Reference Request
Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Record Unit 413
National Museum of History and Technology. Division of Graphic Arts
Records, 1887-1978
Historical Note
From 1969 to 1971, the Division of Graphic Arts was part of the Division of Graphic Arts and Photography, which reported to the Department of Applied Arts in the National Museum of History and Technology (NMHT). When the photography section was separated from the Division in 1972, to become the Division of Photographic History, a Division of Graphic Arts was re-established in NMHT. The Division of Graphic Arts remained under the Department of Applied Arts until 1977, after which it began reporting to the Department of Cultural History. The Curators and staff during these years included Eugene H. Ostroff, Curator, 1966-1971; Peter C. Marzio, Associate Curator, 1971-1975, and Curator, 1976-1978; and Elizabeth M. Harris, Assistant Curator, 1966-1970, and Associate Curator, 1971- .
Descriptive Entry
These records include Division of Graphic Arts records dating from its establishment, including the work of curators Sylvester Rosa Koehler, Jacob Kainen, and Peter C. Marzio. Also included are lecture notes and papers of curators Ruel P. Tolman, Kainen, and Marzio; inventory lists of Graphic Arts objects; working outline for The Steam Engine in the Graphic Arts exhibition; loans and grants files; correspondence, newspaper clippings, and biographical information pertaining to acclaimed painter and etcher Charles W. Dahlgreen; Do It the Hard Way: Rube Goldberg and Modern Times exhibition records; photographs of exhibitions in the Hall of Graphic Arts; and planning files for the Hall of News Reporting.
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
- Dahlgreen, Charles W. (Charles William), 1864-1955
- Do It the Hard Way: Rube Goldberg and Modern Times (Exhibition)
- Goldberg, Rube, 1883-1970
- Harris, Elizabeth M.
- Kainen, Jacob
- Koehler, S. R. (Sylvester Rosa), 1837-1900
- Marzio, Peter C.
- National Museum of History and Technology (U.S.) Division of Photographic History
- National Museum of History and Technology (U.S.) Hall of Graphic Arts
- National Museum of History and Technology (U.S.). Department of Applied Arts
- National Museum of History and Technology (U.S.). Department of Cultural History
- National Museum of History and Technology (U.S.). Division of Graphic Arts and Photography
- National Museum of History and Technology (U.S.). Hall of News Reporting
- Ostroff, Eugene
- The Steam Engine in the Graphic Arts (Exhibition)
- Tolman, Ruel P. (Ruel Pardee), 1878-1954
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 413, National Museum of History and Technology. Division of Graphic Arts, Records