Reference Request
Finding Aids to Records of Professional Societies in the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Accession 98-155
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Office of Special Events
Records, 1975-1989
Collection Overview
General Information About This Collection | |
Repository: | Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at |
Creator: | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Office of Special Events |
Title: | Records |
Dates: | 1975-1989 |
Quantity: | 1.5 cu. ft. (1 record storage box) (1 document box) |
Collection: | Accession 98-155 |
Language of Materials: | English |
Summary: | These records document special events sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, including meetings, dinners and conferences. Materials include agendas, guest lists, papers presented at events, newspaper clippings, and some correspondence. Also included are published calendars of events produced by the Office of Special Events. |
Descriptive Entry
This accession consists of records that document special events sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, including meetings, dinners and conferences. Files include agendas, guest lists, papers presented at events, newspaper clippings, and some correspondence. Also included in these records are published calendars of events produced by the Office of Special Events.
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Accession 98-155, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Office of Special Events, Records
Container List
Box 1
Evening Dialogue Compilation, 1975
"What are the Long Term Implications of the New Direction in US-China Relations?," January 23, 1979
"What are the Ethical Implications of Test Tube Babies?," February 14, 1979
"The Soviet Union Today," April 3, 1979
"What is the Present & Future Importance of Islam in World Affairs?," May 14, 1979
"Long Term Global Prospects for Democracies in View of the Current Energy Situation," August 1, 1979
"Nicaragua & Central America: The Challenge for U.S. Policy," September 28, 1979
"An Unfinished Agenda: Disease Strategies for the 1980's," October 17, 1979
"The Future of Sino-Soviet Relations," December 4, 1979
"Can a Third World War be Permanently Prevented?," January 17, 1980
"The United States Constitution & Diplomacy" (Dean Rusk), January 21, 1980
"What is the Future of American Foreign Policy in the Light of the Crises in Iran & Afghanistan?" (George Ball), March 19, 1980
Evening Dialogue with Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa, March 29, 1980
"Prospects: Environment & Society in the 1980's," May 1, 1980
"Soviet-American Relations during the Past Year" (John Brademas), May 15, 1980
"Idiocide: The Fundamental Nature of Victimization," May 22, 1980
Evening for Raymond Aron, June 17, 1980
"American Foreign Policy & the Middle East," (Senator Henry Jackson), August 3, 1980
"Middle Income Countries in an International Economy Under Stress" (Economic Minister of Argentina), October 1, 1980
"Security in the Middle East and Persian Gulf Region in the 1980's," October 8, 1980
"Cyprien Katsaris Piano Concert," October 10, 1980
Fulbright Progam in the '80's," October 16 and 17, 1980
"Prospects for the Madrid Conference" (Kampelman), November 3, 1980
"Dilemmas in US-Korean Relations," November 19, 1980
Venezuela Conference (Brzezinski and Zambrano Velasco), November 20-22, 1980
Dinner with Mr. Harold Macmillan, November 25, 1980
"New Perspectives on Domestic Policy in the Nixon Administration," December 2, 1980
Dinner with Mario Vargas Llosa, December 8, 1980
Dinner with Bruno Bettelheim, February 5, 1981
Dinner in Honor of the Right Honorable James Callaghan, March 2, 1981
"The Federal Purse & the Rule of Law: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Spending Power" Conference on Constitutional Studies, March 12, 1981
"Making the All-Volunteer Force Work: A National Service Approach," March 19, 1981
"Relation between Environmental Conservation & Economic Development in Recent American History," May 7, 1981
"Entering the 80's: China in Crisis?" (MacFarquhar), May 14, 1981
Dinner in Honor of the 69th Meeting of the Bergedorfer Gespraechskreis, May 19, 1981
"What Limits Should National Security Place on East-West Trade? (Jake Garn), June 3, 1981
"Religion & the Process of Americanization: the Experience of the Twentieth Century," June 17, 1981
"The Influence of the News Media in the Pre-Convention Campaign," June 24, 1981
"Security in the Middle East & Gulf Region in the 1980's," September 9, 1981
"Discussion of Polish Economic Situation and Prospects," September 15, 1981
"What is the Future of American Philanthropy?," October 1, 1981
"The Waning of the State & the Rise of Self-Reliance in Europe," October 15, 1981
Evening Dialogue on India, with John B. Anderson, October 16, 1981
Tenth Anniversary Dinner in Commemoration of Hubert H. Humphrey, October 23, 1981
"The Changing Nature of the Israeli Political System" (Avineri), November 5, 1981
"US-Japan Relations," November 9, 1981
"The Future of Germany's Role in Europe" (Karl Kaiser), January 4, 1982
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His Impact on American Society & Politics" (James MacGregor Burns), January 28, 1982
Madrid Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Kampelman), April 6, 1982
The Teaching of Values in Modern Democratic Society (Atlantic Council), April 7, 1982
Dinner with the Right Honorable David Steel, April 15, 1982
Inner Asia: Problems and Prospects, April 21, 1982
"How Does Technology Transform Thought?," June 3, 1982
Evening with Senator Larry Pressler, July 21, 1982
"Does the US Strategic Force Need the MX?," February 28, 1983
Dinner Honoring Ambassador Max M. Kampelman, March 1, 1983
"Totalitarianism & Authoritarianism: A Workable Distinction?," Sidney Hook, March 8, 1983
"The Madisonian Legacy, Myths, Realities & Replicability," March 16, 1983
"Why Are Fundamentalist Positions Gaining Strength within Various Religious Traditions & with What Political Consequences?" (Orrin Hatch), April 21, 1983
"The American Presidency. What are the Specifications for the Job?," May 3, 1983
"Slavophiles & Westernizers: Siniavsky & Solzhenitsyn," May 6, 1983
Evening with Kenneth B. Clark, Brown v. Board of Education, May 5, 1983
"Using History for Policy Analysis & Public Management," June 8, 1983
"Special Role of Finland in the World," November 14, 1983
Dinner on the Occasion of Fifty Years of Diplomatic Relations between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, November 15, 1983
Dinner in Honor of North Atlantic Assembly, Subcommittee on the Successor Generation, November 17, 1983
"Recent International Developments in Iran: What are their Broader Implications?," November 22, 1983
"Soviet Muslim Intelligentsia," November 28, 1983
"How Can We Really Understand China Today?," December 16, 1983
"The Treaty of Paris in a Changing States System," January 26-27, 1984
"The Vietnam Syndrome," Peter Braestrup, January 31, 1984
Soviet Science and Technology Conference, February 24-25, 1984
"The Crisis in Central America," Michael Barnes, February 28,1984
Soviet Foreign Policy, United States Information Agency (USIA) and Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies (KIARS), Helmut Sonnenfeldt, March 2, 1984
Dinner Dialogue with former President Jimmy Carter, March 5, 1984
"China & the United States in World Affairs: Looking Ahead," March 22, 1984
"America & Western Europe: Analysis & Forecast," Michael Howard, March 27, 1984
Dinner in Honor of the US-Japan Advisory Commission, April 4, 1984
"Historical Perspectives on the Truman Presidency," Clark Clifford, May 4, 1984
Latin American Editors Conference, May 11 and 12, 1984
"The Oneida Community: What are its Lessons for Today?," May 24, 1984
Dinner for S. Dillon Ripley, June 12, 1984
"Prison Industries: One Way Out of the Correctional Quagmire?" (Warren Burger), June 18, 1984
Dinner with Nicolas Ardito Barletta, President Elect of Panama, July 26, 1984
"The Social & Political Implications of the Current Merger Movement," July 31, 1984
Harry S. Truman Centennial Symposium, September 7-8, 1984
"Impediments to Objective Reporting About Southern Africa: African & American Points of View" Conference, September 17-18, 1984
"Judicial Review of Administrative Agency Decisions: Can Judges Improve the Quality of Government Administration?" ("1984 Anglo-American Legal Exchange"), September 20, 1984
The Anglo-American Alliance Since 1945: The Transformation of a Wartime Partnership, Ditchley Foundation Conference, September 27-29, 1984
Dinner with Francois Furet, September 28, 1984
Conference on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the World Economy, October 18-19, 1984
Reception in Honor of Secretary of State the Honorable George P. Shultz, October 22, 1984
Dinner with the Chief Justice of the United States, The Honorable Warren E. Burger, October 23, 1984
Dinner Discussion with American and European Educators (Atlantic Council), November 13, 1984
"The Current Situation of the Church in the USSR," The Reverend Michael Bourdeaux, November 30, 1984
"Think Tanks & American Pluralism: The Career of the Nonpartisan Ideal in the American Political Order," December 17, 1984
Dinner with Walther Leisler Kiep, Treasurer of the German Christian Democratic Party, Tuesday, February 19, 1985
An Evening with the Secretary of Defense, the Honorable Caspar W. Weinburger, March 4, 1985
Dinner in Honor of the Delegation from the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, March 6, 1985
Ditchley Foundation, Conference III, Issues in the Third World: The End of Empire, North South Relations and World Stability, March 7-9, 1985
"Sh'ism in Modern Iranian Politics: Myth & Reality," May 1, 1985
An Evening with Saburo Okita, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Japan, May 9, 1985
Ditchley Foundation Conference V, May 16-17, 1985
"Preserving the Nation's Memory in an Electronic Age," May 23, 1985
Dinner with the Honorable William H. Luers, Ambassador of the US to Czechoslovakia, September 4, 1985
"The Human Condition, the Year 2000 & the United Nations (Special Focus: The World's Half Billion Disabled Persons)" (UN Secretary General de Cuellar), September 11, 1985
"The Contribution of Scottish Enlightenment Thought to the Formation of the American Constitution," September 11, 1985
Seminar on the Teaching of Values (Atlantic Council), September 5, 1985
"Eastern Europe: A Question of Identity," September 18, 1985
An Evening with Professor Michael Howard, September 23, 1985
"West German Ostpolitik & the Atlantic Alliance" Conference, September 30, 1985
"Is Philanthropy Necessary in a Just Society?," October 3, 1985
Concert, Cyprien Katsaris, October 30, 1985
Wilson Center 15th Anniversary Reception, November 5, 1985
Patrons' Dinner November 5, 1985
"War, Peace & the Catholic Moral Imagination: The American Moment," December 10, 1985
"The Civil Rights Movement & its Impact on American Society," Dr. Kenneth B. Clark, January 17, 1986
"The New Democracies in Latin America: Can They Survive?," Mario Vargas Llosa, January 23, 1986
"Is A Working International System Possible?," Brian Urquhart, February 17, 1986
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith Conference, "Democratic Freedom, Democratic Responsibility: The Delicate Balance Between Liberty & License," Sidney Hook, February 19-20, 1986
Conference "Religion & the History of American Intellectual Life," March 13-14, 1986
"Korea & America in the 1980's," March 31, 1986
Dinner with Franz Cardinal Koenig of Vienna, April 25, 1986
"The Environment in Eastern Europe: Problems & Policies," May 1 and 2, 1986
Evening Dialogue with Arthur Hartman, US Ambassador to USSR, May 20, 1986
East European Program "Long-term Planning & Analysis of Problems in the Field," May 21-22, 1986
"American Indians: Ancient Values in a Modern Context," June 24, 1986
"What are the Real Frontiers of Religious Inquiry?," June 26, 1986
"Yugoslavia: Federal vs. Regional Relationships" Conference, September 4-6, 1986
"The State & Social Investigation: an Historical Overview," Daniel Moynihan, September 10, 1986
Encyclopedia Britannica Award Dinner, Senator Moynihan, September 12, 1986
Conference on Soviet Cinema: Image Making and Social Impact, September 18-19, 1986
Conference on Overall History of Soviet-American Relations, September 22-23, 1986
Conference on the USSR and Marxist Revolutions, September 25-26, 1986
"US-Mexico Relations," November 12, 1986
Friends of the Kennan Institute, 10th Anniversary Dinner, November 13, 1986
Fulbright 40th Anniversary Conference, November 16-19, 1986
"Drugs in America: What Have We Learned from Old Battles? What Can We Do in Future Battles?," January 22, 1987
"Moral Purpose & American Foreign Policy" Conference, February 20-21,1987
An Evening with Edmund Morris, March 2, 1987
"British Influences in the Making of the American Constitution," Gerald Aylmer, March 30, 1987
An Evening with Anthony Kenny (Ireland), April 1, 1987
Conference "The Modernization of Inner Asia: Premodern Heritage," April 3-4, 1987
"The Role of the Humanities in Elementary & Secondary Education," Lynne V. Cheney, April 27, 1987
Conference "Portugal's Revolution into Democracy," Mario Scares, May 18-21, 1987
"American History: Black & White," May 21, 1987
"Sacred Objects: To Whom Do They Belong?," June 9, 1987
"What are the Lessons from the Civil Rights & Women's Movements for Expanding Participation of Person with Disabilities in American Society?," June 16, 1987
An Evening with James Laney, President, Emory University, July 2, 1987
"The Political Dimensions of Federalism Reform," July 14, 1987
Box 2
Farewell to Wilson Center Director, James H. Billington, October 5, 1987
"Chilean Conundrums," U.S. Ambassador to Chile, Harry G. Barnes, Jr., October 13, 1987
Dinner in Honor of the Participants of the International Conference on the Gorbachev Initiatives, (American Committee on U.S.-Soviet Relations), October 30, 1987
Collections and Culture: Museums and the Development of American Life and Thought, Conference, October 14, 1987
"A Psychological Uncovering of Evil: The Case of the Nazi Doctors," December 1,1987
"How Can Democracies Best Use Secret Intelligence?," December 3, 1987
"Turning Point: Japan & America: Redefining the Relationship," December 4, 1987
Evening Dialogue with Sergei Zalygin, Grigorii Baklanov and Mikhail Ulyanov, December 8, 1997
Italian Conference, Agnelli Foundation, February 1-4, 1988
"The European Court & Federalism: European Reflections of the American Experience," Chief Justice Warren Burger, April 13, 1988
"America's Airspace: Who Wins & Who Loses in Making it Safe?," April 15, 1988
"In Search of Central Europe: 20th Century Culture & Society in the Capital Cities," May 5, 1988
The American Academy of Diplomacy, June 21, 1988
"The Munich Pact After 50 Years: Reappraising Causes & Consequences," October 26, 1988
Conversation with Andrei Sakharov, November 14, 1988
State Department Dinner Honoring President George Bush, March 7, 1989
Workshop on Problems of Communication Between the Judicial and Legislative Branches (The Governance Institute), May 16, 1989
Indo-US Subcommission on Education and Culture Dinner, June 29, 1989
Evening Dialogue - Caribbean Series, September 15, 1989
Evening Dialogue - Leonore Tarr, September 21, 1989
Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies Annual Dinner, December 1, 1989
Calendar of Events, 1986-1989
Calendar of Events, 1976-1982
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