Reference Request
Finding Aids to Official Records of the Smithsonian Institution Archives
Record Unit 316
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
Records, 1950-1962
Collection Overview
General Information About This Collection | |
Repository: | Smithsonian Institution Archives, Washington, D.C. Contact us at |
Creator: | Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service |
Title: | Records |
Dates: | 1950-1962 |
Quantity: | 8.5 cu. ft. (17 document boxes) |
Collection: | Record Unit 316 |
Language of Materials: | English |
Summary: | These records document exhibits circulated by the Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Service from its inception. Though under the auspices of NCFA, the Service received private funds for its operations and was never housed with the Museum. The exhibits traveled throughout the United States, sometimes abroad, and were occasionally shown at NCFA. Official forms and letters were sent to the NCFA Director, Thomas M. Beggs, for signature because of NCFA titular responsibility. When the Service became independent of NCFA in 1965, it appears the exhibition records for exhibits no longer on tour were transferred to NCFA for its files. Materials include shipping forms, correspondence, exhibition brochures, and photographs. |
Historical Note
The Alice Pike Barney Memorial Fund, established in 1951, and a grant from the Department of State enabled the National Collection of Fine Arts (NCFA) to create the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. The Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service proceeded under the auspices of the National Collection of Fine Arts, although it was never housed with the museum. Annemarie H. Pope was appointed chief of the Service in 1952, and remained in this position until 1963. In 1964 Mrs. Dorothy Van Arsdale became chief of the Service, and in 1965 Mrs. Nancy Padnos filled the new position of assistant chief. Mr. Thomas Beggs was director of the National Collection of Fine Arts when the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service was created until 1964. This position was taken over by Mr. David W. Scott. Though the service exhibitions of American and international art were arranged to circulate in the United States, occasionally an exhibition toured abroad. At times exhibits were prepared for the use of the United States Information Agency.
Descriptive Entry
These records primarily document exhibitions circulated by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service from its inception in 1952 through 1962, with documentation on several exhibitions continuing for the years 1963 to 1965. Records include correspondence, shipping and storage bills, exhibition catalogues, newspaper clippings, and photographs or slides. The correspondence includes many exhibition proposal letters from Annemarie Pope to Thomas Beggs, director of the National Collection of Fine Arts, for shows that were accepted and those that were rejected. Correspondence frequently includes letters of either approval or disapproval based on research conducted by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Index Terms
This collection is indexed under the following access terms. These are links to collections with related topics, persons or places.
- Barney, Alice Pike, 1857-1931
- Beggs, Thomas M.
- National Collection of Fine Arts (U.S.)
- Pope, Annemarie Henle, 1910-2001
- United States. Department of State
Physical Characteristics of Materials in the Collection
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 316, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, Records
Container List
Series 1
Folder 1 Alvar Aalto, 1951-1952. Correspondence from Annemarie Pope to Dr. C. O. Frietsch and Mr. Heikki Reenpa of the Legation of Finland.
Folder 2 Henri-Georges Adam, 1956. Contains a catalogue for a show with artist John Paul Jones, and approval from the Committee on Un-American Activities of the House of Representatives.
Folder 3 Ansel Adams Photographs, 1953-1955
Folder 4 American Adventure, 1953
Folder 5 American Ceramics, 1952-1953
Folder 6 American Church Architecture, 1953-1954. Original proposal and development of idea. Correspondence with Ada Louise Huxtable, historian. Rejection of Huxtable by American Church Organization as "too advanced."
Folder 7 American Color Prints, 1953-1955. Includes catalogue.
Folder 8 American Containers and Packaging, 1952-1954. Includes correspondence with Will Burtin on visual research and design.
Folder 9 American Craftsmen, 1952-1959
Folder 10 American Drawings, 1952-1954
Folder 11 American Enamels, 1954. List of artists for potential show.
Folders 12-13 American Glass, 1950-1958. Complete description of show procedures, catalogue list, insurance problems, and photographs.
Folder 14 American Indian Paintings, 1953-1956
Folder 15 American Institute of Architects, 1956-1957
Folder 16 American Jewelry and Related Objects, 1954-1958
Folder 17 American Natural Painters, 1954-1956. Includes Grandma Moses, Patsy Santo, and Inez Mason.
Folder 18 American Primitive Painters, 1958-1959. Grandma Moses, Mary Ann Wilson, Eunice Pinney, and others in catalogue.
Box 2
Folder 1 The American Theatre (Stage in America), 1953-1955. Includes catalogue.
Folder 2 American Wallpaper, 1952. Includes catalogue in German.
Folder 3 American Woodcuts, 1953
Folder 4 Americana, 1953-1957
Folder 5 Boris Anisfeld, 1958. Rejection of proposal letter.
Folder 6 Anonymous Architecture, 1956. Proposal by Mrs. Sibyl Maholy-Nagy, professor of history and architecture at Pratt University.
Folder 7 Approach to Design (Influence on American Architecture), 1951-1952. Proposal to tour an exhibition on Walter Gropius in Germany.
Folder 8 Architectural Exhibition, 1956-1958. Proposed by American Institute of Architects.
Folder 9 Architectural schoolwork in the United States, 1956. See also under Maholy-Nagy.
Folder 10 Argentine Paintings, 1956
Folder 11 Art and Magic of Arnhem Land, 1952-1955. Includes slides, catalogues, and diagrams.
Folder 12 Art Books from Italy, 1957-1958
Folder 13 The Art of the Spanish Southwest, 1953-1955
Folder 14 Artists and Potters of Vallauris, 1952-1954. Wares designed by Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Marc Chagall, Raoul Dufy, Fernand Leger, and Henri Matisse.
Folder 15 Aspects of American Film, 1952-1953
Folder 16 Auckland Art Museum, 1955
Folder 17 Audubon Prints, 1953
Folder 18 The Austrian Book, 1956-1959
Folder 19 Austrian Children's Paintings, 1954
Folder 20 Austrian Drawings and Prints, 1952-1958
Folder 21 Austrian Folk Arts, 1952
Folder 22 Australian Paintings, 1952
Box 3
Folder 1 British Artists and craftsmen, 1957-1962. Exhibition contained work by Henry Moore.
Folder 2 British Painting of Today, 1951-1952
Folder 3 British Pottery, 1953. Includes photographs.
Folder 4 Brussels Universal and International Exhibition, 1957-1960. Includes newspaper clippings and a letter from the Allied Artists of America.
Folder 5 Brussels Universal and International Exhibition - American Folk Art traveling exhibition photographs, 1958 (Accession 10-174)
Folder 6 Building in the Netherlands, 1954-1958
Folder 7 Burmese Embroideries, 1957-1961
Folder 8 California Paintings, 1956-1957. Includes notes on artists Rico Lebrun, Robert McChesney, and Leon Goldin, who failed the security check conducted by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Folder 9 California Serigraph Exhibition, 1954
Folder 10 Canadian Abstract Painting, 1956-1958
Folder 11 Caribbean Holiday, 1961-1962
Folder 12 A Century of City Views, 1957. Includes catalogue.
Folder 13 A Child Looks at the Museum, 1958-1959
Folder 14 Children: As I See Myself, 1955-1957
Folder 15 Children's Books from Fifty Countries (Foreign Children's Books), 1952-1954
Folder 16 Children's Paintings, 1953-1956. Note referring to problem with exhibition titled Korean Children's Artwork.
Folder 17 Children's Paintings from Ceylon, 1960-1961
Folder 18 Children's Paintings from Chile, 1960-1961
Folder 19 Children's Paintings from India, 1959-1961
Folder 20 Children's Art from Italy, 1960
Folder 21 Children's Paintings from Japan, 1953-1956
Folder 22 Children's Paintings from Morocco, 1957-1959
Folder 23 Children's Paintings from South East Asia, 1958
Folder 24 Children's Paintings from Tokyo, 1961
Folder 25 Children's Picture Books (American), 1953-1955
Box 4
Folder 1 Chinese Gold and Silver, 1953-1956. Includes catalogue.
Folder 2 Chinese Ivories, 1955-1964. Notes regarding long-term loans and tariffs on long-term loans from other countries.
Folder 3 Chinese Paintings: Tseng Yu Ho, 1957-1961
Folder 4 Church in America, 1953-1955. Includes correspondence with Mr. Elton Trueblood, Religious Advisor of the Department of State, concerning representing Moslems and Quakers and developing antisegregation images.
Folder 5 Paintings by Winston Churchill, 1957-1959
Folder 6 The City of New York, 1952-1953
Folder 7 Civil War Drawings I and II, 1961
Folder 8 Cock van Gent, 1957. Includes biography which makes reference to Alfred Stieglitz and Dr. Carl G. Jung, and their support of Cock van Gent as an artist.
Folder 9 Color, 1951-1953. Records document financial problems and legal threats against Mr. Xanti Schawinsky who was hired to organize the exhibition.
Folder 10 Color Reproductions, 1952
Folder 11 Community Art Centers, 1953-1955
Folder 12 Contemporary American Drawings, 1953-1955. Photographs of the drawings of Morris Graves and Phillip Evergood.
Folder 13 Contemporary American Glass, 1955-1957
Folder 14 Contemporary American Textiles, 1951-1953
Folder 15 Contemporary American Watercolors and Drawings, 1957-1959
Folder 16 Contemporary Brazilian Prints, 1956
Folder 17 Contemporary British Prints, 1954-1955
Folder 18 Contrasts, 1960-1961. Exhibition of graphic art by youth of the Union of South Africa.
Folder 19 Le Corbusier; Chapel at Rouchamp, 1961
Folder 20 Jan Cox, 1957-1959
Folder 21 Crystal Palace, 1953-1955
Folder 22 Seven Cuban Painters, 1952-1954
Folder 23 Contemporary Danish Architecture, 1954-1959
Folder 24 Danish Deep Sea Research (Originally titled Galathea-Dana Exhibition), 1960-1961
Folder 25 Three Danish Printmakers, 1959-1961
Folder 26 Fifty Years of Danish Silver, 1954-1959
Folder 27 Charles Darwin: The Evolution of an Evolutionist, 1960-1961
Box 5
Folder 1 Design from Britain, 1953-1957. Includes catalogue.
Folder 2 Design in Industry, 1952. Consists of two itineraries for business trips.
Folder 3 Designed for Silver, 1960. Includes catalogue and proposal letter.
Folder 4 Despujols, 1954. Proposal for an exhibition of the Jean Despujols collection of Indo-China pieces. The owner turned down the proposal.
Folder 5 Drawings by German Sculptors, 1952-1953
Folder 6 Drawings by Winslow Homer, 1953-1955
Folder 7 Drawings from Latin America, 1959-1961
Folder 8 Drawings from Punch, 1953
Folder 9 Dutch Arts and Crafts, 1954-1957
Folder 10 Contemporary Dutch Paintings, 1951-1952
Folder 11 E Pluribus Unum, 1953
Folder 12 Early American Paintings (Garbisch), 1954
Folder 13 Early Prints and Drawings of California, 1956-1957
Folder 14 Engravings of Pieter Brueghel, The Elder, 1959-1961
Folder 15 Ethiopian Paintings, 1954-1955
Folder 16 The European Portrait, Photographs, 1952. Proposal letter. Artists and many personalities depicted did not pass screening.
Folder 17 Exodus Revisited, 1961
Folder 18 Drawings by Fuseli, 1953-1956
Folder 19 Fashion in Color Photography, 1951-1952
Folder 20 Fine Printing in America, 1953-1954
Folder 21 Finnish Painting and Sculpture, 1952-1953
Folder 22 Flight, 1954
Folder 23 Woodcuts by Antonio Frasconi, 1953-1957. Includes magazine clippings.
Folder 24 French Drawings, 1951-1953
Folder 25 Furniture, Custom and Textile, 1952-1953
Folder 26 Gavarni Drawings, 1953-1956. Includes catalogue of watercolors and drawings by Gavarni, pseudonym for Guillaume Sulpice Chevalieo.
Folder 27 German Ceramics, 1954-1955
Box 6
Folder 1 German Drawings and Watercolors, 1952-1956
Folder 2 German Master Drawings, 1954-1956
Folder 3 Gloriana (Watercolors by John Piper), 1953-1954
Folder 4 Goya Drawings and Prints, 1955-1956. Exhibition of works by Francisco de Goya.
Folder 5 Greek Art, 1953
Folder 6 Half Century of Architectural Education, 1956-1957
Folder 7 Halsingborg Exhibition, 1954
Folder 8 Hawaiian Artists, 1956.
Folder 9 High Speed Photography, 1953-1954
Folder 10 Howald Collection Watercolors, 1956. Proposal for exhibition of works by Charles Demuth, John Marin, and Maurice Pendergast from the Ferdinand Howald Collection.
Folder 11 Image of America, 1957-1960
Folder 12 Image of Physics, 1961
Folder 13 Indians: Blackfoot. Includes photographs.
Folder 14 Contemporary Indian Craft, 1957-1961
Folder 15 Indian Paintings from Rajasthan, 1957-1961
Folder 16 Index of American Design Exhibition, 1952-1953
Folder 17 Indian Art, 1953-1954
Folder 18 Indonesian Art, 1951
Folder 19 International Exhibition of Ceramics, 1957
Folder 20 International Graphic Arts Society Prints, 1951-1952
Folder 21 Irish Architecture, 1953
Folder 22 Islamic Architecture, 1953
Folder 23 Italian Arts and Crafts, 1954-1957
Folder 24 Contemporary Italian Drawings, 1961
Folder 25 Contemporary Italian Fabrics, 1951-1954
Folder 26 Italian Drawings, 1954-1961
Folder 27 Italian Fabrics, 1959-1961
Folder 28 Italy Rediscovered, 1954-1957. Exhibition excluded artists with questionable political backgrounds.
Folder 29 Contemporary Japanese Design, 1956-1958
Folder 30 Japanese Design Today, 1959-1962
Folder 31 Japanese Dolls, 1956-1962
Folder 32 Contemporary Japanese Drawings, 1960-1961
Folder 33 Six Japanese Painters, 1957-1960
Folder 34 Japanese Fish Prints, 1956-1960
Box 7
Folder 1 Photos of Japan, 1955-1962
Folder 2 Japanese Posters, 1961
Folder 3 Japanese Prints, 1961
Folder 4 Contemporary Japanese Prints, 1952-1959
Folder 5 Japanese Woodcuts, 1956-1958
Folder 6 Japanese Woodblock Prints, 1957-1961
Folder 7 Drawings by Augustus John, 1954. Proposal and initial plans only.
Folder 8 Maxim Karolik, 19th-Century American Paintings, 1952-1956
Folder 9 Yousuf Karsh, Portraits of Greatness, 1960-1961
Folder 10 Kempe Collection, 1953
Folder 11 Kokoschka's Magic Flute, 1956-1958
Folder 12 Korean Photographs, 1957
Folder 13 Korean School Children, 1953-1956. Includes photographs of pieces believed to be communist propaganda, and thus removed from the exhibition.
Folder 14 Landscape Architecture Today, 1956
Folder 15 New Libraries, 1953-1956
Folder 16 Lithographs in London, 1952-1955
Folder 17 Living Together, 1953. Exhibition based on Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Folder 18 Magnificent Enterprise, 1960-1962
Folder 19 Maholy-Nagy (see also under Architectural School Work in the U.S.), 1954-1955
Folder 20 Man and His Environment, 1952-1953
Folder 21 John Marin, 1956-1958
Folder 22 Roberto Burle Marx, 1954
Folder 23 Bernard Ralph Maybeck, 1959-1962
Folder 24 Mexican Crafts, 1957
Folder 25 Midwest Designer-Craftsmen Exhibition, 1957-1959
Folder 26 Mies van der Rohe, 1960
Folder 27 Watercolors by Alfred J. Miller, 1952-1956
Folder 28 Mississippi Panorama, 1952-1953
Folder 29 Outer Mongolia, 1960
Folder 30 A Tribute to Grandma Moses, 1960-1962
Folder 31 Graphic Work of Edvard Munch, 1961
Folder 32 Prints of Munakata, 1958-1962. Includes catalogue.
Folder 33 My Friends, 1961
Folder 34 National Ceramics Exhibition, 1958-1961
Folder 35 Richard Neutra, 1957. Approved by the Committee on Un-American Activities.
Folder 36 New England Architecture, 1957-1959
Folder 37 Century of New England Architecture, 1957-1959
Folder 38 New England Crafts, 1955-1958
Folder 39 The New Landscape, 1953
Box 8
Folder 1 Northwest Painters Today, 1959-1960. Exhibition included works by Mark Toby, Carl Morris, and James Lee Hansen.
Folder 2 Art of Norway, 1957
Folder 3 Norwegian Decorative Painting, 1952-1953
Folder 4 Norwegian Tapestries, 1954-1960
Folder 5 Nylon Rug Designs, 1952-1960. Exhibition included works by Annie Albers and Dorothy Liebes.
Folder 6 The Arts and Crafts of Okinawa, 1959-1960
Folders 7-8 Okinawa, Continuing Traditions, 1960
Folder 9 Okinawa, Continuing Traditions (General), 1960-1963
Folder 10 Okinawa, Continuing Traditions (Bookings), 1962
Folder 11 Okinawa, Continuing Traditions (Correspondence with Organizers), 1958-1960
Folder 12 Okinawa, Continuing Traditions (Publicity), 1962
Folder 13 Okinawa, Continuing Traditions (Shipping), 1962
Folder 14 Designed in Okinawa, 1960-1962
Folder 15 Designed in Okinawa (Bookings), 1961-1963
Folder 16 Designed in Okinawa (Dispersal), 1959-1962
Folder 17 Designed in Okinawa (Insurance), 1961
Folder 18 Designed in Okinawa (Publicity), 1962
Folder 19 Designed in Okinawa (Shipping), 1961-1962
Folder 20 Designed in Okinawa (Technical), 1962
Box 9
Folder 1 Okinawan Textiles (Correspondence with Organizers), 1960
Folder 2 Okinawan Textiles (General), 1962
Folder 3 Okinawan Textiles (Photographs), undated
Folder 4 Old Master Drawings, 1959-1961
Folder 5 Old Master Drawings (Booking), 1964
Folders 6-7 Old Master Drawings (Catalogue), 1959-1965
Folder 8 Old Master Drawings (Dispersal), 1960
Folder 9 Old Master Drawings (General), 1964
Folder 10 Old Master Drawings (Photographs), 1959 and undated
Folder 11 Old Master Drawings (Shipping), 1959-1960
Folder 12 Old Navy 1776-1860, 1962-1964
Folders 13-14 Old Navy 1776-1860 (Bookings), 1962-1964
Folder 15 Old Navy 1776-1860 (Catalogue), 1962-1963
Folder 16 Old Navy 1776-1860 (Insurance), 1963-1964
Folder 17 Old Navy 1776-1860 (Organizers), 1962-1964
Folder 18 Old Navy 1776-1860 (Publicity), 1962-1963
Box 10
Folder 1 Old Navy 1776-1860 (Shipping), 1963-1964
Folder 2 Old Navy 1776-1860 (Technical), 1962-1964
Folder 3 One Hundred Years of Colorado Architecture, 1960-1962
Folders 4-5 Our Town, 1958-1961
Folder 6 Our Wide Land, 1952-1954
Folder 7 Second Pacific Coast Biennial, 1957-1960
Folder 8 Pagan, 1960-1961
Folder 9 Fourteen Painter-Printmakers, 1955
Folder 10 Paintings by Ch'i Pai-Shih, 1960-1961
Folder 11 Pakistan Paintings, 1956
Folder 12 Pennsylvania German Arts and Crafts, 1952-1953
Folder 13 Pennsylvania Painters, 1956-1957
Folder 14 The People's Art Center, 1952-1953
Folder 15 Perceptions (Photographs), 1955-1956
Folder 16 Photographs by Robert Capa, 1959-1961
Folder 17 Physics and Painting, 1961
Folder 18 Plant Portraits, 1955-1958
Folder 19 American Plastics, 1954-1956
Folder 20 Popular Art in the United States, 1954-1956
Folder 21 Portuguese Architecture, 1957-1958
Folder 22 Rudy Pozzatti, 1955-1957
Folder 23 Prints 1942-1952, 1953-1955
Folder 24 Prints by Chodowieki, 1954-1956
Folder 25 Punch and Judy, 1956-1957
Folder 26 Pup, Cub, and Kitten, 1958-1961
Folders 27-28 Redoute Exhibit, 1954-1956
Folder 29 Redwood in Ecclesiastic Architecture, 1961
Folders 30-31 Religious Banners, 1957-1960
Folders 32-33 Contemporary Religious Prints, 1959-1961. Included works by Leonard Baskin, Max Beckmann, Jean duBuffet, Marc Chagall, Salvador Dali, Andre Derain, Oscar Kokoshka, Pablo Picasso, Odilon Redon, and Georges Roualt.
Folder 34 Contemporary Religious Prints (Publicity Photographs), undated
Box 11
Folder 1 Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts, 1959-1960
Folders 2-3 Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts (Bookings), 1961-1962
Folder 4 Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts (Catalogue), 1961-1962
Folder 5 Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts (Dispersal), 1965
Folder 6 Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts (General), 1962-1965
Folders 7-8 Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts (Insurance), 1960-1965
Folders 9-10 Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts (Shipping), 1961-1965
Folder 11 Religious Subjects in Modern Graphic Arts (Technical), 1963-1967
Folder 12 American Renaissance, 1953
Folders 13-14 Reunion of Architecture and Engineering, 1952-1956
Folder 15 World of Paul Revere, 1952-1953. Includes photographs.
Folder 16 John and Dorothy Rood Collection, 1960-1961
Box 12
Folder 1 Rumanian Folk Art, 1958-1959. Includes photographs and correspondence discussing the communist status of the country as a reason against touring the exhibit.
Folder 2 Rumanian Folk Art (Shipping), 1960
Folder 3 Paintings by Jamini Roy, 1957-1961
Folder 4 Thomas Rowlandson, Watercolors and Drawings, 1959-1960
Folder 5 Thomas Rowlandson, Watercolors and Drawings (Publicity photographs), undated
Folders 6-7 Batiks by Maud Rydin, 1960
Folders 8-9 Batiks by Maud Rydin (Bookings), 1960-1963
Folder 10 Batiks by Maud Rydin (Catalogue), 1961-1962
Folder 11 Batiks by Maud Rydin (Correspondence with organizers), 1960
Folder 12 Batiks by Maud Rydin (Insurance), 1960-1963
Folder 13 Batiks by Maud Rydin (Publicity photographs), 1960
Folder 14 Batiks by Maud Rydin (Shipping), 1961-1963
Folder 15 Batiks by Maud Rydin (Technical), 1962
Folders 16-17 Hannah Ryggen Tapestries, 1954-1956
Folder 18 San Francisco Architecture, 1955-1959
Folder 19 Sarawak, photos of, 1957-1961
Folder 20 Sardinian Crafts, 1961
Folder 21 Sargent Watercolors, 1956-1959
Folder 22 Twelve Scandinavian Designers, 1957-1959
Folder 23 Scenic Designers Offstage, 1960-1961
Folder 24 Carl Schurz, 1952-1953
Folder 25 Scrimshaw Exhibition, 1956
Folder 26 Sculptors' Drawings, 1961
Folder 27 Contemporary Sculpture, 1953
Folder 28 Seal Island, 1956-1958
Folder 29 The Seasons, Photographs by Eliot Porter, 1960-1962
Folder 30 Shaker Craftsmanship, 1959-1961
Folder 31 Smithsonian, 1952
Folder 32 Contemporary Spanish Paintings, 1959
Box 13
Folder 1 Stone Rubbings From Ankor Wat, 1959-1961
Folder 2 Contemporary Swedish Architecture, 1960-1961. Includes brochures.
Folder 3 Sixty Swedish Books, 1956-1957
Folder 4 Swedish Bookbinding, 1952-1953
Folder 5 Swedish Children's Paintings, 1954-1955
Folder 6 The Swedish Film, 1961-1962
Folder 7 Contemporary Swedish Paintings, 1954-1957. Includes catalogue.
Folder 8 Swedish Rock Carvings, 1956-1960
Folder 9 Swedish Textiles, 1956-1960
Folder 10 Contemporary Swedish Textiles, 1951-1953
Folder 11 Swiss Children's Paintings, 1957-1959
Folder 12 Swiss Industrial Architecture, 1960-1961
Folder 13 Three Swiss Painters, 1961
Folder 14 Swiss Peasant Art, 1957-1958
Folder 15 Contemporary Swiss Paintings, 1952-1953
Folder 16 Glimpses of Switzerland, 1958-1961
Folder 17 Good Design in Switzerland, 1958-1961
Folder 18 Symphony in Color, 1960-1961
Folder 19 Work of Peter Takal, 1957-1960
Folder 20 Contemporary European Tapestries, 1956-1957
Folder 21 Tessai Painting, 1957-1959
Folder 22 Textiles and Ceramics, 1953-1955
Folder 23 Thai Paintings, 1957-1961
Folder 24 Theatrical Posters of the Gay Nineties, 1957-1961
Folder 25 Tiepolo Drawings, 1961
Folder 26 Today's Living, 1953
Folder 27 Torres-Garcia, 1961-1962
Folder 28 Toulouse-Lautrec, Early Drawings, 1959-1960
Folder 29 Transferences, 1959-1960
Folder 30 Mark Twain, 1952. See memo filed in "The Story of American Glass."
Folder 31 Turner Exhibition, 1961
Folder 32 Tut-Ankh-Amon's Treasures, 1960-1962 [Tutankhamen]
Folder 33 Birds by Emerson Tuttle, 1956-1961
Folder 34 Twenty-Five Years on Ice, 1953-1954
Folder 35 Twentieth-Century American Painting, 1957-1959
Folder 36 UNESCO and the World's Children, 1961
Folder 37 UNESCO, 1956
Folder 38 UNESCO Watercolor Reproductions, 1958-1961
Box 14
Folder 1 Unguarded Moment, 1958-1961
Folder 2 Van Gogh Exhibition, 1952
Folder 3 Venetian Villas, 1954-1958
Folder 4 Painters in Venezuela, 1954-1955
Folder 5 The Face of Vietnam, 1958
Folder 6 View-1960, 1960-1961
Folder 7 Viking and Medieval Art, 1954
Folder 8 Jacques Villon, Prints and Drawings, 1959-1961
Folder 9 Watercolor Today, 1956-1958
Folder 10 The Way of Chinese Landscape Paintings, 1957-1961
Folder 11 Wild Flowers, 1954
Folder 12 The Story of a Winery, 1961
Folder 13 Wirkkala and Bryk, 1956
Folder 14 A World of Children's Books, 1957
Folder 15 The World of Edward Weston, 1955-1961
Folder 16 Young British Painters, 1957-1961. Includes catalogue.
Folder 17 Yugoslav, 1955-1956
Folder 18 Yugoslav Frescoes, 1954
Series 2
Folder 19 American Federation of Arts, 1950-1951
Folder 20 American Federation of Arts, Correspondence with Nesta Anderson, 1951-1952
Folders 21-22 Annual Reports (SITES), 1952-1963
Folder 23 The Artists Gallery Photographs, 1953
Folder 24 Athens Lumber Company, 1958-1959
Folder 25 Billing Record, 1954-1958
Box 15
Folder 1 Billing Record, 1959-1961
Folder 2 Bills, Congressional Acts, 1952
Folder 3 Payment of Bills, Nondiscrimination Clause, 1952
Folder 4 Breitenbach, Edgar, 1952
Folder 5 Caddington, Marie Swain, 1953-1961. Concerns secretarial service contract between NCFA and Caddington.
Folder 6 Catalogue Procedures and Catalogues, 1952-1959. Includes catalogues of available traveling exhibitions.
Folder 7 Catalogues for Traveling Exhibition Service, 1958-1959
Folder 8 Contract Form, 1954-1956
Folder 9 Detail (Mrs. Pope reimbursement for expenses), 1951-1958
Folder 10 Detail (Mrs. Pope reimbursement for expenses), 1959-1961
Folder 11 Detail, Europe (Mrs. Pope), 1954
Folder 12 Special Detail for Mrs. Pope, 1956
Folder 13 Exhibit Ideas, 1962-1963
Folder 14 Exhibitions Not Held, 1956
Folders 15-16 Finances (SITES), 1957-1962
Box 16
Folder 1 Finkenauer, Irena, 1956
Folder 2 Foundations, 1951-1952
Folder 3 General Correspondence, Smithsonian Institution, 1951-1952
Folder 4 Insurance, 1951
Folder 5 International Business Service, 1954-1958
Folder 6 Lists (Exhibitions), 1951-1956
Folder 7 McCabe, Evelyn, 1957
Folder 8 Mehlman, Catharina M., 1957
Folder 9-10 Memoranda and Correspondence, 1951-1956
Folders 11-12 Miscellaneous, 1956-1959. Bills and interoffice memorandum.
Box 17
Folders 1-2 Miscellaneous, 1960-1961. Bills and interoffice memorandum.
Folder 3 Mrs. Pope, Periodicals, 1956
Folder 4 H. L. Rust Company, 1955-1959
Folder 5 Sale of Objects Entered Through Customs, 1954-1959
Folder 6 Slides, From Mrs. Demming. Unidentified and undated.
Folder 7 Lewis, Joann Sukel, 1955-1959
Folder 8 Seth Sprague Foundation, 1952-1953
Folder 9 Stamps, 1953-1961
Folder 10 State Department Contract, Meeting of State Department, January 23, 1952. Reports to State Department, March 17, 1952. 1951-1956.
Folder 11 Storage and Warehouse, 1955-1956
Folder 12 Transportation from Foyer Shows, 1960-1961
Folder 13 Travel, Orient Trip, 1956-1960
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