Status message

  • An error occurred when contacting the EDAN API. (0)
  • An error occurred when contacting the EDAN API. (0)


155 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] Turdus Confinis Todas Sanlos Cala Confinis Cape St. Lucas [[image: top left]] 23789 Cut [[?]] 68 [[symbol]] [[image: bottom left]] [[image: center right]] 23789 [[image: bottom right]]
155 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] Turdus Confinis Todas Sanlos Cala Turdu Confinis Cape St. Lucas [[image: top left]] 23789 Cut [[?]] [[?]] [[symbol]] [[image: center left, partially obscured]] Dark spots not reproduced right. Where is white under the eye? Examine sketch. April Michol [[image: center right]] 23789 [[image: bottom right]]
155 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] 23789 J Xartus Turdus Confinis Todas Sanlos Cala Turdu Confinis Cape St. Lucas [[image: top left, rolled back]] [[image: center left]] 155 23789 Dark spots not reproduced right. Where is white under the eye? Examine sketch. April Michol [[image: center right]] 23789 [[image: bottom right]]
[[image: centre, partially obscured]] 63 N.1 [[image: centre left]] Show dark tint on bill Too heavy & dark especially under [[underlined]] the throat. [[/underlined]] [[image: top right]] 21363 [[image: bottom right]] 21363 [[symbol]]
156 [[image: centre]] N 21363 Turidus naerius Siskayon Co Cal Wm Vaille N1 [[image: centre left, rolled back]] [[image: top right, rolled back]] [[image: bottom right]] 21363 [[symbol]]
156 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] Turdus iliacu [[image: middle right]] [[image: bottom right]]
156 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] Turdus iliacus [[image: middle right]] [[image: middle right, rolled back]]
157 [[superscript]] xx [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] Budytes No 98 Budytes [[line]] 45912 St. Michael's Russian America June 6th 1866 [[image: bottom right]] 45912 Soften or little [[break?]] of line
157 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] Motacilla alba [[image: middle right]] Lighten a little on margin
157 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] 18959. France Saxicola Oenanthe [[female symbol]] [[Durnet?]] [[image: center left]] 18957 light
158 [[image: center]] 84 1889 Scalia Wilsoni Carlisle Szalia Szalis 1289 [[female symbol]] Pa [[image: middle left]] HHn * 1289 [[image: lower left]] 28245 [[image: middle right, partially obscured]]] light 28245 [[?]] Scalei [[image: bottom right]] 28245
158 [[image: center]] 84 1889 Scalia Wilsoni Carlisle Szalia Szalis 1289 [[female symbol]] Pa [[image: middle left]] HHn * 1289 [[image: lower left]] 28245 [[image: middle right]] light 28245 [[?]] Scalei [[image: middle right, rolled back]]
159 [[image: center]] Sialia mexicana
159 [[image: center]] Sialia Mexicana 10623 N 2 Sialia mexicana 10623 [[male symbol]] [[Fl.?]] Tefor The Western Blue Bird Fort Tejan Cal John Xantus [[image: middle left]] HKN? 10623 [[image: middle right]
160 [[Rob? ? Smith?]] [[image: left]] Too heavy & dark - No difference shown between blue & grey tints. [[image: center]] [[Mil]]itary Rod from 18319 [[Walla W]]alla to Fort Benton [[Tas A]] Mullan Sialia arctica 18319 [[female symbol]] Fort Benton [[image: right]] 18319
160 [[Rob ? ?]] [[image: center]] N 11 Military Rod from 18319 Walla Walla to Fort Benton Tas A Mullan Sialia arctica 18319 [[female symbol]] Fort Benton [[image: right]] 18319
160x [[image: center]] No 178 Sylvia ---------- 45909 S F Michael's Russian America Aug 16th 1866 Phyllopneuste ------- [[image: right]] 45909
161 [[image: left]] HHN 73[[a?]] [[image: center]] 97 736 Regulus Calendula Fort Tejon ala T Xantus [[image: right]] 736
[[image: center]] 104 1160 Regulus Satrapa Smiths Woods Elliot [[Coves?]] District of Columbia [[image: middle left]] 162 April Nichols 1160 [[image: bottom left]] 1160 [[image: top right]] 1160 [[image: middle right]] 1160
162 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[strikethrough]] Better figure [[casters?]] bird [[/strikethrough]] [[mag?]]nify brindle over [[mortal?]] [[image: middle left]] HHN 9819 [[image: center]] 105 9819 [[Sime?]] [[oh?]] [[mos?]] Kinnety Puget Sound Dr. C B Kinnerly Regulus satrapa October
162 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[strikethrough]] Better figure [[caster?]] bird [[/strikethrough]] magnify brindle over [[mortal?]] [[image: middle left, rolled back]]. [[image: center]] 105 9819 [[Sime?]] [[oh?]] [[mos?]] [[Kinnety?]] Puget Sound Dr. C B Kennerly Regulus satrapa October
[[image: left]] [[faint writing]] [[image: right]] 163 R. cuvieri - No 2. pl 55 Audobon
164 [[image: left]] 8117 [[image: center, partially obscured]] No 70 Dr T C Henry USA 8117 [[Hy]]drobata Mexicana mimbres [[insertion]] 1/2 [[/insertion]] Rio Grande Cinclus mexicanus [[image: right]] 8496
164 [[image: center]] No 70 Dr T C Henry USA 8117 [[Hy]]drobata Mexicana mimbres [[insertion]] 1/2 [[/insertion]] Rio Grande Cinclus mexicanus [[image: right]] 8496
165x [[image: left]] 18590 [[image: center]] 165x {Smithsonian Ins. 18590 Denmark.} Anthus pratensis [[image: left]] Spot [[?]] [[bl?]] 18590
165 [[image: center]] 18077 [[1130?]] Anthus Sudmiranus Snug Harbour Elliot Covers Anthus ludovicianus 18077 Labrador [[image: middle left]] 165 April Nichols [[rejuled?]] 18077 [[image: bottom left]] 18081 [[image: center right]] Lengthen Back in coloring 18077
166 [[image: center]] 166 Sprange's Lark (Aud)} 1884 [[female symbol]]} Ft. Union. Mo. } Neocorys spraguei [[image: middle right]] 1884 [[image: bottom right]] 1884
167 [[image: center]] 18685 Mniotilta varia [[female symbol]] Portsmouth N.H. June 8. E. Cones [[image: middle right]] 18685
168 [[image: center]] Darker spot on hart See original bird before coloring [[Livery?]] [[rafter?]] 2219- P. americana [[male symbol]] Carlisle May '45 Prob. Baird. [[image: middle left]] 2219 [[image: bottom left]] 50335 [[symbol]] [[image: middle right]] 2219
165 [[image: center]] Drawn on wood but not engraved. Feb. 1869. 30499. Parula gutteralis Costa Rica Dr. Frantzins
168 [[line]] [[image: center]] Drawn on wood but not engraved. Feb. 1869. H. superciliosa Parula superciliosa [[muxu?]]
168 [[line]] [[image: center]] Drawn on wood, but not engraved. Feb, 1869 35221 Parula mornata [[female symbol]]. [[Dosa?]] Aug. 27 1864 J. Carmiol
168 [[line]] Drawn on wood but not engraved. Feb 1869. [[image: center]] 32698 Parula [[pitiayuis?]] [[female symbol]] Brazil 1862 Herreaud
169 [[image: center]] 10111 P. citrea Union [[B?]] Illinois R Kennicott [[image: middle right]] 1011 [[image: middle left]] 1011
170 [[image: middle left]] 170 [[male symbol]] 26024 [[male symbol]] [[image: middle center]] Geothlypis trichas 26017 [[male symbol]] D.C 26017 N32 Geothlypis trichas Washington DC C Drexler [[image: top right]] 26017 [[image: bottom right]] 26024 [[male symbol]] 170 [[male symbol]]
170 [[image: top left]] 170 April Nichol 385 [[image: bottom left]] 385 [[female symbol]] 170 [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] 385 x N 31 Trichas [[Maulanderi?]] Female Carlisle Pa Geothlypis trichas 385 [[female symbol]] Carlisle [[image: top right]] 385 [[female symbol]] 170 [[female symbol]] [[image: bottom right]] 385
172 [[image: center]] 689 Trichas philadephia Male Carlisle May 25 1842 S F B Geothlypis philadelphia [[male symbol]] [[image: middle left]] Mn [[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] 689 [[image: middle right]] 689
172 [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] 1039 Geothlyps D. philadelphia [[female symbol]] Carlisle May 30 1843 Prof Baird [[image: middle left]] 1037
173 [[image: center]] 1861 N 21 Geothlypis macgillivrayi 1861 [[male symbol]] Col. River. Type Trichas macorllairay and Columbiea Riv an Harris [[image: middle left]] AAn 1861 [[image: middle right]] 1861
173 [[image-upper left]] 12900 [[image-center right]] 12900 will [[female symbol]] philadelphia Geothlypus macgillivraye 12900 [[female symbol]] Napa Valley Cal A J Grayson [[image-lower left]] 12900
174 [[image: top left]] a little too dark above 35031 [[image: center, partly obscured]] 35031 Opornis agilis [[female symbol?]] the Grove May 23 [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] 64 [[underlined]] R Kennicott [[/underlined]] [[image: top right]] 35031 [[image: bottom right]]
174 [[image: left, rolled back]] [image: center]] 35031 Opornis agilis [[female symbol?]] [[cut off]] the Grove May 23 [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] 64 [[underlined]] R. Kennicott [[/underlined]] [[image: top right]] 35031 [[image: bottom right]] 35031
175 Is [[female symbol]] wanted? [[image: bottom left]] 34337 n [[image: center]] 34337 Oporomis formosus [[Los P?]] [[Caues?]] [[image: middle right]] 60873
176 [[image: top right]] 2260 2260 [[symbol for male]]
177 [[image: middle left]] [[line drawn through bottom of bird's breast]] Cut out these heavy lines [[image: center, partially obscured]] 3978 c827 Tetisia Auricollis New Leon Mexc Couch [[Icte?]]na Congicauda 5978 [[male symbol]] New Leon Mex [[image: middle right]] 3978
177 [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 3978 c827 Tetisia Auricollis New Leon Mexc Couch Ictena Congicauda 5978 [[male symbol]] New Leon Mex [[image: middle right]] 3978
178 [[image: center]] 2901 [[H.?]] Swainsoni Charleston S. C. Audubon [[image: middle left]] Put in faint light line 1054 [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 2901 cut off [[image: bottom right]] [[symbol]] 2901
178 [[image: center]] 2901 [[H.?]] Swainsaoni Charleston S. C. Aububon [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 2901 cut off [[image: bottom right]] [[symbol]] 2901
179 [[image: center]] 2148 [[Helninthophaga?]] vermivorus [[male symbol]] [[line]] Carlisle P[[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] April 28. [[underlined]] Prof Baird [[/underlined]] [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 2148 [[image: bottom right]] [[symbol]] 2148
180 [[image: center]] 2229 H. Pinus [[male symbol?]] Carlisle. May 6, 1845. Prof Baird. [[image: middle left]] 2229 [[symbol]] [[image: top right]] 2229 [[symbol]] [[alteration?]] [[image: bottom right]] 2229
181 [[image: center]] 10156 H. chrysoptera. Union Co. Illinois May 11. R. Kennicott [[image: middle right]] 10156
181 Duplicate figure. [[strikethrough]] One engraved [[/strikethrough]] another on wood 181 [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 10156 [[/underlined]] Helminthophaga chrysoptera [[male symbol]] Union Co Illinois May 11 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] R. Kennicott [[/underlined]]
182. Duplicate figure one already a [[?]] [[image: lower left]] 2 [[backwards 9]] 03 [[image: center]] 2903 Helminthophryn bachmannii o Charleston S.C. [[image: middle right]] 2[[backwards 9]]03 Gray out [[?]] the yellow a little better
182 new good figure no proof [[image: center]] Q 2903 H. Bachmannii Charleston S.C. Audobon [[image: middle right]] Pare W Q 2903
183 [[image: lower left]] Q 10656 Is not too large a space left for the yellow? [[image: center]] 10656 Helminthophaga ruficapilla Fort Teyori[[?]] Cal John Xanlus Q [[image: lower right]] Q 10656 [[image: middle right]] Q J.E.R. [[partly obscured]] ry/66
183 [[image: lower left]] Q 10656 Is not too large a space left for the yellow? [[image: center]] 10656 Helminthophaga ruficapilla Fort Teyori[[?]] Cal John Xanlus Q [[image: lower right]] Q 10656 [[image: middle right]] Q J.E.R. May/66
183 [[image: center]] 2238- H ruficapilla Carlisle May 6. 1843 - Prof Baird. [[image: middle right]] 2238
183 [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] [[image: middle left]] lightn spot on crown should be lightr [[?]] darker 58334 [[image: lower left]] 58334 [[image: center]] 10719 Helminthophaga virginiae Camp Burgwyn [[?]] Anderson J.H.R. April [[image: lower center]] 10719 [[image: middle right]] 10719 [[image: lower right]] 58334
183 [[superscript]] xx [[/superscript]] [[image: upper center]] 31892 [[image: upper right]] 31892 [[image: middle left]] 31892 [[image: center]] 31892 ov36 Helminthophaga Luicae Fort Mohave Geol Surv Calif Dr J S Cooper [[image: middle right]] 31892 J.F.R. May/66 [[image: lower left]] 31892 [[image: lower right]] 31892
183 [[superscript]] xx [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] 31892 N 36 Helminthophaga Luirae Fort Mohave Geol Surv Calif Dr J S Cooper [[image: middle left]] 31892 [[image: bottom left]] 31892 [[image: top right]] 31892 [[image: centre right]] [[symbol]] [[symbol]] 31892 J.F.R. May/66 [[image: bottom right]] 31892 [[image: middle top]] 31892 [[image: top top right, rolled back]]
184 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] Celala [[w?]] [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 16949 [[/underlined]] H - celata [[female symbol]] Cape St. Lucas - Oct. 2. 1859. [[image: middle right]] 16949
184 [[symbol]] [[image: top left]] 2927 [[symbol]] [[image: bottom left]] [[symbol]] 2927 [[image: center]] 2927 x 2433 Helinaca celata Say) acid) Col Riv JRJ Helminthophaga celata 2927 [[male symbol]] Col. River [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]]
185 [[image: center]] 19496 H peregrina [[female symbol]] [[Simpson?]] [[image: right]] 19496
186 [[image: center]] 186 1433 [[female symbol]] Carlisle Pa} May 3rd 1844} Seiurus aurocapillus [[image: right]] 1433
187 [[image: top left]] 2434 [[image: middle left]] 2434 [[image: bottom left]] 2434 1st proof [[image: top center]] 2434 [[image: center]] 2434 Seiurus noveboracensis [[female symbol]] Carlisle Sep. 8. 1845 Prof. Baird [[image: top right]] 2434 Correct Scratches of block [[image: bottom right]] 2434 2 proof
188 [[image: middle left]] 964 [[image: bottom left]] 964 [[image: center]] 964 S. ludovicianus, [[male symbol]] Carlisle May 12, 1843 Prof Baird [[image: middle right]] no dark below 964
189 [[image: middle right]] 941 [[image: center]] 941 sylvicola virens Carlisle JHR april [[image: top right]] 941 [[image: bottom right]]
190 [[image: middle left]] 5518 [[image: bottom left]] 5518 [[image: center]] 5518 N 35 Dendrica occidentalis [[male symbol]] Petaluma Cal E Samuels [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 5518 J.[[G?]].R. May/66
190[[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: middle left]] [[image: center]] 42 Dendreca chrysoparia [[Icl?]] Guatemala Tartil, Vera Paz Osbert Salvin [[image: top right]] 42 [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 42 J.F.R. May, 66
191 [[image: top left]] 8017 Cut out black make a lot more distinct [[image: bottom left]] 8017 [[image: center]] Dendroeca townsendii [[male symbol]] Shot near Thilerd. May 1868 - coll. W. P. Turnbull [[image: top right]] [[image bottom right]]
191 [[image: top left]] [[allw?]] lower [[mth?]] 8017. [[image: center]] 8017 [[symbol]] N37 Sylvicola Townsendy Guatemala Dendroica townsendii [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] [[symbol]] 8017 [[symbol]] J.F.R. May, 66,
192 [[image: centre]] [[underline]] 1908 [[/underline]] D. nigrescens Columbia River June 1835 [[underline]] Type [[/underline]] J.R.P. [[image: top right]] 1908
192 Rejected [[image: top left]] 1908 [[symbol]] [[image: center]] [[symbol]] 1908 N 29 Sylvicola nigrescens Towns. Columbia River J R T Dendroica nigrescens. 1908 [[male symbol]] Col. Riv [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 1908 J.F.R. May/66
193 [[image: center]] D. caerulescens [[female symbol?]] - 3419 - Carlisle May. 11. 1847. [[Year?]] [[image: top right]] 3419
193 [[image: middle left]] more white in line 2308 make white line over eye rather clearer. and soften shading on breast [[image: center]] [[underline]] 2308 [[/underline]] [[female symbol]] D. [[underline]] canadensis [[/underline]] [[female symbol]] Carlisle May. 2 1845
194 [[image: top left]] This fig 1 will do for both [[birds?]] Make eye stripe a little cleaner make eye stripe a little clearer 3384 [[image: center]] 2179 Carlisle [[male symbol]] [[alperel?]] 1845 Sylvicola Coronata Lath Dendroica cerenata [[female symbol]] [[image: middle right]] 2179 T.F.R. May 66 take out black of throat [[image: bottom left]] 2179 [[image: bottom center]] X 2179
194 [[image: top left]] This figure not needed take others 3384 [[male symbol]] color to show head head bluer [[image: center]] 3384 Sylvicola coronata (L) Carlisle Pa o May 1847 Dendroica coronata [[male symbol]] May 6 [[image: center right]] 3384 J.F.R. May 66 show breast more [[image: bottom left]] 3384 [[male symbol]] [[image: bottom right]] 3384
195 [[left margin]] yellow The throat of Audubon Ends abruptly in black + does not extend so far as represented in the plate E.C. [[/left margin]] [[over center image]] redraw [[center image]] 11965 Dendroica_Audobonii or 3 south Pass wagon Road Exp Fort Bridger Utah Camp Scott C Drexler Dendroica audubonii 11965 [[symbol]] [[top right image]] 11965 [[bottom right image]] 11965 take out the black lines around lower border of throat J.F.R^ May, 66,
195 The [[insertion]] ^ yellow [[/insertion]] throats of Audubon Ends abruptly in black & does not extend so far as represented in the palate E. C [[image: center]] Dendroica audubonii 11965 N 3 x south Pass wagon Rock Exp Fort Bridges Utah Camp Scott C Drexler Dendroica audubonii [[male symbol]] 11965 redraw [[image: top top right, rolled back]] [[image: top right]] 11965 [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 11965 take out the black lines against the boarder of throat J.F R ^ May/66
195 [[left image]] Dendroica Audubonii [[right image]] [[no text]]
196 [[written inside pasted on white circle]] 17-F Is [[symbol] wanted [[left image]] 844[[symbol]] D. blackburniae, [[symbol]] Carlisle Pa. [[center image]] D. Blackburniae [[symbol]] 939- Carlisle May 5 1843 [[right image]] 039
197 [[left image]] 2231 D. casbanea, [[symbol]] Carlisle May 6 '45 Prof Baird [[right image]] 2231 soften lower line of breast
197 [[symbol]] [[left image]] 949 [[right image]] 949 D. castanea, [[symbol]] Carlisle. May 8, 1843 Prof. Baird
198 [[left image]] 2942 D. finnch Penn [[right image]] 2942
No block HHN [[image: left bottom]] [[image: center]] 199 redraw with mouth shut A. Montana [[underline]] No 3 Pl 434 [[/underline]] Audubon [[image: right]] 199 [[ex Aud.?]]
200 [[image: center]] D. pennsylvanica. [[female symbol]] [[underline]] 2233 [[/underline]] Carlisle May 6 1845 [[image: right top]] 60883 [[female symbol]] Dendroica pennsylvanica [[underline]] juv. [[/underline]] Mt. Camel Illinois [[image: right bottom]] 2233
201 [[male symbol?]] [[image: center]] 7349 [[male symbol]] D. coerulea, [[male symbol]]. Ohio May 1852 [[image: middle right]] 7349
201 [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] 6980. D. coernlea. [[female symbol]]. St. Louis May 15 1857 W.S. Wood [[image: middle right]] 6980 corrected
202 [[line]] [[image: center]] Drawn in wood but not engraved Feb 1849. 27942 D. pharetia 193 [[superscript]] + [[/superscript]] Jamaica
202 [[male symbol?]] [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 1545 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] D. Striata. [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. Carlisle May 17 1844 [[underlined]] Prof Baird [[/underlined]] [[image: middle right]] 1545
202 [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] 978. D. striata, [[female symbol]]. Carlisle. May 17. 1843. Prof Baird. [[image: middle right]] 978
202 [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] 978. D. striata, [[female symbol]]. Carlisle. May 17. 1843. Prof Baird. [[image: middle right, rolled back]]
203 [[image: center]] 940 N 34 Sylvicola aestiva (Cm) Carlisle Pa Dendroica aesteria 740 [[male symbol]] [[image: middle left]] 940 Can we show red streaks [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 940 [[symbol]] J.F.R May/66
203 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] drawn on wood Feb 69 [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 30692 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] D. Olivecea [[/underlined]] Vera paz June 1862 [[O. Saluria?]] [[image: middle left]] 30692 D. olivacea. Dendroicea olivacea
204 [[image: center]] D. Maculosa [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] 2212 [[/underlined]] Carlisle May 3 1845 [[image: middle left]] 20634 [[image: bottom left]] 2212 [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 2212
205 [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 4363 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] D. kirklandii [[/underlined]] Cleveland, O. May 1851 [[underlined]] Type [[/underlined]] [[image: middle right]] 4363 Improve lower outline of throat
206 [[male symbol]] [[corrected?]] [[image: center]] 20633 D. Aigrina [[male symbol]] Moos Fork May 28. '60 C. Drenley [[image: middle left]] 206 [[female symbol]] 678 [[female symbol]] 16933 [[image: middle right]] 20633
207 [[image: center]] Carbonated warbler Audobon Pl 60 [[image: middle left]]
208 [[image: center]] 26929 [[underlined]] D. palmarum [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[New Seation?]] June [[image: middle left]] 26929
209 other variety [[image: middle left]] 7701 Dendroica dominica var. Albilora. Cleveland Ohio. [[image: center]] dominius [[underlined]] 3322 - D. pensilis [[male symbol]] [[/underlined]] L. Co. Gu. 1846 [[image: middle right]] 3322 Cut away this black. Make it like the other figure
210 [[image: center]] 1091 D. discolor female symbol, [[Phil"s]] Spring 1843. J. Cassin [[image: middle right]] 1091
210 Lilli mire breast dark in front of eye [[image -- lower left]] 39367 [[image -- center ]] 39367 Exh in arizona Dr E Couss USA Drudroeia grauae ones fort Whippel Show white of breast [[image -- middle right]] 40680
210 do not [[publish?]] [[image -- lower left]] 36486 [[image -- center, partly obscured]] I 36486 Dendrorea adelaidae ert Swift adelaidae Explorations in the west Indies Porto Riso [[?]] april [[image -- right]] 38486
210 [[superscript]] xx [[/superscript]] do not publish [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] [[symbol]] 36486 [[Dendrorea adelaidae Robert Swift Explorations in the west Indies Porto Rico 1st april D. adelaidae [[image: bottom right]] 38486
211 [[female symbol]] ? [[image: top left]] 2228 [[female symbol]] Myiodioctes mitratus [[female symbol]] Carlisle Pa. [[image: bottom left]] 2226 [[image: center]] 2226. M. mitratus [[male symbol]] Carlisle May 6 '45 Prof Baird. [[image: middle right]] 2226 correct the scratches across face [[image: bottom right]] 2226
[[image: center]] 212 M. [[underlined]] mimatus. [[/underlined]] Audobon Pl. 434 fig 2 [[image: middle right]] 434
213 [[image: center left]] cut out these heavy lines [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[Harrison?]] California [[image: bottom center]] 2325 [[female symbol]] Myiodioctes pusillis [[female symbol]] Carlisle Pa. [[image: middle right]] 7683 [[image: bottom right]] 7683 Alter this for female by cutting out black.
213 [[image: middle right, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 7683 [[Harrison?]] California [[image: middle right]] 7683 [[image: bottom center]] 2325 [[female symbol]] Myiodioctes pusillis [[female symbol]] Carlisle Pa. [[image: bottom right]] 7683 Alter this for female by cutting out black.
213 [[image: middle left]] [[symbol]] 30138 [[image: center, partially obscured]] Explorichen in Western Mexi[[co?]] 30138 Myiodioctes pusellus [[male symbol]] 506 1863 April sierra Madae. [[image: top right]] 30138 [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 30138 J.F.R. May/66
213 [[image: middle left]] [[symbol]] 30138 [[image: center]] Explorichen in Western Mexico 30138 Myiodioctes pusellus [[male symbol]] 506 1863 april sierra Madae [[image: middle top, rolled back]] [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 30138 J.F.R. May/66
[[image: bottom left]] [[image: center]] 214 do not put on wood M. bonaparti Pl 5 [[image: middle right]]
214 [[image: center]] [[mur In little?]] 945 M. canadensis [[male symbol]] Carlisle. May 6 1843 Prof. Baird. [[image: middle right]] 945
216 [[image: center]] 8713 Drawn on wood but not engraved. Feb 1849. 13666. [[underlined]] C. rubra [[/underlined]] [[Jalaka.?]] P. L. [[Salades?]]
217 [[image: center]] 8713 984. [[underlined]] S. ruticilla [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Carlisle May 18, 1843, Prof Baird. [[image: middle right]] Show orange side western why are bristles bent
217 [[image: center]] 8713 2281. S ruticilla [[female symbol]] Carlisle May 1845. Prof Baird. [[image: middle right]] 2281
218 drawn on wood Feb 69 [[image: center]] [[circle]] W. Cape 30705 ^[Setophg] S. picta. 340. Orleans de Finego. Guatemala. 1862. O. [[Salmin.?]]
219 Setophaga [[image: center]] [[8713]] Drawn on wood but not engraved Feb 1849. [[underlined]] 13668. [[/underlined]] S. miniata Jalapa. Sclater.
220 Aller red not deep enough Feathers not far enough forward in bill [[image: center, partially obscured]] 34177 Pyranga rubra [[image: middle left]] [[symbol]] 34177 Rea & Sharp [[image: top right]] 34177 [[symbol]]
220 Aller red not deep enough Feathers not far enough forward in bill [[image: center]] 34177 Pyranga rubra Sioux City Iowa John Feilnes [[image: middle left]] [[symbol]] 34177 Rea & Sharp [[image: top right, rolled back]]
220 new on wood June 70 duplicate fr [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 34177 [[/underlined]] P. rubra [[male symbol]]. Sioux City Iowa. May 26. 64. John Feilnar [[image: middle right]] 34177
[[image: center]]
221? [[underlined]] new [[/underlined]] figure [[image: center]] 232 Pyrango [[male symbol]] F. Mojave Colds J. G. C. May 15 - 61 Pyranga aestiva? [[image: middle left]] Hnn 232 [[symbol]] +
221 new figure? [[image: center]] 13190 34 Pyranga aestiva whitfild. Cy Ga 13190 Pyranga aestiva [[image: middle left]] HHn [[symbol]] 13190
222? duplicate for female. [[image: center, partially obscured]] 34344 Expl in Rocky Mnts Pyranga hepatica D E [[Co?]] Los Pon[[?]] [[image: middle right]] 34344 [[image: middle left]] HHn 34344
222? duplicate for female. [[image: center, partially obscured]] 34344 Expl in Rocky Mnts Pyranga hepatica D E Cones Los [[Penos?]] [[image: middle right, rolled back]] [[image: middle left]] HHn 34344
222 [[image: center]] 222 [[more lind?]] - Red [[no?]] go - Stumped!! Cant make the right shade of red from my stock. - - [[E?]] 22414 [[image: bottom right]] 22414
222 [[image: center]] 13574 Pyranga hepatera Mexico J Gerelt
222 [[image: center]] 34345 Expl in [[Scurky?]] Mts [[W?]] E Jones Pyrangna hepalica Las Pinas [[image: middle left]] HHn 34345 +
223 duplicate for female [[image: middle left]] This is altogether too dark - the [[y?]] would scarely show in all over [[s?]] in bird. [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[?]]005 Smithsonian Institute south Carr Wagon Road Exp Pyranga J Fort Bridger Utha Car[[?]] [[image: top right]] HHn Crv 3530 [[image: bottom right]]
223 duplicate [[for?]] [[fim?]] [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 1100 Smithsonian Institute South Cass Wagen Road Exp 3530 Pyranga ludoviciana June [[male symbol]] C Drexler Fort Bridger Utha Camp Scott [[image: middle right]] HHn [[Crv?]] 3530 [[image: bottom right, rolled back]]
225 [[image: top left]] 225 1452 [[male symbol]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] rufa 5 Sae Valley R S W [[male symbol]] [[Herunds honeorua?]] [[image: top right]] 225 [[symbol]] 6619 [[image: bottom right]]225 1452 [[male symbol]]
225 [[image: top left, rolled back]] [[?]] [[?]] [[image: center]] Hirundo rufa [[male symbol]] 6619 Sae Valley R S W [[male symbol]] [[Herundo honeoreu?]] [[image: top right]] 225 [[symbol]] 6619 [[image: bottom right]] 225 1452 [[male symbol]]
226 [[image: center]] Hirundo [[sunifiam?]] [[symbol]] 6622 Beremton R S W [[Benicea?]] Cal [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 6622 This black line too heavy J.F.R. May/66
223 use [[male symbol]] head [[image: center]] 8260 [[symbol]] Pyranga ludoviciana [[female symbol]] R S W Syra wally Tejon Valley [[image: middle left]] HHn 8260
225 225 new figure [[image: center]] x 6619 Does [[2nd?]] define boundary between the two colors. JTR [[image: middle right]] 6619 [[symbol]] J.F.R. May/66
227 [[image: top center]] 11033 [[image: center, partially obscured]] Smithsonien Institut South Pass Wagon Exp 11033 [[male symbol]] 389 Hirundo bicolor Fort Bridger Cltha (Camp Scott) C Drexler Hirundo bicolor [[male symbol]] [[image: middle left]] 2896 [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] [[symbol]] 11033 J.F.R. May/66
227 [[image: top center, rolled back]] [[image: middle left]] 2896 [[image: center]] Smithsonien Institut South Pass Wagon Rod Exp 11033 [[male symbol]] 389 Hirundo bicolor Fort Bridger Cltha (Camp Scott) C Drexler Hirundo bicolor [[male symbol]] [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] [[symbol]] 11033 J.F.R. May/66
228 [[image: center]] 30710 Can Geronimo Vara Pas Sw [[male symbol?]] Prtrochelidon thalassina Hirundo thalassine [[male symbol]] [[image: top right]] 30710
228 [[image: left]] 228 1895 [[male symbol] [[image: center]] 44 Hironda thalassina S 1895 Columbia river JRT Hirundo thalssine [[image: right]] [[symbol]] [[symbol]] 1895 J.F.R. May '66
229 [[image: middle left]] 20841 [[image: center, partially obscured]] Exploration in Archg America 27302 Catyli Riparia 85 youkou, mouth of Porcupine River James Lockhart Colyle riparia [[image: top right]] 27302 [[image: middle right partially obscured]] [[symbol]] 27302 J.F.R. May/66
229 [[image: middle left]] 20841 [[image: center]] Exploration in Archg America 27302 Catyli Riparia 85 youkou, mouth of Porcupine River James Lockhart Colyle riparia [[image: top right, rolled back]] [[image: middle right partially obscured]] [[symbol]] 27302 J.F.R. May/66
230 [[image: middle left]] 32269 [[male symbol]] 230 [[image: center]] 2209 Catyle serripennis Hud [[male symbol]] hhog Carlisle May 1845 [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] [[symbol]] J.F.R. May 66
230 [[image: center]] [[Colyle serarpennis?]] Had [[liliog?]] Carlisle 3 May 1865
231 [[image: center]] 5493 Progne subis Bd [[male symbol]] 576 conerrus purple E samuel Palaluma Cal Progne purpurea [[male symbol]] [[image: right]] 5493
231 [[image: upper left]] 2318 5493 [[image: middle left, partially obscured]] nic[[?]] [[image: bottom left]] 5492 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 5492 Progne chalylea [[male symbol]] Progne pur[[?]] E Samuel Pelaluma Sonoma Co [[image: lower center]] redraw [[symbol]] 5492 J.F.R. May/66 [[image: top right]] 5492 This does not serve boundary of colors. White should run up on back of neck. [[image: bottom right]] 40704
231 [[image: top left]] 231. [[male symbol]] 5493 [[image: middle left]] 5492 Nichols May [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 5492 Progne chalybea [[male symbol]] Progne purpurea [[female symbol]] E. Samuel Petaluma Sonoma Co [[image: bottom center]] redraw [[symbol]] 5492 [[symbol]] J.F.R. May/66 [[image: middle right, rolled back]] [[image: bottom right, rolled back]]
232 [[image: middle left]] Too heavy & dark. Very Very Very nice [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[uth?]] Pass Wagonrod Exp [[arrules?]] 8 C S [[image: middle right]] 11055 [[image: bottom right]] 11055
232 [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] 11055 Smithsonien Institut South Pass Wagenrod Exp Ampelis garrulus Dec 8 C S[[partially obscured]] [[image: middle right]] 11055 [[image: bottom right]] 11055
233 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 37 27034 Ampelis cedrorum 27034 [[image: top right]] 27034 [[image: middle right]] 27034 J.F.R. May 66
233 [[image: center]] 37 27034 ampelis cedrorum 27034 [[image: top right, rolled back]] [[image: middle right]] 27034 J.F.R. May 66
232 [[Figure?]], other sp [[image: center]] 11470 Ampelis garnilus H Mass. N. M Dr Bowman
232 [[image: top center]] 11470 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 11 [[image: middle right]] 470 [[writing appears upside down]] Nichols May [[/upside down]]
232 [[image: top center]] [[image folded over]] [[image: center]] [[image: feathers]] 11470 ampilis garrulers Fort Mass [[image:right]] [[image: feathers]] 11470 [[handwriting is upside down]] Nichols Mary [[/handwriting upside down]]
233 [[underlined]] Figured [[/underlined]] [[image: center]] 1617 Bombycilla Carolinensis Briss Carlisle Pa 5 July; 1844 Ampelis Carolinensis [[male symbol]]
233 [[image: middle left]] 42622 [[image: bottom left]] [[strikethrough]] 27024 [[/strikethrough]] 3. [[image: center]] 33 27034 Smithsonien Institut Washington DC ampelis [[F Ganny Selbrurk?]] W Mactavish Ampelis carolinensis [[image: middle right]] [[symbol]] 27024 [[symbol]] J.F.R May/66
234x [[image: middle left]] 8274 [[image: center]] 8274 [[male symbol]] [[Plotiganys mteus?]] RSW Colorado desert [[image: middle right]] 8274 [[image: bottom right]] 8274
234 [[image: upper left]] 1295 [[image: lower left]] 8275 [[image: center]] Explorations in California 1295 Phainopepla [[partially obscured by right image]] Al Lucas John [[rest of name obscured]] [[image: lower right]] 1295
234 [[image: top left]] 1295 [[image: lower left]] 3275 [[image: center]] Explorations in California 1295 Phainopepla Nitens Al Lucas John Xantus [[image: lower right, rolled back]]
236 [[image: center]] Exploration [[insertion]] in [[/insertion]] artic America Collyn [[partially obscured]] 19549 Colly [[partially obscured]] Fort Resolut apr 24 R. Kennicott [[image: middle right]] 19549
236 [[image::center]] Exploration [[insert]] in [[/insert]] arctic America Collyno borealis '5 April. 24 19549 Fort Resolut Collyno Borealis apr 24 R. Kennicot [[image: right]] [[image folder over]]
236 [[image: left]] HHN 7198 [[image: center]] N Pacific RR Survey Gov II Stevens 1798 Lanius borealis Shoalwater Bay H T Dr J G Cooper [[Collyno borealis unuler?]] [[image: right]] 17182
[[image: center]] 937 Collyrio ludoricianus [[image: right]]
238 [[underlined]] not wanted [[/underlined]] duplicn [[image: top center]] 8719 [[image: center]] 8719 Lanius esculetoroides Tulami vally R S W Marr [[image: middle right]] 38423 [[male symbol]] 238 [[image: bottom left]] this all wrong [[underline]] a [[/underline]] 38423 [[male symbol]] 238 lower edge of upper bill should correspond with lower edge of dark shade. [[image: lower right]] 38423 [[male symbol]] 238
238 already engraved - Duplicate eye sharp [[image: top center]] x 38420 [[image: center]] 2 1/2 38420 [[Collyrid exsubrlvaodes?]] Fort Laramie R B Hitz Mar
right one. 238 [[three images overlapping in center]] [[image: top center, feather]] 38423 [[image: center]] [[half of image obscured by overlapping image]] 38423 Lanius exculilorodes [[remainder obscured]] Laramy Leak [[image: center, bird's head and feather]] 38423 [[image: right center]] 8423 [[left side of number obscured by overlapping image]]
right one. 238 [[image: center top]] 38423 [[image: center]] 38423 Lanius excubitorodes Laramy Leak Dr R B Hitz Marr [[image: middle right, rolled back]]
239 [[image: middle left]] [[image: top center]] [[image: center]] Belangi Lanius elegans Dr Cambel Pollyno elegans Cala marr [[image: middle right]]
239 [[image: middle left]] [[image: top center]] [[image: center]] 212 Belangi Lanius elegans Dr Cambel Pollyno elegans Cala. marr [[image: middle right, rolled back]]
240 x Red eye [[?]] darker behind eyes [[image: center]] 37585 Metcalfe Parish Exp in Jamaica Prof Geo N Allen Vireo altiloquus
240 Red eye Where [[hook?]] [[?]] [[?]] Red eye white under eye above [[?]] [[image: center]] 1440 Carlisle Pa 1440 Vireo olivaceus [[image: right]] 1440
240 Red eye White hook [[??]] Red eye white under eye weak [[?]] [[image: right, rolled back]] [[image: center] 1440 Carlisle Pa 1440 Vireo olivaceus
241 Eye yellow wing [[kept?]] [[image: center]] 3976 Montery [[Tnox?]] Couch Vireo flavoviridis [[?]] [[above?]]
235 [[image: top left]] 16168 [[image: left center]] 16168 [[image: center]] Smithsonian Institut Washington DC myradestes Townsendy John Feilnes Fort Crook N Cala myradestes townsendii
235X [[image: left]] 21444 [[first digit "4" struck out and number "9" handwritten below the stricken "4", resulting in 21944] [[image: center]] NW Boundary survey 21944 myadestis townsendy Rowling august Dr C B Kemerly myadestes townsendii PNO [[image: upper right]] 21944 [[image: lower right]] 21944 leave edge J.F.R. May/66
243 Red eye [[image: middle left]] 13507 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 82 vireo altiloquus Charlotte Harbour Floridea Dr Heermann vireo barbatulus [[image: top right]] 24282 [[image: bottom right]] 24282
244 [[image: center]] 4364 vireo philadelphus Cleveland Kirtland vireo philadelphus [[image: top right]] 4364
244 Top of head more [[arhy?]] Forehead [[tro?]] blue while line not far enough beyond eye white below eye not distinct. [[image: center]] 4364 Virus Philadelpheus vireo philadelphieus Cleveland Kirtland
245 [[image: middle left]] HHN 988 [[image: center, partially obscured]] vireo gilvus [[Ca?]]lisle Pa [[image: middle right]] 988
245 [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 288 vireo gilvus Carlisle Pa [[image: middle right]] 988
245 [[image: top left]] HHn 5521 [[image: middle left]] 5521 [[image: bottom left]] 5521 Upper edge of bill not [[sharp?]] enough [[image: center]] 5521 Viros Swainsonis Petaluma Sonoma Co Cal E Samuels vireo swainsoni [[male symbol]] Outlines not [[shades?]] enough.
245 [[image: center]] 5521 vireo Swainseni Petalunia Sonoma Co Cal E Samuels [[image: top right]] 5521
[[underlined]] Drawn on wood [[/underlined]] The block, for which there are no drawings are not to be engraved June 22. 68
246 [[image: middle left]] HHn 1926 [[image: center, partically obscured]] [[1926?]] vireo belli Arid Fort Union Audubon [[image: middle right]] [[image: bottom right]] 1926
246 [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 1926 vireo belli Acid Fort Union Audubon [[image: middle right]] [[image: bottom right]] 1926
246 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: bottom left]] 5521 [[image: top center]] 16954 [[male symbol]] 246 [[image: center]] 1942 vireo pulillus Caen S Lucas Low Cal J Xantus [[image: bottom center]] 1942 [[image: middle right]] 1942 [[image: bottom right]] 16954 [[male symbol? ]] 246 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]]
246 [[superscript]] xx [[superscript]] [[Puselling?]] [[image: center]] 31893 vireo Giol suro Cal Sant Diego Dr. J S Cooper [[image: bottom left]] HHn 31893
246 [[superscript]] x xing [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] 37333 vireo Three Marcas Colo Greyser vireo [[hypoehrysus?]] [[image: bottom right]] 246 x 16954 [[male symbol]]
247 [[image: middle left]] HHn 6818 bill not right, head [[too?]] small [[image: center]] vireo atricapillus 6818 vireo atricapillus und San Pedro Riv Texas J H Clark [[image: middle right]] 6818
248 [[image: middle left]] 29248 [[image: center, partially obscured]] Vireo [[novelinaceusis?]] [[coroans?]] Ranch Elliott Cones [[image: top right]] leg taken out 29248 [[image: bottom right]] 29248
248 a full eye too [[blue?]] [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 29248 vireo novelevaceusis Colorians Ranch Elliott Caves [[image: top right]] lighten out 29248 [[image: bottom right]] 29248
248 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: bottom left]] 248 [[male symbol?]] 40697 [[male symbol]] [[image: top center]] 40697 [[image: center]] Explo in arizona 40697 vireo vicinior Couss Fort Whipple Dr E. Couess vireo vicinior. Ariz. [[image: top right]] 40697 [[image: bottom right]] make white round eye little as shown by line 248 [[male symbol?]] 40697 [[male symbol]]
On wood not [[insertion]] ^ to be [[/insertion]] engraved at present. Ap. 68
249 [[strikethrough]] Bill too thick very round eye broader & more yellow dusky spot in upper edge of eyelid more light in front of eye [[/strikethrough]] [[image: middle left]] HHn 3725 [[image: center]] 3725 [[Vireo huttone?]] Cassen [[Konlery rila?]] W Hullon [[image: middle right]] 3725
250 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: middle left]] HN 29274 [[image: center, partially obscured]] viero Solitarius [[k?]] Creek Elliott Caves [[image: middle right]] 37497
250 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 29274 viero Solitarius Rock Creek Elliott Caves [[image: middle right]] 37497
250 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[comm?]] not sharp bill [[?]] [[image: middle left]] Hn 37011. [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[011?]] vireo plumbeus Dr E Caves [[rt?]] whippel near Prescott Ariz Exp in Arizona [[image: middle right]] 37011
250 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[Commence?]] not sharp bill [[?]] [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 37011 vireo plumbeus Dr E Laws Fort Whippel near Prescott Ariz Exp in Arizona [[image: middle right]] 37011
250 [[superscript]] xx [[/superscript]] bill too thick olive legs up [[image: center]] 20402 vireo Soiltarius Vera Paz Osbert Salvin vireo propenquus
251 white behind eyes [[image: left]] NNN 12403 [[image: center, partially obscured]] vireo Cassinii [[l?]] California John Xantus Fort Tejan Cal vireo Cassini.
251 white behind eyes [[image: middle right, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 12403 vireo Cassinii Exp of California vireo Cassini John Xantus Fort Tejon Cal vireo cassini
252 bill too large [[image: bottom left]] 2591 [[image: center]] 2591 vireo flavibrons Carlisle Pa [[image: top right]] 2591 [[image: bottom right]] 2217
253 12443 - [[image: center]] 12443. Penn[[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] M. polyglottus. Dr. G. C. Leibing [[image: top right]] 12443
253 12443 - [[image: center]] 12443 Penn[[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] M. polyglottus Dr G. C. Leibing [[image: top right, rolled back]]
253 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] Rejected [[image: middle left]] 253 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] 8159 are not ears too dark [[image: center]] N160 Mimus polyglottos 8159 los angelas wallg mimis polyglothus RSW.
253 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript Rejected [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] N160 Mimus polyglottus 8159 los angelas wallg mimus polyglothus RSW.
254 [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 2596 [[/underlined]] [[M. carolinusis?]] Calisle Mar 1846 Prof Baird [[image: middle right]] 2596
254 [[?]] [[?]] not extending far enough back Upper outine of bill not curved enough Throat and side 7 [[?]] not dark enough [[image: center]] 38425 Expl west of Missouri R [[R.B. mt m.d?]] Laramie [[Bick?]] [[Galeoscoptes carvlemuises.?]] [[image: middle right]] HHn 38425
255 Bill wrong [[image: middle left]] 53424 [[image: center]] 8129 minus montanus H Diego R S W 79 Oreoscoptes montanus San Diego. Cal. [[image: top right]] HHn 8129 [[image: bottom right]] 8129
256 [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[imnus?]] Heermann [[image: left]] 3732
256 [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 3932 [[/underlined]] [[H. redicionus?]] Heermann Cal[[superscript]] a [[/superscript]]
256 [[image: middle left]] Too coarse & dark, - ought not the heavy lines under the throat to be cut out? [[image: center, obscured]] [[?]] [[redurries?]] Heermann [[image: bottom right]] 3932
256 [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] N 24 [[Harporhynolus redurries?]] 3932 Texaslima rediviva Californica Camb Dr Heermann [[image: bottom right]] 3932
257 [[lad?]] sharp [[image: center]] 40718 Exp in the Rocky Mat Dr Elliott Cones. U.S.A [[Harporhynchus Luontic?]] Fort mayors J H R april [[image: middle right]] 40718
257 [[image: middle left]] May 21. 60 Jasper Green Type 257 [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[Coll?]] Geo N Lawrence 257 Harporhynchus Fort Yuma [[Lecontii?]] California [[Type?]] [[image: middle right]] Type 257 [[image: bottom right]] HHn Cor.
257 [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] Coll Geo N Lawrence 257 Harporhynchus Fort Yuma Lecontii California [[Type?]] [[image: middle right, rolled back]] [[image: bottom right]] HHn Cor. 257
258 [[left image]] Too heavy + dark, -cut off as in sketch [[/left image]] [[center image]] [[mostly covered by overlapping paper]] Fort Yuma [[/center image]] [[right image]] 11593 [[/right image]]
258 [[image: left, rolled back]] N25 0 11593 Harporhynchus Crisalis Exp and survey of Colorado River Fort Yuma [[image: right]] 11593
258 [[image: left]] [[underline]] 11533 [[/underline]] Ft Yuma Hcrissalis +_ Motthanssen [[image: right]] 11533
258x [[image - bird with speckled chest]] 26343
258 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image]] 26343 San Jose, S. Cal [[underline]] a [[/underline]] H cinereus [[male symbol?]] Nov. 19. 1859 Xantus.
258 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[strikethrough]] Bill [[/strikethrough]] too deep [[image: middle left]] HHN 26343 [[image: center]] 26343 Expl in California Harporhyncus cinnereous John Xantus San Jose L. Cala
258x [[strikethrough]] Bill [[/strikethrough]] too deep [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 26343 Expl in California Harporhyncus cinnereous John Xantus - San Jose L. Cala
259 bill shape [[image: bottom left]] 7200 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 7200 Texastoma Ringgold barack light mark [[partially obscured]] Mr. Clarck [[partially obscured]] nms JHR april [[image: top right]] 7200 [[image: bottom right]] 7200
259 bill shape [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 7200 Texastoma Ringgold. barack left mark [[partially obscured]] Mr Clarck H. cinnereus JHR april [[image: middle right]] 7200 [[image: bottom right]] 7200
260 Bad. Bill too much Brown of head not right [[image: middle left]] 4016 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 4016 Toxostima longistus Couch Harporhync[[partially obscured]] [[image: middle right]] 4016 Harporhynchus longirostris. [[image: bottom right]] 4016
260 Bad. Bill the Neck Brown of head Not right [[image: middle left]] 4016 [[image: center]] 4016 Saxastina longestus Brownsvelt Texes Couch Harporhyncus longuoreus [[image: middle right, rolled back]] [[image: bottom right]] 4016
2611 Point of bill not right Rejected [[left image]] 2261 Nichols Mary [[/left image]] [[right image]] 2261 morinas rufus L Carlisle Pa [[/right image]]
261 [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] [[strikethrough]] not to be [[enpanch?]] Duplicates another way [[/strike]] Bill too much not to be engraved [[image: center]] 38447 Expl west of Missouri R Harpoahynchus longuantha Larang Peak R B Hitr
261 [[image: center, partially obscured]] H rufus. Washington D. c. Mch 467 Ridgeway
261 [[image: center]] Washington D.C. H rufus Mch [[4?]] 67 Ridgeway [[image: right]] x [[St?]] [[true?]] [[distance?]]
262 [[image: middle left]] [[Shayha has?]] 7491 Cut out this outline Rear show [[image: center, partially obscured]] Leptis Brunnei capillus [[image: middle right]] 7491
262 [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 7491 Puoleptis Brunnei capillus [[image: middle right, partially obscured]] 7491 CL
262 [[image: left]] 262 7150 [[image: center, partially obscured]] Pocolaptis emmicapullas N 18 7150 Los angelos Wally RS [[image: right]] 7149 [[male symbol]] C. brunneicapillus Mohave Desert, Cal. Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus Los Aryells
[[image: center]] [[Oct 1913?]] Pocolaptis emmicapullas N18 7150 Los angelos Wally RSW [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: middle right, rolled back]] Campylorhyrchus brunneicapillus Los aryills
262x will answer. upper bill too thick bill drew 2'laid pear [[image: left]] cut away 12965 Rear Shail[[?]] [[image: center]] [[partially obscured by left and lower center images]] of the Colf of California mpy Corhynchus affinis Liceas John Xantus [[image: lower center]] 12965 [[with digit 9 reversed left-to-right]] [[male symbol]] C. affinis Cape of St. Leucas [image: right]] [[no text]]
262x will answer. upper bill no thick Luil. drew 2' Luil pear [[image: left]] [[folded over]] [[image: center]] [[partially obscured by image bottom center]] 12965 Expl of the Colf California Campylorhyneteus affinis Cape St Lucas John Xantus [[image: bottom center]] [[folded over]] [[image: right]] [[no text]]
To be [[underline]] redrawn [[/underline]] 263 [[left image]] N23 3969 Troglodytes mexicanus Say N Leon mexo Cauh [[/left image]] [[right image]] [[symbol]] redraw [[line]] head not by en 3969 J.F.R. May/66 [[/right image]] Cather
263 not draw [[image: center, beak and wings]] Calpupes mexicanus 52791 B. Magarlan Mex-
263x [[image: center]] 534253. Carson City Nev. Catherpes mexicanus. var
263 [[image: bottom left]] 53425 [[image: center]] [[underlined]] Catherpes Mexicanus [[/underlined]] [[image: top right]] [[image: bottom right]]
264 [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 7157 [[/underlined]] Salpinctes obsoletus [[male symbol?]] - Tajon Valley [[image: top right]] 7157
264 Rejected [[image: top left]] 264 7157 [[image: bottom left]] 7157 [[image: center]] Salpinctes obsoletus [[strikethrough]] 71521 [[/strikethrough]] 7157 N220 7157 7157 Troglodylis obsoletus RSW Tyon Waly
265 [[image: left]] 7113 N [[image: center]] [[partially obscured by images on left and right]] 7113 luderreans Philada Triglodyles Carolinus ans [[image: bottom]] 1784 [[image: right]] 7113
265 [[image: center]] 7113 Thryothorus [[luderoeous?]] Philada Triglogyles Carolinus ans [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: middle bottom]] 1784 [[image: middle right]] 7113 155 230 155 [[line]] 750 75 9150 31 [[line]] 46 31 [[line]] 15
266 [[?]] Use head of ludov [[image: center, partially obscured]] 7122 [[Ce?]] [[Fxn?]] Thryothorus berlandeeri [[image: right]] 7122
266 [[?]] Use head of ludov [[image: center]] 7122 [[Ce?]] [[Fxn?]] [[strikethrough]] Streaks on sides of head corrected [[/strikethrough]] Thryothorus berlandeeri [[image: right, right rolled back]]
267 [[image: center]] N 200 7132 [[image: left middle, partially obscured]] 267 [[image: left bottom]] 7132 Thryothorus [[beurckii?]] var. spelurus [[Coserunes?]] River. Cal.
267 [[image: center]] N 200 7132 [[image: middle left]] 267 7132 [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] Thryothrus beurekii var. spelurus Coserrunes River. Cal.
267. [[image: right]] 1047 [[male symbol]]
268 [[image: center]] 1454 Carlisle Pa_ T. palustris May 4 1844 Prof. Baird- [[image: right]] 1454 Correct breast lighten shade on breast
Rejected redraw 268 [[image: top left]] 1374 thin out these lines [[image: bottom left]] 1374 [[image: center]] N14 Troylodyles patuda 1374 Ford Teyon Cala J Xantus [[image: right]] not big enough head 1374 take out black shade J.F.R May/66
269 [[image: center]] [[strikethrough]] Bill [[?]] slender Light stripe over eye [[strikethrough]] corrected Troglodytes brevirostris, Nutt } 3073 J.L. } L. C. Ga. 1846 } Cistothorus stellaris. [[image: right]] 3073
270 [[image: right]] 270
271 Rejected [[underlined]] [[adran?]] [[/underlined]] [[image: center]] 2136 D. G. Suckley Trog parfirnanus 78 Fort [[Stilaromnsy?]] Troglodytes parkmanni 7136 [[image: top left]] 7136 [[image: bottom left]] 7136 [[image: middle right]] 7136 [[symbol]] J.F.R. May/66
271 Rejected [[underlined]] redran [[/underlined]] [[image: center]] 2136 D. G. Suckley Trog parfirnanus 78 Fort [[Stilaromnsy?]] Troglodytes parkmanni 7136 [[image: top left, rolled back]] [[image: bottom left]] 7136 [[image: middle right]] 7136 [[symbol]] J.F.R. May/66
271 Rejected [[underlined]] [[redren?]] [[/underlined]] [[image: center, rolled back]] [[image: top left, rolled back]] [[image: bottom left]] 7136 [[image: middle right]] 7136 [[symbol]] J.F.R. May/66
Rejected 273x [[left image]] This does not in the least resemble the sketch [[/left image]] [[center image]] NW Boundery survey Hyemalis [[covered by paper]]malis [[/center image]] [[right image]] 17434 [[/right image]]
Rejected 273x [[center image]] NW Boundery survey Troglodytes Hyemalis 17434 Troglodytes hyemalis Dr C B Kennerly [[/center image]] [[right image]] 17434 [[/right image]]
273 [[image]] 31045♂ Troglodytes hyemalis. [[/image]]
273 x [[image: left]] 17434 [[image: center] [[underline]] 17434. [[/underline]] Thy hyenalis var pacificus Semiahunoo Bay. W.T. Kennerly- [[image: right, overlapping center image]] 273 x Cut off lip of bill as above and round off 17434
273x [[image: left]] 17434 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 17434 [[/underline]] Thy- hyanalis var pacificus. [[male symbol]] Semiahunoo Bay. W. T. Kennerly- [[image: right, folded over]]
273 x [[center image]] H.W.E. [[underline]] 54447 [[/underline]] Troglodytes alascendis- ♀ Type St. Georges Jr. Behring Sea. W.H. Dall. [[/center image]] [[cut out image-top center]] 7122 [[/cut out image-top center]] [[right image]] 54447 [[right image]]
Upper left corner: 273 superscript x [[??]] [Top center image: black & white sketch of bird's head with long, narrow, slightly downturned beak with visible nostril, and dotted ring around eye)]; Number 7122 on sketch. [Lower center image: sketch of (apparently) different bird's head, with light brown coloring of plumage, straight, narrow beak, and no eye ring or nostril.] Under lower center image: H.W.E. [underlined] 54447 Type Troglodytes alarcemirs_♀[[??]] St. Georges Jr. Behring sea. W.H. Dahl
274 [[left image]] [[underline]] 5924 [[/underline]] Chamaea fasaiata D = Cooper Santa Clara Calder [[/left image]] [[right image]] 5924 [[/right image]]
Rejected 274 [[image:: center left]] 5924 [[image:: lower left]] 5924 [[image:: center]] N130 N Paulfeg R R Surve 5924 Chamerea fasiada Cala F. G. Cooper Gov J J Stevens Santa Clara [[image:: center right]] Head not big enough redraw 5924 J.F.R May, 66 [[the above image partially covers text on the sheet. The following is what is visible.]] Chamaea fa 5924 San Dr. Carter
274 [[partially obscured text on the brown page]] Ry Chamaea fa 5924 [[obscured text assumed to be Santa Clara]] Cal Dr. Cooper [[image: center, folded over and obscuring some text, as noted above]] N130 Gov JJ Stevens Sam [[image: center left]] 5924 [[image: lower left]] 5924
275 [[image: right]] Certhia Americana 827 [[male symbol]]
176 [[?:]] [[image: center]] 13743 1421 [[Ai?]] [[anureas?]] Fort Lyon Col Xantus Certhia mexicaneo? N. Lyon. 76 [[image: right]] HHN 13743 [[?]]
277 Redraw head [[?]] small Do over drawing. Commissure should be straight [[image: left]] 1762 Rea & Sharp. [[image: center]] 1762 bill [[?]] Sitta Carolinensis Carlisle Carolinensis [[male symbol]] [[Cen?]]
277 Redraw head [[?]] small Do over drawing. Commissure should be straight [[image: left]] 1762 Rea & Sharp. [[image: center]] 89 1762 bill [[?]] Sitta Carolinensis Carlisle Carolinensis [[male symbol]] [[Cen?]]
277 [[image: lower left]] [[image: center middle]] Sitta Carolinensis. [[image: center right]] 59324 53444 [[image: center bottom of page]]
59[[strikethrough]] 278 [[image: middle -- long bill, black crown, brown iris]] 10209 Sitta aculeata Sitta aculeata [[male symbol]] ex 5 [[?]] Exploring of Cala [[?]] J. Xantus Fort Tejon Cali [[?]] [[image: middle left]] bill no [[?]] slender [[cross symbol]] 278 10209 [[image: upper left]] [[? symbol]] 10209
279 [[image: left]] 2073 [[male symbol]] [[image: central]] 818 Sitta Canadensis (L) Carlisle Pa N 4 [[erasure?]] Sitta Canadensis 818 [[male symbol]] Penn. [[image: right]] HHN 818
280 no green bellsr[[?]] foreheads [[image: left]] Top of head lighted 1[[backward printed number 9]]25 [[image: center]] [[partially obscured by left image]] 25 Sitla purella Ga [[image: right]] AWN 1925
280 no green abelar [[??]] forehead [[center image -- long bill, brown crown and nape, blue back]] 1925 Sitla purella Ga [[??Gn]] [[right-hand image]] 1925 AWN [[?? initials]]
Rejected 281 [[top left image]] 18010 [[/top left image]] [[bottom left image]] 18010 [[/bottom left image]] [[center image]] 18010 Sitta piggmaca Fort Crook e John Teilner [[/center image]] 62, 50
281 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 3342 [[/underline]] Upper Cali a Sitta pygmaca [[/image: center]] [[image: right]] 3342 [[/image :right]]
282 [[?]] [[image: center left]] 102 10213 Poleoptila coerulus Umenlo Kennicott Poliopula caerulea [[/image : center left]] [[image: center right]] break HHN 10213 [[/image: center right]]
283 Black lens over eye [[? beak]] [[image: center]] 101 11541 Polioptila plumbea Fort Yuma Mollhausen [[image: lower left]] 11541 [[image: upper left]] white round eye 11541
284 [[?]]feather [[image: center]] 103 7191 San Diego RSW Caliuvora melanura Polioptila melanura. [[male symbol]] San Diego [[image: lower left]] Bring out white spot 7191
285 on wood Count outline [[?]] [[image: center]] ripped bill enough [[?]]/not heft [[?]] [[strikethrough]] light mark behind eyes [[/strikethrough]] corrected Smith, Ins. } 29679 } Springfield, Ill.} Lophophanes bicolor [[image: right]] 29673
286 Rejected aller [[image: left]] 6757 [[image: right]] 6757 Laphaphanes atrieristatus Fort Clurhe Texas TGP
286 Rejected aller [[image: left]] 6757 Rea & Shasp [[image: right]] 6757 Laphaphanes atrieristatus Fort Clurhe Texas TGP
289 [[image: left]] Parus septentrionalis [[image: right]]
291 use cart of 2 [[image: top left]] 9219 [[image:center]] 9219 mr D Dougglas Collected Parm occidentalis JHR april [[image: right]] 291 9219 [[image: bottom left]] 12851 [[symbol]] alighten out here a very little 21 takes a shade of blue
288 [[image: left]] [[underline]] 40742 [[/underline]] Lop- Wolveberii [[symbol]] Ft. Whipple April 29.65. Coves [[image: right]] 40742
289 [[underline]] Redraw [[/underline]] [[underline]] Carcul [[/underline]] [[image: left]] 3704 Rea & Sharp [[image: center]] 3704 Parus septintronalis Harris [[line]] Salt Lake City [[image: right]] 3704
289 Redrau Carcul [[Left-hand image: folded over, only beak visible]] Rea D [[??rest of writing covered by fold]] [[Center image: short, medium-thick bill; whiskers; dark crown and throat; white side of face]] 3704 Parus seplentronales Harris Salt Lake City [[Right-hand image: partly covered by center image; tail only -- spread, from above]] 3704 [[written vertically]]
289 Redrau Carcul [[Appears to be same as page 32, but with the left hand image now unfolded for view]] [[Left-hand image]] 3704 Rea & Sharp [[Center image: now partly covered by left-hand image and also folded over on upper right corner]] 3704 Parus seplentronales [[Right-hand image: now nearly completely exposed; tail only]] 3704 [[written vertically]]
aller. 287 [[image: top left]] 35356 Rea & Sharp [[image: bottom left]] 35356 [[image: center]] 35356 Exploring at California John Xantus 35356 Lopephanes inorvalus Fort Teyon Cal N7 Lophophanes inernatus Cal [[image: top right]] 37051 [[image: bottom right]] 37051
288 head crested see cass [[image: left]] 27057 HHN [[image: right]] 37057 Exp in arizona BrE Coves USA Lophaphanes nollusbei fort whippel
286 [[image: left]] 12107 L. atrucristatus. [[symbol]] San Antonio Texas April 61 Woodhouse [[image: right]] 12107
286 draw from other [[?]] on wood [[image: center]] Lerphphanus atrioristatus [[male symbol]] 12107- San Antonio Texas- Dr. Woodhouse-
[[image:center]] 293 706 D. A. [[male symbol]] Apl 5th 1842 Parus Carolinensis [[image:middle right]] 706 [[image:bottom left]] 293 replace 706 [[image:bottom right]] new 706 [[male symbol]] Parus carolinensis Washington, D. C.
294 [[image:center]] Exploring of California John Xantus Parus montanus 33009 Fort Tejon Cal NG Parus montanus 33009 [[image:middle right]] new 53456 Parus montanus [[image:bottom left]] 33685
295 [[image: center]] 6786 Parius rufescen Dr J G Cooper Fort Vancouver Parus rufescens [[male symbol]] vancouves [[image: middle left]] [[underlined]] cancel [[/underlined]] has it the crest HHn 6786 Not to be used
295 Show red half below [[image: center, partially obscured]] 1786 N. Pacific R R Survey [[Par?]] Dr J G Cooper H [[bauusesous?]] [[image: middle left]] HHn 1786 [[image: bottom left]] 295 45946 [[image: middle right, partially obscured]] 295 Original 1786 [[image: bottom right]] new 295 45946
295 Show red half below [[image: center]] 1786 N. Pacific R R Savoy [[Par?]] Dr J G Cooper H [[bauusesous?]] J H R april [[image: middle left]] HHn 1786 [[image: bottom left]] 295 45946 [[image: middle right]] 295 Original 1786 [[image: bottom right, rolled back]]
196 [[image: center]] 17101 Halifax Parus hudsonicus T Rurl J H R april [[image: middle left]] HHn 17101 [[image: bottom center]] 296 [[image: top right]] 296 [[image: middle right]] Original
297. [[image: center]] 297 [[color swatch]] Psaltriparus melanotis [[image: right]]
[[background sheet]] 298 [image: top Left] 22417 [[image: left center]] 6758 Bad. Do Over. [[image: center, partially obscured]] 5758 N Pacific RR-[[obscured]] Fort Steilacoom N8 Psaltriparus Minimus. [[image: upper right center]] 6758 [[image: right, partially obscured]] 6758 J.F.R. May/66
[[background sheet]] 298 [image: top left] 22417 [[image: left center]] 6758 Bad. Do Over. [[Image: center, partially obscured]] 5758 N Pacific RR survey Fort Steilacoom Puget Sound 5758 T W Suckley X N8 Psaltriparus Minimus. [[image; upper right, rolled back]] [[image; right center, partially obscured]] 6758 J.F.R. May/66
299 [[image: top left]] 37063 [[image: center]] 37063 Exp in arizona Dr E Cones USA Psaltriparus plumbeus Fort Whippel Prescott
300 [[Image: far left center]] 42210 [[Image: center, partially obscured]] 11545 Expl and survey of Colora...[[obscured]] [[Paroides Flavians harty?]] In T C Ives fort Yuma ne [[holthausen?]] [[ng?]] [[Paroides Flarueps?]] N. Yuma. [[Image: top right]] 11545 [[Image: center right, obscured]] 11545 J.F.R. May/66
[[Background paper]] 300 [[Image: far left center]] 42210 [[Image: center]] 11545 Expl and survey of Colora...[[obscured]] [[Paroides Flavians Fort Yuma?]] fort Yuma ne [[holthausen?]] [[ng?]] [[Paroides Flarueps?]] N. Yuma. [[Image: top right, rolled back]] [[Image: center right]] 11545 J.F.R. May/66
301 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 11957 Certhiola Bahamensis Bahamas April 59. [image: bottom right]] 1195[[7?]]
301 [[image: center]] 11957 Certhiola Bahamensis [[male symbol]] Bahamas April 59. Bryant [image: bottom right, rolled back]]
302 [[image: center]] 3939 Altcoris rufus California D Herrmann Eremiphila cernula Cula. Spring [[image: right]] Dw hand S P N con 3939
302 Eu Draw a hand [[image: left]] 4330 Evemophilea cornutei, jrw. [[image: center]] 3719 otoceres rufus and California W Hutton Eresnophila cornula Jui [[image: upper right]] 3713 [[image: lower right]] 3713
302 Nivadi Grl [[?]] image[[center]] 53470 Carson City E. Cormaston [[male symbol]] Rialgwary [[?]] image[[right]] 53470
362x [[image: left, partially obscured]] 302x Alauda arvensis [[image: right]] [[only bird image, nothing written]]
303 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 16770 make outline of head not so broad below [[HB.?]] Territory H. vespertina [[image: right]] 16770
[[background paper]] 303 [[image: center]] 16770 make outline of breast not so broad below H B. Territory H. vespertina [[image: right, rolled back]]
[[background paper]] 303x [[image: left, obscured]] 35150 Mirador Men. H. vespertina [[inverted female symbol?]] var bonapartis [[image: right]] 35150
303 [[squiggle?]] [[image: center]] 6372 N. Pacific RR Survey [[?]] T T Stevens Coccoth vespertina Fort Vancouver Dr T G Cooper Hesperiphona vespertina [[image: right]] 6372
304 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center, partially obscured ]] Smithsonian Ins. 49955 Pyrrhula [[line]] 5535 Nulata Russian America Jan 10th 1867 Pyrrhula [[line]] [[image: top right]] 5535 x
304 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] Smithsonian Ins. 49955 Pyrrhula [[line]] 5535 Nulata Russian America Jan 10th 1867 Pyrrhula [[line]] [[image: top right, rolled back]]
304 other figure engraved [[image: center]] 19579 Expl in artic america Pinicota Canadensis Fort Simpson Makenzie River R Kenicott
304 [[image: center]] 96 1122 [[Paso?]] Cala TGC Pinicola Sumith Johnsons Pinicola Canadensis Johnsons Pan. Cal Sept.22.63 [[image: right]] 96 1122
304 [[image: center]] 12846 Brooklyn N. canadensis [[male symbol]] [[image: right]] 12846
304 [[image: center, partially obscured]] Pinicola Canadensis Capn Blakston [[image: middle left]] [[image: bottom right]] HHn Rev 16771 [[underlined]] Number [[/underlined]] to be added.
304 [[image: center]] 16771 Pinicola Canadensis Capn Blakston [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: bottom right]] HHn Rev 16771 [[underlined]] Number [[/underlined]] to be added.
304 ♀ gull [[image]] [[underline]] 543 [[underline]] P. Canadensis ♀ [[image]]
305 [[Background paper]] where brighter line over eye Lower edge of bill not straight [[image: bottom left]] 796 [[image: center]] 796 Erythrospisa purpureu Carlisle Pa [[image: right, center]] 796 l [[image: right, bottom]] 796 [[male symbol]]
305 [[male symbol]] [[image: left] 2139 [[image: center]] 2139 - Carlisle Va [[?]]
306 [[Background paper]] Upper Jaw [[is Inul?]] it leaves edge not right [[Image: lower left]] 10231 ♀ Californicus cali [[strikethrough]]Carpodacus [[purpureus?]] [[strikethrough]] [[Image: center]] 6231 Fort Trejon California Xantus Carpodacus californicus 9 [[Image: right]] 6231
306 [[background paper]] outline of bill and head [[not...obscured]] [[Image: center]] 10230 [[strikethrough]] 7037 [[strikethrough]] [[Carpadams?]] John Xantus TW Fort Tejon Carpodacus californicus [[Inverted female symbol]] [[Image: center bottom]] 10230 [[Image: top right]] 10230 [[Image: bottom right]] 10230 [[male symbol]]
307 Lower outlines of bill not straight enough [[image: upper right]] 18027 [[image: center]] 18027 Carpodacus cassini [[female symbol]] Fort Crook [[image: lower right]] 18027
307 Red of head not far enough back. Lower outline of bill not straight [[image: center]] 18026 Carpodacus Cassini Fort Crook J Hunt [[image: upper right]] 18026 [[image: lower right]] 5 [[male symbol]] 3471 Carpodacus Cassinii
308 [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 6429. [[/underlined]] C frontalis [[female symbol]] [[image: middle right]] 6429
308 Think front [[?]] [[haemer?]] has shadow [[blw?]] bill too low use [[female symbol]] to improve - [[contrast?]] [[image: center]] 10223 Exploration of California T W Carpodacus John Xantus Carpodacus frontalis [[male symbol]] [[image: center bottom]] 10223 [[image: top right]] 10223] [[image: bottom right]] 10223 [[male symbol]]
309 Upper bill too curved [[image: top left]] 2706 [[image: center]] 2706 Carpodavus frontalis Mexica E Harris Carpodacus haemonhous [[image: upper right hand corner]] dont publish[[??]] 2706 [Image: lower right-hand]] 2706
313 [[Image: left-hand]] HHN 1521 [[Image: center]] 45 Chrysomitris tristis L 1521 Carlisle
313 [[image: left]] HHN 868 [[image: center]] 868 Chrisomitris tristis Carlisle Pa [[image: right]] 2205 [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] [[Cy?]] [//strikethrough]] Chrysomitris tristis
314 [[image: left]] HHN 8401 [[image: center]] 39 Cardinles prathia [[male symbol]] x 6401 Cammus River Chrysomitris psaltria [[male symbol]] [[image: right]] 314 C. psaltria, [[male symbol]] 6401, Calif -
314 Correct [[Image: middle left]] [[strikethrough]] don't publish [[/strikethrough]] HHN 3930 [[Image: center]] 3930 Chrysometris psaltria Say D Herrmann Californie [[Image: middle right]] 3930
315 x [[image: center]] 37091 -- Americana var Arizonae [[female symbol]] -- Fr. Whipple. June 24, '04. Cones -- [[image: right]] 37091
315 x [[image: center]] 37091 -- Americana var Arizonae [[female symbol]] -- Fr. Whipple. June 24, '04. Cones -- [[image: right, rolled back]]
315 [[image: center]] 4078 Chrysenita Mexicanus Parras Mexico Cavish [[??]] Chrysometris mexicanus [[Image: right-hand]] 4078
[[strikethrough]] 318 [[/strikethrough]] 315 [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] [[underline]] 22432 [[/underline]] Mexico C mexicanus [[female symbol]] [[image: right]] 22432
316 [[image: center]] 6405 [[strikethrough]] Cardelis Towensendii [[/strikethrough]] Cannon River ASW [[image: right]] [[initial]] 6405
316 [[female symbol]] [[ga?]] [[image: center]] 40836 Arizona C. Lawrencei [[image: right]] Use f [[?]] [[female symbol]] 40836
316 [[mark?]] [[image: left]] dont publish HHN 3928 [[image: right]] 3928 Chrysamitris Laurencii Herrmann California
317 [[g?]] [[image: center]] 11095 [[?]] Bridger C. pinus [[female symbol]] [[Drealer?]] [[image: right]] 11095
317 Upper outline of bill not straight enough outline not slender enough [[image: left]] HHN 11096 [[image: center]] 11096 11096 Chrysomitris pinus [[South?]] Pass Wagon Road Ford Bridger Utah Camp Scott C Drexler
317 another figure engraved [[B?]] [[image: center]] 18024 Chrysomitris Pinus Fort Crook [[I/C?]]
318 Take the [[?]] [[image: center]] 6442 N Pacific RR Survey [[C?]] [[?]] Stevens Shoalwater Bay W.T. Dr T G Coop[[er]] Curvirostra americanus [[image: right top]] 6442 [[image: right bottom, rolled back]]
318 Take the [[?]] [[image: center]] 6442 N Pacific RR Survey Gov I I Stevens Shoalwater Bay W.T. Dr T G Cooper Curvirostra americanus [[image: right top]] 6442 [[image: right bottom, rolled back]]
318 other fig. engraved curved bill [[image: center]] 21968 N W Boundery Survey A Campbell Curvirostrae americanus Colville Dr C E Kennerly
318 [[image: center]] 18034 Curvirostra americana Fort Crook N Cal John Leilner [[image: right]] 18034
318 Another figure engraved [[image: center]] 9521 N W Boundery Survey a Campbell, Common Puget Sound Dr C B Kennerly Curvirostra americana
318 [[?]] no! on [[?]] [[go?]] [[image: lower left]] [[image: center] draw on wood for uniform red Curvirostra americana [[image: right]] [[image x'd out]] bad!!!
320 x E wood [[image: left]] 18098 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 18098 [[/underline]] [[?]] water Bay July [[?]].60. [[?]] [[?]] [[Conez?]] [[image: right]] 18098
Land birds Comments Delivered by HH Nehls June 1869 Requiring corrections
320 [[image: center]] 900- A. linaria [[female symbol]] Carlisle Dec 6 1824 Kraft Baird [[image: right]] 900
319 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 1215 [[/underline]] O. leucoptera [[female symbol]] - Philadelphia [[image: right]] 1215
319 [[image center]] 27360. C. leucoptera [[female symbol]] Yukon River April - Kennicott [[image right]] 2730
320 x [[image: lower left]] 39363 [[image: center, partially obscured]] Aegiothus "holbolli" Quebec 39363 Aegiothus linana (hol[[bolli)?]] Quebac - W. [[Cooper?]] [[image: center right]] [[symbol]] 39363 [[image: lower right]] 39363
320 x [[image: lower left]] 39363 [[image: center]] Aegiothus "holbolli" Quebec 39363 Aegiothus linana (holbolli) Quebec - W. Cooper [[image: middle right, rolled back]] [[image: lower right]] 39363
320 [[symbol]] [[image: left top]] HHN 39364 [[symbol]] [[image: left bottom]] 39364 [[image: center]] Exp in artic America Aegiothus linarius Cal Lin Fort Simpson MacKenzie Riv 39364 Aegiothus linaria Ft. Simpson. Rvr.
320 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] Aegisthus "holbolli" Quebec 39362 Aegisthus linaria. [[h?]] Quebec W. Cooper [[image: middle left]] 39362 [[symbol]] [[image: bottom]] 39362
320 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] Aegisthus "holbolli" Quebec 39362 Aegisthus linaria. holbolli Quebec W. Cooper [[image: middle right, rolled back]] [[image: bottom left]] 39362
320 [[superscript]] + [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 39363 [[/underlined]] [[superscript]] + [[/superscript]] A holbolli? Quebec W Cooper
320 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] 39362 A. holbollii ? Quebec W Cooper
320 [[superscript]] xx [[/superscript]] [[annotation on large page above center image]] Lower mand. too much [[hair?]] [[/annotation]] [[image: center]] 31149 Expl in artic America Good Hope exilipes Cones [[image: top left]] 31149 HHN don't publish [[image: bottom left]] 31149
321 [[superscript]] x [[??superscript]] not needed [[image: center]] 20557 Bristles over nose A. rostratus Godthaab. Greenland W.C.L. [[image: left]] [[stamped number]] 20557 [[/stamped number]] [[image: right]] [[stamped number]] 20557 [[/stamped number]] [[pencil mark resembling a figure 8]]
321 [[image: center]] 19686 A. crilipes [Female symbol] G.[[??]] Simpson 1861 [[image: right]] [[stamped number]] 19686
322 Masked[[??]] feathers[[??]] more[[??]] fine[[??]] [[image: left]] Parte[[??]] up[[??]] on file [[image: center, partially obscured]] 47 Head Waters The[[??Mo??]] Yellowston Deer Creek Nebraska [[Capt?]] [[W?]] F. Raynold USA Dr L V Haÿden Leucosticte sephaciotis[[??]] Leucosticte tephrocolis [[image: right]] 10255
322 [[same as previous page, with left hand image folded back to expose entire center image]] masked[[??]] feathers[[??]] more[[??]] fine[[??]] [[image: left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 47 Exploration Head Waters The [[??Mo??]] Yellowston 10255 Deer Creek Nebraska Capt W[[??]] F. Raynold USA Dr L V Haÿden Leucosticte [[[sephaciotes?]] Leucosticte tephrocolis [[image: right]] 10255
322? [[Left-hand image]] HHM 41527 [[Center image]] 41527 Exp in Colorado and Montana No curved Leucochiste Cephroclis Denver City Col Dr Werniek [[??]] JHRapril
[[No number visible on backing paper]] [[Center image]] 321x A. brewsteri Type. New Hampshire
323 [[image: center] [[underline]] 54244 [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] C [[/strikethrough]] L. griseonucha [[underline]] [[Onalatha?]] Island [[/underline]] Minor [[image: right]] 54244
323 x cut out crest of Chin [[lilloraks?]] Make chin [[arhy?]] [[image: left]] HHN [[image: center]] Leucosticte griseonucha Fort Simpson, Pacific coast T. Hepburn
324 upper bill too large [[image: center]] 9224 Leucosticte arctous Leucosticte arctaris T. Gould Siberia [[image: right top]] 9224 [[image: right bottom]] 9224
325 [[image: center, partly colored]] Exploration in Artic America 19632 Fort Resolution Plectrophans Nivalis Plectrophenes nivalis [[image: top right]] 19632
326 [[image: left]] HHN 19647 [[image: center]] Exploration in Artic America 19647 Fort Resolution A Kennicot Plectrophanus lapponicus Plectrophanus lapponicus
326 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 19647 [[/underline]] P. lapponicus [[female symbol]] Ft. Resolution May 23, 60 Kennicott
327 [[image: left]] HHN 19659 [[image: center]] 46 19659 Fort Simpson Plectrophanes [[Pichus?]] R A Ross 19659
327 [[female symbol]] wood E [[image: left]] 19664 [[image: center]] 19664 P. Pictus. Ft Thompson
327 [[mark]] remove hook of lower mand [[image: center]] 27395 Expl in Artic America Plectrophanes pictus Fort Good Hope R Kinnicott [[image: right]] 27395
328 [[strikethrough]] 3628 [[/strikethrough]] [[gafe?]] wood E [[image: left]] 1907 [[image: center]] 1907 Ft Union Plec. ornata [[female symbol]] Mr. Audubon.
328 [[mark]] [[image: left]] HHN 1907 [[image: center]] 1907 Plectrophanes ornata Towns Fort Union Audubon
329 E [[image: left]] 35359 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 35359 [[/underline]] P. melanomus [[female symbol.]] June 18, 1864 - John Leilner
330 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[underline]] 18990. [[/underline]] France Montifringilla nivalis [[female symbol]] [?C.]] [[?ronet]].
330 [[mark]] [[Canul!/?]] [[image: lower left]] 6282 [[image: center]] 6286 Plectrophanues M Cur N. Mexico TGD [[image: right]] dent [[?]] 6282 Black more crescented
330. [[symbol?]] wood E [[image: left]] 35951 [[image: center]] [[circled]] 330 [[/circled]] 35951 [[D?]] P. maccowni May 1864 Hi[[?]]
330 white more up nostril [[mark]] [[image: left]] HHN 35351 [[image: center]] 35351 Plectrophanes [[strikethrough]] [[seilnerii?]] [[/strikethrough]] maccowni La Chapelle D F J Leilner
330 [[superscript]] xx [[/superscript]] E Eug Hinkle [[image: left] [[image: center]] Pyrgita domestica [[image: right]]
330 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center, partially colored]] [[B?]] Schlegel: Mon. [[tex?]] [[underline]] pp 46 [[/underline]] Bonap. [[?]] [[Monivalis?]]
331 9 [[image: center]] New Head here Too large [[underlined]] 1885. [[/underlined]] C. [[underlined]] Bairdier. [[/underlined]] Ft. Union, Mo. Audubon. [[image: bottom left]] 331 branch [[Canalli?]] 1885 New figure to be drawn [[image: middle right]] 1885
331 [[image: top center]] 336x bairdii P. maynanor Type; Ipswich Mass- [[image: bottom center]] 17440 [[image: left]] 1744 [[image: right]] 17440 Centroups bairdi Ipswich Mass J Maynard. Dec 1868
332 [[image: left]] 10145 Washington [[underlne]]P. savanna [[symbol]] [[/underline]] JCMcGuire [[image: right]] 10145
333 [[?]] upper bill [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[image: center]] 6343 N. Pacific R R Survey Cor I I Stevvens Shoalwater Bay W T Dr J G Cooper Sand [[?]] Passerculus chrysops [[upside down male symbol]] Shoalwater Bay [[image: top right]] 6343 [[image: bottom right]] 6343
334 gafe [[image: top left]] 5555 Prith[[?]] [[image: bottom left]] 40929 [[image: center]] 40929 Arizona P. anthinus Cones. [[image: right]] 40929
334 [[symbol]] not dark [[?]] [[symbol]] [[image: left]] 5555 [[image: center]] 5555 Passerculus anthinus E. Samuels Petaluma Sonoma Co Cal [[image: right]] 5555
335 [[image: left]] 5554 [[image: top center]] 5554 Passercullus W T Petaluma Sonoma Co Cal E Samuels Passerculus alaudinus [[symbol]] [[image: bottom center]] 5554 [[image: top right]] 5554 [[image: bottom right]] 335 P. alaudinus [[upside down male symbol]] 53483, Utah.
336 more yellow over eye [[image: top left]] 6340 [[image: bottom left]] 6346 [[image: top center]] Embrinoza oviliata WT San Diego R W Passerculus rost[[partially obscured]] [[image: bottom center]] 6340 [[image: top right]] throat white 6346 [[image: bottom right]] 6346
336 more yellow over eye [[image: top left]] 6340 [[image: bottom left]] 6346 [[image: top center]] Embrinoza oviliata WT San Diego R W Passerculus rostratus [[image: bottom center]] 6340 [[image: top right]] throat white 6346 [[image: rolled back]]
[center] a drawing of something that looks like a leaf
336x [[image: center]] This bill should be darker above 26615 P. guttatus [[symbol]] San Jose Dec. 1859 Type -Hantus [[image: right]] 26615
337 [[image: center]] 10147 Z. gramineus Washington McGuire [[image: right]] 10147
337 [[mark]] [[mark]] W x x x x [[image: lower left]] 11123 [[image: center top]] 11123 South Pass Wagon Road Exp WT Pocecetes graminens C Drexler Fort Bridger Utha Camp Scott Pocecetes graminens. [[image: center bottom]] 11123 x [[image: right]] 1123
338 Upper Jaw no thick W x [[image: left top]] 31 22405 [[image: left bottom]] 32405 [[image: center top]] 32405 Coturniculus passernus Liberty Co Ga Prof F Leconte Coturniculus passerinus [[image: center bottom]] [[5?]] [[image: right]] 32405
338 [[image: top left]] 32405 [[image: center]] [[?.]] &w. [[?]] [[underline]] 32405 [[/underline]] Liberty Co Ga - Cot. passerinus - [[image: right]] [[mark]] 32405
339 [[?]] E [[image: left top]] 10245 [[image: left bottom]] 339 C. henslowi [[female symbol]] 61191. S. Ills - [[image: center]] 10243 - C. henslowi Liberty Co Ga Jos. Leconte [[image: right]] [[mark]] new [[?]] 10245
339 Wood, not engraved [[mark]] [[mark]] Upper Jaw not black enough [[mark]] [[image: center]] 10243 Emberiza henslowii Liberty Co GA Prof T [[?]] [[Leonti/Liconti?]] Coturniculus henslowi [[image: top left]] 10243 [[image: bottom left]] 10243
340 [[image: left]] 50222 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 50222 [[/underline]] [[underline]] C. lecontis [[/underline]] [[underline]] No:11 [[//underline]] Washington C: Texas. Winter '67 '68. D: G Lincecum [[image: top right]] 340 Colurincid le contei, [[male symbol]] 50222, Texas [[image: bottom right]] new head 50222
541 E [[image: left]] 609 [[image: center]] Eye to far [[backwards?]] 609. A. caudactus. [[symbol?]] Cape May N.J. June 1840 - Audubon
342 E [[image: left]] [[image: center]] A. maritima Phila Audubon [[image: right]]
343 [[image:center]] -7098. Ams- Samundis California Type [[image: top right]] -new head 7098 [[image: bottom right]] new head 7098
343 Q. S. stripe to eye [[?]] [[?]] rounder quills not rounded [[?]] [[image: left]] too heavy Take out these harsh lines [[image: top center, partially obscured]] Ammediam WT Petaluma Sonora Co Cal E Samuels 7098 Ammodromus Samuelis [[female symbol]] [[image: bottom center, x'd out]] 7098 [[image: right]] [[?]] [[?]] [[circled]] 7098 [[/circled]] 7098 343 number to be added
343 Q. S. stripe to eye [[?]] [[?]] rounder quills not rounded [[?]] [[image: left, rolled back]] [[image: top center, partially obscured]] 7098 Ammediam WT Petaluma Sonora Co Cal E Samuels 7098 Ammodromus Samuelis [[female symbol]] [[image: bottom center, x'd out]] 7098 [[image: right]] [[?]] [[?]] [[circled]] 7098 [[/circled]] 7098 343 number to be added
344 [[image: center]] Omaha [[? ? del]] 6300 Tejon Valley C. grammaca [[female symbol]] R. S. [[?]] [[image: right]] 6300
344 W [[black?]] [[?]] stripe fuller [[?]] the [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[date?]] x [[image: lower left]] 5557 [[image: center top]] 5557 TW Chondestes grammaca Pataluma Senoma Cal [[E. Samuele?]] Chondestes grammaca [[female symbol]] [[image: center bottom]] 5557 [[image: upper right]] [[strikethrough]] x [[/strikethrough]] 5557
345 need [[?]] engrav [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] 1506 [[/underline]] Carlisle Zon leucophrys Prof Baird
345 not right [[image: top left]] 345 1506 [[male symbol]] Z. leucophrys Carlisle, Pa. [[image: bottom left]] 345 817 [[male symbol]] Z. leucophrys Carlisle, Pa. [[image: top center, partially obscured]] 1506 Zonotrichua leuco[[riph?]]ys isle Zonotrichua leucophys [[male symbol]] [[image: bottom center]] 1506 [[image: top right]] 1506 black hardly close enough to eye [[image: bottom right]] 1506
345 not right [[image: top left, rolled back]] [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] [[image: top center]] 1506 Zonotrichua leuco[[riph?]]ys Carlisle Zonotrichua leucophys [[male symbol]] [[image: bottom center]] 1506 [[image: top right]] 1506 black hardly close enough to eye [[image: bottom right]] 1506
346 [[image: top left]] 346 [[male symbol]] 53505 Z. gambeli. Nevada. [[image: bottom left]] 346 53500 [[male symbol]] Z. gambeli Nevada [[image: top center, partially obscured]] N Pacific RR Survey Gov II Stivvens chia garnbelii d TWT Dr. TG Cooper Zonobuchun [[image: bottom center]] 346 white over eye cleaner 5978 [[image: top right]] white over eye cleaner 5978 [[image: top left]] 5978
346 [[image: top left, rolled back]] [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] [[image: top center]] 5978 N Pacific RR Survey Gov II Stivvens Zonotrichia garnbelii Whitbyd TWT Dr. TG Cooper Zonobuchun [[image: bottom center]] 346 white over eye cleaner 5978 [[image: top right]] white over eye cleaner 5978 [[image: top left]] 5978
346. [[?]] [[image: center]] Gray breast with shadow No dusky [[underline]] 53500 [[/underline]] Mt. Humboldt Mts. Z. gambeli Ridgway -- [[image: right]] 53500
346 [[?]] [[?]] engraved gafe [[image: center]] 53505 Humboldt Valley Z. gambeli [[female symbol]] Ridgway -
347 yellow [[?]] W x [[image: top left]] 347 27[[80?]] Z. coronate Col. River. [[image: bottom left]] 374 Not [[f?]] near Head? 2780 Col. Riv [[image: center]] Zonotrichia aurocapilla T N I At Rio Zonotrichia Coronta [[image: right]] [[mark]] 2780
347 yellow [[?]] W x [[image: top left, rolled back]] [[image: bottom left]] 374 N ot [[f?]] new Head? 2780 Col. Riv [[image: center]] Zonotrichia aurocapilla T N I At Rio Zonotrichia Coronta [[image: right]] [[mark]] 2780
348 wood not engraved [[image: left]] Zonotrichia querula, [[underlined]] auth [[/underlined]]. bill is big - slim [[image: center, partially obscured]] 1940 Harris's finch Hud Rukapaw County Mo river audubon Zonotrichia qu [[image: top right]] 1940 [[male symbol]] [[image: bottom right]] 1940
348 wood not engraved [[image: left]] Zonotrichia querula, [[underlined]] auth [[/underlined]]. bill is big - slim [[image: center, partially obscured]] 1940 Harris's finch Hud Rukapaw County Mo river audubon Zonotrichia querula [[male symbol]] [[image: top right]] 1940 [[male symbol]]
349 [[image: left]] 1434 [[image: top center, partially obscured]] 1434 Zonotrichia Pensilvanica (Zath) Carlisle Pa Zonotrichia [[male symbol]] [[image: bottom center]] 1434 [[image: top right]] 1434 [[image: bottom right]] 1434 [[male symbol]]
349 the bird not [[cryressed?]] yellow feather head more black [[image: left]] 1434 [[image: top center]] TW 1434 Zonotrichia Pensilvanica (Zath) Carlisle Pa Zonotrichia albrevllis [[male symbol]] [[image: bottom center]] 1434 [[image: top right, rolled back]] [[image: bottom right]] 1434 [[male symbol]]
349 [[N?]] not engraved [[image: center]] [[underline]] 1434. [[/underline]] Zonotrichia albicolis [[female symbol]] Carlisle May 3, 1844 Prof. Baird
350 Not to be engraved [[image: center]] [[underline]] 42112. [/underline]] J. cinereus. [[female symbol]] - Mirador Mexico Dr. C. [[Steitonis?]]
352 [[image: center]] 3920 J. oregoni Calif [[image: right] x 3920
352 [[mark]] W another [[finch?]] [[image: center top]] 3920 TW Struthus origina Towns Californica Heermann Junco oregonus [[female symbol]] [[image: center bottom]] [[a?]] 3920 [[image: right top]] beak- up 3920 [[image: right bottom]] 3920
353 W bill too short red bill black [[wh?]] black more difference to [[more?]] [[?]] [[image: left]] [[male symbol]] 11159 [[image: center]] 11159 South Pass Wagon Road [[Xyr?]] Junco caniceps Fort Bridger Utha Camp Scott G Drexler 11159 Junco caniceps [[female symbol]] [[image: right]] [[symbol]] 11159
353 [[image: center]] 40842 Exp in Arizona Dr E Caries USA THR april Tayer bil red Caniceps woodhaous Fort Whippele near Prescott ariz [[image: right top]] 40842 [[image: right bottom]] 40842
354 [[image: left]] [[stamped]] MAY 30 1872 [[/stamped]] 1287 [[male symbol]] [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 32411 [[/underlined]] Macon, Ga. [[underlined]] J. hyemalis [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Mch 1849 Dr Lecont [[image: right]] 32411
355 W under [[scary?]] [[lad?]] [[image: center]] 6321 Emberiza bebmeala TW TGP Leseus Poospaza belineala [[male symbol]] Texas [[image: top right]] 6321 [[image: bottom right]] 6321
[[image: center]] 354 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] 61302 [[male symbol]] J Aikeni Colorado.
355 work not [[?]] W [[symbol]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] 6323 Emberiza belineata Near [[M?]] TGP [[image: right]] 6316 [[male symbol]] Poospiza bilineata
355 W Work not [[?]] [[symbol]] [[image: center]] 6323 Emberiza belineata Near Mexico JGP [[image: right, rolled back]]
356 W [[image: top center, partially obscured]] 11199 South Pass Wagon Road Exp TW Poospisa belli Fort Bridger Utha Camp Scott C Brexler Poospiza [[be?]] [[image: bottom center]] 11199 [[image: top right]] 11199 [[image: bottom right]] 52516 [[male symbol]] Poospiza bellii var. nevadaensis
356 W [[image: top center]] 11199 South Pass Wagon Road Exp TW Poospisa belli Fort Bridger Utha Camp Scott C Brexler Poospiza belli [[male symbol]] [[image: bottom center]] 11199 [[image: top right]] 11199 [[image: bottom right, rolled back]]
357 [[image: center]] M. monticola [[image: right]]
351 S W make dark spot on breast. make lower bill more yellow except very tip. [[image: Center]] 871 Spirella [[strikethrough]] Canadensis [[/strikethrough]] Monticola Female symbol Carlisle B. [[image: top right]] 871 Outline of base of bill not definite [[image: bottom right]] 871 Black spot [[image: bottom left]] 871
358 E [[image: left]] 1378 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 1378.[[/underline]] [[underline]] S. pusilla [[female symbol]] [[/underline]] Carlisle Prof. Baird =
359 W [[symbol]] [[image: center]] 10150 Spizella Socialis Washington D.C. T. C. M'Griere [[image: bottom left]] 10150 [[image: top right]] bill bulky [[out?]] to [[?]] 10150 [[image: lower right]] 10150
359 gafe. what numbr [[image: center] 10150 Spizella sociales Carlisle N. J [[image: right]] 10150
359 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: bottom left]] 29368 [[image: center]] 29368 Expl in Arizona Dr E. Ganes Fort Whippele Spizella socialis arizonae : [[image: top right]] [[symbol]] 29368
360 W [[symbol]] red [[?]] [[b?]] [[?]] bill red [[?]] breast [[?]] [[image: centre]] 1937 Spizella pallida Fort union Audubon 1937, Spizella pallida [[image: centre right]] 1937 [[image: lower right]] 1937
361 [[image: center]] 1905 Spizella breweri Rocky [[Marntin?]] J R I 1905 Spizella breweri [[female symbol]] R M [[image: middle right]] 1905 [[image: bottom right]] [[Ar?]] for [[pallednalm?]] Spizella breweri [[male symbol]] 2890 [[image: bottom left]] 1905
362 W [[image: center]] 4935 J H [[Roprel?]] Agua Nueva Couhuela Couch [[image: right]] 4935
362 [[image: center]] 23866 THR April Expl in California John Xantus Spizella Canes [[image: right]] 23866
363 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 2637. [[underline]] M. melodia [[female symbol]] Carlisle May 1846 _ Prof Baird [[image: right]] 2637
364 W [[Washes?]] [[image: centre]] 10272 Exploration of California John Xantus Zonotrichia heermanii Fort Teyon Cal Melospiza heermanni [[image: left]] 53529 Melosiza heermanni [[image: right]] 10272
365 W [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[?]] California 8053 Melospiza gouldii Cal [[image: middle left]] 343 7098 M. samulei Calif. [[image: middle right]] 8053
365 W [[image: center]] 8053 Californea 8053 Melaspiza gouldii Cal [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: middle right]] 8053
366 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 46007 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] [[Meinerew?]] [[/underlined]] Sitka - Brichoff [[image: middle right]] 46007
366 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] w [[image: center]] melorpign Sitka Return L J Heburn [[image: top right]] [[symbol]] [[Correct by?]] of bill [[be?]] great [[image: bottom right]] [[image: bottom left]]
366 W X [[image: left bottom]] 1860 [[image: center top]] 1860 TW Frinvilla cinerea Cal River (Harris) 1860 Melispiza rufous [[female symbol]] Columbia Riv [[image: center bottom]] 1860 [[image: right top]] 1860
366 xx [[image: center, partially obscured]] Smithsonian Ins 52477 - Melospiza No15 Kodiak, May 24, 1868 F. Rishkoff Put in artsy borders Melospiza ------- No uniform mar[[kings?]] Shades of [[diff?]] correct [[image: right]] 52477
367 W [[image: bottom left]] New figure fuller [[pointing to beak profile view]] 37176 10 [[pointing to beak in plan view]] to [[cone?]] 367 new fig [[image: center left]] 367 [[female symbol]] 53537 M. fallax Nevada. [[image: center]] 37176 [[Exp?]] in arizona D E Coves USA melaspiza fallex Fort Whipple [[ver?]] Prescott arizona [[image: right]] New head 37176
367 other figure [[Acntn?]] bill outline used [[image: center]] 10281 [[Pacifey?]] R R Survey Lt A W Whippll Zanotrichia fallax Couch Melospiza fallax
368 gafe [[image: center]] 937 Carlisle Pa M. lincolnii Prof Baird [[image: right]] 937
368 [[symbol]] U [[image: bottom left]] Too deep shade of middle of bill too deep [[pointing to ear opening]] 937 [[image: center]] 937 Passerculus Lincolni and Carlisle 937 - Melospiza lincolni [[male symbol]] [[image: right]] 937
369 [[male symbol]] On wood E [[image: center]] 369 brown near eye H.W.E. 38746. M. palustris. [[male symbol]]. Washington D.C. [[image: right]] 38746
369 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 375. [[/underline]] Carlisle. M. Palustris - [[female symbol]] May 1841 Prof. Baird [[image: center right]] 375
370 G bill [[not?]] [[improving?]] y [[backmani?]] differently shaded as for cassim 9 [[image: left center]] 10245 [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 10245 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Peucaea Bachmanii [[/underlined]] animalis [[Liberty?]] C: G[[r?]] Prof Leernt
371 Not engraved [[?Merely]] pattern to color. [[?]] gafe [[image: center]] 6329 [[Tonas?]] P. cassini [[female symbol]] [[JGP?]] [[image: right]] 6329
371 [[mark]] [[mark]] Lower edge of upper bill not curved enough E [[image: left bottom]] 6327 [[image: center]] 6327 Mex Bound. Surv Mayar W H Emary Sea Nogales Mex Dr. C B Kennerly Peucaea cassini [[image: right]] 6327
372 W x [[image: center]] 6241 Ammodramus ruficeps Calaveras River RSW Peucrea ruficeps [[image: right top]] 6241 [[image: right bottom]] [[male symbol]] 6241
373 [[image: center]] [[underlined]] 29229 [[/underlined]] E. [[rufringata?]] [[female symbol]] Orizana Mex [[Linnahrast?]] [[diagonal markings]] [[image: left]] 29229
374 E gafe what number [[Eng/Erig?]] Hinkle [[image: left]] 846 [[image: center]] P. Iliaca Carlisle - Pa. Prof. Baird [[image: right]] 846
374 wood not engraved [[mark]] [[image: left, bottom]] 846 [[image: center, partially obscured]] 846 Passerella iliaca [[Marrein?]] Carlisle Pa [[image: right, top]] 846
374 wood not engraved [[symbol]] [[image: bottom left]] 846 [[image: center]] 846 Passerella Iliaca Marrem Carlisle Pa [[image: top right, rolled back]]
375 outline [[?]] W x [[image: left]] 2874 [[female symbol]] [[image: center]] 2874 Passerella townsendi (Aud) Nutt Col Rio [[image: right]] 2874
376 W x [[image: left, bottom]] [[male symbol]] 11231 [[male symbol]] 12402 Paserella schistacea P. megarhyncha. [[image: center]] 11234 South Pass Wagon Road Exp Passerella schistacea Fort Bridger Utha C. Draxler [[image: right]] 11234
376 W X [[image: center]] 11234 South Pass Wagon Road Exp Passerella schistacea Fort Bridger Utha Camp South C Draexler [[image: bottom left]] [[male symbol]] 11231 Passerella schistacea P. [[meparhynchm?]] [[image: middle right, rolled back]]
376 [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] W X [[image: center, partially obscured]] 13757 Exploration of California T W Passenella [[schistacea?]] Fort Tegan Cal J [[Xántus?]] Passenella [[s?]] [[image: bottom left]] 13757 [[image: bottom center]] 13757 [[image: bottom right]] 13757
376 [[superscript]] a [[/superscript]] W [[image: center]] 13757 Exploration of California T W Passenella schistacea Fort Tegan Cal J Xántus Passenella schistacea [[male symbol]] [[image: bottom left]] 13757 [[image: bottom center]] 13757 [[image: bottom right, rolled back]]
377 W Show white shoulder X [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[20?]] Wagon Road to Bridgers Pass [[speza?]] [[or?]] [[image of bird struck through]] This wing is bad ought to be altered [[eek?]] [[?]] I Bryan W S Wood [[image: top left]] 377 [[male symbol]] 5720 C. bicolor nebr. [[image: bottom left]] 377 [[male symbol]] bicol 5720 [[symbol]] new fig to come [[image: center right]] new head 5720
377 W Show white shoulder X [[image: center]] 5720 Wagon Road to Bridgers Pass Calamospeza Bicolor [[image of bird struck through]] This wing is bad & ought to be altered. Pole Creek Lt T I Bryan W S Wood [[image: top left, rolled back]] [[image: bottom left]] 377 [[male symbol]] bicol 5720 [[symbol]] new fig to come [[image: middle right, rolled back]]
377 W X [[image: center]] 630 C Corydalina bicolor [[female symbol]] N Mexico J G B [[image: top left]] 6306 [[image: bottom left]] 6306 [[female symbol]]
3786 wood gafe E Eng Hinkle [[image: left]] 1459 [[image: center]] 1459 E. Americana [[female symbol]]. Prof. Baird - Carlisle [[image: right]] 1459
378 [[male symbol]] [[gafe?]] [[underlined]] [[wwn?]] [[/underlined] [[image: center]] 10133 _ E. Americana [[female symbol]] Washington [[image: left]] 10133
378 [[head?]] not [[exposed?]] Bill wrong : [[symbol]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] 32423 Euspiza americana Indian [[Sp?]] [[G?]] B. f G. [[Leeutz?]] [[image: top right]] 32423 [[image: bottom left]] 32423
378 [[head?]] not [[exposed?]] Bill wrong : [[symbol]] [[image: center]] 32423 Euspiza americana Indian Spring Gi B. f G. [[Leeurt?]] [[image: top right, rolled back]] [[image: bottom left]] 32423
376 [[lower?]] not [[expressed?]] Upper jaw too thick and too curved. Lower not far enough back and not high enough [[symbol]] [[image: center]] 32424 Euspiza americana Indian spring Ga Prof G. [[Leant?]]
379 on [[head?]] [[not?]] [[expressed?]] [[auchar?]] [[image: center]] 10282 Euspiza Townsendii Chester Co Pa Dr Michener JHR april [[image: middle bottom]] 19282 [[image: top right]] 10282 [[image: bottom right]] 10282
380 [[on head not expressed?]] [[symbol]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] 6945 [[Guirc?]] [[image: bottom left]] [[male symbol]] 34206 [[image: top right]] 6945 [[image: bottom right]] 6945
380 [[on head not expressed?]] [[symbol]] [[image: center]] 6945 Guiraca ludoviccana Red River D Grewn [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] [[image: top right, rolled back]] [[image: bottom right]] 6945
380 on wood E [[image: center]] 380 H.W.E. 2425 Carlisle Pa G. ludoviciana [[female symbol]] - 3d - Sept - 1845 - Prof. Baird [[image: right]] 2425
381 W x [[image: center, partially obscured]] 1868 Guiraca melanoceph[[ala?]] Fort U[[nion?]] [[image: right]] 1868
381 W x [[image: center]] 1868 Guiraca melanocephala [[female symbol]] Fort Union [[image: right, rolled back]]
381 W x nostril rounder [[image : center]] 11241 South Pass Wagon Road Exp Guiaca melanocephala Ford Bridger Utha Camp Scott C. Drexler Guiraca melanocephala [[male symbol]] [[image: right]] 11241
382 W x [[image: left]] 6480 [[image: center]] 6480 Guiraca caerulea Philada C Drexler [[image:right]] 6480
382 x [[image: center]] [[Cocobrus coesuletus?]] young [[female symbol]] - Posa creek RSW [[image:right]]
382 other figure engraved[[image]] [[image: center]] 38173 Guiraca Caerulea Orizaba Mex M Boileri
383 E [[image: center]] [[underline]] 4076. [[/underline]] N. [[Leon?]] Boquilla Cynlonia parellina [[line]] April, 1853. [[male symbol]] [[Conch.?]] [[image: right]] 4074
384 E [[image: left]] 6271 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 6271. [[/underline]] San Antonio Texas [[underline]] C. ciris [[/underline]] [[male/female]]. symbol
384 [[female symbol]] The cut of C. Ciris [[male symbol]] bill [[?]] for [[female symbol]] different [[color?]] [[image: center]] [[underline]] 3085. [[/underline]] C. ciris [[male/female symbol]] Liberty Co. Ga. Lecont
387 [[male symbol]] wood. gaf [[image: center]] upper mandible wrong 2645 Carlisle Spiza cyanea [[male/female symbol]]
387. no curve Not engraved On wood by WHH Not Engraved? [[image: left]] 2645 [[image: center]] 2645 Spiza cyanea Carlisle Pa [[image: top right]] 2645 [[image: bottom right]] 2645
[[image: center]] 387 [[female symbol]] 32426 [[female symbol]] C. Cyanea Georgia.
388 E [[image: center]] [[underline]] 30524 [[/underline]] Costa Rica [[underline]] S. [[morelstine?]] [[female symbol]] [[/underline]] Dr. [[Fran Zinis?]] [[image: right]] 30524
390 [[image: center]] C. virginianus 58586 [[male symbol]] C. v. var. Coccineus. 29702 [[male symbol]] C. phoeniceus.
393 [[image: center]]
[[image: center]] 390 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] [[male symbol]] 49757 [[male symbol]] C. igneus Cape St Leucas.
390 W [[?]] [[?]] Redraw [[male symbol]] upper bill too high [[image: lower left]] [[female symbol]] 4022 [[image: center]] 4030 Cardinalis virginensis Bona Brownsville, Texas [[Cauch?]] Cardinalis virginianus [[male symbol]] [[image: upper right]] 4030 [[image: lower right]] 4030
391 Cut Head -P. [[?]] with [[?]] bill too large show wing cons. and feet [[image: lower left]] 2135 [[image: center]] 2135 Pipilo erythrophthalmus Pipilo erythrophthalmus Carlisle [[image: right]] 2315 cover up white wing edges
391 Cut Head P. [[neyme?]] with [[animal?]] [[bill tro lange?]] Show [[living cam.?]] and feet 2135 Pipilo erythrophthalmus, [[male symbol]] Pipilo erythrophthalmus Carlisle 2135
391 [[female symbol]] bill [[?]] for [[male symbol]] wood E Repeat the [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[image: top left]] 8194 [[image: bottom left]] [[image: center, partially obscured]] [[?]] Pipilo erythrophthalmus. J. G. [[Cooper?]] [[image: right]] 8194
391 [[female symbol]] bill [[?]] for [[male symbol]] wood E Repeat the [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[image: top left]] 8194 [[image: bottom left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 8194 [[female symbol]] 8194 [[?]] Levenworth -- Pipilo erythrophthalmus. J. G. [[Cooper?]] [[image: right]] 8194
392 add claws show wing conect with black eye [[image: center]] 2867 Pipilo oregonus Pipilo oreoonus Bill Col Piv ump ful [[image: right]] 2867
393 [[image:center]] 1944 P. arcticus Ft. Union Mo. Audobon [[image:right]] org cythoff -aulus 1944
396 W x [[image: bottom left]] 24227 [[image: center]] 24227 Pipilo megalonyx Fort Crook Cal Dr F Parkinson THR april [[image: right]] [[mark]] 24227
395 Lines a little blacker [[image: left]] 395 6748[[symbol]] P. aberti: - Arizona. [[image:center]] Pipilo aberlu Pipilo abertii TGP gila river [[image:upper right]] 6748 [[image:lower right]] 395 /aberti 6748 new figure to be done
395 W Lines a little blacker x [[image: left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 6748 Pipilo aberlii Pipilo aberlii TGP Gila river [[image: top right]] 6748 [[image: bottom right]] 395[[?]] P aburte 6748 New figure to be done
396 [[image:right]] [[symbol]] 5559 [[image:center]] Pipilo fusca. [[symbol]] pipilo fusca Pelaluma Sonoma Co Cal E Samuels [[image: center bottom]] 5559 [[image: right]] 5559
397x upper bill too large where light marks under eye [[image: left]] 397x [[symbol]] 12993 P. albigula. Cape St. Leacas. [[image:center]] Expl en California Pipilo albogulans Pipilo Albogularis Calp St. Lucas John Xantus [[image: upper right]] 12993 [[image: lower right]] albigula 397x 12993 new fig to cont
397 [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] upper bill too large where light mark under eye W [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 12993 Expl in California Pipilo albogulans. Pipilo Albogularis Calp St. Lucas John Xantus [[image: upper right]] 12993 [[image: lower right]] albigula 397x 12993 new fig. to cont
397 [[image: left]] 397 6829[[symbol]] P. mesolenca Arizona [[image:center]] Pipilo mesolence Pipilo mesolenus TGP Gila river [[image: upper right]] 6829 [[image: lower right]] another figure mesolen 397 6829 new fig to come
397 W [[image: middle left, rolled back]] [[image: center]] 6829 Pipilo mesolence Pipilo mesolenus TGP Gila river [[image: upper right]] 6829 [[image: lower right]] another figure mesolen 397 6829 new fig to come
398 [[image: center]] [[underline]] 2644 [[/underline]] New Mexico E. blandingiana [[image: right]] 2644
398 another figure engraved more olive over eye [[image: center]] 38493 Exp west of Missuri A R B [[H?]] M B Pipilo chlorura Laramie Paek Pipilo chlorura
398 [[mark]] W x [[image: center]] 2644 Embernagra Blandingiana New Mexico TGP Pipilo chlorura [[image: right]] 2644