Reference Request
Finding Aids to Personal Papers and Special Collections in the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Record Unit 7292
Conger, Paul S. (Paul Sydney), 1897-1979
Paul S. Conger Papers, 1913-1979
Collection Overview
General Information About This Collection | |
Repository: | Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at |
Creator: | Conger, Paul S. (Paul Sydney), 1897-1979 |
Title: | Paul S. Conger Papers |
Dates: | 1913-1979 |
Quantity: | 5.5 cu. ft. (5 record storage boxes) (1 document box) |
Collection: | Record Unit 7292 |
Language of Materials: | English |
Summary: | These records consist of the correspondence of both Conger and Mann with botanists, diatomists, and other colleagues. The files were apparently begun by Mann, and then used and retained by Conger, who continued many of the same associations. Correspondence concerns specimens, identifications, laboratory administration, equipment, publications, research projects and summer work at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Dry Tortugas, Florida; Trout Lake, Wisconsin; and Solomons Island, Maryland. Also included are notes, annual and other reports, articles and papers, and the notes and manuscript of Conger's "Thomas Christian and the Diatomists of Richmond." |
Historical Note
Paul S. Conger (1897-1979) was a botanist who specialized in the study of diatoms, microscopic components of plankton. He was the protege of Albert Mann (1853-1935), diatomist of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW). Mann was employed by the CIW but maintained his office and laboratory at the United States National Museum (USNM) where he also held the title of honorary custodian of diatoms, 1913-1935. In 1922 Conger joined the staff of the Carnegie Institution and worked as Mann's assistant in the lab at the USNM. After Mann's death, Conger retained his affiliation with the CIW, serving as research associate, 1935-1943. Concurrently he was named honorary custodian of diatoms at the USNM, 1935-1943; then associate curator, 1944-1966; and botanist emeritus of cryptogams, 1967-1979.
This finding aid was digitized with funds generously provided by the Smithsonian Institution Women's Committee.
Descriptive Entry
These records consist of the correspondence of both Conger and Mann with botanists, diatomists, and other colleagues. The files were apparently begun by Mann, and then used and retained by Conger, who continued many of the same associations. Correspondence concerns specimens, identifications, laboratory administration, equipment, publications, research projects and summer work at Woods Hole; Dry Tortugas, Florida; Trout Lake, Wisconsin; and Solomons Island, Maryland. Also included are notes, annual and other reports, articles and papers, and the notes and manuscript of Conger's "Thomas Christian and the Diatomists of Richmond."
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Christian, Thomas, d. 1914
- Conger, Paul S. (Paul Sydney), 1897-1979
- Mann, Albert, 1853-1935
- United States National Museum. Division of Cryptogams
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 7292, Paul S. Conger Papers
Container List
Series 1
Folder 1 Charles Greeley Abbot, 1926-1928, 1932, 1936-1939, 1941-1944.
Folder 2 Isabella Abbott, 1945, 1950, 1954.
Folders 3-4 Frederick Adams, 1925-1938, and undated.
Folder 5 Albatross II, 1950. Includes maps and log of stations and collecting locations.
Folder 6 E. T. Allen, 1928-1930, 1933.
Folder 7 W. E. Allen, 1920-1926, 1930, 1935, 1945. Includes copy of Allen's paper, "Ocean Pasturage."
Folder 8 American Diatomite Company, 1936-1940.
Folder 9 American Diatomes, Inc., 1962.
Folder 10 American Journal of Science, 1939.
Folder 11 American Microscopical Society, 1944, 1948-1950, 1962-1964, 1967.
Folder 12 Adeline Ames, 1921, 1923.
Folder 13 R. M. Anderson, 1926. See also Canadian Arctic Expedition.
Folder 14 Richard R. Armacost, 1951-1952, 1955-1957.
Folder 15 Australasian Antarctic Expedition (1911-1914), 1921, 1923, 1928-1935.
Folder 16 A
Folder 17 John Wendall Bailey, 1938-1939, 1946.
Folder 18 Loring W. Bailey, 1916. Includes drawings of specimens.
Folder 19 Alexander D. Bajkov, 1945-1946, 1948, 1953, 1955. Includes photograph of Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Folder 20 Herbert B. Baldwin, 1921-1922, 1927, 1933.
Folder 21 Stanley C. Ball, 1924-1925.
Folder 22 William Barnum, 1922-1924. Includes article by Dr. Mann.
Folder 23 James R. Bartholomew, 1936-1938, 1941-1942.
Folder 24 H. H. Bartlett, 1945-1946, 1948.
Folder 25 Paul Bartsch, 1923, 1934.
Folder 26 Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, 1920, 1922, 1926-1927.
Folder 27 William Beebe, 1924-1925.
Folder 28 Jesse Benjamin, 1936-1937.
Folder 29 Edward Willard Berry, 1915-1916, 1920, 1927-1928.
Folder 30 Henry B. Bigelow, 1921-1922, 1924, 1928-1929.
Folder 31 Biological Abstracts, 1927-1932, 1937-1938. Includes abstracts written by Conger and Mann.
Folder 32 Biological Photographic Association, 1941.
Folder 33 Sarah E. Bissell, 1938.
Folder 34 Richard E. Blackwelder, 1977. Includes reminisces of Waldo LaSalle Schmitt written by Mr. and Mrs. Conger.
Folder 35 Albert F. Blakeslee, 1938.
Folder 36 Oliver Francis Blankingship, 1946-1953. Correspondence concerns Conger's research on the Richmond diatomists.
Folder 37 Brian P. Boden, 1946, 1949.
Folder 38 Harold C. Bold, 1935-1940, 1942, 1945-1948, 1953, 1957, 1966. Includes drawings of diatoms.
Folder 39 Botany Department, 1961, 1966.
Folder 40 Charles S. Boyer, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1925.
Folder 41 Charles M. Breder, 1930.
Folder 42 Max F. Britton, 1943, 1946-1948.
Folder 43 Elizabeth D. Wuist Brown, 1915, 1917, 1919.
Folder 44 Russell G. Brown, 1962.
Folder 45 Herbert S. Bryant, 1923, 1925, 1935-1936, 1941-1942, 1945, 1947.
Folder 46 Charles Bullard, 1914-1917.
Folder 47 Frank F. Bunker, 1926, 1929-1932, 1937-1938.
Folder 48 Joseph F. Burke, 1933, 1940-1942, 1945-1947, 1955, 1966, 1977-1978.
Folder 49 Paul R. Burkholder, 1929, 1959, 1963, 1965.
Folder 50 George J. Burton, 1964.
Folder 51 Vannevar Bush, 1939-1944.
Folder 52 Robert F. Buxbaum, 1971.
Folder 53 Babinton - Block
Folder 54 Boehmer - Butterfield
Folder 55 Ernesto Caballero, 1925-1927, 1930.
Folder 56 Philip P. Calvert, 1915-1916.
Folder 57 Robert Calvert, 1925, 1928-1930.
Folder 58 Canadian Arctic Expedition (1913-1918), 1920-1922, 1924-1925. Correspondence concerns the diatoms collected and identified by Dr. Mann. See also R. M. Anderson.
Folder 59 Carnegie, seventh Cruise Program.
Folder 60 Nellie Carter, 1923.
Folder 61 Louise F. Catterall, 1947, 1949-1952. Correspondence concerns Richmond diatomists.
Folder 62 T. M. Caven, 1937.
Folder 63 Celite Products, 1920-1929. Correspondence is with A. B. Cummings and concerns identifications of the Lompoc diatoms.
Folder 64 Sydney Chaffers, 1927-1928, 1930, 1939-1940
Folder 65 F. Cheneviere, 1932-1935, 1939.
Folder 66 Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, 1940-1941. See also R. V. Truitt.
Folder 67 Bruce L. Clark, 1915, 1921-1922.
Folder 68 William J. Clarke, 1957.
Folder 69 John N. Cobb, 1916, 1921-1926.
Folder 70 N. A. Cobb, 1926-1928.
Box 2
Folder 1 George F. Coleman and E. D. Foster, 1938-1939, 1943.
Folder 2 Gary B. Collins, 1971.
Folder 3 Committee on Agriculture, 1927, 1929-1934
Folder 4 Paul S. Conger, 1923-1933, 1946, 1951-1952, 1965. Correspondence is primarily directed to Dr. Mann and written during summers Conger spent in field work.
Folder 5 William Bridge Cooke, 1955, 1957.
Folder 6 I. C. G. Cooper, 1947-1948, 1955-1957.
Folder 7 L. Bentley Copeland, 1923.
Folder 8 Julian D. Corrington, 1939, 1941.
Folder 9 R. P. Cowles, 1927.
Folder 10 W. C. Crandall, 1921, 1923.
Folder 11 L. S. Cressman, 1939-1942.
Folder 12 Hannah Croasdale, 1947-1948, 1960-1961, 1969.
Folder 13 L. Eugene Cronin, 1955, 1961.
Folder 14 Arthur B. Cummings, 1937, 1939-1940, 1951, 1976. See also Johns-Manville Corporation.
Folder 15 Bert Cunningham, 1925-1929.
Folder 16 Easter Ellen Cupp, 1931-1932, 1943.
Folder 17 Herbert Curl, Jr., 1955, 1957.
Folder 18 Joseph A. Cushman, 1921, 1927.
Folder 19 C
Folder 20 William H. Dall, 1923-1924.
Folder 21 Rezneat M. Darnell, 1954.
Folder 22 N. H. Darton, 1924, 1927-1929.
Folder 23 Charles C. Davis, 1950.
Folder 24 Donald W. Davis, 1940-1941.
Folder 25 George M. Davis, 1959.
Folder 26 W. M. Davis, 1929.
Folder 27 E. Yale Dawson, 1952.
Folder 28 Elwood Decker, 1949.
Folder 29 Max W. deLaubenfels, 1929, 1931, 1933-1938, 1946-1947.
Folder 30 M. Demerec, 1939.
Folder 31 Ganson Depew, 1922-1931.
Folder 32 T. V. Desikachary, 1953, 1976.
Folder 33 Helmut de Terra, 1936-1937, 1939, 1946.
Folder 34 Roy F. Dickerson, 1925-1926.
Folder 35 John D. Dodd, 1978.
Folder 36 Maxwell S. Doty, 1955-1957.
Folder 37 Ryan W. Drum, 1968. Includes photograph of diatom.
Folder 38 Frank W. Dunning, 1928, 1932, 1934, 1936.
Folder 39 E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, 1927, 1948-1949.
Folder 40 D
Folder 41 V. L. Eardley-Wilmot, 1931-1935.
Folder 42 Ecology, 1920-1921.
Folder 43 Robert K. Edgar, 1974.
Folder 44 Vinal N. Edwards, 1918.
Folder 45 Clarence J. Elmore, 1937-1939.
Folder 46 John R. Ellsington, 1930-1931.
Folder 47 Harold C. Ernst, 1920.
Folder 48 Barton Warren Evermann, 1920-1921, 1925-1926, 1931. Correspondence concerns the Albatross collection and the California Academy of Sciences expedition to the Revillegigedos Islands, 1925.
Folder 49 E
Folder 50 Maria A. Faust, 1977.
Folder 51 William A. Firth, 1922-1923.
Folder 52 Charles J. Fish, 1923-1924, 1929.
Folder 53 Walter K. Fisher, 1922-1923.
Folder 54 John A. Fleming, 1927-1931, 1934, 1937. Fleming was assistant director and general secretary of the Carnegie Institution. Correspondence also concerns the National Research Council.
Folder 55 Colonel William D. Fleming, 1940, 1943, 1945-1946, 1948, 1952, 1955, 1963, 1966, 1972-1973, 1978.
Folder 56 Edwin Brown Fred, 1932, 1937-1939, 1951, 1975-1979.
Folder 57 F. E. Fritch, 1916, 1919-1921, 1924, 1926.
Folder 58 Willard F. Frith, 1920.
Folder 59 Robert L. Frock, 1976.
Folder 60 Henry C. Froehling, 1946-1947, 1949, 1954. Correspondence concerns Richmond diatomists.
Folder 61 Theodore C. Frye, 1916, 1921.
Folder 62 Greta A. Fryxell, 1970-1973. Correspondence includes check-list of diatoms from the Gulf of Mexico.
Folder 63 Dingley P. Fuge, 1926, 1929-1930.
Folder 64 F
Folder 65 Paul S. Galtsoff, 1922, 1926, 1933, 1936, 1943, 1950-1953.
Folder 66 N. Gist Gee, 1919-1920. Includes list of diatoms of China.
Folder 67 Samuel W. Geiser, 1920, 1943.
Folder 68 General Electric Review, 1927.
Folder 69 Walter M. Gilbert, 1920-1923, 1925-1944.
Folder 70 Robert A. Goffin, 1919-1921, 1926.
Folder 71 Donald P. Gordon, 1941, 1946.
Folder 72 John F. Graf, 1935-1936, 1938, 1947-1948.
Folder 73 Joseph W. Grant, 1923, 1938.
Folder 74 Philip O. Gravelle, 1918, 1931-1934, 1937, 1940-1947, 1951. Correspondence concerns photomicrography.
Folder 75 N. M. Grier, 1924-1925.
Folder 76 Robert F. Griggs, 1930-1931.
Folder 77 Herman Gunter, 1923, 1934, 1938, 1940.
Folder 78 G
Folder 79 Robert Hagelstein, 1916-1918, 1922-1923, 1926, 1931-1935, 1939, 1943-1945. Correspondence concerns the New York Microscopical Society.
Folder 80 U. Theodore Hammer, 1961.
Folder 81 D. H. Hamly, 1941.
Folder 82 J. Haden Hankins, 1950-1963.
Box 3
Folder 1 G. Dallas Hanna, 1916, 1921-1935, 1962, 1966-1970.
Folder 2 Everett W. Harris, 1938-1940, 1943, 1946, 1950-1959, 1963, 1979.
Folder 3 Jennie F. Harris, 1953-1956.
Folder 4 Grethe R. Hasle, 1970, 1977.
Folder 5 Arthur D. Hasler, 1936, 1945, 1949, 1950.
Folder 6 N. Ingram Hendey, 1932, 1942, 1946-1947, 1952-1953, 1958-1959, 1963-1966, 1974, 1976.
Folder 7 Frank L. Hess, 1928, 1936-1941, 1947.
Folder 8 Allan Hirsch, 1955-1958.
Folder 9 Fletcher Hodges, 1948-1949, 1954.
Folder 10 Matthew H. Hohn, 1949-1950.
Folder 11 Aubrey E. Hopkins, 1938, 1941, 1948.
Folder 12 Edgar B. Howard, 1935-1940.
Folder 13 Stephen Hubbard, 1978.
Folder 14 Harold J. Humm, 1942, 1946-1951, 1962.
Folder 15 Clarence J. Hylander, 1921-1922.
Folder 16 H
Folder 17 H. D. Isenberg, 1959.
Folder 18 I
Folder 19 C. A. Jacobson, 1922, 1936-1941.
Folder 20 William M. James, 1926.
Folder 21 R. E. Johannes, 1963.
Folder 22 Johns-Manville Corporation, 1929, 1933-1944, 1946-1948, 1951-1957, 1976. See also Arthur B. Cummings.
Folder 23 Duncan S. Johnson, 1917, 1923.
Folder 24 E. R. Fenimore Johnson, 1949.
Folder 25 Frederick Johnson, 1946-1949.
Folder 26 E. Lester Jones, 1922-1923.
Folder 27 Overton Jones, 1948-1949.
Folder 28 David Starr Jordan, 1919-1922. Correspondence concerns the Lompoc diatoms.
Folder 29 Chancey Juday, 1915-1916, 1918-1919, 1925-1926, 1929, 1932, 1935-1943. Correspondence with Dr. Mann concerns Alaska diatoms. Correspondence with Conger deals with summer work at Trout Lake, Wisconsin.
Folder 30 J
Folder 31 Joseph Keele, 1918.
Folder 32 David Fulmer Keely, 1929.
Folder 33 William S. W. Kew, 1921, 1923-1925.
Folder 34 Ellsworth Paine Killip, 1946, 1948-1950.
Folder 35 F. M. Kindle, 1915-1916, 1926, 1930.
Folder 36 Henry T. Kober, 1938.
Folder 37 Charles A. Kofoid, 1915-1916, 1920-1922.
Folder 38 Georg Krasske, 1928.
Folder 39 Paul Kuehne, 1947.
Folder 40 K
Folder 41 James B. Lackey, 1940-1943, 1958-1963, 1966.
Folder 42 Marshall Laird, 1954, 1957, 1959-1964, 1968. Includes correspondence of Gerald W. Prescott.
Folder 43 L. J. Laporte, 1926-1928, 1935-1936.
Folder 44 Vida A. Latham, 1916-1917, 1919-1920, 1925, 1927, 1931, 1935, 1940-1950, 1953-1956.
Folder 45 E. Leonard, 1915-1927.
Folder 46 Barbara Lepsch, 1971-1972.
Folder 47 Ralph A. Lewin, 1952-1960, 1966-1968. Includes photographs of diatoms.
Folder 48 Chia-Wei Li, 1977-1978. Includes photographs of diatoms.
Folder 49 Limnological Society of America, 1936-1942.
Folder 50 Robert A. Littleford, 1934-1939.
Folder 51 Liverpool Microscopical Society, 1921, 1924, 1928.
Folder 52 George A. Llano, 1966.
Folder 53 Kenneth E. Loman, 1923, 1926.
Folder 54 John A. Long, 1918, 1925, 1928.
Folder 55 W. H. Longley, 1926-1934.
Folder 56 Sydney H. Loram, 1921-1926.
Folder 57 Balduin Lucke, 1938, 1940.
Folder 58 L
Folder 59 W. T. MacClement, 1915-1917.
Folder 60 Charles W. Macfarlane, Jr., 1947-1949.
Folder 61 A. H. MacKay, 1922.
Folder 62 Maryland Association of Biology Teachers, 1975.
Folder 63 F. A. McDermott, 1929, 1931.
Folder 64 Samson McDowell, Jr., 1952-1954, 1957
Folder 65 A. McEwen, 1933.
Folder 66 J. L. McHugh, 1954
Folder 67 Alice M. Mainland, 1930, 1932, 1936-1940, 1946-1947.
Folder 68 Albert Mann, 1922-1923, 1926, 1928-1929, 1934, 1936. Includes biographical data on Dr. Mann
Folder 69 Jennie F. Mann, 1935-1936, 1943-1944. Correspondence is with Paul S. Conger after Dr. Mann's death and concerns disposition of his diatom collection and other items.
Folder 70 Valerie S. Marlor, 1952-1954, 1956-1959, 1961-1962, 1970.
Folder 71 Maryland Natural History Society, 1938, 1946-1947
Folder 72 Sir Douglas Mawson, 1958-1960
Folder 73 Alfred G. Mayor, 1919, 1921.
Folder 74 John C. Merriam, 1920-1937. Correspondence concerns salaries and other Carnegie administrative matters.
Folder 75 Walter R. Meyer, 1939-1944, 1955.
Folder 76 Howard A. Meyerhoff, 1950-1951.
Folder 77 William I. Miller, III, 1977, 1979.
Folder 78 F. W. Mills, 1927, 1934.
Folder 79 Sarah P. Monks, 1920.
Box 4
Folder 1 M
Folder 2 H. F. Moore, 1918, 1920-1921, 1923.
Folder 3 George W. Morey, 1935.
Folder 4 A. Morley-Jones, 1952.
Folder 5 Dorothy Clum Morse, 1943-1947.
Folder 6 O. S. Morton, 1916-1918.
Folder 7 W. C. Muenscher, 1928, 1930, 1948, 1951.
Folder 8 F. C. Muller-Melchers, 1944-1948, 1952, 1957. Includes drawings of diatoms.
Folder 9 W. Faitoute Munn, 1960.
Folder 10 Arthur Nash, 1933-1934.
Folder 11 Carroll B. Nash, 1939-1940.
Folder 12 George H. Needham, 1928, 1935-1946, 1958-1960.
Folder 13 Annie Norrington, 1925, 1927.
Folder 14 N
Folder 15 Charles H. O'Donoghue, 1921, 1924-1925, 1927.
Folder 16 Paul H. Oehser, 1953-1959, 1962-1964.
Folder 17 Margaret Oldenburg, 1949, 1953.
Folder 18 Owyhee Processing Company, 1939.
Folder 19 O
Folder 20 T. B. B. Paddock, 1971-1974.
Folder 21 T. Chalkey Palmer, 1916.
Folder 22 C. C. Palmiter, 1953-1954.
Folder 23 Ruth Patrick, 1931-1950, 1961, 1964.
Folder 24 F. W. Payne, 1921-1923.
Folder 25 Florence S. Peple, 1948.
Folder 26 Earle B. Perkins, 1937-1942.
Folder 27 Notes on Charles Lewis Peticolas, 1915-1916. Includes notes for Richmond diatomists.
Folder 28 Lyman D. Phifer, 1936-1937.
Folder 29 E. Lowe Pierce, 1950.
Folder 30 John Politis, 1959-1960.
Folder 31 Pomeroy and Fischer, Inc., 1923-1925.
Folder 32 Herbert Potter, 1922-1923.
Folder 33 W. A. Poyser, 1919, 1922-1923.
Folder 34 Gerald W. Prescott, 1936-1938, 1941, 1946-1950, 1952, 1959, 1965, 1969-1976.
Folder 35 P
Folder 36 Queket Microscopical Club, 1963.
Folder 37 Q
Folder 38 J. J. Ragatz, 1937-1938, 1947-1948.
Folder 39 John Ramsbottom, 1930-1932.
Folder 40 Richard Rathbun, 1915-1917.
Folder 41 Fred S. C. Reed, 1939-1960, 1977-1979.
Folder 42 Willis H. Rich, 1924-1925, 1927.
Folder 43 Theodore R. Rice, 1948.
Folder 44 George B. Rigg, 1920-1921.
Folder 45 S. Dillon Ripley, 1965-1977.
Folder 46 Henry Ritter, 1927.
Folder 47 Albert Robinson, Jr., 1950-1953.
Folder 48 William A. Robinson, 1929-1933.
Folder 49 David J. Rogers, 1962.
Folder 50 Joseph Nelson Rose, 1915-1916, 1923.
Folder 51 Robert Ross, 1948-1949, 1963, 1969, 1971.
Folder 52 Royal Microscopical Society, 1925, 1928.
Folder 53 John F. Rush, 1939-1942.
Folder 54 R
Folder 55 Sayed El Sayed, 1971-1972. See also Greta Fryxell.
Folder 56 Waldo LaSalle Schmitt, 1926, 1936-1938, 1943-1950, 1965.
Folder 57 Science, 1962.
Folder 58 Scientific American, 1929.
Folder 59 Hans-Joachim Schrader, 1960-1961.
Folder 60 Henry A. Schuill, 1926-1928.
Folder 61 William Seifriz, 1928, 1932, 1948.
Folder 62 Jack A. Seilheimer, 1960-1961.
Folder 63 Irving L. Shaw, 1915-1916, 1920, 1938-1947.
Folder 64 Ralph F. Shropshire, 1930-1932, 1950, 1963.
Folder 65 P. C. Silva, 1958-1959.
Folder 66 B. W. Skvortzov, 1926, 1930, 1936, 1938, 1941, 1965.
Folder 67 James Small, 1945, 1948-1949.
Folder 68 George Otis Smith, 1914-1915, 1928.
Folder 69 Hugh M. Smith, 1916-1921, 1925-1926.
Folder 70 Allan A. Sollers, 1933-1934, 1937, 1948.
Folder 71 H. E. Sovereign, 1932-1937, 1940-1941, 1945, 1947, 1954-1955, 1963.
Folder 72 Spencer Lens Company, 1920-1925.
Folder 73 Arthur C. Statter, 1951-1952, 1958, 1977.
Folder 74 Janet R. Stein, 1976-1977.
Folder 75 George L. Streeter, 1931, 1935-1938.
Folder 76 Raymond G. Stross, 1953-1954.
Folder 77 Emery F. Swan, 1950.
Folder 78 R. Subrahmanyan, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1957.
Folder 79 Sampath Kumarah - Six
Folder 80 Smart - Swenson
Folder 81 Stephen Taber, 1949-1950.
Folder 82 Clarence E. Taft, 1939, 1961, 1972.
Folder 83 N. P. Tapp, 1928.
Folder 84 Herbert Taube, 1929-1931.
Folder 85 Fred B. Taylor, 1921, 1925-1930.
Folder 86 Kate James Christian Taylor, 1946-1950. Correspondence concerns Thomas Christian, one of the Richmond diatomists.
Box 5
Folder 1 William R. Taylor, 1920, 1925-1933.
Folder 2 Lana Tester, 1974.
Folder 3 Arthur H. Thomas Company, 1920, 1930, 1934, 1965.
Folder 4 W. H. Thomas, 1920-1924.
Folder 5 Edward Herbert Thompson, 1934.
Folder 6 Gerald Thorne, 1934-1937, 1940, 1946, 1960.
Folder 7 Lewis Hanford Tiffany, 1929-1930, 1948.
Folder 8 Josephine E. Tilden, 1921, 1923, 1931.
Folder 9 Clayton Torrence, 1951.
Folder 10 Robert D. Trask, 1927.
Folder 11 Webster Prentiss True, 1940, 1944, 1949-1950.
Folders 12-13 R. V. Truitt, 1920, 1930-1979. Correspondence concerns summer work at Solomon's Island. Also includes 1947 correspondence with Mrs. Truitt.
Folder 14 W. H. Twenhofel, 1938-1942.
Folder 15 T
Folder 16 United States Geological Survey, 1920-1927.
Folder 17 U
Folder 18 Sam L. VanLandingham, 1961, 1966, 1970.
Folder 19 T. Wayland Vaughn, 1920-1930. Includes graphs showing subsurface distribution of diatoms in the La Jolla, California, area.
Folder 20 E. A. Varela, 1920, 1923, 1931-1933, 1936, 1940.
Folder 21 V
Folder 22 Charles Doolittle Walcott, 1913, 1915-1916, 1919-1920, 1924-1926
Folder 23 Leonard Waldo, 1925.
Folder 24 David H. Wallace, 1938-1940.
Folder 25 M. Leeson Walsh, 1938-1949, 1951.
Folder 26 J. M. Watson, 1946-1947.
Folder 27 Morris M. Watt, 1929-1938.
Folder 28 J. L. Wellington, 1940, 1942.
Folder 29 Marie S. West, 1947, 1956.
Folder 30 Sadie R. West, 1948.
Folder 31 Alexander Wetmore, 1926, 1930, 1935, 1938-1939, 1941, 1944-1950.
Folder 32 H. C. Wheeler, 1921-1922, 1924-1926.
Folder 33 David White, 1914-1915, 1917, 1920-1925, 1929-1932.
Folder 34 Louis G. Williams, 1960, 1965-1966.
Folder 35 Elizabeth G. Wilmer, 1937-1940, 1946.
Folder 36 Ray W. Wilson, 1921.
Folder 37 J. L. Wirt, 1921-1924, 1929-1932
Folder 38 James J. Wolfe, 1913-1916.
Folder 39 Philip W. Wolle, 1920, 1927, 1934, 1939, 1946-1969.
Folder 40 R. S. Woodward, 1920.
Folder 41 Frank Wright, 1952, 1956, 1958.
Folder 42 Paul D. Wright, 1928-1929.
Folder 43 Oswald Weigel, 1928, 1931-1933.
Folder 44 Western Printing and Lithographing Company, 1962-1963.
Folder 45 John B. Woodward, 1934.
Folder 46 W
Folder 47 John P. Young, 1926, 1929, 1931-1932, 1935.
Folder 48 Y
Folder 49 Z
Series 2
"THOMAS CHRISTIAN AND THE DIATOMISTS OF RICHMOND."This series consists of the notes and unpublished manuscript of "Thomas Christian and the Diatomists of Richmond" written by Conger in 1950. The manuscript concerns the members of the Richmond Microscopical Society and their study of Richmond diatoms in the 1880s and 1890s. See also series 1 for Conger's correspondence with Kate James Christian Taylor, Henry C. Froehling, Oliver Francis Blankingship, Florence Peple, Louise J. Catterall, Vida A. Latham, Charles W. MacFarlane, Ruth Patrick, J. Haden Hankins, and Charles Lewis Peticolas.
Box 5
Folder 50 Notes on Thomas Christian.
Folder 51 Quotations regarding Thomas Christian.
Folder 52 "History of Microscopy in Virginia."
Folder 53 Eighth Street Tunnel.
Folder 54 Notes and clippings.
Folder 55 Church Street Tunnel.
Folder 56 Bibliography.
Folder 57 Revised manuscript.
Series 3
Folder 58 "Present Status of Diatom Studies in the Gulf of Mexico," by Paul S. Conger, 1954.
Folder 59 "Ecological Significance of Form in the Diatoms," by Paul S. Conger, undated.
Folder 60 "Lesson of the Diatoms," by Paul S. Conger, 1957.
Folder 61 "A Decade of advance in our knowledge of diatoms, and the use of them in elementary biology courses," by Paul S. Conger, undated.
Folder 62 "Diatom Research," by Albert Mann, undated.
Folder 63 "Improved Method for Blocking out undesirable Backgrounds in Photographs," by Albert Mann, undated.
Folder 64 "Water Immersion Objectives," by Albert Mann, 1922.
Series 4
Folder 65 Albert Mann: notes on diatoms.
Folder 66 Paul S. Conger: notes.
Folder 67 Paul S. Conger: Algology course notes.
Folder 68 Paul S. Conger: position description and biographical note.
Folder 69 Paul S. Conger: financial statements.
Folder 70 Paul S. Conger: notes and lists of lab supplies; budgets for supplies.
Folder 71 Summer expense accounts.
Folder 72 Book list.
Box 6
Folders 1-4 Annual reports, Section of Diatoms, USNM, 1946-1977. Incomplete.
Folder 5 Quarterly reports, Section of Diatoms, USNM, 1945-1957. Incomplete.
Folder 6 Research Program reports, Division of Cryptogams, 1948-1962. Incomplete.
Folder 7 Progress report, Carnegie Institution, 1917-1918.
Folder 8 Annual reports, Carnegie Institution, 1919-1944.
Folder 9 Annual reports, Carnegie Marine Laboratory, Dry Tortugas, Florida, 1925-1929, 1937-1939.
Folder 10 Reports on Diatom Investigations at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 1924, 1928-1930.
Folder 11 Chesapeake Biological Laboratory reports, 1942-1950.
Folder 12 Progress reports, Trout Lake, Wisconsin, 1935-1940.
Folder 13 Report of the Committee on Exhibits, Carnegie Institution, 1925.
Folder 14 Report on Dr. Mann's Pacific coast trip, 1921.
- Finding Aid encoded on: 3-15-2022
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