 1980 to 1995. Major exhibitions undertaken by the NPG in this period, and documented in these records, include Benjamin West and His American Students (1980-1981); Charles Willson Peale and His World (1982-1983); American Colonial Portraits: 1700-1776 (1987-1988); On the Air: Pioneers of American Broadcasting (1988-1989); and Old Hickory: A Life Sketch of Andrew Jackson (1990-1991).

The exhibition records consist largely of lender files, which contain correspondence with lenders, loan agreements, and object photographs. Other exhibition files include scripts, label copy, travel schedules, shipping and insurance information, object conservation information, and catalog and brochure information.

The records also include a series of files on outgoing loans from the NPG permanent collection, dating from 1992 to 1996.

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Access Restriction

Box 29 contains materials restricted indefinitely; see finding aid; Transferring office; 5/2/1985 and 3/3/1999 memoranda; Contact reference staff for details.

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This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.



Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection

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Preferred Citation

Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 97-083, National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution), Office of Exhibitions, Exhibition Records

Top of Page

Container List

Box 1

BENJAMIN WEST AND HIS AMERICAN STUDENTS; October 16, 1980 - January 4, 1981


Box 1 of 29

Contract with The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (PAFA)

Box 1 of 29

Correspondence with PAFA

Box 1 of 29

Shipment to PAFA

Box 1 of 29

London, England/Pitt and Scott

Box 1 of 29

Insurance information

Box 1 of 29

Shipping estimates for incoming

Box 1 of 29

Pickup lists

Box 1 of 29

Status Memos

Box 1 of 29

Illustration Requests

Box 1 of 29


Box 1 of 29

Exhibition Script

Box 1 of 29

General/ Security/Frames

Box 1 of 29

Script, list by artists

Box 1 of 29

Drawing from Life at the Royal Academy/Rowlandson and Pugin (Emory)

Box 1 of 29

The Royal Academy Exhibition of 1784/J. H. Ramberg (British Museum)

Box 1 of 29

The Royal Academy Exhibition of 1787/P. Martini after Romberg (J. Goode)

Box 1 of 29

Academy Study for an Eve/Lewis Schiavonetti after B. West (British Museum)

Box 1 of 29

Judge David Sewall by John Johnston (Bowdoin College Museum of Art)

Box 1 of 29

West's Picture Gallery/John Le Keux (British Museum)

Box 1 of 29

Boy With a Squirrel/John Singleton Copley (BMFA)

Box 1 of 29

Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman by James Earl (Bowdoin College Museum of Art)

Box 1 of 29

The Skater (William Grant) by Gilbert Stuart (National Gallery of Art)

Box 1 of 29

The Death of Major Peirson/Copley (National Portrait Gallery)

Box 1 of 29

The Blue Boy (Master John Buttall) by Thomas Gainsborough (Henry E. Huntington Library...)

Box 1 of 29

Pascal Paoli by Henry Benbridge (The Fine Arts Museum San Francisco)

Box 1 of 29

Peter Paul Reubens Self-Portrait (Her Majesty The Queen)

Box 1 of 29

The Death of the Earl of Chatham by John Singleton (The Tate Gallery, England)

Box 1 of 29

Bandit Taking Up his Post/J. H. Mortimer (Detroit Institute Of Art)

Box 1 of 29

The Blind Fiddler by David Wilkie (The Tate Gallery, England)

Box 1 of 29

The Hours/Samuel Shelley (Metropolitan)

Box 1 of 29

Photos Which Will be Part of Exhibition Labels and Supplementary Work

Box 1 of 29

The Homecoming (Last Chapter)

Box 1 of 29


Box 1 of 29

John S. Copley (Incl.?)

Box 1 of 29

John Downman

Box 1 of 29

Lydia Smith Russell

Box 1 of 29

Frank W. Wilkin

Box 1 of 29


Box 1 of 29


Box 1 of 29

C. W. Peale, Pratt, Sargent, Stuart, Sully, Trumbull, Tuthill, Waldo

Box 1 of 29

Study for Balshazzar's Feast (1817)/Washington Allston (Fogg Art Museum)

Box 1 of 29

Saul and the Witch of Endor by Washington Allston (Amherst)

Box 1 of 29

Son, from the Antique Statue, Laocoon/Washington Allston (Fogg)

Box 1 of 29

Landscape by Washington Allston (Concord)

Box 1 of 29

Benjamin West/Washington Allston (Boston Athenaeum)

Box 1 of 29

Study for the Head of St. Peter/Washington Allston (Bliss)

Box 1 of 29

Letter, Allston to Fraser (Mass HS)

Box 1 of 29

Two Groups of Angels from "Jacob's Dream" by Washington Allston (Fogg)

Box 1 of 29

The Angel Releasing St. Peter from Prison/W. Allston (Boston Museum of Fine Arts)

Box 1 of 29

Self-Portrait by Washington Allston (Fogg)

Box 1 of 29

A Scene in an Eating House by Allston (Milwaukee Art Center)

Box 1 of 29

Belshazzar's Feast/Washington Allston (Detroit Institute Of Art)

Box 1 of 29

Dead Man Restored by Washington Allston (PAFA)

Box 1 of 29

Tragic Figure in Chains by Washington

Box 1 of 29

Allston (Addison Gallery of American Art) Allston

Box 1 of 29

Flight of Florimell by Allston (Detroit)

Box 1 of 29

A Rocky Coast with Banditti/Washington Allston (MESDA)

Box 1 of 29

Prometheus by Washington Allston (BM)

Box 1 of 29

Frederick W. Ever/Mather Brown (Private, Laudon)

Box 1 of 29

Lord Howe on "Queen Charlotte 'VOrme after Brown (National Maritime)

Box 1 of 29

Lord Howe on the Deck of the Queen Charlotte by Mather Brown (National Maritime)

Box 1 of 29

Portrait of a Gentleman/Mather Brown (Beaverbrook)

Box 1 of 29

Duke of York by Mather Brown (The National Trust for Places...)

Box 1 of 29

Thomas Jefferson by Mather Brown (Mr. Chas. Francis Adams)

Box 1 of 29

Young Girl; at Harpsichord/Mather Brown (Glasgow)

Box 1 of 29

Moses Striking the Rock/Mather Brown (Private - Brandt)

Box 1 of 29

Lord Cornwallis Receiving the Sons of Tipoo Sahib/Orme after Brown (British Museum)

Box 1 of 29

The Prince of Wales/Mather Brown (Her Majesty the Queen)

Box 1 of 29

Finding of Moses/Mather Brown (Mrs. J. Koppernaes)

Box 1 of 29

Passion of Our Savior In the Garden of Getsemane by Mather Brown (St. Mary le Strand, England)

Box 1 of 29

The Battle of the Nile/Mather Brown (National Maritime Museum)

Box 1 of 29

The Mass/Mather Brown (Private - Brandt)

Box 1 of 29

Thomas, Earl of Surrey, . . . Defending by Mather Brown (Duke of Norfolk)

Box 1 of 29

Key to the Great Picture of Howe's victory (National Maritime)

Box 1 of 29

Abraham Delanoy

Box 1 of 29

Benjamin West by Abraham Delanoy (N-YES)

Box 1 of 29

Archibald Laidlie, by A. Delanoy, New York Historical Society (NYHS)

Box 1 of 29

Esther Duche/Thomas Spence Duche (HSP)

Box 1 of 29

Jacob and Thomas Spence Duche/T. S. Douche (HSP)

Box 1 of 29

Samuel Seabury/Thomas Spence Duche (Trinity College)

Box 1 of 29

William Dunlap

Box 1 of 29

The Artist Showing a Picture from Hamlet to his Parents/William Dunlap (NYHS)

Box 1 of 29

George Washington/William Dunlap (Architect of the US Capitol)

Box 1 of 29

Reclining Hunter/Ralph Earl (Sabin Galleries)

Box 1 of 29

Joseph Trumbull/Ralph Earl (Deerfield Academy of Fine Arts)

Box 1 of 29

Mrs. John Johnston/Ralph Earl (Aperker Soren)

Box 1 of 29

Colonel George Onslow/Ralph Earl (Ralph Earl)

Box 1 of 29

Mrs. Ralph Earl (Ann Whiteside)/Ralph Earl (Amherst)

Box 1 of 29

Mary Carpenter/Ralph Earl (Worcester)

Box 1 of 29

Roger Sherman/Ralph Earl (Yale University Art Gallery)

Box 1 of 29

Robert Fulton by B. West (NYSHA)

Box 1 of 29

Charles, 3rd Earl Stanhope/Robert Fulton (private, Livingston)

Box 1 of 29

Joseph Bringhurst/Robert Fulton (Private, Hargraver)

Box 1 of 29

Mary Queen of Scots./James Ward after R. Fulton (Metropolitan)

Box 1 of 29

Lady Jane Grey/Ward, after Robert Fulton (Metropolitan)

Box 1 of 29

Robert Fulton

Box 1 of 29

Dr. David King/Charles Bird King (Redwood)

Box 1 of 29

Self-Portrait/Charles Bird King (Redwood)

Box 1 of 29

Charles Bird King

Box 1 of 29

Still Life, Game/Charles Bird King (IBM)

Box 1 of 29

Box 2

Charles R. Leslie

Box 2 of 29

The Murder of Rutland/C. R. Leslie (Penn Academy)

Box 2 of 29

The Personification of Murder/C. R. Leslie (NAD)

Box 2 of 29

Sir Roger De Coverley Going to Church/Henry Meyer after Leslie (BMPA)

Box 2 of 29

C. R. Leslie, self-portrait (National Portrait Gallery, London)

Box 2 of 29

Washington Allston/C. R. Leslie (NAD)

Box 2 of 29

Timon of Athens/C. R. Leslie (Phil. Athenaeum)

Box 2 of 29

King Alexander & The Stag Hunt/C. R. Leslie after B. West (The Athenaeum East Washington Square)

Box 2 of 29

Mrs. John Quincy Adams/C. R. Leslie (Department Of State)

Box 2 of 29

Sir Roger de Coverly Going to Church by C. R. Leslie (Mrs. John F. Booth, England)

Box 2 of 29

John Quincy Adams by Charles Robert Leslie (Diplomatic Rec. Rooms)

Box 2 of 29

Nathaniel West/C. R. Leslie (Salem Marine Society)

Box 2 of 29

Washington Allston by Edward G. Malabone (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

Box 2 of 29

James A. R. Cuthbert by Edward Malbone (Cleveland Museum)

Box 2 of 29

Col. Thomas Pickney, Jr./.Edward G. Malbone (Gibbes)

Box 2 of 29

Mrs. Thomas Pickney by Edward G. Malbone (Gibbes Art Gallery)

Box 2 of 29

Edward G. Malbone

Box 2 of 29

The Hours/Edward G. Malbone (Providence)

Box 2 of 29

Samuel F. B. Morse

Box 2 of 29

S. F. B. Morse/Self-Portrait (Addison)

Box 2 of 29

Sketches for Idas/S. F. B. Morse (Yale)

Box 2 of 29

Sketches for Marpesa/S. F. B. Morse (Yale)

Box 2 of 29

The Judgment of Jupiter by S. F. B. Morse (Yale)

Box 2 of 29

Dorothea by S. F. B. Morse (British Museum)

Box 2 of 29

Dying Hercules/S. F. B. Morse (Yale)

Box 2 of 29

Thomas Palmer/Gilbert Stuart Newton (Fogg)

Box 2 of 29

Gilbert Stuart Newton/Self-Portrait (BMPA)

Box 2 of 29

Gilbert S. Newton

Box 2 of 29

Charles Willson Peale

Box 2 of 29

Little Girl With Toy Horse/C. W. Peale (Bayou Bend) (Museum of Fine Arts, Houston)

Box 2 of 29

William Pitt/Charles Wilson Peale (Maryland State House)

Box 2 of 29

Mathias and Thomas Bordley/C. W. Peale (National Collection of Fine Arts)

Box 2 of 29

William Pitt/C. W. Peale-Mezzotint (Penn Academy)

Box 2 of 29

Elisha Restoring to Life the Shummamite's Son/C. W. Peale (Sellers)

Box 2 of 29

C. W. Peale/Benjamin West (NYHS)

Box 2 of 29

Rembrandt Peale/Self-Portrait

Box 2 of 29

Rembrandt Peale

Box 2 of 29

Rubens Peale with a Geranium/R. Peale (Mrs. Fredrich Woolworth via Coe-Kerr Galleries NYC)

Box 2 of 29

Sir Joseph Banks/Rembrandt Peale (Academy of National Sciences)

Box 2 of 29

Madonna of Saint Jerome/Matthew Pratt (National Gallery of Art)

Box 2 of 29

Benjamin West/Matthew Pratt (Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts)

Box 2 of 29

The American School/Matthew Pratt (Metropolitan)

Box 2 of 29

Matthew Pratt/Self-Portrait (National Portrait Gallery)

Box 2 of 29

Mrs. Benjamin West/Matthew Pratt (Perm Acad.)

Box 2 of 29

Capt. Joseph McLellan, Sr./Henry Sargent (Portland Museum)

Box 2 of 29

Henry Argent

Box 2 of 29

Henrietta E. F. Vane/Gilbert Stuart (Smith College)

Box 2 of 29

William Woollett by Gilbert Stuart (Tate Gallery)

Box 2 of 29

Letter from Gilbert Stuart to Benjamin West, 1777 (NYHS)

Box 2 of 29

Gilbert Stuart/Self-Portrait (Redwood)

Box 2 of 29

John Trumbull by Gilbert Stuart (Pilgrim Soc)

Box 2 of 29

James Ward/Gilbert Stuart (Minn Inst)

Box 2 of 29

Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse/Gilbert Stuart (Redwood)

Box 2 of 29

Pylades and Orestes/Thomas Sully (Private)

Box 2 of 29

Thomas Sully/Self-Portrait (Amherst)

Box 2 of 29

Joseph Dugan/Thomas Sully (National Gallery of Art)

Box 2 of 29

William B. Wood/Thomas Sully (Corcoran)

Box 2 of 29

Fielding Lucas/Thomas Sully (Bait Museum of Art)

Box 2 of 29

Stoke Park/Thomas Sully (HSP)

Box 2 of 29

Thomas Sully

Box 2 of 29

Sir John Tample/John Trumbull (Canajooharie Lib)

Box 2 of 29

Piram Returning with Hector/John Trumbull (VA Museum)

Box 2 of 29

Joseph Trumbull by John Trumbull (Conn HS)

Box 2 of 29

Battle of La Hogue/Benjamin West and John Trumbull (Metropolitan)

Box 2 of 29

Dancing Faun, drawing/John Trumbull (Cooper Hewitt)

Box 2 of 29

The Death of General Mercer/John Trumbull (Princeton)

Box 2 of 29

The Death of General Montgomery/John Trumbull (Yale University Art Gallery)

Box 2 of 29

The Death of General Montgomery/Clemens after Trumbull (National Portrait Gallery)

Box 2 of 29

The Death of General Warren/John Trumbull (Yale University Art Gallery)

Box 2 of 29

The Death of General Warren/Muller after Trumbull (Metropolitan)

Box 2 of 29

The Deluge/John Trumbull (Fordham)

Box 2 of 29

Male Nude, Horizontal/J. Trumbull (Fordham)

Box 2 of 29

Meleager, Study from Ancient Sculp/J. Trumbull (Fordham)

Box 2 of 29

Infant Saviour and St. John/John Trumbull (Wadsworth)

Box 2 of 29

Sortie Made by the Garrison of Gibraltar by John Trumbull (Corcoran Gallery)

Box 2 of 29

Sortie Made by the Garrison of Gibraltar by John Trumbull (Metropolitan)

Box 2 of 29

George Washington/John Trumbull (Metropolitan)

Box 2 of 29

John Trumbull

Box 2 of 29

Benjamin West by Abraham G. D. Tuthill (Mrs. Stuart Bach)

Box 2 of 29

James Gould/Samuel L. Waldo (Yale)

Box 2 of 29

Benjamin West/ London, England/Johnston & W. Wingate

Box 2 of 29

Achilles Wearing the Armor/B. West (Pierpont Morgan)

Box 2 of 29

Agrippina Landing at Brundisium/B. West (Philadelphia Museum of Art)

Box 2 of 29

Agrippina Landing at Brundisium/B. West (Yale)

Box 2 of 29

The Angel in the Sun/B. West (Toledo)

Box 2 of 29

Angelica and Medora by B. West (State University of New York)

Box 2 of 29

Ascension (Colnaghi's, London Petworth)

Box 2 of 29

Box 3

The Battle of La Hogue/William Woollett after B. West (LC)

Box 3 of 29

Diana Mary Barker by Benjamin West (Minn Inst)

Box 3 of 29

The Call of Isah by West (Bob Jones University)

Box 3 of 29

The Cave of Despair/B West (Yale Center)

Box 3 of 29

Christ Healing the Sick/B. West

Box 3 of 29

Christ Healing the Sick in the Temple/B. West (Pennsylvania Hospital)

Box 3 of 29

Study for "Christ Rejected" by B. West (Rochester)

Box 3 of 29

Chryseis on the Seashore by B. West (Trafalgar Galleries)

Box 3 of 29

Christ Rejected by the Jews/B. West (PAFA)

Box 3 of 29

Cromwell Dissolving parliament/B. West (Montclair Art Museum)

Box 3 of 29

Daniel interpreting to Belshazzar/V. Green after West (HSP)

Box 3 of 29

The Death of Chevalier Bayard/B. West (Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/Mt Clair, New Jersey (Montclair Art Museum)

Box 3 of 29

Death on a Pale Horse/B. West (Detroit Museum)

Box 3 of 29

Death of General Wolfe/Woollett after Wet (Yale)

Box 3 of 29

The Departure of Regulus/B. West (Her Majesty the Queen)

Box 3 of 29

Design for Decoration of Wall of King's Chapel/B. West (Yale Center for British Art)

Box 3 of 29

The Drummond Family/B. West (IBM)

Box 3 of 29

Elisha Raising the Shunammite's Son/Benjamin West (J. B. Speed)

Box 3 of 29

Edward, the Black Prince . . . ?/B. West (Philadelphia)

Box 3 of 29

The Death of Wolfe/B. West (Her Majesty the Queen)

Box 3 of 29

Governor J. Hamilton/B. West (Independence Hall)

Box 3 of 29

The Last Supper by B. West (Detroit)

Box 3 of 29

Leonides and Cleombratus by B. West (TAT)

Box 3 of 29

Male Figure with arms Outstretched/B. West (Pierpont Morgan)

Box 3 of 29

Moses Striking the Rock/B. West (Royal Academy)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/New York, New York (The Pierpont Morgan Library)

Box 3 of 29

St. Michael and the Dragon/B. West (Toledo)

Box 3 of 29

St. Paul Shaking the Viper from His Hand after the Shipwreck/B. West (British Museum)

Box 3 of 29

Telemachus and Caypso/West (Corcoran)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/Self-Portrait (National Collection of Fine Arts)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West Self-Portrait (National Gallery of Art)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West and His Family/B West (National Portrait Gallery)

Box 3 of 29

Raphael and Benjamin West, Sons of the Artist/West (Nelson-Atkins)

Box 3 of 29

Interior of West's Studio/John Pasmore (Wadsworth Athenaeum)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PAFA)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West

Box 3 of 29

George W. West

Box 3 of 29

Figure Sketches/George William West (Maryland Historical Society)

Box 3 of 29

Orlando Rescuing Oliver from the Lion & the Serpent West (Folger Library)

Box 3 of 29

Cadmus Slaying the Dragon/Raphael West (Pierpont Morgan)

Box 3 of 29

Brigand Lying Under a Tree/Raphael Lamar West (Pierpont Morgan)

Box 3 of 29

Cadmus Slaying the Dragon/Raphael Lamar West (Pierpont Morgan)

Box 3 of 29

Raphael L. West

Box 3 of 29

Joseph Wright/Self-Portrait (JC Brown Library)

Box 3 of 29

John Coats Browne by Joseph Wright (The Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco)

Box 3 of 29

Major Peter Labilliere/H. Kingsbury after Wright (British Museum)

Box 3 of 29

ANTIQUES (Magazine)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/New York, New York (Metropolitan)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/New York, New York (New York Historical Society)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/Amherst, Massachusetts (Department of Fine Arts)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/Minneapolis, Minn (Minneapolis Institute of Art)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/Washington, DC (Corcoran Gallery of Art)

Box 3 of 29

Elements of Drawing in a Series., .of, Benjamin West, Esq., published By T. Clay (Metropolitan Museum)

Box 3 of 29

Sir Joshua Reynolds/Gilbert Stuart (National Gallery of Art)

Box 3 of 29

The Death of General Wolfe/B. West (National Gallery of Canada)

Box 3 of 29

Venus Lamenting the Death of Adonis/B. West (Carnegie Museum)

Box 3 of 29

Saul and the Witch of Endor/B. West (Wadsworth A.)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/Self-Portrait (Private - Blawstein)

Box 3 of 29

Moses and the Brazen Serpent/B. West (Addison Gallery - not being lent)

Box 3 of 29

The Conversion of St. Paul/B. West (Smith)

Box 3 of 29

The Artist's Family/Benjamin West (Yale Center)

Box 3 of 29

Samuel Lovett Waldo/Self-Portrait (Detroit Institute Of Arts)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West/Abraham G. D. Tuthill (Shelburne)

Box 3 of 29

William Temple Franklin/Mather Brown (Gilcrease)

Box 3 of 29

The Baptism of Henry VIII/Mather Brown (Bristol)

Box 3 of 29

Donna Mencia in the Robber's Cavern/Allston (BMPA - defused)

Box 3 of 29

Jacob's Dream by Washington Allston

Box 3 of 29

The Angel Releasing St. Peter by Washington Allston (Virginia Steele Foundation)

Box 3 of 29

Saul Before Samuel and the Prophets by Benjamin West, 1812 (Virginia Steele Scott Foundation)

Box 3 of 29

Portrait of Mrs. Benjamin West by Benjamin West (Addison Gallery)

Box 3 of 29

Healing of the Sick by B. West (Pennsylvania Collection of Fine Arts)

Box 3 of 29

The Sortie Made by the Garrison of Gibraltar/J. Trumbull (Cincinnati)

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West Misc Photographs

Box 3 of 29

Benjamin West Typeset Labels

Box 3 of 29


Franks Family Colonial Portraits - General

Box 3 of 29

Levy-Franks Funding

Box 3 of 29

Levy-Franks Education

Box 3 of 29

Levy-Franks Photos

Box 3 of 29

Metropolitan (Levy-Franks)

Box 3 of 29

Levy-Frank Labels/Manuscript and Typeset copy

Box 3 of 29


Commodore Uriah Phillips Levy - General

Box 3 of 29

Uriah Levy Funding

Box 3 of 29

Levy Letter

Box 3 of 29

Museum of Jewish Military History - Uriah Levy

Box 3 of 29

Box 4

CHARLES WILLSON PEALE AND HIS WORLD; October 28, 1982 - January 2, 1983

Charles Willson Peale (CWP) - General

Box 4 of 29

Peale Budget

Box 4 of 29

CWP - Conservation

Box 4 of 29

Description of the Peale Museum

Box 4 of 29

Notes to myself (CWP)

Box 4 of 29

Alternates (CWP)

Box 4 of 29

Consultants materials (CWP)

Box 4 of 29

Harry Abrams

Box 4 of 29

Catalog (CWP)

Box 4 of 29

Catalog illustrations (CWP)

Box 4 of 29

CWP - Catalog entries

Box 4 of 29

CWP - Typeset Labels (Xeroxes) (2 folders)

Box 4 of 29

Peale Brochure

Box 4 of 29


Box 4 of 29

CWP Slide Presentation

Box 4 of 29

Illustration Sheets

Box 4 of 29

CWP Opening

Box 4 of 29

Correspondence with Amon Carter

Box 4 of 29

Correspondence with Metropolitan

Box 4 of 29

CWP Contract

Box 4 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 4 of 29

Dr. Richardson

Box 4 of 29

CWP - Richardson essays

Box 4 of 29

"Peale's Engravings" - E. P. Richardson

Box 4 of 29

Memos to/from Dr. Miller (CWP)

Box 4 of 29

Dr. Hindle (CWP)

Box 4 of 29

Box 5

CWP - Mr. Seller's Essay and Entries (2 folders)

Box 5 of 29

Peale photos (4 folders)

Box 5 of 29

Research and Label Copy

Box 5 of 29

Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Box 5 of 29

American Museum of Natural History

Box 5 of 29

American Philosophical Society

Box 5 of 29

Amherst College - Mead Art Museum

Box 5 of 29

Art Institute of Chicago

Box 5 of 29

C. Burr Artz Library

Box 5 of 29

The Barra Foundation

Box 5 of 29

Bowdoin College Library

Box 5 of 29

John Cadwalader

Box 5 of 29

Connecticut Historical Society

Box 5 of 29

Detroit Institute of Arts

Box 5 of 29

Mrs. Gelpi-Toro

Box 5 of 29

Gibbes Art Gallery

Box 5 of 29

Hessiches Landesmuseum

Box 5 of 29

Historical Society of Penna.

Box 5 of 29

Independence National Historical Park (INHP)

Box 5 of 29

Kennedy Galleries

Box 5 of 29

Mrs. John Lehman

Box 5 of 29

Library Company of Philadelphia

Box 5 of 29

Library of Congress

Box 5 of 29

Maryland Historical Society

Box 5 of 29

Massachusetts Historical Society

Box 5 of 29

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Box 5 of 29

Monticello (University of Virginia)

Box 5 of 29

Mount Vernon

Box 5 of 29

Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard University)

Box 5 of 29

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Box 5 of 29

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Box 5 of 29

National Agricultural Library

Box 5 of 29

National Gallery of Art

Box 5 of 29

New York Historical Society

Box 5 of 29

National Museum of American Art (NMAA)

Box 5 of 29

National Museum of American History (NMAH)

Box 5 of 29

National Society of Colonial Dames

Box 5 of 29

Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Box 5 of 29

Peale Museum items - Peabody

Box 5 of 29

Peale Museum, Baltimore

Box 5 of 29

Penna. Academy of the Fine Arts

Box 5 of 29

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Box 5 of 29

Marvin Sadek

Box 5 of 29

Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco

Box 5 of 29

Security Pacific National Bank

Box 5 of 29

Charles Coleman Sellers' Estate

Box 5 of 29

Sellers Estate

Box 5 of 29

Society of the Cincinnati

Box 5 of 29

Wilman Spawn - Polygraph

Box 5 of 29

Allan Sussel

Box 5 of 29

Robert Stewart

Box 5 of 29

Sun Co. (Sponsors of the play: "A Visit with Charles Willson Peale")

Box 5 of 29

Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection

Box 5 of 29

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Box 5 of 29

Washington and Lee University

Box 5 of 29

Colonial Williamsburg

Box 5 of 29

Box 6

Winterthur Museum

Box 6 of 29

Worcester Art Museum

Box 6 of 29

Yale Center for British Art

Box 6 of 29

Yale University Art Gallery

Box 6 of 29

Chapter 2

Box 6 of 29

Illustrations - Chapter 8

Box 6 of 29

Illustrations - Chapters 1 - 2

Box 6 of 29

Illustrations - Chapter 3

Box 6 of 29

Illustrations - Chapter 4

Box 6 of 29

Illustrations - Chapter 5

Box 6 of 29

Illustrations - Chapter 6

Box 6 of 29

Illustrations - Chapter 7

Box 6 of 29

Illustrations - Chapter 9

Box 6 of 29

John Adams (INHP)

Box 6 of 29

John Quincy Adams (HSP)

Box 6 of 29

William Bartram

Box 6 of 29

Colonel George Baylor

Box 6 of 29

Matthias and Thomas Bordley

Box 6 of 29

John Beale Bordley

Box 6 of 29

The Cadwalader Family

Box 6 of 29

Charles Calvert, 5th Lord Baltimore

Box 6 of 29

Charles Carroll the Barrister

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Samuel Chase and her Daughters

Box 6 of 29

Henry Clay

Box 6 of 29

Silas Deane

Box 6 of 29

John Philip de Haas

Box 6 of 29

John Dickinson

Box 6 of 29

Unlabeled photograph files (3 folders)

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. John Dickinson

Box 6 of 29

Exhuming the Mastodon

Box 6 of 29

Benjamin Franklin (Metropolitan) (Engraving)

Box 6 of 29

Benjamin Franklin (PAFA)

Box 6 of 29

Mordecai Gist

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Richard Gittings

Box 6 of 29

The James Gittings Family

Box 6 of 29

Judge Robert Goldsborough and Family

Box 6 of 29

Nancy Hallam

Box 6 of 29

Captain John Harleston

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Thomas Harwood

Box 6 of 29

John Eager Howard

Box 6 of 29

John Strangeways Hutton

Box 6 of 29


Box 6 of 29

Thomas Jefferson

Box 6 of 29

The Thomas Johnson Family

Box 6 of 29

Captain James Josiah

Box 6 of 29

Baron de Kalb

Box 6 of 29

Henry Knox (Miniature)

Box 6 of 29

Marquis de Lafayette

Box 6 of 29

James Latimer

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. James Latimer

Box 6 of 29

Charles Alexandre Lesueur

Box 6 of 29

The Edward Lloyd Family

Box 6 of 29

Stephen H. Long

Box 6 of 29

General William Moultrie

Box 6 of 29

Thomas McKean and Son

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Thomas McKean and Daughter

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. John Nicholson and her Son

Box 6 of 29

William Paca

Box 6 of 29

Charles Willson Peale by Benjamin West

Box 6 of 29

The Peale Family

Box 6 of 29

Charles Willson Peale in the Museum

Box 6 of 29

Charles Willson Peale (s-p)

Box 6 of 29

Charles Willson Peale in uniform

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Charles Willson Peale and her Grandchildren

Box 6 of 29

James Peale (The Lamplight Portrait)

Box 6 of 29

James Peale (Painting a miniature)

Box 6 of 29

Raphaelle & Titian Ramsay II Peale (Staircase Group)

Box 6 of 29

Rembrandt Peale

Box 6 of 29

Titian Ramsay Peale II

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Charles Willson Peale (Hannah Moore)

Box 6 of 29

Charles Pettit

Box 6 of 29

Joseph Pilmore

Box 6 of 29

Rachel Weeping

Box 6 of 29

David Rittenhouse

Box 6 of 29

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Robinson

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Alexander Robinson and Daughter

Box 6 of 29

Colonel Thomas Robinson

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Jacob Rush (Polly Wrench)

Box 6 of 29

Thomas Say

Box 6 of 29

Mrs. Coleman Sellers and Daughter

Box 6 of 29

Coleman Sellers

Box 6 of 29

Coleman Sellers (watercolor)

Box 6 of 29

Sophonisba Sellers (watercolor)

Box 6 of 29

Nathan Sellers at Millbank

Box 6 of 29

Box 7

Mrs. Smith and Grandson (Mrs. Patrick Campbell)

Box 7 of 29

General William Smallwood

Box 7 of 29

William Smith and Grandson

Box 7 of 29

Baron von Steuben

Box 7 of 29

Colonel Walter Stewart

Box 7 of 29

Mrs. Walter Stewart

Box 7 of 29

The Stewart Children

Box 7 of 29

The Stoddert Children

Box 7 of 29

William Stone

Box 7 of 29

Gerard Troost

Box 7 of 29

George Walton

Box 7 of 29

Washington and His Generals at Yorktown

Box 7 of 29

His Excellency George Washington, Esq. (Metropolitan)

Box 7 of 29

George Washington (PAFA)

Box 7 of 29

George Washington (Mount Vernon)

Box 7 of 29

G. Washington (Miniature, Mr. McN.)

Box 7 of 29

George Washington as Commanding General (PAFA)

Box 7 of 29

George Washington (as Colonel) (Wash & Lee)

Box 7 of 29

Washington Commander in Chief of Federal Army

Box 7 of 29

Martha Washington

Box 7 of 29

Colonel William Washington

Box 7 of 29

General James Wilkinson

Box 7 of 29

General Otho Holland Williams

Box 7 of 29

Draisiana Polygraph

Box 7 of 29

Milkcart Letter (CWP to TJ)

Box 7 of 29

Five Models of Improvements in the Common Fireplace

Box 7 of 29

The Pedestrian's Hobby Horse

Box 7 of 29

Smoke-Eater (Smoke-consuming Stove)

Box 7 of 29

Patent Wooden Bridge

Box 7 of 29

Letter re Carburated Gas

Box 7 of 29

Fan Chair

Box 7 of 29

Haskins Polygraph

Box 7 of 29

Phisiognotcace (Drawing - LC)

Box 7 of 29

Physiognotrace (Museum of History and Technology)

Box 7 of 29

The Portable Steam Bath

Box 7 of 29

Quail, Woodpecker, Tanager, Toad - Illustrations for Lewis and Clark Journal

Box 7 of 29

Pronghorn Antelope

Box 7 of 29

"Papilio" from Titian Ramsay Peale's Drawings of American Insects, 1796

Box 7 of 29

Monkey living in Peale Museum by TRP (APS)

Box 7 of 29

Titian Peale drawing of Grizzly Bears

Box 7 of 29

Petrified Bird's Nest

Box 7 of 29

Pteropus Edulis (bat) living in Peale Museum by TRP

Box 7 of 29

15 month old Moose by TRP (APS)

Box 7 of 29

Two squirrels by TRP (APS)

Box 7 of 29

Dusky Wolf Devouring a Mule Deer Head/TRP, watercolor

Box 7 of 29

The Matodon drawing by Titian R. Peale

Box 7 of 29

Ten Thousand Moons Ago (Broadside, APS)

Box 7 of 29

The Mastodon in situ today - Mastodon bones (tibia and jaw)

Box 7 of 29

The Mastodon drawing by Rembrandt Peale

Box 7 of 29

Wild Turkey

Box 7 of 29

Minerals, Academy of Natural Sciences

Box 7 of 29

Chinese Pheasants

Box 7 of 29

Bald Eagle

Box 7 of 29

Grizzly Bear Broadside / Library of Congress

Box 7 of 29

White-headed eagle (lithograph)

Box 7 of 29

Woman's Hat (Northwest Coast Indians)

Box 7 of 29

Chippewa Snowshoe

Box 7 of 29

Choctaw Indian Collar

Box 7 of 29

Indian Hunting Shirt

Box 7 of 29

Mandan Buffalo Robe

Box 7 of 29

Canteens (Ivory and Buffalo) (APS)

Box 7 of 29

Beaver Bowl

Box 7 of 29

Ceremonial Peace Pipe

Box 7 of 29

Fiji Head Rest

Box 7 of 29

Polynesian Cape and Helmet - illustration only

Box 7 of 29

Chinese Abacus

Box 7 of 29

Chinese Lady's Foot and Shoe

Box 7 of 29

The Oto Council

Box 7 of 29

The Long Room, Philadelphia Museum

Box 7 of 29

Two Crossbows (Peabody)

Box 7 of 29

Meriwether Lewis

Box 7 of 29

Broadside "To the citizens of the United States" (Mass HS)

Box 7 of 29

Museum Tickets

Box 7 of 29

Philosophical Hall from State House Yard

Box 7 of 29

The Book of Nature (Peale's Museum) by TRP (APS)

Box 7 of 29

A Voice in Behalf of the Oppressed

Box 7 of 29

Epistle to a Friend...

Box 7 of 29

Third and Lombard Sketch

Box 7 of 29

Gift acknowledgment (APS)

Box 7 of 29

Introduction to a course of lectures on natural history...

Box 7 of 29

A Scientific and Descriptive Catalogue of Peale's Museum

Box 7 of 29

Guide to the Philadelphia Museum April 1805 (APS)

Box 7 of 29

Brandywine Mills

Box 7 of 29

Mill Bank

Box 7 of 29

Public Buildings, Philadelphia

Box 7 of 29

East View of Gray's Ferry

Box 7 of 29

State House, Philadelphia

Box 7 of 29

The Country Between Wilmington and the Delaware

Box 7 of 29

The Accident in Lombard Street

Box 7 of 29

Belfield Garden

Box 7 of 29

Gray's Ferry Decorated

Box 7 of 29

Highlands of the Hudson

Box 7 of 29

Landscape at "Eutaw" in Maryland

Box 7 of 29

Belfield Garden (oil)

Box 7 of 29

Southeast view of Christ's Church

Box 7 of 29

Sellers Hall

Box 7 of 29

Benedict Arnold and the Devil

Box 7 of 29

Washington on the Raritan

Box 7 of 29

Map of New York

Box 7 of 29


Box 7 of 29

The Columbianum (HSP)

Box 7 of 29

Robert Fulton, Letter to

Box 7 of 29

Diary Note and Sketch: Franklin

Box 7 of 29

CWP Labels

Box 7 of 29

CWP Labels

Box 7 of 29

HOLLYWOOD PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS 1921-1941; February 3 - March 20, 1983 (Organized by the Museum of Modern Art)

Hollywood Portrait Photographers (HPP) - Exhibition script

Box 7 of 29

HPP - General

Box 7 of 29

HPP - Articles

Box 7 of 29

HPP - Museum Shop

Box 7 of 29

HPP - John Kobal

Box 7 of 29

HPP - Museum of Modern Art

Box 7 of 29


Box 7 of 29


Box 7 of 29

HPP - Photos

Box 7 of 29

Box 8

ERASTUS SALISBURY FIELD, 1805 - 1900 ; June 8 - September 4, 1984 (Organized by Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield)

Correspondence with Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), Springfield

Box 8 of 29


Box 8 of 29


Box 8 of 29


Box 8 of 29

Labels and Publication Drafts

Box 8 of 29

Xerox of Typesetting sent to MFA

Box 8 of 29

Correspondence with NMAA

Box 8 of 29

Field, E. S. (Springfield, Massachusetts, 1984)

Box 8 of 29

Registrar's File

Box 8 of 29


Lender Sheets

Box 8 of 29

Xerox of Typesetting for Cornelius Labels

Box 8 of 29

Robert Cornelius: Texas, Michigan

Box 8 of 29

Robert Cornelius: Maryland, Virginia, D.C.

Box 8 of 29

Robert Cornelius, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania

Box 8 of 29

Cornelius Text

Box 8 of 29

Cornelius Labels

Box 8 of 29

American Philosophical Society (Dr. Paul Goddard and Pierre Etienne)

Box 8 of 29

Athenaeum of Philadelphia (Unidentified Woman)

Box 8 of 29

William Becker (Samuel Bispham)

Box 8 of 29

Robert Cornelius IV (Cornelius Child)

Box 8 of 29

Franklin Institute Science (Henry Meyers)

Box 8 of 29

Stephen Gugliemi (J. W. Draper)

Box 8 of 29

Historical Society of Pennsylvania (3 Cornelius dags. and 1 J. Saxton dag.)

Box 8 of 29

International Museum of Photography - George Eastman House (5 of Martin H. Boye)

Box 8 of 29

Janet Lehr (Unidentified Sitter)

Box 8 of 29

Library Company of Philadelphia (Henry Howard Houston)

Box 8 of 29

Ian and Lynn Maillet (unidentified Sitter)

Box 8 of 29

Maryland Historical Society (Fielding Lucas, Jr.)

Box 8 of 29

Harvey S. Miller (Unidentified Military Sitter and Unidentified Sitter)

Box 8 of 29

National Museum of American History (Cliveden, Philadelphia Exch. And Fitz s-p)

Box 8 of 29

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weiner (Plumbe six plate camera)

Box 8 of 29

Mrs. Angelo Zosa (Unidentified Sitter)

Box 8 of 29

Box 9

JOSEPH WRIGHT, AMERICAN ARTIST, 1756-1793; February 15 - June 9, 1985

Joseph Wright Exhibition, November 1984

Box 9 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 9 of 29

Photo Orders

Box 9 of 29

Joseph Wright - Manuscript

Box 9 of 29

Joseph Wright, American Artist

Box 9 of 29

Mrs. Susan Mary Alsop (Baron von Steuben)

Box 9 of 29

The American Numismatic Society (1792 pattern strike quarter dollar)

Box 9 of 29

Louis P. Bayard (Lewis Pintard)

Box 9 of 29

Cleveland Museum (George Washington)

Box 9 of 29

Corcoran Gallery of Art (Benjamin Franklin)

Box 9 of 29

Harvard University Portrait Collection (Robert Livingston)

Box 9 of 29

Historical Society of Pennsylvania (2 portraits of G. Washington)

Box 9 of 29

Jay, Peter (Peter Augustus Jay)

Box 9 of 29

State of Maine, Department of Conservation (Marcus Camillus Knox)

Box 9 of 29

Massachusetts Historical Society (George Washington)

Box 9 of 29

Metropolitan Museum of Art (George Washington etching)

Box 9 of 29

Mount Vernon (GW plaster plaque and GW oval wax relief)

Box 9 of 29

National Museum of American Art (James Giles)

Box 9 of 29

National Museum of American History (1792 quarter dollar)

Box 9 of 29

National Portrait Gallery, London (Labillere mezzo. By Kingsbury after Wright; 2 impressions - brown and black)

Box 9 of 29

National Portrait Gallery, SI

Box 9 of 29

New-York Historical Society (John Jay)

Box 9 of 29

New York Public Library (George Washington etching)

Box 9 of 29

New York Society Library (Benjamin Goodhue)

Box 9 of 29

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Joseph Wright and His Family, Wright bust by William Rush)

Box 9 of 29

The Royal Society, London (Benjamin Franklin)

Box 9 of 29

San Francisco Art Museum (John Coats Browne)

Box 9 of 29

The Henry Francis Du Pont Winterthur Museum (George Washington oval wax relief)

Box 9 of 29

Yale University Library (Benjamin Franklin)

Box 9 of 29

PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP: INDIAN PEACE MEDALS IN THE UNITED STATES; January 18 - April 21, 1985 (Organized by National Portrait Gallery - Exhibition traveled)

Indian Peace Medals

Box 9 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 9 of 29

Correspondence with Joslyn Museum about exhibition

Box 9 of 29

Correspondence with Buffalo Bill Center about show

Box 9 of 29

Peace Medal Labels and Manuscript

Box 9 of 29

Peace Medals catalogue

Box 9 of 29

Indian Peace Medals Photos

Box 9 of 29

Peace and Friendship Photos

Box 9 of 29

Peace and Friendship: Indian Peace Medal Exhibition Reception

Box 9 of 29

Indian Peace Medals - Label Xeroxes

Box 9 of 29

Albright-Knox Art Gallery

Box 9 of 29

American Numismatic Society

Box 9 of 29

American Numismatic Society/ Photos & Negatives

Box 9 of 29

Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society

Box 9 of 29

Chicago Historical Society

Box 9 of 29

Denver Museum of Natural History

Box 9 of 29

Denver Museum of Natural History / Photos & Negatives

Box 9 of 29

Henry Ford Museum

Box 9 of 29

Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art

Box 9 of 29

Box 10

Gulf States Paper Corporation

Box 10 of 29

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Box 10 of 29

Idaho State Historical Museum

Box 10 of 29

Iowa State Historical Museum

Box 10 of 29

Lilly Endowment Foundation (Indianapolis, Indiana)

Box 10 of 29

Massachusetts Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Minnesota Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Missouri Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Box 10 of 29

Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation

Box 10 of 29

National Archives

Box 10 of 29

National Museum of American Art

Box 10 of 29

NMAH, Smithsonian, Division of Numismatics

Box 10 of 29

NMAH, National Numismatic Collection - Photos & Negatives

Box 10 of 29

National Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Archives and Anthropology Department

Box 10 of 29

Nebraska State Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Oklahoma Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Father Prucha

Box 10 of 29

Public Archives of Canada

Box 10 of 29

Chris Schenkel

Box 10 of 29

State Historical Society of North Dakota

Box 10 of 29

State Historical Society of Wisconsin

Box 10 of 29

Allan Williams

Box 10 of 29

Non-medallic items

Box 10 of 29

Oregon Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Western Reserve Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Richard Hawes

Box 10 of 29

National Museum of American History, Division of Political History

Box 10 of 29


William Edward West (General)

Box 10 of 29

Labels - West (Xerox)

Box 10 of 29

William Edward West Lender Sheets

Box 10 of 29

West catalogue

Box 10 of 29

Figure Illustration Requests

Box 10 of 29

Correspondence with J. B. Speed Museum

Box 10 of 29

Correspondence with Laurel Museum of Art

Box 10 of 29

West - Manuscript

Box 10 of 29

Baltimore Museum of Art

Box 10 of 29

Boston Public Library

Box 10 of 29

Cincinnati Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Coggins Collection

Box 10 of 29

Conner, Mrs. Gaillard

Box 10 of 29

Corcoran Gallery of Art

Box 10 of 29

The Dietrich American Foundation

Box 10 of 29

Eliot, Mr. John Page

Box 10 of 29

Floyd, Mr. William Barrow

Box 10 of 29

Houghteling, Louise Delano

Box 10 of 29

Maryland Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Meissner, Mrs. Paul

Box 10 of 29

Miami University Art Museum

Box 10 of 29

Mississippi State Historical Museum

Box 10 of 29

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute Museum of Art

Box 10 of 29

National Portrait Gallery, SI

Box 10 of 29

National Portrait Gallery of Scotland

Box 10 of 29

The New-York Historical Society

Box 10 of 29

Poydras Home

Box 10 of 29

Rosemont Plantation/Beacroft, Percival

Box 10 of 29

Sessions, Mrs. J. F.

Box 10 of 29

Smithsonian Institution (Castle)

Box 10 of 29

The Tennessee State Museum

Box 10 of 29

Tulane University Museum of Art

Box 10 of 29

United States Court House

Box 10 of 29

University of Delaware

Box 10 of 29

University of Kentucky Medical Center

Box 10 of 29

University of Virginia Library

Box 10 of 29

Waltz, Mrs. Nell Foster

Box 10 of 29

Washington and Lee University

Box 10 of 29

Harding/West budget

Box 10 of 29

Box 11



Box 11 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 11 of 29

Photo Orders

Box 11 of 29

Label Manuscript

Box 11 of 29


Box 11 of 29


Box 11 of 29

Leigh Lipton/Harding

Box 11 of 29

Chester Harding Self-Portrait

Box 11 of 29


Box 11 of 29

Checklist Research (A-J)

Box 11 of 29

Checklist Research (K-Z)

Box 11 of 29

Checklist Research

Box 11 of 29

Checklist Research

Box 11 of 29

Art Institute of Chicago - denied

Box 11 of 29

Boston Athenaeum

Box 11 of 29

Cambridge Historical Society

Box 11 of 29

Coke, Viscount - Holkman Estate Office

Box 11 of 29

Corcoran Gallery of Art

Box 11 of 29

Dealy, Katharine Krun

Box 11 of 29

Duncan, Mr. Henry T. IV

Box 11 of 29

Forbes Library

Box 11 of 29

Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum

Box 11 of 29

Harvard University (denied)

Box 11 of 29

Holderness, A. Sidney Jr. (Alternate)

Box 11 of 29

Hunterian Art Gallery

Box 11 of 29

Indianapolis Museum of Art

Box 11 of 29

Jenney, Mr. John K.

Box 11 of 29

Kenway, Mr. Herbert P.

Box 11 of 29

King, Mr. William Harding

Box 11 of 29

King, Mr. Graham

Box 11 of 29

Lasell, Mr. Chester Harding

Box 11 of 29

Janet S. Laverack

Box 11 of 29

City of Lowell, Massachusetts

Box 11 of 29

Massachusetts Historical Society

Box 11 of 29

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Alternate/Additional)

Box 11 of 29

Mikkelson, Miss Rosamond H.

Box 11 of 29

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Box 11 of 29

National Gallery of Art

Box 11 of 29

National Portrait Gallery, SI

Box 11 of 29

New Britain Museum of American Art

Box 11 of 29

The New-York Historical Society (Denied)

Box 11 of 29

Portland Museum of Art

Box 11 of 29

Providence Athenaeum

Box 11 of 29

Redwood Library and Athenaeum

Box 11 of 29

Ross County Historical Society

Box 11 of 29

St. Louis Art Museum

Box 11 of 29

Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities

Box 11 of 29

J. B. Speed Art Museum

Box 11 of 29

University of North Carolina

Box 11 of 29

Union League Club

Box 11 of 29

Virginia Historical Society

Box 11 of 29

Washington, Senator Nat

Box 11 of 29

Whipple, Mr. John

Box 11 of 29

Rhode Island School of Design

Box 11 of 29

U.S. Capitol (Alternate)

Box 11 of 29

G. W. V. Smith Art Museum

Box 11 of 29

Box 12


Julia Margaret Cameron - General

Box 12 of 29

Julia Margaret Cameron - Correspondence and with Getty Museum

Box 12 of 29



Box 12 of 29

Library of Congress

Box 12 of 29

Louis A. Warren Lincoln Library

Box 12 of 29

Museum of City of New York

Box 12 of 29


Box 12 of 29


Polaroid General

Box 12 of 29

Polaroid Corporation

Box 12 of 29

Polaroid Opening

Box 12 of 29

Polaroid Brochure

Box 12 of 29

Polaroid Script

Box 12 of 29

Polaroid Illustration

Box 12 of 29

Polaroid Labels

Box 12 of 29

Polaroid Publicity

Box 12 of 29

Lender Sheets for Polaroid Exhibition

Box 12 of 29

Mr. Richard Barnett

Box 12 of 29

David Hockney Studio

Box 12 of 29

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Box 12 of 29

Arnold Newman Studios

Box 12 of 29

Pace/MacGill Gallery

Box 12 of 29

The Art Museum, Princeton University

Box 12 of 29

Museum of Modern Art

Box 12 of 29

Neal Slavin

Box 12 of 29

ARTISTS BY THEMSELVES; February 10 - March 25, 1984 (Organized by National Academy of Design)

National Academy of Design (NAD) Typeset Labels

Box 12 of 29

NAD Portrait Show

Box 12 of 29

Photos - Artists by Themselves (2 folders)

Box 12 of 29

THE METROPOLITAN OPERA CENTENNIAL: A PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM; November 16, 1984 - January 13, 1985 (Organized by The Metropolitan Opera)

100 Years of the Metropolitan Opera

Box 12 of 29

The Metropolitan Opera Centennial: Photos (2 folders)

Box 12 of 29

100 Years of the Metropolitan Opera - Labels

Box 12 of 29

Box 13

AMERICAN COLONIAL PORTRAITS: 1700 -1776; October 9, 1987 - January 10, 1988

Portrait in America - General

Box 13 of 29

Special Exhibition Fund - The Portrait in America

Box 13 of 29

American Colonial Portraits (ACP) - Matting memos

Box 13 of 29

Lender Sheets (Port. In Amer.)

Box 13 of 29

Catalogue and Research - Photo Orders - Port. In Amer.

Box 13 of 29

ACP Photo Orders Pending

Box 13 of 29

Portrait in America Script

Box 13 of 29

Catalog - Port. In Amer.

Box 13 of 29

American Colonial Portraits, Catalogue Figure Illustrations

Box 13 of 29

ACP Illustrations

Box 13 of 29

Faces of Colonial America - Video Rental Agreements

Box 13 of 29

Video Orders: Faces of Colonial Portraits

Box 13 of 29

Audio Visual Program - The Portrait in America

Box 13 of 29

American Colonial Portraits Brochure

Box 13 of 29

ACP Video Perms.

Box 13 of 29

ACP Labels

Box 13 of 29

Professional Products, Inc. - Video Equipment in Theater/Lecture Hall

Box 13 of 29

Development Office, Portrait in America

Box 13 of 29

Conservation - Portrait in America

Box 13 of 29

Portrait in America Symposium

Box 13 of 29

American Portraits 1700-1776, CIGNA Sponsorship

Box 13 of 29

American Colonial Portraits Publicity

Box 13 of 29

Portrait in America - Possibility of Traveling

Box 13 of 29

Correspondence with Richard Saunders

Box 13 of 29

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center

Box 13 of 29

Albany Institute of Hist & Art

Box 13 of 29

American Antiquarian Society

Box 13 of 29

American Jewish Historical Society

Box 13 of 29

American Numismatic Society

Box 13 of 29

Box 14

Baltimore City Life Museums (The Peale Museum)

Box 14 of 29

The Baltimore Museum of Art

Box 14 of 29

The Bermuda National Trust

Box 14 of 29

Lewis D. Blake, Jr.

Box 14 of 29

Boscobel Restoration, Inc.

Box 14 of 29

Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Box 14 of 29

Brookline Historical Society

Box 14 of 29

The Brooklyn Museum

Box 14 of 29

The Charleston Museum

Box 14 of 29

Colonial Williamsburg Found.

Box 14 of 29

Connecticut Historical Society

Box 14 of 29

Dr. Henry M. Drinker

Box 14 of 29

Maitland A. Edey

Box 14 of 29

Gibbes Art Gallery

Box 14 of 29

Fogg Art Museum - Harvard University

Box 14 of 29

Dr. Eugene Harvey

Box 14 of 29

Historic Deerfield, Inc.

Box 14 of 29

Historical Society of Perm.

Box 14 of 29

Mrs. Irving Levitt

Box 14 of 29

The Library of congress

Box 14 of 29

M/M Manney - c/o The Mediators

Box 14 of 29

Maryland Historical Society

Box 14 of 29

Massachusetts Historical Society

Box 14 of 29

McCord Museum, McGill University

Box 14 of 29

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Box 14 of 29

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Box 14 of 29

National Gallery of Art

Box 14 of 29

National Gallery of Ireland

Box 14 of 29

National Gallery of Jamaica

Box 14 of 29

Nat Museum of American Art

Box 14 of 29

New Orleans Museum of Art

Box 14 of 29

New-York Historical Society

Box 14 of 29


Box 14 of 29

Nova Scotia Museum

Box 14 of 29

Oliver Family

Box 14 of 29

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

Box 14 of 29

Pennsylvania State University Library

Box 14 of 29

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Box 14 of 29

Preservation Society of Newport County

Box 14 of 29

Public Record Office, London

Box 14 of 29

Box 15

Redwood Library and Atheneum

Box 15 of 29

Mr. and Mrs. David Schwartz

Box 15 of 29

Timken Art Gallery

Box 15 of 29

Victoria and Albert Museum

Box 15 of 29

Virginia Historical Society

Box 15 of 29

Hereward T. Watlington

Box 15 of 29

College of William and Mary

Box 15 of 29

Winterthur Museum, Inc.

Box 15 of 29

Worcester Art Museum

Box 15 of 29

Yale Center for British Art

Box 15 of 29

Yale University Art Gallery

Box 15 of 29

Art Institute of Chicago (Denied)

Box 15 of 29

The British Museum (Not in exhibition)

Box 15 of 29

Harvard School of Law Library (Denied)

Box 15 of 29

Hood Museum of Art - Dartmouth (Rejected)

Box 15 of 29

The Sherman Family (Rejected)

Box 15 of 29

The Saint Louis Art Museum (Rejected)

Box 15 of 29

Wadsworth Atheneum (Withdrawn)

Box 15 of 29


Court Portraiture in 16th Century Hapsburg, Spain

Box 15 of 29

Spanish Court Portraiture, William Jordan contract

Box 15 of 29

Spanish Court Portraiture, Funding/Budgets

Box 15 of 29

Spanish Court Portraiture, Exhibition Lists and Illustrations

Box 15 of 29

Spanish Court Portraiture, Smithsonian Quincentenary Programs

Box 15 of 29

The Prado

Box 15 of 29

Spain '92 Foundation

Box 15 of 29

Spanish Court Portraiture Catalogue

Box 15 of 29

National Portrait Gallery, London

Box 15 of 29

Unlabelled file of correspondence

Box 15 of 29

Unlabelled file of photographic images

Box 15 of 29

Blue SI/NPG folder with exhibition proposal materials

Box 15 of 29


White House Families - Labels

Box 15 of 29

Box 16

ON THE AIR: PIONEERS OF AMERICAN BROADCASTING; October 7, 1988 - January 2, 1989


Box 16 of 29

Label Manuscript

Box 16 of 29

Bio and Object Labels

Box 16 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29

Photo Orders

Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29

Video Equipment

Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29

Museum of Broadcasting

Box 16 of 29

Museum Shop

Box 16 of 29

Computer Printouts

Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29

Special Exhibitions Fund

Box 16 of 29

National Association of Broadcasters

Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29

General Research

Box 16 of 29

Edie Adams

Box 16 of 29

Allen, Herbert A.

Box 16 of 29

Edgar Bergen Foundation

Box 16 of 29

Mrs. Milton Berle

Box 16 of 29

Leonard Bernstein

Box 16 of 29

Boston Public Library - Photos Only

Box 16 of 29

Broadcast Pioneers Library

Box 16 of 29

Broadcast Pioneers Library - Photos

Box 16 of 29


Box 16 of 29

CBS - Photos

Box 16 of 29

Sid Caesar

Box 16 of 29

Chicago Historical Society

Box 16 of 29

Norman Corwin

Box 16 of 29

Country Music Hall of Fame

Box 16 of 29

Mr. John Charles Daly

Box 16 of 29

Thomas A. DeLong

Box 16 of 29

Box 17

Fred Flowerday

Box 17 of 29

Fortune Mag (G. W. Hill)

Box 17 of 29

Beverly Frick

Box 17 of 29

George J. Glastris

Box 17 of 29

Mark Goodson Productions

Box 17 of 29

Hamilton College

Box 17 of 29

Harvard Theatre Collection

Box 17 of 29

Bob Hope

Box 17 of 29

Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin

Box 17 of 29

Robert Hupka

Box 17 of 29

Rolf Kaltenborn - dropped

Box 17 of 29

Lee Lawrence

Box 17 of 29

Mrs. Alice Levin

Box 17 of 29

Liberace Museum

Box 17 of 29

Library of Congress

Box 17 of 29

Life Magazine - Photos Only

Box 17 of 29

Margo Feiden Gallery

Box 17 of 29

Marconi International Fellowship

Box 17 of 29

Henry Morgan

Box 17 of 29

Carleton E. Morse

Box 17 of 29

Museum of Science and Industry

Box 17 of 29

National Archives - Photos Only

Box 17 of 29

NBC - Photos Only

Box 17 of 29

National Museum of American History

Box 17 of 29


Box 17 of 29

William Palwey

Box 17 of 29

Opera News - Photos Only

Box 17 of 29

Bob Paquette

Box 17 of 29

RCA Photo Library - Photos Only

Box 17 of 29

Reginald Rose

Box 17 of 29

George Schaefer

Box 17 of 29

Society of Illustrators

Box 17 of 29

Antony Slide

Box 17 of 29

Mr. Bernard Smith

Box 17 of 29

Frank Stanton

Box 17 of 29

State Historical Society of Wisconsin

Box 17 of 29

Roy Stevens - Photos Only

Box 17 of 29

Sullivan Productions

Box 17 of 29

Tufts University

Box 17 of 29

University of California Los Angeles

Box 17 of 29

Rudy Valle Estate

Box 17 of 29

Walt Disney Archives - Photos Only

Box 17 of 29

Mr. Sylvester (Pat) Weaver

Box 17 of 29

Wesleyan University

Box 17 of 29

Williams College

Box 17 of 29

American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming - Drop

Box 17 of 29

Antique Wireless Association - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

Gene Autry - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

Bettman News Photos - Research Photos (no photos in file-returned)

Box 17 of 29

The Brown Derby - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

Cooper-Hewitt Museum - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

Hitchcock Estate - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

Hoover Presidential Library - dropped

Box 17 of 29

Mr. Robert Lesser - dropped

Box 17 of 29

Clayton Moore - drop

Box 17 of 29

Radio City Music Hall - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

RCA, David Sarnoff Research Center - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

Sardi's - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

Carol Serling

Box 17 of 29

Mrs. Sally Swing Shelley - Dropped

Box 17 of 29

World Wide Photos -Dropped

Box 17 of 29

Unused Images

Box 17 of 29


Box 17 of 29

Box 18

PORTRAITS OF THE AMERICAN LAW; October 13, 1989 - January 15, 1990


Box 18 of 29


Box 18 of 29


Box 18 of 29

Private Fund

Box 18 of 29


Box 18 of 29

Computer Printout

Box 18 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 18 of 29


Box 18 of 29

Wall Labels (2 folders)

Box 18 of 29

Label Manuscript

Box 18 of 29


Box 18 of 29


Box 18 of 29


Box 18 of 29

Photos not used

Box 18 of 29

Catalogue photo orders

Box 18 of 29

Catalogue Photo orders and permissions

Box 18 of 29

Mrs. Fritzi Abodi

Box 18 of 29

Mrs. Julia Davis Adams

Box 18 of 29

Arnold, Morris D.

Box 18 of 29

Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (John Marshall House)

Box 18 of 29

Association of the Bar of New York

Box 18 of 29

Boston Athenaeum

Box 18 of 29

Bostonian Society

Box 18 of 29

The Carnegie Museum of Art

Box 18 of 29

(Swemm Library) College of William and Mary

Box 18 of 29

Mrs. Richard H. Dana

Box 18 of 29

Mrs. Norris Darrell c/o Jonathan Churchill (her son)

Box 18 of 29

Department of Justice

Box 18 of 29

Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies Foundation, Inc.

Box 18 of 29

Mrs. Edward Elicofon

Box 18 of 29

Grenville T. Emmet

Box 18 of 29

Essex County Bar Association

Box 18 of 29

Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco

Box 18 of 29

Hamilton College

Box 18 of 29

Harvard Club

Box 18 of 29

Harvard Photos

Box 18 of 29

Harvard Law School

Box 18 of 29

Langston Hughes Memorial Library

Box 18 of 29

Jenkins Memorial Law Library Company

Box 18 of 29

Box 19

Library of Congress

Box 19 of 29

Maryland Historical Society

Box 19 of 29

Massachusetts Historical Society

Box 19 of 29

National Archives

Box 19 of 29

National Gallery

Box 19 of 29

National Portrait Gallery

Box 19 of 29

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Box 19 of 29

New York Law Institute

Box 19 of 29

New York Public Library

Box 19 of 29

New York State Historical Association

Box 19 of 29

New York University Law School

Box 19 of 29

Rhode Island Historical Society

Box 19 of 29

Rhode Island School of Design

Box 19 of 29

Social Law Library

Box 19 of 29

State Historical Society of Wisconsin

Box 19 of 29

Supreme Court of the United States

Box 19 of 29

Union League Club

Box 19 of 29

University of Michigan Law School

Box 19 of 29

Mrs. John H. Whitney

Box 19 of 29

Yale University Art Gallery

Box 19 of 29

Portrait of the Law lender sheets (don't use)

Box 19 of 29

Robert Miller Gallery - unlocated/dropped

Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29

Wall Labels Manuscript

Box 19 of 29



Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29

Japan Exhibit (June to December 1989)

Box 19 of 29


Resident Associate Program 25th Anniversary

Box 19 of 29


NPG London Photo Exhibit -1990 (General)

Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29


Box 19 of 29

Box 20


Box 20 of 29

Photographs and Transparencies

Box 20 of 29

Final Label Manuscripts

Box 20 of 29

Copy photographs

Box 20 of 29



Box 20 of 29


Box 20 of 29

Objects Received at NPG

Box 20 of 29

Framing, Matting, & Deinstallation Memos

Box 20 of 29


Box 20 of 29

Patricia O'Toole - Curator

Box 20 of 29


Box 20 of 29

Label Film Positives

Box 20 of 29


Box 20 of 29


Box 20 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 20 of 29

Computer Printout

Box 20 of 29


Box 20 of 29


Box 20 of 29

Adams National Historic Site

Box 20 of 29

American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters

Box 20 of 29

Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Box 20 of 29

Catholic University

Box 20 of 29

John Hay

Box 20 of 29

The John Hay Library, Brown University

Box 20 of 29

Houghton Library

Box 20 of 29

Huntington Library

Box 20 of 29

Ms. Faith Knapp/Ms. Viola Hopkins Winner

Box 20 of 29

Library of Congress

Box 20 of 29

Massachusetts Historical Society

Box 20 of 29

Box 21

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Box 21 of 29

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Box 21 of 29

National Museum of American Art

Box 21 of 29

National Museum of American History

Box 21 of 29

National Portrait Gallery

Box 21 of 29

H. H. Richardson III (Retained at NPG, Office of Exhibitions)

Box 21 of 29

Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site

Box 21 of 29

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Symington, Jr.

Box 21 of 29

U.S. Geological Survey

Box 21 of 29

The White House

Box 21 of 29

Mrs. John Hay Whitney

Box 21 of 29

Mr. Thomas Kressner - Not Lending

Box 21 of 29

Mr. Edward Chalfman - Not Lending

Box 21 of 29

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum - Not Lending

Box 21 of 29

Taft Museum - Withdrawn

Box 21 of 29

Research/Photographs Not Used

Box 21 of 29

Five of Hearts Labels

Box 21 of 29

Copy Photos to be Used in Exhibition

Box 21 of 29

Photo Labels

Box 21 of 29

In-House Photo Orders

Box 21 of 29


Box 21 of 29


Box 21 of 29


General and ASI

Box 21 of 29

Photography Loans

Box 21 of 29

In-House Photo Orders

Box 21 of 29


Box 21 of 29


Box 21 of 29

Photographs (2 folders)

Box 21 of 29

Box 22

OLD HICKORY: A LIFE SKETCH OF ANDREW JACKSON; November 9, 1990 - January 13, 1991


Box 22 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 22 of 29

Tennessee State Museum - Co-Sponsor

Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29

Rowland Productions - Jackson Documentary

Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29

Publicity Kit Photos

Box 22 of 29

Andrew Jackson Portrait Study

Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29


Box 22 of 29

Lender Files

American Antiquarian Society

Box 22 of 29

American Numismatic Society

Box 22 of 29

Baltimore City Life Museums, Peale Museum

Box 22 of 29

Mr. Norman Brand

Box 22 of 29

Cincinnati Art Museum

Box 22 of 29

Charleston, South Carolina, City Hall

Box 22 of 29

William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan

Box 22 of 29

N.Y. State Office of Parks, Recreation, & Historic Preservation: Clermont State Historic Site

Box 22 of 29

Columbia Museum of Art

Box 22 of 29

Corcoran Gallery of Art

Box 22 of 29

Cummer Gallery

Box 22 of 29

Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art

Box 22 of 29

The Grand Lodge Masonic Temple

Box 22 of 29

Gulf State Paper Corporation

Box 22 of 29

Historic Hudson Valley

Box 22 of 29

Historic New Orleans Collection

Box 22 of 29

Historic Society of Pennsylvania

Box 22 of 29

Ladies Hermitage Association

Box 22 of 29

Mrs. Blair Lee II

Box 22 of 29

Library Company of Philadelphia

Box 22 of 29

Library of Congress

Box 22 of 29

Louisiana State Museum

Box 22 of 29

Mead Art Museum

Box 22 of 29

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Box 22 of 29

Colonel Merl Moore

Box 22 of 29

Museum of the City of New York

Box 22 of 29

National Archives

Box 22 of 29

National Gallery of Art

Box 22 of 29

Box 23

National Museum of American Art

Box 23 of 29

National Museum of American History

Box 23 of 29

National Museum of the American Indian

Box 23 of 29


Box 23 of 29

Mr. and Mrs., Neal

Box 23 of 29

New York Public Library

Box 23 of 29

New-York, Historical Society

Box 23 of 29

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Box 23 of 29

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson P. Ravenscroft

Box 23 of 29

Redwood Library and Athenaeum

Box 23 of 29

Sedalia Public Library

Box 23 of 29

Tennessee State Library and Archives

Box 23 of 29

Tennessee State Museum

Box 23 of 29

Travelers Rest Historic House Museum, Inc.

Box 23 of 29

U.S. Naval Academy Museum

Box 23 of 29

White House

Box 23 of 29

Art Institute of Chicago - not lending

Box 23 of 29

Fogg Art Museum - not lending

Box 23 of 29

George Eastman House - not lending

Box 23 of 29

Yale University Art Museum - denied

Box 23 of 29

Old Andrew Jackson lender sheets - drafts

Box 23 of 29

Typeset Labels

Box 23 of 29

In-Hose Photo Orders

Box 23 of 29


Box 23 of 29

Photo Orders and Permission Requests

Box 23 of 29

Label Manuscript

Box 23 of 29

Box 24



Box 24 of 29

Computer Printout

Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29

Copy Photos

Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29

Steve Watson

Box 24 of 29

Objects Received

Box 24 of 29

Metropolitan - Traveling Exhibition

Box 24 of 29

In-House Photo Orders

Box 24 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29

Stein Word Portraits

Box 24 of 29

Albright-Knox Gallery

Box 24 of 29

Baltimore Museum of Art - Copy Photos Only

Box 24 of 29

Mr. Timothy Baum

Box 24 of 29

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Box 24 of 29

Columbia University, West Gallery

Box 24 of 29

Conover, Mr. Roger

Box 24 of 29

Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences

Box 24 of 29

Ford, Ms. Ruth

Box 24 of 29

J. Paul Getty Museum

Box 24 of 29

Graham, Mrs. Katharine

Box 24 of 29

Humanities Research Center, Harry Ransom

Box 24 of 29

International Museum of Photography

Box 24 of 29

Kettles Yard Gallery

Box 24 of 29

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Box 24 of 29

Museum of the City of New York

Box 24 of 29

Museum of Modern Art

Box 24 of 29

National Gallery of Art

Box 24 of 29

National Gallery of Victoria

Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29

Mr. Francis Naumann

Box 24 of 29

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

Box 24 of 29

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Box 24 of 29

Mrs. Jerome B. Rocherolle

Box 24 of 29

Sandor, Richard

Box 24 of 29

Mr. William Kelly Simpson

Box 24 of 29

Smith College Museum of Art

Box 24 of 29

University of Chicago Library

Box 24 of 29

University of Minnesota, Art Museum

Box 24 of 29

Yale University Art Museum

Box 24 of 29

Art Institute of Chicago - Denied

Box 24 of 29

Cleveland Museum of Art - Denied

Box 24 of 29

Gordon, Mrs. John D. - Drop

Box 24 of 29

Nasher, Mr. Raymond - Denied

Box 24 of 29

Houghton Library - Denied

Box 24 of 29

Man Ray Trust - Drop-Unlocated

Box 24 of 29

Nadelman, Mr. E. Jan - Dropped

Box 24 of 29

Menil Collection - Denied

Box 24 of 29

New York Public Library - Wrong

Box 24 of 29

Princeton University Art Museum - Withdrawn

Box 24 of 29

Baum and Simpson

Box 24 of 29

Mrs. Kathryn Steinberg - Denied

Box 24 of 29

Thyssen-Bornemisza, Baron - No

Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29


Box 24 of 29

Box 25

Research Photos

Box 25 of 29

Labels Typeset

Box 25 of 29

Final Label Manuscript

Box 25 of 29

RALPH EARL: THE FACE OF THE YOUNG REPUBLIC; November 1, 1991 - January 8, 1992 (Organized by the Wadsworth Atheneum)


Box 25 of 29


Box 25 of 29


Box 25 of 29

Checklist and Script

Box 25 of 29

Exhibition agreement & additional lender restrictions

Box 25 of 29


Box 25 of 29


Box 25 of 29


Box 25 of 29

Original Manuscript

Box 25 of 29

Typeset Labels

Box 25 of 29


Box 25 of 29


Presidential Scholars Exhibit - June 1991

Box 25 of 29

ERIC KNIGHT AND LASSIE; October 13, 1990 - January 27, 1991

Lassie Commemoration (General)

Box 25 of 29

Beinecke Library (Lassie)

Box 25 of 29

Mrs. Eric Knight

Box 25 of 29

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER CENTENNIAL; October 13, 1990 - March 31, 1991

Eisenhower's 100 Year Birth Celebration

Box 25 of 29

Box 26

AMERICAN PORTRAITURE IN THE GRAND MANNER: 1720-1920; March 19, 1982 - June 6, 1982 (Organized by Los Angeles County Museum of Art)


Box 26 of 29


Box 26 of 29

Insurance Changeover/certificates

Box 26 of 29


Box 26 of 29

Transportation fees etc.

Box 26 of 29

Billing Information

Box 26 of 29

Condition notes/problems

Box 26 of 29

Return Receipts

Box 26 of 29


Box 26 of 29

Typeset Labels

Box 26 of 29


Illustrations/Brochure/Copyright permissions

Box 26 of 29

Deinstallation file

Box 26 of 29


Box 26 of 29


Box 26 of 29

Manuscript and Typeset copy

Box 26 of 29


Box 26 of 29


Box 26 of 29

Lender Sheets

Box 26 of 29


Box 26 of 29

Script & Computer Printouts

Box 26 of 29

Atlas, Liane and Martin

Box 26 of 29

Baruch, Dr. Anne

Box 26 of 29

Bates, Barbara D.

Box 26 of 29

Bausenbach, Ardie and Love, Robert E.

Box 26 of 29

Dershowitz, Sheila and Michael

Box 26 of 29

Dingle, Mona E.

Box 26 of 29

Elliott, Gerry and Sally

Box 26 of 29

Epstein, Lionel C. and Elizabeth P.S.

Box 26 of 29

Ettner, Michael J.

Box 26 of 29

Fern, Alan

Box 26 of 29

Hamlett, Kenneth

Box 26 of 29

Haslem, Jane

Box 26 of 29

Horowitz, Alice and Herschel

Box 26 of 29

Kainen, Ruth and Jacob

Box 26 of 29

Lees, Joan

Box 26 of 29

Mateyka, Marsha and James

Box 26 of 29

Moser, Joan

Box 26 of 29

Pulin, Carol

Box 26 of 29

Robbins, Warren

Box 26 of 29

Robinson, Andrew

Box 26 of 29

Rose, Jean

Box 26 of 29

Schweitzer, Paul

Box 26 of 29

Smith, Joshua

Box 26 of 29

Stana Robert

Box 26 of 29

Thorington, Caroline

Box 26 of 29

Topper, Leonard

Box 26 of 29

Vanderryn, Jack

Box 26 of 29

Vogler, Donald

Box 26 of 29

Box 27

ARNOLD NEWMAN'S AMERICANS; April 15 - August 16, 1992

Arnold Newman (General)

Box 27 of 29


Box 27 of 29

Catalog Contract

Box 27 of 29


Box 27 of 29


Box 27 of 29


Box 27 of 29


Box 27 of 29

Poster and Postcards

Box 27 of 29


Box 27 of 29

Interview Transcripts (2 folders)

Box 27 of 29

Traveling Exhibition

Box 27 of 29

Tour-Outstanding Tours

Box 27 of 29

Original invoices for final payments

Box 27 of 29

Potential foreign tours (background information, venues)

Box 27 of 29

Traveling Exhibition (Columbus Museum, Columbus, Georgia)

Box 27 of 29

Traveling Exhibition (Detroit Institute of Arts)

Box 27 of 29

Traveling Exhibition (Greenville County Museum of Art)

Box 27 of 29

Traveling Exhibition (Lyndon B. Johnson Library)

Box 27 of 29

Traveling Exhibition (Worcester Art Museum)

Box 27 of 29

Box 28

DAGUILLARD COLLECTION; Proposed exhibition

Daguillard Collection

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard catalogue

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard Manuscript

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard SEF

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard Education

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard Traveling Exhibition

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard Script

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard Conservation

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard Loan Agreements

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard Catalogue Early Version

Box 28 of 29

Daguillard Photographs (3 folders)

Box 28 of 29



Box 28 of 29

Block Gallery, Northwestern University (Hammer S-P print: December 1995 - July 1996)

Box 28 of 29

Boston College, Museum of Art (Aaron Siskind: September - December 1994)

Box 28 of 29

DAR Museum (George Washington: January - October 31, 1994)

Box 28 of 29

The Dog Museum (Eric Knight/Lassie: October 1993 - January 1994)

Box 28 of 29

Federal Reserve Board (Rosenberg/deKooning: June - September 1994)

Box 28 of 29

Fine Arts Museum of the South (Glackens S-P: January - April 1993)

Box 28 of 29

Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center (LaFayette by Rush: September 1992 - October 1993)

Box 28 of 29

The Grolier Club (2 objects: May - August 1995)

Box 28 of 29

Box 29

David A. Hanks and Association (Peggy Bacon by Smith: December 1992 - September 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Harmon-Meek Gallery (2-objects: February - April 1995)

Box 29 of 29

Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania (Alice Neel S-P: September 1-November 15, 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Kunsthaus Zurich, Switzerland, et. al (Mary Cassatt by Degas: December 1994 - June 1995)

Box 29 of 29

Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale (3 Glackens paintings: January - July 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Museum of Modern Art, et al. (T. Roosevelt Family: September 1994 - January 1996)

Box 29 of 29

Nassau County Museum of Art (1 object: May - September 1995)

Box 29 of 29

National Gallery of Art (Thomas Moran palette - research use)

Box 29 of 29

National Museum of American Art (Eakins and sister: June - November 1995)

Box 29 of 29

National Museum of Women in the Arts (Mark Twain: June 1994 - February 1995)

Box 29 of 29

Prins Eugen's Waldemarsudde, Sweden (Mrs. Grover Cleveland: August 1994 - April 1995)

Box 29 of 29

Suntory/Starnet (23 objects/12 reproductions: February - May 1995)

Box 29 of 29

Thomas Jefferson University (6 paintings: mid-April - mid-August 1993)

Box 29 of 29

The Loomis Chaffee School, Windsor, Connecticut (D.C. French by Longman: March - July 1993)

Box 29 of 29

The Lyceum, Alexandria ("Mr. Wirt," "Mrs. Wirt," "Charles Lee" by Thompson: January - June 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Mississippi Museum of Art (Eudora Welty: December 1993 - March 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Nassau County Museum of Art (Agna Enters by Sloan: March - June 1994)

Box 29 of 29

National Portrait Gallery, London (Alice Neel S-P: October 1993 - February 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace (Nixon, JFK, Carter: June - September 1993)

Box 29 of 29

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma (George Catlin: November 1993 - March 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Palmer Museum of Art, Pennsylvania State University (Gershwin, Heyward: October 1993 - March 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Ronald Reagan Library (4 Reagan images: April - September. 1993)

Box 29 of 29

Susquehanna Art Museum (5 objects: March - July 1995)

Box 29 of 29

TIME, Inc. (Frank Sinatra by Bohrod: NPG.78.TC752)

Box 29 of 29

Virginia Historical Society (Adams: February - July 1993)

Box 29 of 29

Virginia Historical Society (G. C. Bingham S-P: July 1993 - June 1994

Box 29 of 29

Virginia Historical Society (Pocahontas painting & print: August 1994 - May 1995)

Box 29 of 29

Washburn Gallery, New York (2 E. deKooning: September - November 1994)

Box 29 of 29

West Point Museum (TIME/WWII Show: September 1994)

Box 29 of 29

Woodrow Wilson House, National Trust (Treaty of Versailles: November 1993 - May 1994)

Box 29 of 29


Yale University Art Gallery (John Trumbull by Waldo & Jewett: Returned 1996)

Box 29 of 29


RESTRICTED MATERIALS - Non-Circulating (32 folders)

Box 29 of 29