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Mary Agnes Chase correspondence and notes documenting her research on grasses in Brazil and Puerto Rico, c. 1924-1941, contains a copy of the itinerary of Carl von Martius's 1817-1820 exploring trip to Brazil. (Accession 06-208)

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Chase South American Panicum by groups [Alphabetic list at back] arrangement changed [[underlined]] [[being?]] [[/underlined]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] SOUTH AMERICAN PANICUM ^[[symbol]] [[underlined]] PAUROCHAETIUM [[/underlined]] ^[[I]] 1. ^[[u]]towanaeum ^[[= Setania]] 2. chapmani ^[[= Setania]] [[strikethrough]] II [/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] TRUE PANICUM [[/underlined]] ^[[II [[underlined]] Geminata [[/underlined]] ]] 3 4. geminatum ^[[B V = Paspalidium]] ^[[4]]. paludivagum = [[?]] [[much text obscured by sticky note]] [[note]] Congress [[/note]] [[strikethrough]] 16. echinulatum [[/strikethrough]] ]]insert]] 16 ramosum L. Fern [[?]] 17. Pennell Millip [[bracket]] 8129 [[strikestrhough]] 17 + ramosum (introd. Peru [[/strikethrough]] [[Marginal note related to one of the obscured entries -- for coarse plant that resembles P. texanum see pancispicatum with crested tip to frie[[page torn]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] SOUTH AMERICAN PANICUM § [[red double underline]] PAUROCHAETIUM [[/underline]] I 1. utowanaeum ^[[= Setaria]] 2. chapmani ^[[= Setaria]] [[strikethrough]] II [[/strikethrough]] [[red double underline]] TRUE PANICUM [[/underline]] ^[[II [[red double underline]] Geminata [[/underline]] ]] ^[[3]] [[strikethrough]] 4. [[/strikethrough]] geminatum ^[[B [[checkmark]] = Paspalidium]] ^[[4]]. [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] paludivagum ^[[= Paspalidium]] [[strikethrough]] 6. barbinode [[/strikethrough]] ^[[5 purpurascens B [[checkmark]] = Brachiaria mutica]] [[left margin, hand-written]] [[dot in circle]] [[/margin]] III [[red double underline]] Fasciculata [[/underline]] ^[[7]] [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]]. reptans ^[[= Brachiaria]] ^[[8]] [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]]. fasciculatum ^[[= Brachiaria]] ^[[9]] [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]]. adspersum ^[[= Brachiaria]] ^[[10]] [[strikethrough]] 11 [[/strikethrough]]. multicul[[strikethrough]] mum [[/strikethrough]] ^[[e]] [[multicule]] ^[[11]] [[strikethrough]] 12 [[/strikethrough]]. molle ^[[Sav.]] ^[[ 11 1/2 aff molle ]] [[circled, to insert below]] ^[[6231 Lillo Argenttina]] ^[[12]] [[strikethrough]] 13 [[/strikethrough]]. velutinosum ^[[Nees]] ^[[13]]. [[strikethrough]] lorentzianum [[/strikethrough]] ^[[lorentzianum Mez?]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[14 echinulatum [[/strikethrough]] & var]] [[left margin, in hand-drawn box, and struck through]] ^[[notice [[sp?]] ]] [[/margin]] [[strikethrough]] 14 (polytrichum [[/strikethrough]] ^[[14 - " [[ditto for: lorentzianum]] polytrichum [[superscript: 1 in a circle]] Mez]] ^[[14 echinulatum Mez]] [[strikethrough]] 15. sparsiflorum [[/strikethrough]] ^[[15 albicamum Doell ? Swallen & Garcia]] [[strikethrough]] 16. echinulatum [[/strikethrough]] [[left margin]] ^[[16 ramosum L. Peru]] [[/margin]] [[circled]] ^[[Pennell Killip } 8129]] [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[17+ ramosum (introd. Peru)]] [[/strikethrough]] [[right margin]] ^[[(for coarse plant that resembles P. texanum see paucispicatum with crested tip to fru[[it?]] [[/right margin]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[circled dot]] IV. [[double underlined in red]] Dichotomiflora [[/underlined]] 18. dichotomiflorum ^[[B]] ^[[18+ lacustil Epm]] 19. chloroticum ^[[B]] 20. aquaticum 21. elephantipes ^[[circled dot]] V [[double underlined in red]] Capillaria [[/underlined]] ^[[ [[strikethrough]] What is scabridum Döll see type [[/strikethrough]] ]] 25. hirticaule ^[[25+ stramineum]] 26. aff. capillare-Uruguay ^[[see [[via?]]groupd]] 27. cayennense ^[[V]] ^[[off 24]] [[strikethrough]] 28 [[/strikethrough]]. exiguum Mez [[strikethrough]] ined. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[28+ AC 9300 (camurum ad int)]] VI [[double underlined in red]] Diffusa [[/underlined]] ^[[ diffusum Sw]] ^[[ [[psi symbol?]] 29+ > [[line across to text]] lepidulum [[check mark]] ]] 30 ghiesbreghtii 31. pilcomayense 32. bergii " [[Ditto for: bergii]] leiophyllum 33. quadriglume ^[[B]] 34. hirsutum 35. mucronulatum 36. subjunceum ^[[37]] campestre Nees [[underlined]] ipse [[/underlined]] ^[[B? Campaneum new name]]
^[[psi symbol?]] VII [[double red underline]] Maxima [[/underline]] 36. maximum ^[[Jacq B [[check mark]] ]] ^[[39 bulbosum HBK]] ^[[psi symbol?]] VIII [[red double underline]] Virgata [[/underline]] 40. repens ^[[L]] 41. virgatum ^[[L]] ^[[42. altum H + C]] 4^[[3]]. bambusoides 4^[[4]]. ^[[(]] junceum ^[[Nees not Trim.) = tricholaenoides Stend.]] 4^[[5]]. ligularis 4^[[6]]. glabripes 4^[[7]]. flavomarginatum (Jörgensen) ^[[in juncum]] ^[[psi symbol?]] IX [[red double underline]] Glaziouviana [[/underline]] 48. glaziouvii ^[[48+ trinii]] 49. validum ^[[psi symbol?]] X [[red double underline]] Tenera [[/underline]] ^[[54]] [[strikethrough]] 52 [[/strikethrough]]. stenodes ^[[caricoides [[check mark]] ]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[XI Agrostuidea (N.A)]] XI [[double underline in red]] Laxa [[/double underline in red]] [[left column]] ^[[psi symbol?]] ^[[56]] [[strikethrough]] 54 [[/strikethrough]]. polygonatum ^[[Schrad.]] 55. [[strikethrough]] polychaetum [[/strikethrough]] ^[[leptachne Doell.]] ^[[B]] 56. pilosum ^[[Sw.]] ^[[B V]] 57. luticola ^[[Hitchc.]] 58. lexum ^[[Sw.]] ^[[B V]] 59. boliviense ^[[Hack.]] 60. milleflorum ^[[H. & C.]] 61. guianense ^[[Hitchc.]] 62. hylaeicum ^[[Mez]] 63. coenosum ^[[Doell]] ^[[line under this entry continues up right side of column]] 64. decipiens ^[[B]] ^[[Nees]] ^[[enlarged sterile palea]] 65. milioides ^[[B]] ^[[ [[line]] 69 molinoides]] [[overwritten]] 65 [[/overwritten]] ^[[70 + hiaus]] 66. turfosum ^[[Mez = 71?]] ^[[?]] ^[[72]] [[strikethrough]] 67 [[/strikethrough]]. stenophyllum ^[[Hack.]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[73]] [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 68 [[/strikethrough]]. ^[[73]] goyazense ^[[Mez = [[strikethrough]] 71? [[/strikethrough]] ]] ^[[74 spathellosum Doell]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[75 schenkii Hack 76 chapedense Swallen]] [[/strikethrough]] 69. molinoides ^[[- B]] [[/left column]] [[right column]] [[strikethrough]] 70 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[74]]. spathellosum ^[[B Döll]] [[strikethrough]] 71 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[75]]. schenckii ^[[Hack.]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[72]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[76 chapadense Swallen ad int]] [[/right column]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[4]] XIII [[double underlined in red]] Venezuelana [[/double underlined in red]] 7^[[6]]. venezuelae ^[[Hack]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[76 ineptum H&C B]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[=76 schenkii 77 longiruline XIV [[V overwrites II]] [[double underlined in red]] Stolonifera [[double underlined in red]] 77. stoloniferum 78. frondescens 79. pulchellum ^[[Raddi]] ^[[check mark]] [[strikethrough]] 80. leptachne ^[[Doll]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[= 55]] 81. andreanum ^[[Mez [[check mark]] (Müller)]] 82. brachystachyum ^[[Trin]] [[strikethrough]] XIV [[double underlined in red]] Condensata [[/double underlined in red]] 84. condensatum [[/strikethrough]] ^[[=Hymenachne]] XV. [[double underlined in red]] Parviglumia [[/double underlined in red]] 86. schiffneri ^[[Hack]] ^[[check mark]] 87. aff. virgultorum [[line across to words]] ^[[XV + XVI Verrucosa]] XVI. [[double underlined in red]] Trichoidea [[/double underlined in red]] 90. trichoides ^[[Sev B]] ^[[check mark]] 91. trichanthum ^[[Nees]] ^[[check mark]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] XVII. [[double underlined red]] Rostellata [[/double underlined red]] 95. rostellatum ^[[Trin.- gl 1 minute]] 96. litigiosum ^[[B? Stend. gl. 1 as long as spklt. [[image - left pointing arrow]] 97. haenkeanum Presl]] XVIII. [[double underlined red]] Glutinosa [[/double underlined red]] 100. glutinosum ^[[sw B V sp. Bello Horiz 8943]] 101. millegrana ^[[Poir. B]] ^[[101 1/2 sellourii Nees [[checkmark]] ]] [[strikethrough]] 102. wettstainii ^[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[8943]] [[strikethrough]] 103. emergens [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ [[bracket]] see paririfolia group [[/bracket]] ]] [[circled]] 104. enneaneuron [[/circled]] ^[[Lechler pt. = millegrana]] XIX [[double underlined red]] Penicillata [[/double underlined red]] 107. flumunense ^[[Hack B?]] 108. penicillatum ^[[ insertion]] Nees; [[/insertion]] Trin B?]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[Nees]] [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 109. gracilipes [[/strikethrough]] ^[[= missionium Ekm]] [[strikethrough]] 110. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[109.]] planop [[strikethrough]] teris [[/strikethrough]] ^[[tis Trin.]] ^[[110 (long glume 1) aff. planotis- cf vimineum Schrad]] ^[[111. itatiaiae n. sp. ad int ac 8327]] ^[[112 excavatum Henr. Balansa 2947 (descr. reads like small branch of P. penicillatum no. 108 above. Name refers to excavate area on back of fruit (where rootlet protrudes) common to all Panicum]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[ [[double underlined]] see Copy [[/double underlined]] on shelf]] XX [[double underlined red]] Parvifolia [[/double underlined red]] 114. auricomum 115. micranthum ^[[115 + pappleri [[line]] ? (115++ arctum Swallen machrisianum Swallen]] 116. polycomum 117. rectissimum ^[[Mez]] 118. parvifolium ^[[B [[checkmark]] ]] 119. contractum ^[[= 120]] 120. cyanescens ^[[Nees B]] 121. schwackeanum ^[[Mez]] 122. carannasense ^[[Mez]] 123. helobium ^[[Mez; Ekm.]] 124. errabundum ^[[Hitchc.]] ^[[124+ caaguazuense O]] 125. pseudisachne ^[[Mez]] 126. nervosum ^[[Lam. (commelinaefolium Rudge)]] XXI [[double underlined red]] Pyrularia [[/double underlined red]] 129. pyrularium 130. aff. pyrularium (hirsute) [[right margin]] ^[[8921 Bello Horin [[checkmark]] 9068 " " [[dittos for: Bello Horin]] [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] puherse [[/underlined]] 9078 " " [[dittos for: Bello Horin]] ]] [[/right margin]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] XXII [[double underlined in red]] Setifolia [[/double underlined in red]] 133. rupestre 134. setifolium ^[[Itatiaya?]] 135. siccaneum 136. subulatum ^[[f obovatum in Ungrouped]] XXIII [[double underlined in red]] Rudgeana [[/double underlined in red]] 139. campestre ^[[B]] 140. rudgei ^[[B [[checkmark]] ]] XXIV [[double underlined in red]] PUNGENTES [[/double underlined in red]] 142. chnoodes ^[[Trin]] 143. eligulatum 144. loreum ^[[Trin B]] 145. pungens ^[[Trin]] ^[[146. Itacolumense]] XXV [[double underlined in red]] Latissima [[/double underlined in red]] 147. rude 148. latissimum ^[[Mikan B]] ^[[149. macrophyllum Raddi B]] 1^[[50]]. secundum 15^[[1]]. blepharophorum ^[[Mez not Preel]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] XXVI [[double underline in red]] Urvilleana [[/underline]] 152. racemosum [[strikethrough]] 153 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[164]] urvilleanum ^[[153 + smaller spklts Jorgensen 1720]] XXVII [[double underline in red]] Dichanthoides [[/underline]] 155. demissum ^[[Trin. B]] [[strikethrough]] 156. protractum Mez [[/strikethrough]] ^[[156 Dusen 15767 etc.]] 157. hebotes ^ [[Trin]] 158. missionum Mez not ^ [[insertion]] ^[[ipce 1917]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[mez;]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] Ekman ^ [[1912]] ^[[V ? sp]] 159. sabulorum Lam. ^[[Barbaceua sp]] [[underlined]] 160. fultum ^[[Hack. [[/underlined]] = villous form of 159]] ^[[160+]] 161. Pencannum ^[[Phil]] 162. sciruotes ^[[Trin.]] 163. stigmosum ^[[Trin.]] ^[[164 superatum Hack. - in Dicanthelium in types]] [[line]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[164+ latiglume Döll]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[164+ latiglume Doll]] [[image - arrow pointing right]] § [[double red underline]] Dichantelium [[/underline]] 165. strigosum ^[[Muhl.]] 166. arenicoloides ^[[Ashe]] ^[[ [[checkmark]]? ]] 167. multirameum ^[[Scuh]] ^[[167a leucothrix]] 168. acuminatum ^[[Sw.]] 169. olivaceum ^[[H. & C.]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 170. polycladum ^[[Ekm. [[line]] hebotes Trin]] 171. sphaerecarpon ^[[Ell.]] 172. viscidellum ^[[Scribn. [[checkmark]] ]] 173. pantrichum ^[[Hack. B [[checkmark]] ? ]] 174. cordovense ^[[Fourn. B]] [[right side of page, with arrow to insert text below previous line]] ^[[174 + missionum Ekm. (gracilipes ]] [[/right side of page]] ^[[175. ovuliferum Trin.]] 17^[[6]]. dusenii ^[[Hack.]] [[strikethrough]] aff. dusenii ^[[176 + sylvestrec]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[= cleistog form of 175]] 17^[[7]]. rhizogonum ^[[Hack]] [[strikethrough]] 17^[[8]]. unilineatum [[/strikethrough]] ^[[cleistog form of missionum Ekm.]] ^[[XXVIII]] [[double underlined in red]] Rivulares [[/double underlined in red]] 179. rivulare 180. prionitis [[strikethrough]] ^[[ [2 species under this name B]] [[/strikethrough]] 181. grumosum 182. gynerioides 183. excelsum ^[[Nees = ruvulare]] 184. grande 185. stagnatile
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[§ [[Section sign]] ]] [[double underlined in red]] STREPTOSTACHYS [[/double underlined in red]] 187. asperifolium ^[[B]] ^[[ [[Section sign]] §]] [[double underlined in red]] OTACHYRIUM [[/double underlined in red]] 189. versicolor ^[[ [[checkmark]] ?]] 190. pterigodium 191. goeldii ^[[192. hemigymnus]] ^[[ [[Section sign]] §]] [[double underlined in red]] ACROCERAS [[/double underlined in red]] 193. zizanioides ^[[B]] 194. paucispicatum [[line across page]] ^[[B 195. olyroides Vo]] [[line across page]] [[double underlined in red]] UNGROUPED [[double underlined in red]] 196. discrepans ^[[196 + gigas [[Duran?]] ined.]] 197. glabrinode ^[[197+ gladiatum Narvea, cult from Brazil [seed] in Wien]] 198. grandifolium ^[[Döll Brazil [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] found in Vienna]] ^[[198+ hemitomon]] 199. hirtum [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[( [[strikethrough]] 199 + (lofgrenii H. ined. [[/strikethrough]] ) glands on st. lemma [[insertion]] see Ichnanthus gardneri [[/insertion]] ]] 200. longissimum ^[[(Mez) Sacciolepis karsteniana Mez T]] 201. macranthum [[strikethrough]] 202. magnum Hitche. [[/strikethrough]] 203. megastachyum Nees; Trin. 1826
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[left column]] 204. megastachyum Nees ipse 1829 [[strikethrough]] ^[[trymirabile Mez]] [[/strikethrough]] 205. [[strikethrough]] magiston [[/strikethrough]] ^[[mertensii B]] 206. obovatum [[strikethrough]] 207. olyroides ^[[B]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[207 + [[strikethrough]] Papenovii ad int [[/strikethrough]] cervicatus n. sp. ad int]] 208. procurrans ^[[B]] 209. repandum ^[[210. scabridum]] [[strikethrough]] 210. superatum 211. taretifolium 212. trinerve [[/strikethrough]] ^[[= Briza]] [[strikethrough]] 213. trinii [[/strikethrough]] 214. vaginatum OUT [[strikethrough]] STANDING [[/strikethrough]] ^[[lying]] SPECIES 215. aristellum 216. arnacites ^[[B]] 217. Fiebrigii ^[[(]] Mez ^[[)]] not Hack. 218. najadum ^[[-]] 219. perforatum ^[[Nees]] [[strikethrough]] 220. sandiense [[/strikethrough]] ^[[221 trahchystachyum Nees]] [[/left column]] [[right column]] 221. trachys [[strikethrough]] permum [[/strikethrough]] tachgua 217} 219} alum 221} [[/right column]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] acuminatum 168 adspersum 10 ^[[altum 42]] andreanum 81 aquaticum 20 arenicoloides 166 aristellum 215 arnacites 216 asperifolium 187 auricomum 114 bambusoides [[strikethrough]] 4 [[overwritten]] 2 [[/overwritten]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[43]] barbinode [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] bergii 21 blepharophorum 15 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] boliviense 59 brachystachyum 82 ^[[ [[line]] bulbosium 38+ caaguazuense 124 + 0]] campestre 139 " [[ditto for: campestre]] Nees ipse 37 ^[[camurum n. sp. 28+]] carannasense 122 cayennense 27 ^[[chapadense swallen - Laxa]] chapmani 2 chloroticum 19 chnoodes 142 coenosum 63 condensatum 84
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[strikethrough]] contractum 119 [[/strikethrough]] cordovense 174 cyanescens 120 decipiens 64 demissum 155 ^[[diffusum 29]] discrepans 196 dichotomiflorum 18 dusenii 176 echinulatum 16 elephantipes 21 eligulatum 143 emergens 1[[overwritten]] 0 [[/overwritten]] ^[[2]]3 ^[[1/2]] [[circle]] enneaneuron 104 [[/circle]] errabundum 124 excelsum 183 fasciculatum 9 Fiebrigii Mez not Hack. 217 flavormarginatum 46 ^[[47]] fluminense 107 frondescens 78 fultum 160 gem [[overwritten]] u [[/overwritten]] inatum 4 ghiesbreghtii 30 ^[[grogas 196]] glabrinode 197 glabripes [[strikethrough]] 45 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[46]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] glaziouvii 48 glutinosum 100 goeldi 191 goyazense 68 [[strikethrough]] gracilipes 109 ^[[see Missionum Ekm. 174+]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[try Missionum Ekm. [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 632 Ekman]] grande 184 grandifolium 198 grumosum 181 guianense 61 gynerioides 182 hebotes 157 helobium 123 hirsutum 34 hirticaule 25 hirtum 199 hylaeicum 62 ^[[itacolumense 146 aff. loreum]] [[strikethrough]] ineptum 76 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[= 75]] ^[[karstenianum ungrouped]] [[line to left margin]] ^[[kappleri]] [[/line]] junceum [[strikethrpuigh]] 43 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[44 see tricholaenoides]] ^[[latiglume 164+ killipii 222]] latissimum 148 laxum 58 leptachne [[strikethrough]] 80 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[55]] ^[[ leucothus 167a]] ligularis [[strikethrough]] 44 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[45]] litigiosum 96 longissimum 200
loreum 144 luticola 57 macranthum 201 ^[[macrophyllum 149]] [[strikethrough]] magnum 302 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ichnanthus]] maximum 38 megastchyum 203 " [[ditto for megastchyum]] Nees ipse 204 megiston 205 micranthum 115 milioides 65 milleflorum 60 millegrana 101 ^ [[missionum Ekm 1912]] missionum Mez not Ekm, 158 ^[[1917]] ^ [[insertion]] [[Panicum missionum Ekm Ark. för Bot. 11 [[insertion]] 4 [[/insertion]] :19. 1912. "Bonpland, ad rivulum prope praedium "Almacén finlandesa", 26.12.07. N. 632. Misiones, Argent. [[underline]] valid sp [[/underline]] (Try P. gracilipes Hack. Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges Wien 65:71. 1915 for P. Missiones Ekman 1912 [[/insertion]] moliniodes 69 molle 12 mucronulatum 35 multiculmum 11 multirameum 167 najadum 218 nervosum 126 obovatum 206 ^[[obtusiglume 116 ½]] olivaceum 169 olyroides 207 ^[[ovuliferum 175]] paludivagum 5 pantrichum 173
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start right]] parvifolium 118 paucispicatum 194 pencannum 161 penicillatum 108 perforatum 219 pilcomayense 31 pilosum 56 planopteris [[corrected in pencil] planotis [[/corrected in pencil]] 110 [[strikethrough]] polychaetum 55 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[leptachne]] polycladum 170 polycomum 116 polygonatum 54 polytrichum 14 prionitis 180 procurrens 209 [[strikethrough]] protractum 156 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ = pantrichum]] pseudisachne 125 pterigodium 190 pulchellum 79 pungens 145 pyrularium 129 quadriglume 33 racemosum 152
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] rectissimum 117 repandum 209 repens 40 reptans 8 rhizogonum 17[[overwritten]] 6 [[/overwritten]] ^[[7]] rivulare 179 rostellatum 95 rude 147 rudgei 140 rupestre 133 sabulorum 159 [[strikethrough]] sandiense 220 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[scabridum 210]] schenckii 71 schiffneri 86 schwackeanum 121 sciurotes 162 secundum [[strikethrough]] 149 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[150]] ^[[sellowii 101 1/2]] setifolium 134 siccanum 135 sparsiflorum 15 spathellosum 70 sphaerocarpon 171 stagnatile 185 stenodes 52 stenophyllum 67
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] stigmosum 163 stoloniferum 77 ^[[stramineum 25+]] strigosum 165 subjunceum 36 subulatum 136 superatum [[strikethrough]] 210 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[164]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[sylvestre 176 +]] [[/strikethrough]] teretifolium 211 ^[[texanum 15]] trachys[[strikethrough]] perm [[/strikethrough]]^[[tachy]]um 221 trichanthum 91 trichoides 90 ^[[tricholaenoides 44]] trinerve 212 trinii [[strikethrough]] 313 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[48+]] turfosum 66 [[strikethrough]] unilineatum 178 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[= missionum Ekm.]] urvilleanum 153 utowanaeum 1 vaginatum 214 validum 49 velutinosum 13 venezuelae 75 versicolor 189 virgatum 41 viscidellum 172 wettsteinii 102 zizanioides 193
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[strikethrough]] [[stamp]] United States National Herbarium 729863 [[/stamp]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[type ad int]] United States National Museum Deposited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture ^[[Andropogon pubiflorus [[Frm?]] Muller 2059 Mex ex St. P. Bot Gar. 3:27 = hertifolius Press]]
[[blank page]]
[[top left corner image -- logo National Scheme for Disabled Men]] [[stamped]] A.S.H. June - 9 1934 [[/stamped]] The HERBARIUM, [[preprinted]] ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW, SURREY. All communications should be addressed to- [[strikethrough]] THE DIRECTOR [[/strikethrough]][[/preprinted]] 1st June, 1934. Dear Dr. Hitchcock, (1) Thanks for calling our attention in your letter of May 21st to the descriptions of new species of Mexican Oaks, apparently by William Trelease, in an article under the name S.F. Trelease (Fedde, Repert. vol. 33, p. 314: 1934). We are writing to Trelease [[overwritten]] se [[/overwritten]]^[[ju]]nior on the subject. (2) I cannot understand your statement that "species are being published in the last part of the Flora of Tropical Africa (by Stapf and Hubbard), in English without a Latin diagnosis." Mr. Hubbard tells me that, as far as he knows, vol. ix, pt. 6 (1934) contains [[underline]] no new species [[/underline]], all the new ones recognized by the authors having been published previously [[underline]] with Latin diagnoses [[/underline]] in Kew Bull. 1933. Perhaps you are thinking of part 5 (1930). It is unfortunately true that Stapf did not supply Latin diagnoses for the new species in that part. At Cambridge, however, the date from which Latin diagnoses are obligatory was altered to [[underline]] Jan. 1, 1932 [[/underline]] (see Cambridge Report, p. 591). Hence the names concerned are now treated as validly published under International Rules. (3) I seem to have failed to make clear to you the bearing of International Rules ed. 3 on such cases as [[underline]] Panicum molle [[/underline]] Michx. non Swartz, and [[underline]] Poa airoides [[/underline]] Nutt. non Koel. Since ed. 3 has not yet appeared, the best plan will perhaps be for me to cite the relevant decisions of the Cambridge Congress and then to demonstrate how they apply to these two test cases of yours. [[underline]] Decision I [[/underline]]. Art.51 bis (Brit. Prop. Art. 65; Rec. Syn. p.73) treating later homonyms as [[underline]] illegitimate [[/underline]] was adopted at Cambridge (Report, p. 605). [[underline]] Decision II [[/underline]]. Art. A51 (Brit. Prop. Art. 64; Rec. Syn. p.71) was adopted at Cambridge (Report. p. 605). The second sentence reads: "[[underline]] The publication of an epithet in an illegitimate combination must not be taken into consideration for purposes of priority [[/underline]]." [[underline]] Decision III [[/underline]]. Art. A56 (Brit. Prop. Art. 73; Rec. Syn. p. 81) was adopted at Cambridge (Report, p. 607). It reads as follows: "In cases foreseen in Art. ... the name or epithet to be rejected is replaced by the oldest legitimate name, or (in a combination) by the oldest legitimate epithet which will be in accordance with the Rules. In default of such, a new name or epithet must be chosen. [[underline]] Where a new epithet is required, an author may, if he wishes, adopt an epithet previously given to the group in an illegitimate combination, if there is no obstacle to its employment in the new position or sense [[/underline]]." Dr. A.S. Hitchcock, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
2. [[underline]] Decision IV. [[/underline]] Art. A51 (Brit. Prop. Art. 64; Rec. Syn. p.71) was adopted at Cambridge (Report, p. 605). The second case of illegitimacy included in Art. A51 is: "If it is a binary name published in contravention of Art ...., that is if its author did not adopt the earliest legitimate epithet available for the group with its particular circumscription, position and rank. [[underline]] Example: Tetragonolobus Scandalida [[/underline]] Scop. (1772) is illegitimate because Scopoli did not adopt the earliest specific epithet available, namely, [[underline]] siliquosus, [[/underline]] when he transferred [[underline]] Lotus siliquosus [[/underline]] L. (1759) to [[underline]] Tetragonolobus." [[/underline]] [[underline]] Case A. Panicum molle Michx.[[/underline]] 1. [[underline]] Panicum molle [[/underline]] Michx. (1803). Not [[underline]] P. molle [[/underline]] Swartz (1788). [[underline]] P. molle [[/underline]] Michx., being a later homonym of the validly published name [[underline]] P. molle [[/underline] Swartz (1788), is [[underline]] illegitimate [[/underline]] (Decision I). The epithet [[underline]] molle [[/underline]] used by Michaux is not taken into consideration for purposes of priority (Decision II[[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]]). 2. [[underline]] Panicum Michauxii [[/underline]] Poir. (1816). A [[underline]] legitimate [[/underline]] name. 3. [[underline]] Eriochloa mollis [[/underline]] Kunth (1829). This is treated as a new name proposed by Kunth in 1829, since it has no status as a new combination (see above, under 1). It is [[underline]] illegitimate [[/underline]] since Kunth ought to have adopted the earliest legitimate epithet, [[underline]] Michauxii [[/underline]] (Decision IV). 4. [[underline]] Eriochloa Michauxii [[/underline]] (Poir.) Hitchc. (1908). [[underline]] Legitimate. [[/underline]] The correct name for the species under [[underline]] Eriochloa. [[/underline]] [[underline]] Case B. Poa airoides Nutt. [[/underline]] 1. [[underline]] Poa airoides [[/underline]] Nutt. (1818). Not [[underline]] P. airoides [[/underline]] Koel. 1802. Illegitimate, being a [[underline]] later homonym [[/underline]] (Decision I). The epithet [[underline]] airoides [[/underline]] used by Michaux in 1818 gains no priority thereby (Decision II[[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]]). 2. [[underline]] Poa Nuttalliana [[/underline]] Schult. (1824). A [[underline]] legitimate [[/underline]] name. 3. [[underline]] Glyceria airoides [[/underline]] A. Gray (1862). Not [[underline]] G. airoides [[/underline]] Reichenb. (1829). [[underline]] Illegitimate, [[/underline]] being a later homonym (Decision I). 4. [[underline]] Puccinellia airoides [[/underline]] Wats. et Coult. (1890). [[underline]] Illegitimate, [[/underline]]because Watson and Coulter ought to have adopted the earliest legitimate epithet [[underline]] Nuttalliana [[/underline]] (Decision IV). 5. [[underline]] Puccinellia Nuttalliana [[/underline]] (Schult.) Hitchc. (1912). [[underline]] Legitimate [[/underline]]. The correct name for the species under [[underline]]Puccinellia. [[/underline]] If you will compare cases A and B with those of [[underline]] Cleistochloa subjuncea [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Calandrinia polyandra [[/underline]] which I have already explained in my memorandum on [[underline]] Cleistochloa subjuncea [[/underline]] dated 13th February, 1934, you will find that they are entirely different in one respect. There was no previously published [[underline]] legitimate [[/underline]] epithet available when Hubbard chose the name [[underline]] Cleistochloa subjuncea [[/underline]] and Bentham chose the name [[underline]] Calandrinia polyandra! [[/underline]] Under Decision III they were [[underline]] free [[/underline]], though [[underline]] not obliged, [[/underline]] to adopt the epithets [[underline]] subjuncea [[/underline]] and [[underline]] polyandra [[/underline]]
3. respectively. But Kunth in 1829 was [[underline]] not [[/underline]] free to adopt the epithet [[underline]] mollis [[/underline]] under [[underline]] Eriochloa,[[/underline]] since there was already available the legitimate epithet [[underline]] Michauxii [[/underline]] (1816). Similarly Watson and Coulter were [[underline]] not [[/underline]] free in 1890 to adopt the epithet [[underline]]airoides [[/underline]] under [[underline]]Puccinellia, [[/underline]] since there was already available the legitimate epithet [[underline]] Nuttalliana [[/underline]] (1824). The names [[underline]] Eriochloa Michauxii [[/underline]] (Poir.) Hitchc. and [[underline]] Puccinellia Nuttalliana [[/underline]] (Schult.) Hitchc. are the correct ones because Hitchcock adopted in each case the earliest [[underline]] legitimate [[/underline]] epithet available. (4) As regards proposals for the Amsterdam Congress, I think everyone is waiting till the text of International Rules, ed. 3, appears. The most important subject to be dealt with is that of the "Regulations for determining types." These, in my opinion, should be built on the study of a large number of cases. I may mention my paper in Journ. Bot. 1932, 231, on the type-species of [[underline] ]Allantoma, [[/underline]] and a note in Kew Bull. 1934, 42, on the type of [[underline]] Ormocarpum Kirkii. [[/underline]] It is only by getting experience in solving a large number of cases that we shall be able to formulate satisfactory regulations for the guidance of future workers. I will not fail to keep you informed of any proposals I may make. (5) Our Acting Librarian, Mr. Nelmes, broke his leg at the end of January and has been away since then, which has thrown an embarrassing amount of work on my shoulders, as I am [[underline]] nominally [[/underline]] responsible for the Library since Mr. Skan retired. Hence I find it difficult to spare time for answering questions on nomenclature. This letter has taken me the best part of a day to think out and write. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, ^[[F. W. Sprague]]
[[underlined]] Martins Itinerary [[/underlined]] [[in red]] underscored are names found on map. [[/in red]] 1922 Hackel
[[handwritten notes]] Serra da Lapa = Serra do Cipó. On automobile road from Bello Horizonte to Morro Velho. "Serra da Lapa" probably not more than 20 km from Bello Horizonte. [[perpendicular note]] Paspalum [[/note]] Stop at Barbaçena below São João de Rey For [[Ananicochtoa gasto ?]] Itumirim EF. Joazeiro. [[strikethrough]] near Ituba [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Martius Itinerary. RIO JANEIRO: vicinity of-- S. Anna, west; Catumbi N.W.; Sao Sebastiano ^[[=]] Rio Jan Punta do Calabonco, east end of point on which Rio is built Armazen do Sal north end. Ilha Grande, Ilha das Cobras, Ilha de Lagem, Ilha Governador, Ilha raza (grasses thick on these isls) Marambaya, Enchados, Vollegagnon ^[[isles,]] in bay. Corcovado--S.E.; Mato-porcos, base of foothills of Corcovado; Valley of Laranjeiras below Corcovado, toward Catile. ^[[Catette]] Caryoca cascade on ascent of Corcovado. ^[[must have ascended from Alto Boa Vista]] Bridge over Sacco d'Alferes, Santa Cruz, Sao Christavao, W.- [[red underline]] Tijuca [[/underline]] 4 miles past S. Christavao on main road- S.S.W. from foot of cascade 200 ft. high, on opposite slope, deep valley,--foot of Gavia, a granite rock close to E. bank of brackish Lake Camorin ([[red underline]] Jacarepagua [[/underline]]) connected on S. with sea--return by way of plains of Sao Christavao. Catete, Bota Fogo, bays Santa Cruz, fort on Pico, mt. E side or harbor S. João; S. Theodosio, forts N of Sugarloaf. S. Lourenco, mission on bay. [[diagonal lines to highlight copy]] Nitherohy Rio Jan bay [[diagonal lines to highlight copy]] PROV. RIO DE JANEIRO Rio Inhumerim, empties into Rio J. bay N. Porto Estrella above mouth at junction of Rio Saracurúna. Piedade, 4 m. N. [[red underline]] Mandiocca, Landsdorff's estate [[/underline]] 3376 Paris ft. alt. in [[red underline]] Serra de Estrella Organ Mts. [[/underline]] Carrego Seco, 2260 Paris ft. alt. N.--Belmonte near Rio Piabauha, mt. rivulet, empt. into Rio Paraiba.-- Sou[[red underline]]mi[[/underline]]douro, half day from Paraiba, boundary of Rio Jan. & Minas. Returned to Rio. [[diagonal lines to highlight copy]] LEFT RIO DE JAN. DEC. '8 for SAO PAULO: Campinho, 3 leag. W.; Santa Cruz W.; Sabati.-- S.W.- Serra da Ilha Grande, extending to Bay Angra dos Reys.--Taguahy, lake nearby. W into Mts. S. Joao Marcos (50 miles W of Rio)--Relno S. of Marcos, Rio Pirahy--
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] -2- Fazenda dos Negroes- [Rio Paraiba R. Paratininga, R. Turbo rise in Serra do Mar--Frequezia of Bananal on hill (S. are several parallel chains of mts. running W--sea) Morro Formoza, third chain, Rio Jan-S. Paulo boundary. S. PAULO: Barreiro- S. Anna das [[red underline]] Areas [[/underline]] (Rio Pomba, branch of R. Paraiba), -S- Serra do Paraiba--valley Tacasava--Serra Mantiqueira (runs from Minas S. behind Serra do Mar) Malada--[[red underline]] Silveira [[/underline]] Tacasava, last summit (going S.W.) of Serra do Mar, S. do Mantiqueira to W. --Pajol--Rio Iripariba bet. last spurs of S. do Mar and S. Mantiqueira--Mineiro--[[red underline]] Lorena [[/underline]] ([[red pencil]] = [[/pencil]] Guaypacari)-Pto da Caxoeira, Pto do Meyra, across R. Paraiba-- [[red underline]] Guaratingueta in extensive savanna [[/underline]]--S.W.--Nossa Senhora Apparecida--[Christmas Eve]--As Taibas--S.S.W.--[[red underline]] P[[overwritten]] eu [[/overwritten]]^[[in]]damhongaba. [[/underline]] Parapitinga, Agoa Preta, Ribeirao da Villa, streams crossed--[[red underline]] Greater part of valley of Paraiba is campo with "Gray-green hairy grasses" [[/underline]]--[[red underline]] Taubaté [[/underline]] on flat hill, "women make mats of large [[red underline]] Aristida"[[/underline]]--S--Campo grande--Sahido do Campo--Paranangaba--S. José-Jacarehy [[red underline]] (Rio Paraiba turns N) [[/underline]]-- Aldea da Escada-- Tarumá --[[red underline]] Mogy das Cruces [[/underline]] ([[in pencil]] = [[/pencil]] Mugy]--Rio Tieté-- Nossa Senhora da Peuha--[[red underline]] Sao Paulo--[[/underline]]Dec. 31. 1817. [[pencil lines indicating new paragraph?]] [[red underline]] S. Paulo [[/underline]] Jan. 1-9, 1818; vicinity of city: city in plain Piratininga. [[red underline]] Cubatao, [[/underline]] part of Serra do Mar. Paranagna, Cananea, seaports of S. Paulo. Curitiba -S. of city. Jaraguá 8 miles S; Canto Gallo, Swiss Colony, [[in pencil]] / [[/pencil]] Journey Mt. Jaraguá, S. spur of S. Mantiqueira--Jacarehy--[[red underline]] Cutia [[/underline]]--S. [[red underline]] Roque [[/underline]]--Sorocaba on Rio [[red underline]] Sorocaba, [[/underline]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] -3- [[underlined]] Sorocaba [[/underline]] on Rio Sorocaba, fl. into R. [[underlined]] Tieti [[/underlined]] ( Anhembi) [[underlined]] campos with short grass to S. Joao Ipanema [[/underlined]] ^[[insertion]] ^[[down river short distance below Sorocaba]] [[/insertion]] (20 leagues S.S.w. of S. Paulo)-- [[insertion]] ^[[?N or S]] [[/insertion]] ^[[S]].W. Mt. Araasojava ( Guaraso-java) iron mt. 1000 ft., above Rio ^[[I]]panema--[[underlined]] Porto Feliz [[/underlined]] on [[underline]] Rio Tieti [[/underlined]] 5-1/2 leag. N.W. of Ypanema. (Rio do Pinheiros, R. Jundiahy, R. Capibaú empty into R. Tuté)--Avanhanda-vussú and Itapure, waterfalls 7 leag. above junct. Tieté & Parana. Jan. 10, left Ypanema--N.W. Sorocaba mt. Araasojava--[[underlined]] Ytu [[/underlined]]--N.W. crossed Tieté -- Jacaré--[[underline]] Jundiahy, extensive mt. plain with Pasp. chrysostachyus [[/underline]]--Morro de Catetuva, highest point on road--broad valley with mt. Parapixinga on E.--S. Joao de [[underline]] Atibaya [[/underline]] (N. several parallel mt. chains)--Boa Vista, highest 2500 ft, (Morro de Lopo 3000 ft.)--frontier S. Paulo--Minas, high mts. Morro Grande plains foot of Lopo Mt. MINAS: Arroyae de [[underline]] Camand[[overwritten]] u [[/overwritten]]^[[o]]caya [[/underline]]--N-- Rosetta--Campinha--[[underline]] mt chains covered with campos [[/underline]]--Estiva--Rio Mandú -- Villa Mandu--[[underline]] Caldas [[/underline]] da Raniha sulphur spring [Pocas de Caldas]-- Rio Servo--S. Vicente--S. Anna de Sapucahy--fazenda Sta Barbara, [[underline]] fine grass plain [[/underline]]--Lavras; [[underline]] Rio Sapucahy--valley with Serra de Paciencia on right & Serra S. Gonzalo on left--Villa S. Gonzalo N.N.E. of S. Barbara-- Villa [[/underline]] Campa[[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]]^[[n]]ha [[/underline]] (Villa da Princissa da Beira)--4 leagues N.W. of S. Gonzalo in comarco Rio das Mortes. [[underline]] [Feb. 14, 1818] [[/underline]]--Arraial do Rio Verde, on [[underline]] Rio Verde [[/underline]]--Rio do Peixa, near Fazenda S. Fé, comes spur of Serro Mautiqueira--4 miles N of Rio Peixa, Campo Bello (here road to Villa de S. Joao do Principe divides into 2 branches, the W. going by Boa Vista, Brambinho, & Arraial das Lavras de Funil; E leads through Mts. Martius took E road.]
[[book format]] [[left page blank]] [[start right page]] -4- Corrego dos Piuheiros (summit of rock)--Capella de S. Antonio--Fazenda da Parapitinga 1/2 league from Corrego dos Pinheros, at foot of Serra Branca--[to left mt. of Capevary, to right Terra de Ingahy, both parallel to Serra Branca from S.S.W. and S.W. to N.N.E & NE. all branching out, nearly at right angles to Serra de Mantequeira, the main range in Minas, [[red underline]] covered with campos--3-4000 ft. with shallow valleys--[[/red underline]] Serra das Lettras a few miles of rich botanizing. Rio Ingahy (joins R. Capevary & flows into Rio Grande]-- Road to S. Joao del Rey goes N.N.E. over Mt. of Capevary--Rio Grande (source of which is in Mt. Juruoca) cataract, Ponte Nova, bridge above cataract, frontier custom house. [SYSTEM OF RIVERS (EMPTYING INTO R. GRANDE) & R. PARAUAHYLA [[pencil correction]] PARAUABYBA [[/pencil correction]] DESCEND FROM MTS. E, SERRA MANTIQUEIRA; N.E. SERRA NEGRA, DA CANASTRA; DA NARCELLA & DOS CRISTAES, form boundary between this & R. SAN FRANCISCO.] From crossing of Rio Grande--N.E. are hills connecting Serra de Capevary & Serra de Viruna--Fazende Vittoria-- NNE over rounded mts. (not wooded) connecting main branches of Serra Mantiqueira that run from SE & NW--Rio das Mortes-- Morro de Bom-fein, last pf of the high mts.--[[red underline]] S. Joao d'El Rey [[/red underline]] (Villa do Rio das Mortes) at foot of mt. Lenheiro, (1/2 mile from R. das Mortes) & on [[underline]] Rio Tijuco. [[/underline]]--NE on west slope of Serra do S. Joze--town of S. Joze-- fazenda Canduahy--Lagoa Doirado (from Joao d'El Rey to Lag. Doirada [[red underline]] dry campos [[/underline]])-- chapel of S. Eustachio--fazenda Camaboao--crossed R. Paraopeba [to left mts. of Camaboao, then Serra Negra side spurs of Serra de Congohas which lies to west of route-- crossed R. Congonhas flowing west.--Morro de Solidade--Arraial das Congonhas [[end page]]
[[book format]] [[left page blank]] [[start right page]] -5- do Campo--highest part called Chapada because flat-topped--NNE 3 leagues is faz. Joze Correa--Rodeio--Serra de Oiro Branco--Morro de Gravier, a continuation of Serra do Oiro Branco,--descending to Fazenda Capao-- Faz. Lana-- [red underline] Itacolumi [[/underline]]-- Trepui-Villa Rica [underline] Feb. 28 [[/underline]]--Villa Rica [red underline] {Ouro Preto][[/underline]] built on 2 hills on E slope of Oiro Preto ([[red pencil]] = [[/pencil]] Do Carmo) [[red pencil]] // [[/pencil]]Vicinity of Villa Rica: [[red underline]] Itacolumi, [[/underline]] highest summit of Sa. Oiro Pretr. S slopes of which, with Morro de Villa Rica form narrow Valley, Villa Rica. To reach summit cross Rib. Oiro Preto. Itanbira, ironstone mt. with 2 peaks; Coche d'Agoa; Lavras Novas; Serra do Carassa; Corrego do Vinho, a spring. Congonhas, Capao; faz. Laranjal; faz. Pires; De Prata 5 lea. N.W. of Capao. Cujabeira. Ribeirao d Oiro Preto- Morrow Oiro Preto to Villa Passagem. Caxoeira 2 leagues from Villa Rico--Mesquita-- SET OUT TO SEE INDIAN TRIBES [ANTHROPOPHAGI?] [[underline]] Mar. 31. [[/underline]]--hamlet of Tacoaral--descending-- Passagem 1 league from Villa Rica.- [[red underline]] (Morro S. Antonio) [[/underline]] crossed Ribeirao do Carmo (Rib- do Oiro Preto) ascended mt.--flat valley below is Cicade de [[red underline]] Mariana [[/underline]] [neighboring mines at Morro de S. Anna]--NE over steep mt. which is projection of Itacolumi--Fazenda Ourives--descended to Rio Mainaide from which flows into [[red underline]] Rio Doce. [[/underline][--descended to valley--fazendas of Oiro Fino-- Dos Cristaes--of Coronel Texeira.--Ribeirao do Bacalhao--[[red underline]] S. Anna do Ferros [[red underline]] ([[red pencil]] = [[/pencil]] Barra do Bacalhao. Ribeirao do Bacalhao; Rio Turbo here join Rio Piranga which flows NE & joins Rib. do Carnio (Rib. Oiro Preto) After [[red underline] junction Rio Doce [/underline] [[end page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Venda das duas Irmas [[underlined in red]]sandy gravel ground at junction of Rio Turbo & Rio Piranga [[/underlined]] -- Faz. Capella de S. Rita (enter region of Serro de Mar) crossed Serra do S. Geraldo--descending overlooked vast forest bounded to S.W. by Serra da Onca--wide plain between these 2 mt. chains -- Presidio de S. Joao Baptista center of government of Coroados-- Left for Faz. Guidowald 5 leagues south of S. Joao Baptista Apr. 10 Aldea do Morro Grande- Guidowald-- on west slope Serra da Onça, part of Serra do Mar. Rio Xipotó rises near, flows N. of fazenda and into Rio da Pomba. ^[[ // Return]] Arr. de S. José Barboza, Sitio, S. Rita, Oiro fino, Mariana ad Oiro fino, [[underlined in pencil]] Mariana [[/underlined]] ad Ouro Preto (21. IV.)' ^ [[Apr 21]] adscensus montis [[underlined, in pencil]] Itacolumi [[/underlined]] Capão, Faz. Laranjal, Faz. Pires, Prata, Chapada, Serra de Deos te livre (da Solidade), Morro de Gravier, [[underlined in red]] Ouro Preto, [[/underlined]] Morro de Villa Rica, Corrego d'Andrada, Rio das Velhas, Antonio Pereira, Arr. do Bento Rodrigues, ^[[1818]] Inficionado, Serra de Caraça, Hospicio da Mai dos Homens, Inficionado, Cata Preta, Arr. do Bento Rodrigues, [[underlined in red]] Ouro Preto [[/underlined]] ^[[Apr 28]] (28. IV. ad initium V). [[strikethrough, in red]] Dein [[/strikethrough]] Serra da Caxoeira, Bandeirinha, Arr. de S. Antonio da Casa branca, Rio das Pedras, Faz. Coxe d'agoa, S. Antonio de cima, S. Rita, [[underlined in red]] Sabará [[/underlined]], Morro de Valerio, [[underlined in red]] Caeté [[/underlined]] (Rainha), [[underlined in pencil]] Serra de Piedade,[[/underlined]] S. João do Morro grande, Cocaës, Faz. Cabo d'Agosta, Fax. Tangue, Rio das Onças, Serra da [[underlined in red]] Itambe [[/underlined]] ^[[?]], Arr. do Rio do Peixe, Morro do Gaspar Soares, Corrego das Lages, Soumidoro Arr. da S. [[underlined in pencil]] Conceicão, [[/underlined]] Rio de S. Antonio, Serra Coati, Onça, Bom ^[[S]]uccesso, Taparoca, Arr. ^[[Sta]] Taponhoacanga, Faz. Donna Roza, Faz. Rio Rio de Peixe, Villa do Principe, Rancho das tres Barras, Arr. Milho Verde, Vão, Faz. Palmital, Rio [[underlined in red]] Jequetinhonha, [[/underlined]] Tejuco (Diamantina), Lavra das Picas, Bandeirinha, Curralinho, Rib. do inferno, Servico Matta Matta, Servico dos Calderoës, adscensus montis [[underlined in red]] Itambé [[/underlined]] ^[[B not Itambe [[?]] ]] da Villa (5. VI.). Dein a [[underlined in red]] Tejuco [[/underlined]] ^[[Diamant]] ad Serra de Mentanha, ^[[Mendanha]] Arr. do Rio Manzo, ^[[Manso]] Cangicas, ^[[ [[check mark]] ]]Capão Grosso,
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^ Lavras da Pindaiba, [[red underline]] Buriti [[/red underline]], Faz. Pe do Morro, Rib. de S. Domingos, Columbi, Arr. de Barreiras, Rib. Curralinho, Rio [[red underline]] Arassuahy [[/red underline]], [[√]] Rio Itamarandiba, [[√]] Piedade, Villa Bom Successo (Fanado) ^ [[Minas Novas?]] , Bom Posto, Quartel do Alto dos Boys, 13. ^ [[June 13]] VI. ad Arr. da Chapada, [[strikethrough]] Agoa [[/strikethrough]] -Suja, ^[[Aqua √]], Arr. Sucuriuh ^ [[Sucariú √]] d'acima, Agoada Nova, Morro de Agoada Nova, Gupiara (Calhao), Corr. de S. Anna, S. Domingos [[√]], 4. ^ [[July 4]] VII. iter ultra Faz. de S. Joaquim, trans Rio Jequetinho, Porto dos Angicos in Sertão ad Morro Retondo, Munbucas, Bananal, [[red underline]] Serra do Grão Mogol, [[/red underline]] Itacambirussu [[√]], Faz. Congonhas do Campo, Faz. Joaquim Pereira, Arr. de Formigas (12.--17. VII.), ^ [[July 12-17, 1818]] Serra de Vincente (Cabeceira do Rio dos Boys), Rib. Riachão, [[red underline]] Contendas [[/red underline]] (per tres hebdomades), [[red underline]] Campos [[/red underline]] Geraës de S. [[red underline]] Felipe, [[/red underline]] Faz. Tamanduá (12. VIII.) ^ [[Aug 12]], Tapera, Rio S. Francisco, Faz. Capão, Faz. Mangahi, Pedras da Cruz (de baixo), Porto de Salgado, [[underline]] trans Rio S. Francisco ad Brejo de Salgado (usque 1. IX.) [[/underline]] ^ [[Sept 1]], Serra de Salgado, mons Itabirasava, Faz. Sumidouro, Rio das Pedras, Serra das Araras, Sete Lagoas, Agoa Doce, Rib. Patos, Rib. dos Boys, Yhá, [[red underline]] Rio Caranhanha, [[/red underline]], Vão do Paranán, Faz. do Rio Fermozo, Rib. Paratinga, Contagem de S. Maria, civit. Goyaz Faz. de S. Roque, Serra do Meio, civit. Minas Geraës Contagem de [[red underline]] S. Maria, [[/red underline]] Faz. do Rio Fermozo, Rib. Juquery, Rio Fermozo, [[pen mark]] // [[/pen mark]] ultra Caranhanha prov. Bahia (olim ad Pernambuco pertin.) Arr. Caranhanha (usque 24. IX.) ^ [[Sept 24]] trans Rio S. Francisco ad [[red underline]]Malhada, [[/red underline]], Faz. Curralinho, Faz. Pe da Serra, Serra dos [[red underline]] Montes Altos,[[/red underline]] Faz. Carnaibas, Paxaú, Serra da Gamelleira, Serra de [[red underline]] Cayteté [[/red underline]] ^ [[Caetite]], Hospicio, Cayteté (Villa nova do Principe), Faz. Joazeiro, Faz. da Lagoa d'Aguda, Serra de Joazeiro, Faz. Tapera, [[red underline]] Villa Velha, [[/red underline]] Rio Brumado, Serra do Rio de Contas, [[red underline]] Villa do Rio de Contas, [[/red underline]] (usque 17. X.) ^ [[Oct 17 1818]] [[red underline]]Serra da Villa Velha, [[/red underline]] Morro Retondo, Rib. Brumadinho, Caza de Telha, Faz. Secca, Serra das Leges, Rib. [[red underline]] Peruaguaçuzinho [[/red underline]], Sincotâ, [[red underline]] Serra de Sincorâ, [[/red underline]] Faz. Carabatos, Olho d'Agoa,
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Rib. Jacaré, Arr. de Maracâs, Faz. Rio Secco, Tapera, Villa de Pedra Branca, Curralinho, Genipapo, Salgado, Catingas, Torto, Rio [[underlined, in red]] Paraguassú [[/underlined]], Porto de S. Feliz, Villa de [[underlined, in red]] Cachoeira [[/underlined]] Engenho da Ponte (7. XÍ.) [[underlined, in red]] Itaparica [[/underlined]], Bahia (10. XI.--11. XII.) ^[[Nov 10 - Dec 11]], navi ad [[underlined, in red]] Ilheos [[/underlined]], Rio Fundão, Rio Itahype, ^[[1818]] [[underlined]] Almada [[/underlined, in red]], Lagoa de Almada, Villa de S. Pedro de Alcantara (As Ferradas).
From Silveira's [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
Field Museum of Natural History Reports, Vol. VIII, Plate XXV [[image - black and white photograph of 5 marsh deer]] GROUP OF SOUTH AMERICAN MARSH DEER Hall of American Mammal Habitat Groups (Hall 16) Marshall Field Brazilian Expedition, 1926. Taxidermy by Leon L. Pray. Background by Charles A. Corwin.
From Silveira's [[insert of another page]] Field Museum of Natural History Reports, Vol. VIII, Plate XXV [[image - black and white photograph of 5 marsh deer]] GROUP OF SOUTH AMERICAN MARSH DEER Hall of American Mammal Habitat Groups (Hall 16) Marshall Field Brazilian Expedition, 1926. Taxidermy by Leon L. Pray. Background by Charles A. Corwin. [[/insert]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[image - faint pencil drawing of leaf, with name written across it]] Desmazins
1 Mts of Brazil C Agulhas Negras, Itatia[[underline]]ia 2.994[[/underline]][[insertion]] meters [[/insertion]] [[in pen]] syerita[[/in pen]] Bandeira Pyrineus in Goyaz 2.890 m (reported to be higher) [[line]] Caparaó Minas 2798 M. [[in pen]] feldspar-gneiss [[/in pen]] Pontãr do Crystal [[underline]]Serra do Papagaio[[[/underline]] (Mantiqueira Minas) 2274 [[strikethrough]][[in pen]] felds [[/in pen]] [[/strikethrough]] Mantiqueira, except Ibitipoca is feldspar mostly gneiss. [[line]] Lower plains are quartzite & mts to 2000 M.: Oura Branco, [[underline]] Itacolomi [[/underline]], Batatal (Capanema), Diamantins [[line]] Areas of decomposed feldspar are [[strikethrough]] richer [[/strikethrough]] more fertile ^[[insertion]] with richer flora [[/insertion]] than regions of quartzite.
Flora Itatiaia less rich than that of Cipó, Caraҫa or Diamantina. Campos do Jordão, in Mantiqueira offers less than [[underline]] Itacolomi [[/underline]] Ibitipoca [[line]] [[underline]] For botany [[/underline]] high & sandy campos for [[aninitial?]] campos argillaceous industry [[line]] Climate of mts not well known for want of continuous records. [[line]] Serra Mantiqueira permits cult of Europ. plants, apples, pears cherries, etc. Best pears & apples on Itatiaia [[line]] Rainy & dry seasons much less marked at high altitudes [[line]] // Go to falls of Afonso in Rio S Francisco. Go from Pernambuco City to Garanhuns or end of line; there take auto line to falls [[continued on second page]] [[xed out]] Take Ry around falls to Jatoba on Rio S. Franciso can then boat up river to Petrolina-Juàzeiro [[[/ xed out]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Cold windy foggy weather any time of year in mts called corrubiana in Minas. Heights are paradise in settled weather & inferno frio during corrubiana. [[line]] Serra do Caparaó ^ [[insertion]] (gneiss) [[/insertion]] between [*over Espirito Santo & Minas - nearest city [[underlined]] Muniz Freire [[/underlined]], Esp. Santo. [Porto Mascarenhas on Rio Doce foot of Sra Espigão on Ry from city Espirito Santo. looks good] [[end page]]
(4 [[circled]] * [[/circled] upper part peaty, little value for agric. [[line]] [Uso Bono for furniture polish] [[line]] Schwacke collected in Caparaó [[line]] Highest point of Caparaó is Pontão do Bandeira, - another to north is Pontão do Chibata". [[strikethrough]] East [[/strikethrough]] West of P. Bandeira is P. do Crystal, in Minas. [[insertion]] [[underline]]poisonous snakes [[/underline]] ] [[/insertion]] Goes down, to 44° F suddenly. Any season may have frost. Ice in June-July [[strikethrough]] 8° C x 9/5 = 72/t = 12.4 32 ___ 44 [[strikethrough]] At higher altitudes are Campo do Caparaó. these have [[insertion]] been [[insertion]] burned over for pasture. No longer done but vegetation is [[strikethrough]] short [[/strikethrough]] low in height, & ground [[underline]]does not [[/underline]] hold water. Most interesting flora of Caparaó is that of Campos, with Chusquea pinifolia & C baculifera Silveira [[?]][[arrow pointing left]] [[margin]] Called Chusqueal [[/margin]]
5) In [[strikethrough]] chues [[/strikethrough]] Chusqueal [[strikethrough]] are 3 rare species [[/strikethrough]] is Danthonia montana (also from Organ Mts). Chusqueal begin at 1 600 meters [[strikethrough]] At foot Near foot of mts [[/strikethrough]] Popular belief that there is an enchanted lake where is a grass [[strikethrough]] with appearance of rice grows in gold instead of in earth [[/strikethrough]] in whose roots are found gold instead of earth. [Sr. Vicente Vasconcellos lives on Serra do Caparaó. [[line]] Caparaó - Pico da Bandeira 2.884 Agulhas Negras (black fingers) highest point of [[underlined]] Itatiaia [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 2,824 [[/strikethrough]] 2,830. Ascend from Retiro cold & snow on summit in Feb. 79° F highest - 22° F lowest [[faint calculations, perhaps from carbon?]] [[line]] Senhor Faustino de Freitas [[strikethrough]] Casa [[/strikethrough]] Macieras de Aina. Itatiaia S. [[Rospina?]] de Freitas (who kept temp record)
Diamantura & vicinity 6 Itambe 1816 m. - grape cult.
Vaccaria 870 Chapeo do Sol São José de Almeida Itacalamy [[check mark through word]] 1.752 [[line]] Nelson de Serra - a Terra Mineira Pimento de Mello & Comp Rio 1923
[[preprinted letterhead]] ESCOLA SUPERIOR AGRICULTURE E VETERINARIA -DO- Estado de Minas Geraes - VICOSA [[/preprinted letterhead]] Viçosa, Minas Geraes. Sep't 18, 1924. Mrs. Agnes Chase, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. Dear Mrs. Chase: Your letter of Aug. 22 " reached us on Sep't 14". I am replying by return mail to let you know that we are in touch by correspondence. If I wait till the next boat the letter wouuld probably get to Washington after you had sailed. I think [[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]]uor best method of handling the matter is to prepare the letters of introduction to American families and mail them to the American Consul, [[underlined]] No 109, Av. Rio Branco, Rio [[/underlined]] ^[[X]] de Janeiro, with instructions to hold them for you until you call for them, about March or April. Apparently from your itinerary, we will be back at Viçosa when you get this far south. [[left margin]] ^[[Automobile road from Bello H to Morro Velho, passing by Serra do Cipo (Serra da Lapa) - not more than 20 km. from BH.]] [[line]] [[/left margin]] When you get into the highlands of Brasil you will have a gay time getting oriented. A lot of the locality names and even names of serras have changed since Martius's time. For instance, at present, the old residents in what Martius calls the Serra de Lapa are absolutely ignorant of what the name stands for. ^[[checkmark]] In a more or less general way it is covered by the name of Serra do Cipó. When you get into the region around Lavras you will be in the highlands north west of Rio De Janeiro. When you get to [[underlined]] Bello Horizonte [[/underlined]] you will be more or less central to a large region covered by Martius. The [[underlined]] Logoa Santa [[/underlined]] to which you refer is doubtless the one near which Pedro Lund is buried. This can be easily [[left margin short double vertical lines]] reached from [[underlined]] Bello Horizonte [[/underlined]] and at [[underlined]] Lagoa Santa there is a good hotel [/underlined]] conducted by an English family. It is only about sixty or [[/left margin]] seventy kilometers from Bello Horizonte and can be reached by a good automobile road. It is a favorite picnicing place for Bello Horizontians. [[left margin]] ^[[#]] [[/left margin]] When you strike Viçosa you will be in a region that is almost untouched either by foreigners or by nationals. [[left margin vertical line]] One of the best works that yoy have probably browsed over but in case you have not, you should see, is Col. Burton's "The Highlands of Brasil". Altho it was published nearly seventy years ago you will find it today one of the best pieces of information on this region. [[/left margin vertical line]] [[left margin]] [[underlined]] ^[[wrote]] [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]] We are asking our daughter, Effie, who lives at Gainesville, Florida, under the"assumed " name of Mrs. Robert T. Hargrave, to [[strikethrough]] send [[/strikethrough]] loan you Vols. I and II of "Memorias chrographicas" by Alvaro A. da Silveira. In case you do not have time to cull from them what you find of special value before sailing, you can take them with you and have them on the high seas, and return
-2- them when you get back to Washington. I would suggest that you also write to Effie, as our letters to the States are sometimes considerably delayed in transit. If she could lend you her knowledge of Portuguese at the same time, you would find it of great service. I doubt whether she can be induced to part with it. [[left margin]] [[2 short vertical lines]] [[/left margin]] Apparently from a map distributed by the "Irving National Bank" (New York) you can reach Joaozeiro by rail from São Salvador. And apparently also by water from [[underlined]] Sergipe [[/underlined]]. But the [[underlined]] Serra do Rancador [[/underlined]] would probably take more time than you have at your disposal. [[left margin]] ^[[Ask Doc Kuhl]] [[/left margin]] When you get as far south as Rio de Janeiro, you will undoubtedly hear considerable about Pico [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Itatiaia, which is on the boundary between Minas and São Paulo. Also the wonders of the flora of Campos Jordão, but these have been so frequently combed by botanists and pseudo botanists that it seems to me that it would be [[left margin vertical line]] more profitable to take [[underlined]] Pico das Bandeiras [[/underlined]], which is also claimed to be the highest peak, but lies a very considerable distance to the north of Rio de Janeiro. It is far less known because there has been very little incentive for private exploitation. This peak is located between Minas Geraes and Espirito Santo. It is not at all difficult to reach and explore by those who know how. [[/left margin vertical line]] Dr. Lisbôa was just in , and he says that [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] an automobile road is being built [[underlined]] from Bello Horizonte [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] Morro Velho, [[/underlined]] passing by the [[underlined]] Serra do Cipó [[/underlined]], which appears to be a part of region formerly known as the Serra da Lapa. From this I imagine that a part of the region known as the Serra da Lapa can be seen from Bello Horizonte and is probably not more than twenty kilometers away. Trusting that this letter will catch you before get out of Washington, I am, Very sincerely yours, ^[[P. H. Rolfs.]] P. H. Rolfs, Director. PHR:C
[[preprinted]] ESCOLA SUPERIOR AGRICULTURA E VETERINARIA -DO- Estado de Minas Geraes - VIÇOSA [[image - black diamond]] [[/preprinted]] Viçosa, Minas Geraes. Oct. 16, 1924. Mrs. Agnes Chase, % American Consulate, Rio de Janeiro. My dear Mrs. Chase: Your letter of Sep't 23" reached us on Oct. 10". It seems to me that your most economical way of handling the expedition will be to take up Pernambuco and Bahia first, that being the more tropical region, it is likely to be farther advanced. At the present time, up here at Viçosa there is only a minor showing of grasses. Doubtless those that are present would be very interesting specimens. Then as the season advances you can work southward and undoubtedly find a lot of very fine collecting in each of the localities. February, March and April are the months when it seems to me the largest number of species are in good condition for collecting in the ^[["]] highland ^[["]] region. ^[[//]] At Recife, Pernambuco there are two young North Americans who are probably not on the list that you have from Washington. Mr. R. M. Dickey, a Texan, and Mr. Chas. A. Soper. These are both with the Singer Sewing Machine Co., and in this way you can easily get in contact with them. Mr. Dickey was formerly employed in the Department of Agriculture of Minas Geraes, doing what amounted to County Agent work in the United States. They are both of them nice young men and trust worthy. We are writing them, telling them that you are expecting to be up there. You will find that they will be willing and able to give you much assistance in getting started. Mr. J. C. Putnam is with the Singer Company also, but his headquarters are in Rio. He is on the road a great deal and so there is no certainty of meeting him. His sister was for one year at the head of the Methodist Missionary School ar Bello Horizonte. Since that time she has spent a year in the States and is no^[[w]] at Riberão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, teaching in the Methodist Missionary School there. Mr. Putnam's Rio address is 63 Ouvidor, with the Singer Company. ^[[ [[vertical line through prevceeding paragraph]] ]] Mr. W. E. Embry, 109 Av. Rio Branco, American Commercial Attache, is a graduate of the Fla. University, and will be glad to do anything for you he can. About two blocks away from the Hotel Estrangeiros is the Collegio Bennett. There you will find Miss Fergerson, Miss Maude Mathis, and Miss Perkinson. The latter is the head of the Woman's Missionary work in Brasil, of the Methodist Church. I would suggest that you ask Miss Perkinson to give you the names and addresses of the missionaries and other Methodist ladies in the localities you are likely to visit.
-2- Miss Helen Vogler is conducting a ^[[Y.W.C.A.]] cafeteria, at Largo Carioca 11. This is very close to the Avenida Rio Branco, just back of the Hotel Avenida-. At Juiz de Fóra there is a Methodist School known as "O Granberry". Rev. W. H. Moore is Director (President), and naturally is very much occupied with his work. I am giving you a note of introduction to Rev. Chas. A. Long, who is ^[[P]] residing Elder of the Carangóla District, but lives at Juiz de Fóra. As Mr. Long traverses practically all of this portion of the Zona da Matta he can give you lots of local and valuable information in regard to ways of getting around and doubtless give you some letters to families in localities you wish to visit. Mrs- Long makes many of the trips with Mr. Long so she also is quite well acquainted with the inhabitants of the district. Among our acquaintances they are most certain to be able to help you in the way of getting hotel accomodations or rooming place and board. There are quite a number of people in Juiz de Fóra who speak English, so you will have less difficulty in that direction than when you get further into the interior. Two other American teachers at O Granberry are Mr. Weaver and Mr. Carr. From Juiz de Fóra, I think you had best make your way over to Lavras. When you get over there you will find a whole bunch of people who not only can, but will be anxious, to help you. The Presbyterian School known as the "Escola Evangelica" is located there^[[.]] Dr. Gammon, a Virginian, is Director of the Escola. Prof. Hunnicutt ^[[,]] a Georgian, is Director of the Escola Agricola de Lavras, a part of the Esc. Evan. Dr. Roberts is in charge of th ^[[e]] Veterinary Department and was formerly professor in the North Carolina Agricultural College. Prof. Wheelock is from Iowa. Prof. Knight is also from Iowa, and has studied in Wisconsin. Miss Tannehill is in charge of the Ladies' work at the Escola Evan. Rev. J. Marion Sydenstricker is located at Oliveira, about half a day's ride by train from Lavras, on the way to Bello Horizonte. This would be a nice locality to visit en route, if you can make good connections. I think the Sydenstrickers, and the Davis family are probably the only North Americans at Oliveira. Mrs. Davis is a daughter of Dr. Gammon. ^[[ [[margin, vertical line]] ]] At Bello Horizonte you will find a number of persons who can be of service to you. Dr. Daniel de Carvalho, the Secretary of Agriculture, speaks good English, and is a very wide awake young man. You will be able to talk to him very easily without a interpreter. Dr. Alvaro Silveria is probably the best Systematic Botanist we have in Minas. Unfortunately he has not given much attention to the classification of grasses, but I believe he has des^[[c]]ribed some eighty odd species of "[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] "Eriocaulaceas". He speaks and understands very little English. It would pay you to get an interpreter and talk with him as he has botanized in practically all of the nooks and corners you want to visit. [[/margin]] There are two missionary schools at Bello Horizonte.
-3- The Methodist ^[[insertion]] ,Collegio Isabelle Hendrix, Rua Espirito Santo, ^[[605]] [[/insertion]], Miss Emma Christine, Directora, and the Baptist School, known as Collegio Baptista', on the edge of the city ^[[Rua Pouza alegre 602.)]] F. A. R- Morgan is the Director. Miss Christine and her associates, Miss Jarrett, Miss Morgan, and Miss Johnson, will be able to help you in getting located. And doubtless be able to help you in the way of getting an interpreter when you need one. If they know when you are coming, some one of them will doubtless meet you at the station and have them to secure your room before, as ^[[otherwise]] the hotels would be pretty certain to "be sorry that they were full". The good ladies at the Collegio Isabelle Hendrix will be unable to help you very much in the way of telling you where to go or how to get to your collecting grounds. The public park, right in the city, is a pretty good place for a start. Then for a little longer excursion in the direction [[begin lines in left margin to highlight this text]] of the [[double underlined, in pencil]] "Pico" [[/underlined]], offers some very good collecting. You can take a carriage to the [[double underlined, in pencil]] Caixa de Agua [[/double underlined]] [[underlined in pencil]] and then branch off to the right, [[/underlined]] and find some pretty [[underlined in pencil]] good grass flora after you get through the small timber. [[/underlined]] Or by following the bridle path until you come to the [[underlined in pencil]] Morro Velho [[/underlined]] fence, and then turning to the right you will find quite a little stuff. Another good excursion is out to [[underlined in pencil]] "Acaba Mundo" [[/underlined]], in the direction of [[underlined in pencil]] Lagoa Secca [[/underlined]], practically all of this distance can be made with a carriage. In almost every direction around Bello Horizonte you will find good grass collecting as soon as you get out of the matto and into what is called the campo, (scattering trees with no shrubby undergrowth.). [[/line in margin highlighting text]] Mr. F.A.R. Morgan is conducting more or less of a farm in connection with the Collegio Baptista. The bonde [[underlined in pencil]] "Floresta" [[/underlined]] running in the direction of the station ^[[(railway)]] takes you right by the [[underlined in pencil]] Collegio Baptista. [[/underlined]] Mr. Morgan is a very busy man but will be able to give you some time to help you in your investigations. Mr. J.R. Allen is out of town a good deal, but if he happens to be in town will help you in a good many ways. He is a traveling evangelist and knows much of the matto region quite well from that standpoint. Mr. O.P. Maddox also is a traveling evangelist and likewise knows the matto region quite well. [[margin, double vertical lines, highlighting text]] Two Brasilian ladies, first straight good friends of ours, that speak English quite well are Dona Amelia [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Monteiro, and Dona Ignacia Guimarães. The latter spent two years at Nashville and would be delighted to talk to some one fresh from the United States. Incidentally, you should make it a point to meet one or both of these ladies very soon after you arrive [[strikethrough]] itm [[/strikethrough]], because it would be decidedly to your advantage. They belong to the best families of Bello Horizonte and an acquaintance with them would assure the natives that you were not entirely "demented". Incidentally I might mention that all of the men I have mentioned have wives, and some of them good large families. [[/highlighting line in margin]] Lagoa Santa can be easily reach by automobile from Bello Horizonte. This is where Pedro Lund is buried, and where he did a great deal of collecting. There is an English family there, that keep^[[s]] a hotel. Miss Lucy Belle Morgan or Dona Amelia Monteiro can tell you about the hotel and the proprietor. I do not know the name. The region around Lagoa Santa is more or less a campo formation.
-4- By the time you get through with Bello Horizonte and environs, we expect to be back from the States, and then you can take in the Viçosa region. It appears to me that there is a better grass flora here than in the other regions that you have visited. However, my observations are merely those of an amateur. You should give yourself considerable time for this region as it appears to be a large floral region that has not yet recived much attention from real botanists. Of course Dr. Bailey made a collection ^ [[insertion]] ^[[of grasses]] [[/insertion]] here and Dr. Alvaro Silveira has also been here but his interests have been with other families. We are enclosing a number of letters of introduction to various people, so that you will have some contact in all of the places I have mentioned. Maybe after you get into your work we will have a chance to exchange correspondence. When you come to Viçosa, we shall want you to stay at our house, so that you can have the best facilities the region offers for collecting and drying specimens, I am, Very sincerely yours, ^[[P.H.Rolfs.]] P. H. Rolfs, Director PHR:C
^[[American Grasses (incl. introduced species) not in Herb. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1945]] -1- [[in red]] ^[[Wanted by California Academy of Sciences]] [[/in red]] [[two columns]] [[start first column]] Aegilops cylindrica [[red]] ^[[✓]] Agropyron albicans griffithsii semicostatum trichophorum vulpinum Agrostis bakeri blasdalei hendersoni nigra [[underlined in red]] pallens [[/underlined]] ^[[✓]] Alopecurus creticus saccatus Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum Andropogon cabanisii campyloracheus divergens exaristatus longiberbis maritimus perangustatus subtenuis tracyi wrightii Anthoxanthum gracile Aristida condensata curtisii floridana gyrans [[end first column]] [[start second column]] Aristida (cont'd) patula ramosissima rhizomophora simpliciflora tenuispica Avena byzantina hookeri nuda Bouteloua eludens Brachiaria extensa Bromus aleutensis secalinus Calamagrostis bolanderi californica canadensis macouniana crassiglumis densa foliosa lactea perplexa [[underlined in red]] porteri [[/underlined]] ^[[✓]] Calamovilfa curtisii Cenchrus barbatus Chloris chloridea floridana latisquamea preiurii subdolichostachya texensis
-2- [[underlined]] Coridochloa [[/underlined]] [[two columns]] [[start first column]] Cortaderia rudiuscula selloana Ctenium floridanum Cymbopogon citratus Digitaria floridana gracillima panicea pauciflora serotina simpsoni subcalva texana villosa ✓ Echinochloa paludigena Elymus ambiguus strigosus condensatus pubens flavescens giganteus hirtiflorus salina virginicus australis intermedius submuticus Eragrostis acuta frankii brevipes lutescens spicata suaveolens swalleni tracyi [[end first column]] [[start second column]] Erianthus ravennae strictus Eriochloa michauxii procera Festuca dasyclada ligulata rubra commutata heterophylla lanuginosa sororia Glyceria arkansana erecta otisii Gymmopogon chapmanianus Gynerium sagittatum Hordeum adscendens montanense Hyparrhenia rufa Leptochloa chloridiformis Lolium strictum subulatum Luziola bahiensis peruviana [[end second column]]
-3- [[two columns]] [[start first column]] Manisuris altissima tesselata tuberculosa Muhlenbergia arsenei brachyphylla curtisetosa dubia glabriflora involuta lindheimeri longiligula sylvatica Neyraudia reynaudiana Cryzopsis hendersoni Panicum aculeatum annulum arenicoloides bartowense breve calliphyllum chapmani combsii concinnius curtifolium deamii flavovirens glabrifolium havardii hillmani languidum malacon mattamuskeetense neuranthum nudicaule ovinum pampinosum patentifolium perlongum polycaulon pseudopubescens scoparioides shastense sphagnicola tenue [[end first column]] [[start second column]] Pappaphorum mucronulatum Paspalum acuminiatum bifidum dissectum giganteum hartwegianum minus monostachyum paucispicatum rigidifolium supinum Pennisetum macrostachyum Poa curta involuta languida lettermani macroclada paludigena paucispicula tracyi wolfii Polypogon australis Puccinellia rupestris Reimarochloa oligostachya Saccharum ciliare [[underlined]] Sacciolepsis [[/underlined]] Setaria nigrirostris villosissima Sorghastrum secundum [[end second column]]
-4- [[two columns]] [[start first column]] Spartina bakeri Sphenopholis filiformis Sporobulus macrus teretifolius tharpii Stipa avenacioides curvifolia latiglumis porteri Tragus berteronianus Triodia buckleyana congesta drummondii eragrostoides Trisetum aureum melicoides montanum pennsylvanicum Triticum compactum polonicum spelta Uniola paniculata [[end first column]] [[start second column]] [[strikethrough]] Willkommia sarmentosa [[/strikethrough]] Zizania texana Zizianopsis microstachya [[end second column]]
SOUTH AMERICA Showing Stations of INLAND SOUTH AMERICA MISSIONARY UNION. [[image: map of South America with countries, major rivers, and towns with missionary stations]] In addition to these Main Stations there are many outstations were are found groups of believers. The outstations are worked from the Main stations. (See other side for Names and Addresses of Missionaries.)
NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF MISSIONARIES. * ON FURLOUGH. N.B. -Rio, Montevideo, Buenos Aires are not Stations, but are only shown as Port Cities. [[three columns]] [[column titles]] [[underlined]] STATION. | MISSIONARIES. | ADDRESS. [[/underlined]] [[/column titles]] IQUITOS, PERU. | Rev. and Mrs. A. Rattray Hay *Mr. and Mrs. John MacD.MacKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Lauriault | Mision Evangelica (Casilla 156, (Iquitos, Peru. (via Belem. BUENA VISTA, PERU. | Miss Olive E. Roberts. | Same as Iquitos. JURUENA, BRAZIL. (Nhambiquara Indians) | Rev. and Mrs. Arthur F. Tylee Mr. Albert E.W. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hasker Miss Mildred P. Kratz, R. N. | (c/o Messrs Mattose Mattos (Caixa 29, (Cuyaba, (Matto Grosso, Brazil. SAO LUIZ de CACERES BRAZIL. | Mr. Chas. W.J. Harris | (Missao Evangelica, (Sao Luiz de Caceres, (Matto Grosso, Brazil. RONDONOPOLIS, BRAZIL. (Bororo Indians) | Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Thomas Mr. Alex L. Hutcheson | (Missao Evangelica, (Rondonopolis, (via Cuyaba, (Matto Grosso, Brazil. PUERTO SUAREZ, BOLIVIA. (Chiquitano Indians) | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Decker Mr. George T. Haight Miss Alice Nyboer Miss Helen O. Weld | (Iglesia Evangelica, (Puerto Suarez, (Bolivia. ( CORUMBA, BRAZIL. | Rev. and Mrs. Isaac W. Clark *Mr. E. W. Halverson Rev. Thos. c. Lindores Miss La Reine E. Lyon, R. N. Miss Elinor A. Orphal | (Missao Evangelica, (Caixa 28, (Corumba, (Matto Grosso, (Brazil. LADARIO, BRAZIL. | Rev. Edward Haugh |(Caixa de Correio 28, (Corumba, Matto Grosso, (Brazil. BANANAL, BRAZIL. (Terena Indians.) | Mr. and Mrs. William Hunrichs Miss C. Cameron | (Visconde de Taunay, (Bananal, Miranda, (Matto Grosso, Brazil. BELLA VISTA, BRAZIL & PARAGUAY. | Mr. & Mrs. F. Ernest Diem | (Mision Evangelica, ( Bella Vista, Brazil. (via Concepcion. CONCEPCION, PARAGUAY. | *MR. E. W. White Mrs. E. W. White Miss Alma Hoellein | (Mision Evangelica, (Casilla 9, Concepcion, (Paraguay. (via Asuncion. CABELLERO & YEGUARIZO, PARA. | Native Pastors. PARAGUARI, PARAGUAY. | Rev. George Jennings. | (Mision Evangelica, (Paraguari, Paraguay. BOM PLANO, LIBRES & CONCORDIA. ARGENTINE, Native Pastors. VILLARRICA, PARAGUAY. | Mr. and Mrs. B.G. Fay Miss Lena B. Hawkins Miss Gertrude E. Lamson | (Mision Evangelica, (Casilla 32, ( Villarrica, Paraguay. YEGROS, PARAGUAY. | Miss Anabel Case Miss Mary M. Hamilton | (Mision Evangelica, (Yegros, Paraguay. ENCARNACION, PARAGUAY. | Rev. and Mrs. John Wilson | (Mision Evangelica, (Encarnacion, Paraguay. SAN IGNACIO, ARGENTINE | Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham | (Mision Evangelica, (San Ignacio, (Misiones, Argentina. POSADAS, ARGENTINE. (HEADQUARTERS & TOWN) | Rev. and Mrs. John Hay Misses Helen M. Hay & Selma J. Nelson & Mr. J. P. O'Shanahan | (Casa Matriz, Isamu, (Casilla 11, Posadas, (Misiones, Argentina.
[[circled text]] St Hilaire, Voyage dans les provinces Saint Paul & St Catherine Paris 1851 pt 4 [[/circled]] [[underlined]] Voy Interieur du Bresil [[/underlined]] LC pt 2 voy District des Diamans et littoral du Bresil 1833 pt 3 Goyaz 1847 pt 1 Rio de Janeiro et Minas Geraes 1830 [[horizontal line]] St Hilaire accompanied Duc de Luxembourg, ambassador of France to Brasil 1816
[[image: photograph of city set in valley, framed by palm branches]] X-mas Greetings:- PH Rolfs and Clarissa 1939
I [[underline]] hope [[/underline]] this gives you a [[underline]][[saudode?]] [[/underline]] a great big one. Have written you several times but never get a reply. I know you've not forgotten us! We love you lots. Papa isn't getting any younger. I'm quite grey- just a yellow, in between grey- not nice like Mama's or Papa's. Write sometime, [[siru?]]!-
October, 1931 INLAND SOUTH AMERICA [[image - black and white photograph of a Ucayali girl]] A Ucayali Girl in Her Richest Jewelry-With Painted Cheeks, Nose Ornament, and Mouth Ornament of Beaten Silver. [[image]] Inland South America Missionary Union, Inc. President First Vice-President Rev. Kenneth Mackenzie J. Harvey Borton Secretary Treasurer Rev. Joseph A. Davis Alfred H. Vroom Address all communications and send all checks, drafts, express or postal money orders to:--Rev. Joseph A. Davis, 113 Fulton St., New York, N. Y. Field Headquarters: Posadas, Argentina; General Director, Rev. John Hay.
Praise is Offered: 1. For the answer to prayer and sending in of funds to take out the new party of missionaries to South America. 2. For the answer to prayer in receiving of sufficient gifts to the General Fund during the summer to pay allowances on the Field. 3. For conversions in the Iquitos section. 4. For blessings on the deputation work of Mrs. A. F. Tylee in the Middle West. [[line]] Prayer is Asked: 1. For the meeting of the General Council in New York, commencing October twenty-sixth. 2. That the financial needs of the General Fund may be met. 3. For funds to bring home missionaries waiting on the Field for their furlough. 4. For new missionaries just arrived in South America: that they may be given ability to learn the new language; and that they may become accustomed to the new climate and new peoples. 5. For the evangelization of Indians on the Ucayali River. 6. For the healing and convalescence of the sick ones in the mission. 7. For a revival in South America. [[line]] News Notes A party of new missionaries sailed from New York for the work in South America on October the eighth, on the steamer, "Benedict." Their first stop will be Para, Brazil. At that point they will tranship to a river steamer and will travel three weeks up the Amazon River to Iquitos, Peru. There they will train and make ready to engage in the work of evangelization at the headwaters of the Amazon. [[line]] A General Council Meeting with delegates in attendance from Great Britain, Canada, and South America will be held at 113 Fulton St., New York City, commencing Monday, October 26, 1931. [[line]] Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Lauriault and family have arrived in the United States for their furlough. They were stationed at Iquitos, Peru, and have had about a month's traveling to reach New York. [[line]] A letter from the secretary of the British Council, Mr. George U. Graham, tells us of the safe arrival in Scotland of Rev. and Mrs. John Hay and Miss Helen Hay, and of Rev. George Jennings, who is returning home on furlough. [[end page]] [[start page]] The Annual Special Prayer Week Again this year we are setting aside the week October 19-25 to prayer for the evangelization of South America. Our special request is for wisdom and God's leading in the General (International) Council Meeting to be held in New York at 113 Fulton Street, commencing October 26th. Our friends are asked to specially lay aside one day of the week of prayer for intercession. It is hoped that local councils and prayer circles will make every effort to gather together in one place for one evening. Where there are no such groups, our friends are requested to set aside a night for prayer in their homes or in their own closets. A suggested program for the evening is for someone to read the prayer requests as outlined in copies of the Bulletin and Magazine so that intercession may be definite. Inland South America is calling for evangelization in our generation. Prayer will bring to pass this desired end. [[line]] Letter From Christine Cameron Visconde de Taunay, Matto Grosso. It is now some time since I have written you a letter, but owing to the intense heat very little has been accomplished in the way of letterwriting. I do not remember ever having suffered so much with the heat during the nearly eleven years that I have been in Brazil. And this afternoon, were it not for the typewriter, I could not write these few lines. One's hand just sticks to the paper and to use a familiar expression, "it gets on your nerves." Yet with all "He giveth me strength as my day." January 20th I was disturbed from my peaceful slumbers at 3:30 by a voice shouting the name of Mr. Hunrichs and then my name "for the love of God" to attend a man bitten by a snake. The dogs barked and barked and then the man remained outside the gate so I got up and asked him what he wanted. Then I dressed and went out- it was still dark. I went to the gate and asked him who he was, etc. He brought a horse along for me to ride and he saddled it. I called the boy who works here and off we went, the man leading the horse as the road was bad, and the boy following behind. As I mounted the horse I noticed that the man's breath smelt of liquor. Mr. Hunrichs was away that night. I gave an injection for snake bite (rattle snake). The man who was bitten had been invited to play an instrument at a feast that night, and had come a distance of about 23 miles, but before he arrived at the house the snake had bitten him. When I arrived he was already vomiting and had pain in his heart. The people of Ipegue were dancing in front of the house where the feast was and many were standing looking on. The man who had given the feast, a black man, had years ago had the missionaries holding meetings in his home. "And ye will not come to me that ye might have life." To celebrate my birthday I invited 15 boys of my class in Sunday school, those who attended this year, to have dinner at the Mission. Twelve of them came, one of the 15 being sick, one away, and the third, evidently did not care to come. The boy who works here joined them, although he did not belong to the class. We had dried beef, rice, beans, mandioca, squash, and cooked fruit with plenty of sugar for dessert, then black coffee. Patricio, one of the class, has been teaching them this year. He set the table and served the others. We had our dinner together later. Before dinner they had games and for prizes I used a few of the articles that the Ladies' Bible Class had sent out with Mr. Anderson. After dinner they took the organ outside and we had musical chairs, other games, and finally we sang hymns. Suddenly there came a shower of rain and we all hurried to the house each carrying something. On the way, quite near the house, a great big snake came gliding along apparently after or behind one of the boys. There was a cry of "coichoi," which means snake in the Terena language. I ran for my stick but I was just too late, as the boy who was being followed by the snake was just striking it. Of course I had to use my stick on it too. It was about a meter and a half long, and a poisonous one.
Praise is Offered: 1. For the answer to prayer and sending in of funds to take out the new party of missionaries to South America. 2. For the answer to prayer in the receiving of sufficient gifts to the General Fund during the summer to pay allowances on the Field. 3. For conversions in the Iquitos section. 4. For the blessings on the deputation work of Mrs. A.F. Tylee in the Middle West. Prayer is Asked: 1. For the meeting of the General Council in New York, commencing October twenty-sixth. 2. That the financial needs of the General Fund may be met. 3. For the funds to bring home missionaries waiting on the Field for their furlough. 4. For new missionaries just arrived in South America: that they may be given ability to learn the new language; and that they may become accustomed to the new climate and new peoples. 5. For evangelization of Indians on the Ucayali River. 6. For the healing and convalescence of the sick ones in the mission. 7. For a revival in South America. News Notes A party of new missionaries sailed from New York for the work in South America on October the eighth, on the steamer, "Benedict." Their first stop will be Para, Brazil. At that point they will tranship to a river steamer and will travel three weeks up the Amazon River to Iquitos, Peru. There they will train and make ready to engage in the work of evangelization at the headwaters of the Amazon. A General Council Meeting with delegates in attendance from Great Britain, Canada, and South America will be held at 113 Fulton St., New York City, commencing Monday, October 26, 1931. Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Lauriault and family have arrived in the United States for their furlough. They were stationed at Iquitos, Peru, and have had about a month's traveling to reach New York. A letter from the secretary of the British Council, Mr. George U. Graham, tells us of the safe arrival in Scotland of Rev. and Mrs. John Hay and Miss Helen Hay, and of Rev. George Jennings, who is returning home on furlough. [[end page]] [[start page]] Mr. and Mrs. I.W. Clark will be holding meetings during October and the first part of November in Philadelphia, Westchester and Media, Pennsylvania; in Leesburg, Fairton, Woodstown, Sea Isle City, and Runnemede in New Jersey; and in Corona, New York. Mrs. Arthur F. Tylee is doing deputation work in the Middle West, and will visit Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri. In the early part of 1931, an evangelistic trip was made down the Ucayali River, one of the sources of the Amazon in Peru, during which a total number of twenty-one meetings were held and twenty-five hundred people were preached to. Pictures of some of the Indians that can be met with, on or near the Ucayali River, are printed in the present bulletin. [[underlined]] A New Book [[/underlined]] THE CHALLENGE OF AMAZON'S INDIANS By Mrs. Arthur F. Tylee Introduction by REV. KENNETH MACKENZIE [[image of a small line drawn book on a bookstand with a cross]] An Account of Missionary Work Amongst the Nhambiquara Indians and of the Life and Martyrdom of Arthur Francis Tylee. Price 75c Postpaid at INLAND SOUTH AMERICA MISSIONARY UNION, INC. Rev. Joseph A. Davis, Secretary 113 Fulton Street New York, N.Y. CARDBOARD COIN CONTAINERS--We will send these cards with the book to those who so request it in their order. They may be filled out and returned at convenience. [[end page]] [[new page]] A Soul Saved Through the Bible of a Priest Mrs. Isaac Wesley Clark When Mr. Clark and I went to Albuquerque last year, to stay there for a short while, we first tried living at the port. Albuquerque is situated four miles inland from the Paraguay River. Early Sunday morning, the second day in our little thatch-roof, mud house, an old man clapped his hands outside our door. It was a man named Senor John Licio. He had walked barefooted on account of the mud, a distance of four miles, to find us. He told us he heard some evangelists had arrived and that he had come in to spend the day with us. He said that he was a believer. Mr. Clark remembered having met him when he first visited Albuquerque on his bicycle. We had breakfast together and then the reading of the Word and prayer. At the meeting held in a neighbor's house in the afternoon and in the conversation during the day, Senor John showed a longing to hear the Word of God explained. Monday we moved into Albuquerque and Senor John visited us daily and attended all the meetings. He also invited his neighbors. It was a joy to sit and talk of the Bible to him. He liked to tell some story that he had read and re-read years ago, and ask from time to time if it was not thus and thus. When we would assure him that it was correct he would continue quite satisfied. One day I said, "Senor John, you know the Bible well. Have you been reading it a long time?" Then he told us how he received the first Bible he ever saw. Almost nineteen years ago, a young negro who liked to sing in the serenades and at dances was wanting some verses to sing at the "Cururu", a dance that lasts three days and nights. The sexton of the Catholic Church liked the young black fellow, so when he asked him if he had a book that had verses in it, he said, "No, I haven't any but I will get one for you." The sexton looked in the church, but could not find anything. He very stealthily went into the priest's room and from there stole a Bible that was on the shelf with some other books. The sexton gave the Bible to the negro and he was quite content. This young man tried to use the verses he found in his "new" book in the "Cururu", but found that they did not seem to work to his satisfaction. Later he gave it to Senor John saying he could not use it nor could he understand it. Thus this man received the Catholic priest's Bible, that had been stolen from its place on the shelf where, no doubt, it had lain for years unused. The Word of God lives! Let us follow the story of this Bible! Senor John Licio began to read the Bible in his little mud house. He read it more and more, and oftentimes became so fascinated with it that he could not lay it down but read on for hours. He asked God to show him what it all meant. About three years later (I cannot be certain about the time of each step of the story) a Brazilian visited Albuquerque where Senor John had moved from Cuyaba. The Lord led him to Senor John's house, for didn't He know that a sincere heart was seeing to know Him? The child of God, Senor Barbosa, showed Senor John the way to receive the Saviour into his heart. Senor John was born again by believing upon Him who said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." How happy he was to know that the Book that he had been reading was truly the Word of God and that God had revealed Himself to him through it! With understanding now, quickened by the Holy Spirit, he turned again to the precious Book and continued to read it until his sight began to fail. It has been his only guide for these sixteen years, as there is no pastor nor other believers in this village with whom he can have fellowship. Soon after finding the Lord he and his family were baptized by a Baptist preacher who passed through Albuquerque. The Word of God is not bound even on the shelf of a Catholic priest. "So shall my word be that goeth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."
[[image: seated woman with a baby on her lap]] [[image caption]] A Baby of the Ucayali Indians Wearing a Board-and-Bandage Device Designed to Flatten the Forehead. [[/image caption]] Then we had a message by Patricio and there was splendid attention. He spoke a long time, having read the passage in Luke on the crucifixion. At the closing hymn, three lads stood up as one person. Patricio stopped playing the organ, said a few words and others stood. One lad of 16 got up. He was sickly, consumptive. I did not know that he was saved. Evidently the call was for messengers of the Gospel, and the one who sounded the call is certainly a born preacher. Pray for him that Satan shall not get an entrance, and that he will always have on the whole armour of God, and that the fiery darts of the devil shall not be able to penetrate. Our enemy is so astute and alert these days. He is working overtime as he no doubt realizes that his time is short. Oh that we as Christians were as active and alert in the cause of our Lord Jesus. What a difference in the church of today if we were all faithful. You will be interested to hear that the rafters are being put on the new school building today; that is, some of them are. We would appreciate your prayers on behalf of this work. It is going on so slowly. It is from the school that we get the attendance for the children's meetings. I have noticed that when we have no school work here the children do not come out so well. Then too, we have the opportunity of sowing the seed while the hearts are young. May I quote a few sentences that I read in a Christian magazine last week? "When we realize that the Word of God has power to overcome the Evil one, is there any occasion for wonder that he opposes it with all the malignant strength which he possesses?" Bearing in mind that Satan does oppose the Word of God what a comfort there is in the realization that the Word has power to overcome him." We would appreciate your prayers in regard to Burity, that God will supply all the need for the opening up of a work there. The roads are still too bad for Mr. Hunrichs to go by auto and he will be going on ahead to see about houses, etc. Burity is seven leagues from Correntes and there is the problem of moving what few things we will need to take along. The rafters are all on the new school building and the roof is going on today. When completed it will surely be something good and also a splendid testimony to the Gospel. Though Cor. Nicolau promised tiles, his promises are not what we can depend upon. He also promised that we could live in the village at Burity and asked Mr. Hunrichs to send him a letter for him to sign to that effect. The letter has not returned yet. He said also that the Brazilian government may go back to old times -State and Church, which we didn't like.
Vol. XXVI, No. 3 (Published Quarterly) June 15, 1931 [[image: drawing of South America]] [[within image]] INLAND SOUTH AMERICA MISSIONARY UNION [[/within image]] Inland South America (Incorporating South America's Indians) [[double line]] [[image: white building behind a fence]] [[image caption]] Church Building at Bella Vista, Brazil [[/image caption]]
Inland South America Missionary Union Founded 1902 UNITED STATES SECTION Incorporated 1921 President, REV. KENNETH MACKENZIE First Vice-President, J. HARVEY BORTON Vice-Presidents A. J. CARR, Seattle, Wash. R.G. DEEVERS, Pittsburgh, Pa. D.L. FOSTER, Chicago, Ill. HENRY HALE, New York, N. Y. DOUGLAS OBER, Baltimore, Md. Secretary, REV. JOSEPH A. DAVIS REV. J. J. STAUB, Portland, Ore. FRED D. TAYLOR, Oakland, Calif. PROF. J. B. TROWBRIDGE, Los Angeles, Calif. CHAS. GALLAUDET TRUMBULL, Phila., Pa. HUGO WURDACK, St. Louis, Mo. Treasurer, ALFRED H. VROOM Board of Directors SAMUEL R. BOGGS J. HARVEY BORTON A. A. CLARKE REV. JOSEPH A. DAVIS DR. GEORGE H. DOWKONTT D.L. FOSTER REV. ALBERT DALE GANTZ, D.D. HENRY HALE ADOLPH HANSEN REV. KENNETH MACKENZIE W. G. A. MILLAR HARRY D. PHILLIPS REV. W. W. RUGH NORMAN D. SMITH REV. JOS. G. SNYDER REV. BENJ. S. STERN, D.D. REV. F. W. TROY ALFRED H. VROOM Adress all communications and send all checks, drafts, express or postal money orders to: REV. JOSEPH A. DAVIS, Secretary, 113 Fulton Street New York, N. Y. CANADIAN SECTION Office--366 Bay Street, Toronto 2, Ontario President J. MARTIN GARDNER, Toronto. Vice-President REV. T. H. BALLENTYNE, Toronto. Secretary-Treasurer REV. W. J. ANDERSON W. J. ANDERSON, Toronto, Ont. E. H. BAWTINHEIMER, Vancouver, B. C. J. F. M. BINGHAM, Toronto, Ont. Rev. J. W. BOYD, Toronto, Ont. A. M. GIBSON, St. John, N. B. V. E. GOUGH, Vancouver, B. C. J. GRANT, Hamilton, Ont. REV. JOHN GIBSON INKSTER, Toronto, Ont. REV. JAS. MCFARLANE, Hamilton, Ont. REV. A. W. ROFFE, Gravenhurst, Ont. BRITISH SECTION Office--130 George Street Edinburgh, Scotland Chairman--REV. JAS. E. HOUSTON, B.D Honorary Medical Advisor JOHN M. DARLING, ESQ., D.S.O., M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S.E. Secretary-Treasurer GEORGE U. GRAHAM Vice-Presidents REV. J. STUART HOLDEN, D.D., London W. ROUNSFELL BROWN, ESQ., B.L., Glasgow REV. R. WRIGHT HAY, London REV. J. R. S. WILSON, B.D., Edinburgh Hon. Deputation Secretary for England ANGUS MCKENZIE, ESQ., Liverpool Printed in the U. S. A. [[end page]] [[start page]] INLAND SOUTH AMERICA (Published Quarterly) Vol. XXVI, No. 3 June 15, 1931 SOME INTERESTING FACTS CONCERNING INLAND SOUTH AMERICA The Peoples of South America The inhabitants of South America may be divided into three main classes: the Indians, descended from the early possessors of the soil; the Latin Americans, descended from the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors; and the immigrants. In addition to these, there is also, in Brazil, a considerable Negro element, which was introduced in the days of slavery. Between the first two classes, there is no distinct division, the one having to a considerable extent, merged into the other through intermarriage. Only in the cities of the coast and rivers are to be found those who at least call themselves pure descendants of the conquerors. As we advance inland the predominance of the Indian soon becomes marked, civilization rapidly gives place to semi-civilization, and that again is superseded by the most primitive conditions of savagery as we penetrate into the unexplored haunts of the pure wild Indian in the interior. The pure blood Indians readily divide into two classes: the Incas, the Quechuas, the Aymaras, and other descendants of the great nations, which may now be termed semi-civilized, but whose civilization prior to the conquest, attained to a remarkably high degree of perfections and the savage Indians who roam through the great unexplored forest-and-marsh lands of the interior. The Indians have, from the days of the Conquistadores, been subjected to the greatest cruelty and oppression. They have been exploited, enslaved, or decimated, as best suited the purpose of their conquerors, and justice for them is, to this day, merely a name, with the inevitable result that peoples who were once virile nations have become either utterly demoralized or bitterly hostile, and unapproachable. Although the population of South America is commonly termed Latin, it is the Indian element that is generally prevalent. In discussing this point, a South American writer says: "The ruling class has adopted the costume, the usages, and the laws of Europe; but the population which forms the national mass is Quechus, Aymara or Aztec. In Peru, in Bolivia, and in Ecquador the Indian of pure race, not having as yet mingled his blood with that of the Spanish conquerors, constitutes the ethnic base. In the Sierra the people speak Quechua and Aymara; there also the vanquished races preserve their traditional communism. Of the total population of Peru and Ecquador the white element only attains to the feeble proportion of 6 per cent. The pure European element does not amount to 10 per cent of the population. Religious Beliefs Previous to the conquest of South America the beliefs of the Indian peoples were of the simple, animistic character common to the aborigines of both Americas; everything partook of a spiritual nature; animals, trees, mountains, the sun and even the elements being placed in the spirit world, and regarded as possessing a sentient, thoughtful self, a soul. The beliefs of the various peoples were identical in their essence; they differed only in their practice, which varied from the mere domination of the witch doctor among the most primitive tribes to the elaborate ritual and organized priesthood of the Inca Worship of the Sun. To the present day the savage Indians retain the crude superstitions of their ancestors, and their witch-doctors exercise an influence as great as that which distinguished their brethren of North America, but the Worship of the Sun, and the other beliefs of the more civilized nations have, for the most part, been superseded by the more idolatrous Worship of Mary and the innumerable saints of Rome, modified by many superstitions retained from the former faiths.
[[printed]] 4 INLAND SOUTH AMERICA That part of the population which is of Spanish and Portuguese descent is nominally Roman Catholic. The men, however, though still more or less under the influence of the priests have generally become indifferent to religion, and, in the very limited educated class materialism has, within recent years, become fashionable. South America has been called Christian for four hundred years, but truly the latter state is worse than the first. Striking Facts About South America The total population of South America is estimated at upwards of 45,000,000. The pure Indian population is variously estimated at 6,000,000 to 15,000,000. The number of Negroes in Brazil is given at about 4,000,000. South America is twice the size of Europe, three times the size of China, sixty times the size of the British Isles. In Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, the population is illiterate to the extent of 50, 80, 80, and 90 per cent, respectively. Fifty years ago Japan was a pagan nation, but today there are three times as many teachers, and three times as many pupils in the schools of Japan as in the schools of South America. In Brazil, Uruguay, Ecquador, Venezuela, and Paraguay, the population is illegitimate to the extent of 18, 27, 50, 58 and 90 per cent, respectively. Not more than 10 per cent of the priests are living pure lives. Speaking generally, there are no doctors outside of the larger towns. There is an appalling prevalence of disease. A doctor in Paraguay estimates that 70 per cent of the people of that country are affected with venereal disease. Leprosy is very common. One per cent of the people of Paraguay are lepers and the number is increasing. Nothing whatever is done for them, and they mix freely with the rest of the people. In 1926, the number of foreign missionaries in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia was given as 244, 22, and 16, respectively. Within a radius of 100 miles of the I. S. A. M. U. station at Villarrica, there is no other mission work being carried on except at Asuncion and Arequa. Within a radius of 200 miles of the I. S. A. M. U. station at Bananal, Inland Brazil, there are few other missions. Brazil has been longer worked by missions, and has more missionaries than any of the other republics, yet even in Brazil, the number of missionaries is terribly inadequate. "The total number of workers, missionary and native (in Brazil) is estimated at 298. Distributing Brazil's 20,000,000 of population among these workers, we have these astonishing figures: Each worker, native and missionary, has a parish in Brazil of 70,000 souls. In China, each missionary worker has 100,00 as his part; in India he has 65,000; in Brazil, each missionary (exclusive of native workers) has 112,000. Brazil is almost twice as destitute as India. "But this is not the most striking contrast. In China each missionary has a parish of about 1100 square miles. The missionary worker in India must cover an area of only 350 square miles, about a third the size of that of his brother in China. The missionary worker in Brazil, however, has a parish of 15,000 square miles, or about the size of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut combined," or equal to half the size of Scotland. If we consider Inland South America, the area of which is over 3,000,000 square miles, we find that each of the 40 missionaries on the field has a parish of about 70,000 square miles. A New Factor In the INLAND SOUTH AMERICA MISSIONARY UNION a new factor with inestimable possibilities has entered into the religious development of South America. The organization of the Union began in 1902 after already existing societies had been asked, and had intimated their inability to undertake the work which the Union is now doing. The I. S. A. M. U. is interdenominational. Its aim is (a) at home - to interest Christians of all evangelical denominations in Inland South America as a mission field, and to secure their co-operation: (b) on the field - to evangelize the Indians of Inland South America, and to carry on evangelistic, colportage, educational and medical work among the civilized and semi-civilized peoples of the same regions. [[end page]] [[start page]] Inland South America 5 The Word of God commands us, A land in need entreats us, The love of Christ constrains us. The following is taken from Mr. Hay's diary describing his initial tour to Inland South America in 1908: "When we entered the dense forests the Indian tracks soon became impassable for men on horseback. We could no longer ride, and in some places we were obliged to travel barefoot in deep mud, leading our horses as best we could, while we stumbled on over the roots of trees and interlacing bamboo creepers. "Led by a native guide we found the Indians hidden away behind the shelter of almost impassable swamps, across which we could not take our horses, amid the most savage conditions and in great poverty. Some of them had a little maize, but for the most part they appeared to live on wild fruits, roots, reptiles, caterpillars, or anything procurable by hunting and fishing. For clothing, they wore only loin cloths, and bands of women's hair twisted around the legs below the knees and around the wrists. Their faces were painted in curious patterns with some black pigment, and in some cases were mutilated by a hole in the lower lip, through which a long appendage of resinous gum protruded, hanging down in front of the chin. They were armed with long, powerful bows, from which they can discharge, with deadly effect, arrows pointed with long, hard wood barbs. Some of these arrows measure over six feet in length, and they speak with forcible, if silent eloquence, for the muscular build of the people who use them, especially when we consider that the men are only of average height. Indeed, in spite of their miserable condition, they showed many evidences of intelligence and capacity." We take the following from another missionary who pioneered into the Inland; to show how the missionary first of all seeks to win the confidence of the peoples amongst whom he goes, and how patiently he has to work for this in the case of these Indians who have been pursued by the white man for centuries and who have lost confidence in them altogether, if they had any reason to have confidence in them: "The confidence of the Indians in us has been greatly strengthened. . . . We have had many opportunities of helping them, and by kindly treatment we have shown them that we are here to do them good, both spiritually [[image--photograph of three children. Caption reads: Chiquitana Indian Children (The little girl standing is a member of a savage tribe living near Santiago, Bolivia.) ]] and temporally. At the beginning of the year their supply of mandioca and maize had failed, and they were reduced to eating rats and such wild animals as they could find in the forest, and quite a number of them visited the station seeking work. They knew that if they worked for us we would give them food. We managed to give them something to do and for weeks they remained on the station. At first, they were very shy, especially the women, but as they got to know us their shyness wore off, and even the little children began to feel at home with us. "One day the Indian in charge of the work complained of sickness and asked for medicine. We treated him, and next day he was better. This was the first time that any of the Indians had trusted us so far as to ask for medicine and to take what we gave, and his speedy recovery went far to increase their confidence in us. " . . . Although we were much handicapped in not having proper remedies, every person that we treated was healed. Within a week we had quite a number coming to us for medicine, and since then we have treated many more. We always find them willing to take and to do what we tell them. They no longer fear us, and when they come to visit us they feel quite at home and are very friendly. They even bring their belongings to us and leave them in our care when they go fishing or hunting. When we visit their village, they no longer hide their things in fear that we will take them. They seem always to welcome us, and we can go in and out of their ranches with perfect freedom. . . . This personal touch with the Indians affords us many opportunities to explain to them the purpose of our stay among them, and opens a door for the Gospel, which would have remained
[[preprinted]] 6 INLAND SOUTH AMERICA closed had we not lived amongst them. . . . These Indians are poor and have been long neglected. Their home is in the green forests, and they love to roam and to live far away from civilization. As they will not come to the towns the missionary must go to them, if they are to hear of the love of God, and to know the Way of Salvation." [[bold]]An Urgent Appeal[[/bold]] Dear Friends: You who love God and His Son our Lord Jesus Christ and are impelled by the Holy Spirit, does not the foregoing brief history of our work amongst these interesting peoples stir your hearts to their deepest depths with the great need of sending to them the Gospel which has been our own salvation? Christ died for them as He also died for us, and to Him their souls are as precious as ours. He yearns for them all. Will it not send you anew to your closet to intercede more earnestly than ever before that God will send the reapers forth into this great whitened harvest-field of South America? What a challenge this is- to be united with our Advocate, the Lord Jesus Christ, as, on the right hand of the Majesty, on High. He intercedes with His Father, and ours, for the souls of these peoples so precious in His sight! Are you not thrilled with the colossal magnitude of the great task that lies before us, amidst the humanly insurmountable difficulties, the persecutions that beset the faithful missionaries as they seek the lost for Him, and then over against all this to realize the infinite resources of our God which are at our command, for "with God all things are possible," and "Without Me ye can do nothing." Beloved of God, let us enter into this blessed ministry of intercession for this great field, and look forward to that great Day of the Lord when thousands of these people will meet us, in whose salvation God has graciously given us a part! What a challenge! Bretheren, pray for us! SPECIAL INTERCESSION As the summer season approaches we emphasize the need for special intercession that the financial needs of the Mission may be met. Possibly because so many of our prayer helpers and donors are on vacation the summer months in the past few years have seen a slackening of interest at Home Base. Between now and September we need $5,000 for the General Fund so that those missionaries who are not supported by designated funds may not lack support. The missionary knows nothing of vacations and his necessities are the same in the summer as in every other season. We in the Home Base do not want to fail in doing whatever God may want us to do at that time, so we do earnestly request that there may be special prayer that the need this summer will be met. ANNUAL REPORT FOR CORUMBA Rev. and Mrs. I. W. Clark To the missionaries of the I. S. A. M. C., 1930 will forever stand out as the time of a series of attacks from the Prince of the Powers of the air, combined with an outpouring of blessings from God. During the later months of the year Satan seemed to mass his doughtiest shock troops in the effort to produce panic and despair in the hearts of the soldiers of the Cross. We were made keenly to realize that we invaded territory over which he desired to reign supreme and undisturbed. It is safe to say that there is not one corner of our Field that has not, in one manner [[end page]] [[start page]] INLAND SOUTH AMERICA 7 or another, felt the hand of infuriated prince, as, his authority brought in question, he struck out with savage intent. Satan but launches an attack into defeat. We were conscious of the Ever-present Lord of the Divine Commission Who said: "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age." Thus it was that when dear Arthur Tylee and Miss Mildred Kratz fell, as we felt ourselves surrounded by all the uncertainties of civil war in Brazil, as the nerves of a brother completely gave way, as we strangely found ourselves weak and puny in the face of the might, hidden forces that seemed to search out our every weak defence, we failed not to hear a calm, still voice which insisted, "Fear not, for I am with you- be not afraid." Mighty victory emerged from this spiritual engagement. From Iquitos to Bananal, and thence to Posadas, this victory became apparent. As we of the Brazil-Bolivia District gathered at Bananal, the Lord began once to bless. The shocking news which told of the tragedy (or shall it be triumph?) at Juruena arrived but a few hours after. While it came as a crushing weight, yet it served to cause us the more insistently to claim victory for ourselves and the work of our Mission. God poured out His Spirit of prayer upon all hearts. There was no set time for closing. For hours each day we waited on our knees until God blessed. When Conference closed we had voted to adopt for this district the literal apostolic methods of mission work. Space does not permit of a full explanation of these methods here. However, if one consults the Book of Acts and the Epistles, he will find that the main difference between these and the methods of modern missions is that in the early days the emphasis was placed upon the wide dissimination of the Gospel rather than the nurturing of individual Churches placed in central locations. No pastors in the modern sense were provided for them. The elders of congregations performed the work of watching over and feeding the flock of God. The missionaries did not consider themselves as available as pastors. They were evangelizers and the church organizers. The Churches grew and thrived under the direction of their own elders, as we see by the churches of Ephesus, Corinth, Rome and Antioch. As Posadas, in General Council, we voted that the Field as a whole be committed at once to these methods. Since then all have been busy instituting them in their various fields. Word has already come of blessing in several places. Here in Corumba, we are slowly initiating the Church into this divinely-given system. It cannot be done in a day, but we are pleased with the way Senior Argemiro, Joao Britto and Jose Werckloss went to learn to preach and lead the people. It cheers us to see the interest taken by the older men, and the concern shown by the ladies. There have been elections held, and the organization, while simple, is almost complete. Time must be given for all to come into a thorough understanding of the responsibility and duties of each, and then Mrs. Clark and myself will begin to absent ourselves regularly for the purpose of the organization of other work outside of Corumba. Only through our retiring from the field can the local leaders be given a square chance to lead the people really. If we remained here all the time, they would continue to lean upon us. As we leave from time to time, we will not make the plans for the carrying on of the Corumba work in our absence. The leaders will know that the work will fall entirely upon them, and everything will have to be done at their discretion. We shall return with the idea of giving counsel and giving spiritual aid and helping to solve difficulties that have sprung up in our absence. There will undoubtedly also be errors to be corrected from time to time. We are thankful to be able to report for the Sunday School a very steady, though, slow, growth in interest as well as numbers during 1930. There have been added two native teachers so that now there are three native and two foreign teachers, making five classes in all. To accommodate these, practically all our available space is taken up. We hope to initiate another class soon as there is a teach almost ready. Where to put this class is problematical due to the hubbub of voices that distracts the attention of the pupils, when two classes are in the same room. Some ladies of the Evangelical Society organized a Sunday School in the home of Dona Julietta, but the neighborhood proved not an advantageous one for this work, and now they are seeking an opening in a sec- [[end page]]
8 INLAND SOUTH AMERICA tion in which they have been interested for some time. It is a place abounding with children who fill the streets before and after school hours. It is our earnest desire to see these gathered into a Sunday School. Strange to say, we are not at the present able to find even a room in which to hold it. During 1930 we were cheered by thirteen professions of Salvation. Of these only six can be baptized so far. There are others who would like to be baptized but who do not show sufficient evidences of salvation. Of these, one young man, the director of a large and thriving private school, is the most interesting case. Professor Flavio has a real desire to speak in public and would like to baptized. He has made two attempts to speak in the Church. However, one cannot avoid receiving the impression that his is more the desire to become a public speaker than it is to tell forth the Good News. Will you pray for this man. When convinces of a thing, he is utterly fearless in standing by it. He lacks the Holy Spirit. In the middle of the year we were refreshed by the short visit and powerful preaching of Dr. Philip Landes, of the Presbyterian work. It was at this time that several of the interested ones came out for the Lord. A helpful instrument for personal work came to hand in the shape of several thousand copies of the tract, "Answering the Great Question." These were the generous gift of the Dominion Tract Depot of Toronto. When we looked through this attractive booklet, we were impressed with the opportunity it offered for taking a man step by step through the whole plan of Salvation, thus opening the door for the very type of evangelism most needed in this land. The thousand that fell to Corumba and Ladario are almost used up. We look for fruitage from the use these and thank the Dominion Tract Depot for the gift. The organization of the Church along Apostolic lines with the view of self-direction brings out at once the spiritual weakness of the congregation. This drives us to prayer that God may give a more abundant spiritual life. At the same time we remember the truth of the statement made recently: "You will grow as you go." Activity in service is one of the greatest means of spiritual growth. The Church here must become active in all lines of Christian work: soul-winning, teaching, directing, following, organizing, etc. Many of our brethren are coming up to meet the call right nobly. We covet your earnest prayers that the whole Church may become a mighty power for God in this country. [[line]] REPORT OF THE YUIMAGUES TRIP IN THE LAUNCH "RUTH" Rev. Henry W. Stahlman, Iquitos, Peru WE LEFT Iquitos on the commercial launch "Huallaga" destination in Yurimaguas In the party were Mr. and Mrs. MacKinnon and two children: Pancho, the Cocama boy living with them; our motorist Nephtali Davila; Don Justo Campoas and his family, going to Yuimaguas to being the work there, and my self. Along side was the launch "Ruth" being towed, as that was the cheapest way we could travel upstream. We arrived in Yurimaguas three days later. Finding a room for the week-end, we began arranging things for travel in the smaller boat. Saturday night some folks came asking to hear our organ so we had a sing for those who gathered. Sunday morning we had a fine Sunday School of 25 and in the evening a meeting with about 50 present. Next day we started up river. All was new ground and we went along slowly looking for good ground for our work. We found a well populated district and a good reception waiting us in nearly every place. We also had a fair sale of books, especially of the cheaper New Testaments. Eight days we kept going, stopping at all the places, of course, until we came to the beginning of the bad passes, about two days steady run above Yurimaguas. There we turned back without seeing territory that is even more thickly populated, so they told us. [[end page]] [[start page]] INLAND SOUTH AMERICA [[image: photo of two people in front of a hut]] [[image caption]] An Indian Home [[/image caption]] Returning to Yurimaguas, we again stayed the weekend, having Sunday School and an evening service at which there were about 65 present. The people had learned to sing very well indeed by that time and we had a really inspiring meeting. Don Justo preached. It gave us joy to see that many are ready for the Gospel in that place, as reports received from Don Justo since have confirmed. We left Yurimaguas for Iquitos two weeks later, arriving here just a month later. The trip down was the usual thing of stop and go, stop and go, selling the books everywhere we could and having meetings where we stopped at night. We tried to get a good idea of the lay of the land and where and what the people were. That led us off the river in many places, back into cochas and lakes, etc., and our trip includes many hours of tramping through the forest paths as well as in canoe. But by so doing we got a lot of valuable information for the future. Regarding our sales we put out into the hands of the people 425 Testaments of various grades and 74 Bibles. We distributed 700 Gospels and many tracts and papers. Had we had more books we could have sold them on the latter part of the trip but our supply ran out. Regarding the people we found in Yurimaguas a rich field that is already bearing fruit. On the river Huallaga we found two groups of Indians, one above and one below Yurimaguas, and another group on the Paranapura river west of that city. And on the Maranon the Cocamas, as we have known before centered more or less about the mouth of the Ucayali. Four distinct groups that are easily accessible. (1) On the upper Huallaga the Indians from Chasuta have drifted down stream with the tide of commerce to Yurimaguas and are settled in small towns along the river. They speak Inca and Spanish and three are now a few schools among them. (2) Back of Yurimaguas on the Paranapura river, and on the road to Moyabamba, the Balsapuertinos are centered. From all reports they are quite numerous being scattered over the river mentioned above which flows into the Huallaga, and the Cahuapanas which empties into the Maranon. We are able to visit only one town of this group and found the people spoke Inca mostly. But there is a school there and soon Spanish will be known. We need to go over this ground more thoroughly though to get exact information. Still it helps to know that they are there and form a distinct group. (3) Below Yurimaguas and not very far from the mouth of the Huallaga, the Cocamillas are centered. This is a fine group of Indians settled, industrious and living for the most part in six small towns with many more scattered along the river in the same general district. There are six schools in these six towns, one having two, and in this region we sold 161 Testaments and 27 Bibles. To my mind this presents one of the finest prospects for Indian work that one could wish for. (4) The Cocamas are centered as before mentioned, around the mouth of the Ucavali and radiate from there up and down the rivers. There are a large number of them and some are among our converts. Our last night out we stayed at the home of one, Crispino, who has a Sunday School in his home and is working diligently to win others.
10 INLAND SOUTH AMERICA EXTRACT FROM A LETTER WRITTEN BY THE REV. ARTHUR F. TYLEE TO FRIENDS IN THE U.S. I Had the pleasure of spending a day with one of the first converts of the work at Jurena, Joaquim Antunes de Barros. He is now in charge of constructing the auto road to Jurena. From his conversion in 1925 when he voluntarily threw his saint into the Jurena River, he has been an earnest devoted follower of the Master. It was he who gave us his first piece of planting ground cleared by himself. In time of famine he gave us our only food, Mandioca from his garden. (His wife, Dona Miquelina, also converted, was more to us than words can express, being as a mother to Mrs. Tylee). His counsel and knowledge of the wilderness and how to live in it, ever available to us, solved many of our problems and eased us over rough places. Shortly after our departure on furlough in 1927, Joaquim was ignominiously discharged as assistant telegraph inspector through opposition to him as a believer and through his refusal to stop witnessing for Christ. He was then taken into the Mission House where he and his family brought untold blessing to Mr. McDowell through their Christian fellowship. Dona Miquelina went to Cuyabá for medical treatment and died there early in 1929. Mr. McDowell took their only son, Candido, to live with him. Joaquim undertook the supervision of the auto road. He completed the road to Sacre, 78 miles from Jurena and then agreed to put it through to Juruena. The work is very difficult. The Telegraph Commission has failed time and again to supply the necessary food. The men are obliged to carry their food, tools and water sometimes as far as four or five miles, since their work is often that far from the nearest possible camping place. The truck promised to carry the men and their tools has not been provided. Joaquim has provided considerable meat for the men through gun traps and has supplied food from his personal provisions when the Commission has failed them. He has done all this to encourage his men to press on in spite of their difficulties, when he himself has a reduction in pay due [[Image--photograph of two men standing in front of a tree.]] [[Image caption]] Rev. Arthur F. Tylee and Señor Joaquim Antunes de Barros [[/Image caption]] to the miserly tricks of his employers. He is getting 60c a day, the wage of a day laborer in his gang. He has accepted all of this with marvelous grace, declaring his purpose to put the road through to Juruena at any personal sacrifice for the sake of the benefit it will be to the Mission. May this self sacrifice cause you, reader, to bless God for such a convert and to pray for him. Because of much slander arising, due to financial success in legitimate transactions along the telegraph line, Joaquim has now stopped all such affairs, with considerable financial loss for the sake of maintaining an irreproachable testimony. He has restricted himself to his 60c a day with extreme satisfaction, he told me, since he is doing it for Christ's sake. (Note:- Señor Barros' son, Candido, was one of the six who lost their lives at Jurena on November 3, 1930.) [[end page]] [[start page]] 11 INLAND SOUTH AMERICA [[Text in Box]] TYLEE-KRATZ MEMORIAL INDIAN FUND IN ANSWER to prayer funds are continuing to come in for the Tylee-Kratz Memorial Fund. Donations to this Fund are used to carry on work amongst the Indians, to send out, equip and maintain missionaries amongst those not yet evangelized, and to advance the work of evangelization into unreached parts of the Indian world. [[/Box text]] A MEDITATION Kenneth Mackenzie BECAUSE of the weakness of our humanity, our christian service is prone to be punctuated with the hunger for success. To reach and hold the multitudes, to be praised for our consecration, to cherish the comfort that we have not labored in vain; these considerations move us to fret if the reversal of our hopes is forced upon us. Many a pastor, hidden in the obscurity and unappreciativeness of a little country parish feels the humiliation of his ignoble estate. As he reads of the acclaim given to men, whom he may well consider but his equals, men who are the creatures of favorable circumstance, grandly floating upon the stream of public appreciation, the bitterness of contrast eats into his soul. Is there any remedy for this spiritual malady? Is there anything to substitute for the lack of heart-satisfying statistics, of popular applause, of that sweetly inner consciousness of being used of God in a large way? Yes, there is. We behold Elijah, failing in the consummation of a national revival, driven away to a cave, lamenting that he is the only prophet of God left; unpopular and persecuted Jeremiah; Amos, scorned by the learned and the aristocrats of his day; John the Baptist, languishing in prison, once the heralded prophet of his day, overwhelmed with spiritual melancholia, doubting the proclamation he had nobly declared. These men and many others, tasted the dregs of disappointment. And our Lord Himself is the exemplar of joyous acceptance of humiliation. He shrank from popularity. To do the will of his Father was the passion of his life. All else sank into nothingness. And to him, one soul at the well of Sychar was as precious, aye perhaps more so, than the crowds that pressed upon him. He cherished the little ministries, the contacts which excluded the multitudes. He ended his life on a cross. Probably, in no sphere of dedication is the temptation more appealing than in the mission field. So isolated the sphere of life, so tantalizing the uncertain fruitage, so imperfect and unreliable the characters won, so conflicting the issues, that the devoted servant of God might well ask if it is worthwhile. Added to these factors, the inveterate antagonisms which ruthlessly charge against the man of God as he longs and labors for souls, may become a striking factor of discouragement. Yet, herein has been the invariable experience of God's men all along the line of missionary endeavor. Henry Martyn could say as he toiled in hostile India, "Tho I may never see a convert, God might design by my patience and continuance to encourage other missionaries." Robert Morrison could state, "I have been twenty-five years in China and I am now beginning to see the work prosper." And yet, do we take courage in even that hope. Suppose the harvest does not reward our steadfastness? Shall we abate our ministry an iota? What is the basis of our stand for God in the delivering of the Gospel and the living of the life "hid with Christ in God?" Essentially, loyal obedience; not the congratulating fellowship of those who rise up to call us blessed, but the sense that we are where He has put us, that we are what He is making
12 INLAND SOUTH AMERICA of us, that we are doing what He would have us do. There is the portraiture of this in the assize described in I Cor. 3. "Every man's work shall be made manifest . . . of what sort it is." How much of it will remain for the Lord's approval of that which we have cherished in the commendation of men? What will most merit His gauge of fitness for approval? Only that which is in the face of every obstacle has clung to the supreme aim, "This I do, O Lord, for Thee and Thee only. Little tho it be, it is my best and Thine." And we may not close this meditation without an appeal to those who "stand by the ropes" in the homeland. if we are impatient over the apparent lack of harvest, wondering if the endeavor is being justified by the results, we may be grieving the heart of our Lord. For He measures by a rule differing from our own. And we must trust Him that when our brave missionaries go forth to win souls, man or few as He may elect, there shall be complete response to His Spirit; one consuming motive: Obedience to the command to evangelize the world, and a quiet rest in Him as to the time and the measure of the ingathering. OUR TESTIMONIES I WISH to bear testimony to God's goodness and loving kindness. Truly we can say with the Psalmist, "His mercy endureth forever." And to Him we give thinks for improved health. Times of trial and suffering were sweetened by his presence, as was said of the Israelites. "In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence went with them." I wish too to thank the many who upheld us in prayer during the time of trial. May the Lord richly bless each one. William E. Hasker. I WANT to give praise to Him "who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will" for His grace in time of need, and His strength, in time of weakness. I praise Him because He has said "I will make all my mountains a way," and I'm especially thankful because "The Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil." In the trials through which He has recently seen fit to take us, we have seen and realized the fulfillment of His word, as never before. We thank Him for the experience which made His presence so real. To all who stood with us in prayer we are very grateful indeed. Harley M. Hasker. NEWS NOTES On Tuesday morning, May 12, 1931, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Decker and Baby Kenneth arrived in New York on furlough. We are happy to welcome them and trust they will have a time of rest and recuperation. Our friends will remember that Mrs. Decker was formerly Miss Mary Stephenson. The Annual Meeting of the I. S. A. M. U. was held in New York on Friday afternoon, May 8, 1931. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President--Rev. Kenneth Mackenzie. First Vice-President--Mr. J. Harvey Borton. Secretary--Rev. Joseph A. Davis. Treasurer--Mr. Alfred H. Vroom. Miss Lena B. Hawkins, who spent some time in Sacramento, Calif., has returned to St. Louis, Mo., and is preparing to return to South America. She represented the I. S. A. M. U. at the Annual Missionary Rally at Moody Church, Chicago, Ill., May 6th to 10th. [[end page]] [[start page]] INLAND SOUTH AMERICA It was with deep regret that the United States Board of Directors received the resignation of the Rev. and Mrs. John W. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson went to the Field in 1924 and returned home on furlough in 1930. Their work at Encarnacion, Paraguay was owned of the Lord, and the Mission is losing two good workers. During the past several months, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been holding meetings in the vicinity of St. Joseph, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., Washington D.C., and Philadelphia. We have just received word from Iquitos, Peru that the furlough of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Lauriault has been granted. We know our friends will join us in prayer that funds for this purpose will be forthcoming. We are happy to announce the following births: A daughter, Hazel Ross, to the Rev. and Mrs. James S. Cunningham, on March 11, 1931, at Encarnacion, Paraguay. A son, John Frederick, to the Rev. and Mrs. Edward Haugh on April 2, 1931, at Encarnacion, Paraguay. A daughter, Mildred Frances, to Mrs. Ethel Canary Tylee, on May 21, 1931, at Worcester, Mass. Dividing time with the Moody Bible Institute Conference, the Interdenominational Foreign Missions Association held its monthly meeting at Calvary Baptist Church, New York City, on Sunday afternoon, May 17, 1931. The guest speaker was the Rev. Joseph A. Davis, representing the Inland South America Missionary Union, one of the member societies of the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association. Capt. Reginald Wallis, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. in Dublin, Ireland, was the speaker representing the Moody Bible Institute Conference. The Interdenominational Foreign Missions Association holds one of these meetings every month on the third Sunday, commencing at three o'clock in the afternoon. These services are broadcast over Station WOAO and Pastor Will H. Houghton presides. Prayer has been answered and some funds have been received to send out candidates. We hope one or two will be able to sail to South America this year. [[bold]] PRAISE IS OFFERED: [[/bold]] 1. That in answer to prayer we were able to send last quarter, enough money to South America to support our American Missionaries. 2. For funds received for the homecoming expenses of the Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Wesley Clark. 3. For the advance among the Terena Indians in Brazil. 4. For fifteen conversions at Bella Vista, Brazil. 5. For gifts for the Tylee-Kratz Memorial Indian Fund. 6. For blessings upon meetings in charge of native Christians in Concepcion, Paraguay. [[bold]] PRAYER IS ASKED: [[/bold]] 1. For native evangelists, colportors and pastors. 2. For advance work amongst the Nhambiquara Indians. 3. That if it be the Lord's Will, funds to send out new candidates will be received. 4. For work projected for the coming year. 5. For deputation work in the homelands. 6. That funds to bring home on furlough Mr. Charles W. J. Harris, Rev. George Jennings, and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Lauriault, may be received. 7. For administration problems.
14 INLAND SOUTH AMERICA INLAND SOUTH AMERICA MISSIONARY UNION FIELD ADMINISTRATION Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Year Ending December 31, 1930. INCOME [[table]] [[five columns]] [[column titles]] Received through | Argentine | Arg. Gen. Fund | Arg. Designated | Transfers and Refunds [[/column titles]] United States Office...$19,378.65 U. S. | $51,944.76 m/n | $10,008.01 | $41,936.75 | | Canadian Office..........4,641.29 Can. | 12,429.90 m/n | 2,023.69 | 10,406.21 | | British Office............£470: 7: 9 | 5,949.17 m/n | 55.99 | 5,893.27 | | Buenos Aires Office... | 1,000.00 m/n | 1,000.00 | | | Received at Headquarters per United States donors...$ 319.15 U. S. | $5,439.50 m/n | $26.20 | $5,413.30 | | Received at Headquarters per British donors.......£10 | 139.70 m/n | | 139.70 | | Argentine, Paraguayan, Brazilian, Peruvian, Donors (including Native Church)... | 4607.47 m/n | 10.00 | 3,369.47 | $1,228.00 | Received Interest from Bank... | 316.35 m/n | | | | [[/table]] [[line under "Argentine" column, indicating sum]] TOTAL INCOME...$81,826.85 m/n In Royal Bank of Canada, Dec. 31, 1929...11,926.22 m/n Cash in hand December 31, 1929...589.03 m/n [[line indicating sum of previous 3 lines]] TOTAL...$94,342.10 m/n EXPENDITURES Arg. From - General, Designated, and Native Church Fund, for Missionaries' Allowances, Missionaries' Children, Native Workers' Allowances, Travelling, Station Expenses and Bank Charges...$51,421.06 m/n For - Payments on Concepcion Mission property...................................... 1,884.30 m/n From - Designated Gifts, for Indian Work, Iquitos, Bible Schools, Launches, Personal Gifts, Transfers, etc. ..................................................................................29,744.63 m/n [[line under figures, indicating sum]] TOTAL EXPENDITURES....................................................................$83,049.99 m/n In Royal Bank of Canada Dec. 31, 1930 (Designated).....................................10,069.03 m/n Cash in hand December 31, 1930..........................................................1,223.08 m/n [[line under figures, indicating sum]] $94,342.10 m/n Funds held in Separate Bank Accounts (not included in the above figures): For Special Travelling Fund...........................................................$ 1,557.76 m/n for Building Church at Posadas......................................................... 1,586.82 m/n [[line under figures, indicating sum]] $ 3,144.58 m/n POSADAS, February 20, 1931. - I have examined the Books and Accounts of the Inland South American Missionary Union, International Headquarters, for the year ending December 31st, 1930, and have found them to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched and instructed. The above abstract is in accordance with the Books of the Mission, (Signed) LIONEL N. KYLE. [[line]] Subscriptions and Donations Received in the United States from February 16, 1931, to May 15, 1931, Inclusive [[four sets of two columns]] [[first set]] 15350... $500.00 1... 10.00 2... 61.50 3... 25.00 4... 2.47 5... 5.60 6... 205.00 7... 10.00 8... 5.00 9... 5.00 15360... 20.00 1... 200.00 2... 2.00 3... 5.00 4... 25.00 5... 5.00 6... 5.00 7... 25.00 8... 10.00 9... 10.00 15370... 10.00 1... 10.00 2... 5.00 3... 10.00 4... 60.00 [[/first set]] [[second set]] 15425... $ 25.00 6... 10.00 7... 10.00 8... 2.00 9... 5.00 15380... 3.00 1... 5.00 2... 15.00 3... 5.00 4... 41.67 5... 10.00 6... 5.00 7... 2.00 8... 30.00 9... 35.28 15390... 5.00 1... 5.00 2... 10.00 3... 2.00 4... 5.00 5... 8.00 6... 15.00 7... 5.00 8... 5.00 9... 25.00 [[/second set]] [[third set]] 15450... $ 10.00 1... 5.00 2... 16.00 3... 5.00 4... 100.00 5... 5.00 6... 10.00 7... 20.00 8... 5.00 9... 1.00 15410... 25.00 1... 10.00 2... 25.00 3... 80.00 4... 100.00 5... 5.00 6... 500.00 7... 10.00 8... 5.00 9... 5.00 15420... 5.00 1... 5.00 2... 1.00 3... 1.00 4... 50.00 [[/third set]] [[fourth set]] 15375... $ 25.00 6... 5.00 7... 1.00 8... 1.00 9... 4.00 15430... 25.00 1... 40.00 2... 86.00 3... 1.00 4... 20.00 5... 41.67 6... 10.00 7... 3.00 8... 15.00 9... 7.00 15440... 10.00 1... 5.00 2... 8.00 3... 2.00 4... 10.00 5... 10.00 6... 50.00 7... 30.00 8... 50.00 9... 10.00 [[/fourth set]] [[end page]] [[start page]] INLAND SOUTH AMERICA 15 [[four columns]] [[first column]] 15450...10.00 1...5.00 2...59.00 3...3.00 4...5.00 5...10.00 6...250.00 7...100.00 8...1.00 9...10.00 15460...5.00 1...5.00 2...5.00 3...8.39 4...10.00 5...10.00 6...25.00 7...2.00 8...125.00 9...2.50 15470...40.00 1...40.00 2...5.00 3...4.00 4...1.00 5...9.00 6...25.00 7...5.00 8...5.00 9...250.00 15480...60.00 1...5.00 2...5.00 3...0.50 4...25.00 5...10.00 6...10.00 7...5.00 8...5.00 9...10.00 15490...1.00 1...25.00 2...10.00 3...10.00 4...10.00 5...5.00 6...5.00 7...1.00 8...30.00 9...5.00 15500...5.00 1...40.00 2...10.00 3...10.00 4...10.00 5...5.00 6...10.00 7...100.00 8...15.00 [[/first column]] [[second column]] 15509...$ 10.00 15510... 5.80 1...2.00 2...5.00 3...10.00 4...1.00 5...1.00 6...1.00 7...0.50 8...0.25 9...1.00 15520...1.25 1...1.00 2...1.00 3...5.00 4...10.00 5...1.00 6...20.00 7...5.00 8...15.00 9...10.00 15530...1.00 1...25.00 2...10.00 3...4.52 4...2.00 5...9.00 6...15.00 7...5.00 8...10.00 9...1.00 15540...1.00 1...25.00 2...25.00 3...200.00 4...10.00 5...15.50 6...25.00 7...5.00 8...5.00 9...10.00 15550...40.00 1...10.00 2...40.00 3...25.00 4...43.00 5...5.00 6...407.00 7...300.00 8...75.00 9...5.00 15560...40.00 1...5.57 2...1.00 3...3.00 4...50.00 5...25.00 6...5.00 7...5.00 [[/second column]] [[third column]] 15568... $ 50.00 9...50.00 15570...30.00 1...83.48 2...7.00 3...41.67 4...2.50 5...1.00 6...10.00 7...5.00 8...100.00 9...100.00 15580...10.00 1...5.00 2...2.00 3...100.00 4...26.30 5...5.00 6...40.00 7...33.40 8...5.00 9...25.00 15590...5.00 1...10.69 2...5.00 3...1.00 4...15.00 6...125.00 7...10.00 8...7.00 9...2 50 15600...125.00 1...15.00 2...5.00 3...5.00 4...25.00 5...10.00 6...20.00 7...1.00 8...1.00 9...10.00 15610...1.00 1...25.00 2...2.00 3...10.00 4...6.25 5...150.00 6...2.00 7...40.00 8...1.00 9...10.00 15620...10.00 1...5.00 2...5.00 3...3.00 4...20.00 5...25.00 [[end third column]] [[start fourth column]] 15626...$ 50.00 7...10.00 8...10.00 9...35 95 15630...50.00 1...50.00 2...250.00 3...5.88 4...10.00 5...15.00 6...20.00 7...10.00 8...5.00 9...10.00 15640...40.00 1...25.00 2...43.00 3...10.00 4...5.00 5...41.67 6...10.00 7...20.00 8...15.45 9...10.00 15650...11.00 1...83.48 2...50.00 3...21.00 4...14.00 5...25.00 6...1.00 7...1.00 8...125.00 9...5 00 15660...5.00 1...3.00 2...5.00 3...5.00 4...5.00 5...1.00 6...40.00 7...5.00 8...1.00 9...10.00 15670...1.00 1...1.00 2...1.00 3...2.00 4...2.00 5...1.00 6...1.00 7...5.00 8...9.00 9...3.00 15680...25.00 1...2.00 2...13.50 3...15.00 [[end fourth column]] [[line]] Subscriptions and Donations Received in Canada February 13, 1931, to May 13, 1931 [[four columns]] [[start first column]] 3369...$ 1.00 70...10.00 1...4.00 2...5.00 3...25.00 4...5.00 5...35.77 6...Cancelled 7...24.84 8...11.82 9...25.00 3380...1.20 1...35.00 2...5.00 3...50.00 4...1000.00 5...10.00 6...7.00 7...10.00 [[end first column]] [[start second column]] 3388...$ 12.00 9...5.00 3390...5.00 1...5.00 2...1.00 3...3.00 4...10.00 5...2.00 6...25.00 7...5.00 8...241.40 9...5.00 2400...5.00 1...5.00 2...1.00 3...10.00 4...2.00 5...3.00 6...8.00 [[end second column]] [[start third column]] 3407...$ 80.00 8...12.33 9...50.00 3410...1.00 1...15.00 2...40.00 3...9.25 4...2.00 5...2.00 6...25.00 7...10.00 8...725.00 9...50.00 3420...11.30 1...5.00 2...2.00 3...1.00 4...11.00 5...2.00 [[end third column]] [[start fourth column]] 3426...$ 2.00 7...282.00 8...10.00 9...5.00 3430...10.00 1...3.00 2...25.00 3...150.00 4...50.00 5...7.50 6...Cancelled 7...Cancelled 8...10.29 9...100.00 3440...250.00 1...5.00 2...2.00 3...20.00 4...5.00 [[end fourth column]] (Continued on page 16)
QUARTERLY PRAYER CALENDAR [[first column]] DAY 1. The Mission as a whole; its vision and work. 2. Bananal, Brazil: Miss Christine Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Hunrichs. 3. Bella Vista, Brazil: Rev. and Mrs. Edward Haugh. 4. Native workers; evangelists, pastors, helpers, students. 5. Concepcion, Paraguay: Miss Alma Hoellein, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. White. 6. Corumba and Ladario, Brazil: Rev. Emil W. Halverson, Miss LaReine E. Lyon, R.N., Miss Alice Nyboer. 7. Bible schools, day schools, Sunday schools and dispensaries. 8. Encarnacion, Paraguay: Dr. and Mrs. J. Nairn Hay, Miss Mary Hamilton, R.N. 9. Iquitos, Peru: Rev. and Mrs. William R. Hurley, Rev. and Mrs. John MacKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Lauriault, Rev. Harry W. Stahlman. 10. For the health of all missionaries on the Field and for the home workers. 11. Juruena, Brazil: That this Nhambiquara Indian center may soon be evangelized; that a great native church may arise here in the wilderness as a testimony to the martyrdom of the Rev. Arthur Francis Tylee and Miss Mildred P. Kratz, R.N. 12. Paraguari, Paraguay: Rev. George Jennings. 13. For accepted missionary candidates in the homelands waiting to sail. 14. Posadas, Argentina: For the Church. 15. Puerto Saurez and Santiago, Bolivia: For the church and its members; for the workers: Mr. and Mrs. George T. Haight. [[end first column]] [[second column]] DAY 16. For new missionaries on the Field, language study, climatic conditions. 17. Rondonopols and Jarudore, Brazil: Rev. Alex. Hutcheson, Mr. Thomas Lindores. 18. Sao Luiz de Cacares, Brazil: Mr. Charles W.J. Harris. 19. For a revival in Inland South America. 20. San Ignacio, Argentina: Rev. and Mrs. James S. Cunningham. 21. Villarrica, Paraguay: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Fay. 22. For members of the Mission, missionaries, candidates, prayer workers, financial supporters, councilmen, executive officers and all interested friends. 23. Yegros, Paraguay: Rev. and Mrs. F.E. Diem, Miss Gertrude Lamson. 24. For the native churches and members in Cazador and Paso de Libres, Argentina; Ladario and Bananal, Brazil. 25. Posadas Headquarters: Miss Anabel Case, Rev. and Mrs. Alex Rattray Hay, Rev. and Mrs. John Hay, Miss Helen Hay and Rev. George Rice. 26. Native Workers: Don Marcos and Dona Margarita Andino in Argentina and Senhor Eleutario and Senhora Vincente Ayala in Sao Luiz de Caceres in Brazil. 27. For missionaries home on furlough or on sick list: Rev. and Mrs. I.W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Decker, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hasker, Miss Lena B. Hawkins Mr. Albert E.W. McDowell, Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Thomas, Mrs. Ether Canary Tylee. 28. For financial needs. 29. For United States Headquarters. 30. For Toronto Headquarters. 31. For Edinburgh Headquarters. [[end second column]] ===================================================== (Concluded from page 15) 3445.......... $ 15.00 6.......... 5.00 7.......... 8.11 8.......... 1.00 9.......... 2.00 3450.......... 100.00 1.......... 2.00 2.......... 26.13 3.......... 1.00 4.......... 40.00 3455.......... $ 20.00 6.......... 2.50 7.......... 12.00 8.......... 65.00 9.......... 5.00 3460.......... 3.00 1.......... 25.00 2.......... 1.00 3.......... 13.00 4.......... 3.00 3465.......... $ 3.00 6.......... 1.00 7.......... 14.00 8.......... 10.00 9.......... 2.00 3470.......... 5.00 1.......... 18.73 2.......... 100.00 3.......... 11.70 4.......... 12.66 3475.......... $ 10.00 6.......... 5.00 7..........Cancelled 8.......... 14.50 9.......... 100.50 3480.......... 2.00 1.......... 2.00 2.......... 45.00 3.......... 15.00
[[preprinted]] האוניברסיטה העברית THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY Jerusalem ירושלים [[/preprinted]] [[stamped]] A.C. | OCT 1 1941 [[/stamped]] 4th July 1941 Dear Miss Chase, In reply to your letter of 7th April, which I received only yesterday, I regret to say that owing to shortage of circulation of the Kew Bulletin as a result of the war I had not got any reprints of my paper on Poa bulbosa. Instead of it, however, I am sending you under separate cover another small paper on the plants of Palestine. The reprints sent by you I have received and offer you my best thanks for them. [[left margin, in pencil]] not rec'd [[/pencil]] We are not particularly interested in American grasses but we shall be very glad to get any material from the [[red underline]] Middle East, the Mediterranean or Palestine [[/underline]] of former collectors you could send [[red underline]] us on a basis of exchange. Of American plants [[/underline]] I am for the time interested only in [[red underline]] Poa bulbosa [[/underline]] from various localities in America, but, as far as possible, [[red underline]] not in viviparous form. [[/underline]] On my part I shall [[strikeout]] sne [[/strikeout]] send you shortly a few specimens of Poa species of Palestine. [[left margin, in red pencil]] not rec'd [[/pencil]] Yours very truly, ^[[N. Feinbrun]] (Dr) N. Feinbrun, Department of Botany.
Dr. Harold A. Senn Div. Botany & Plant Path. Central Experiment Farm Ottawa, Can May 29, 1939 140 sheets Canadian gr on exchange. Wants 1 Canada 2 North US 3 temperate Asia
FINE ARTS Seitz, Heribert, 1904- ...Äldre svenska glas med graverad dekor en undersökning av det bevarade 1700-talsbeståndet, av Heribert Seitz; with an English summary. Stockholm [Boktryckeriet P.A. Norstedt & söner] 1936. 231 p., 1 l. illus., 75 pl. on 38 l. 29cm. (Nordiska museets handlingar. 5) Extra t.-p. with dissertation note (Akademisk avhandling ... Stockholms högskola) laid in. "Litteratur": p. [218]-223. 1. Glassware - Sweden I. Title. [Full name: Fritz Heribert Larsson Seitz] 36-34206 Library of Congress NK5161.S4 1936 [3] 748 Rome (City) Mostra storica romana dall' impero a oggi, 1929. ...Catalogo della Mostra romana (Palazzo Margherita-Via Veneto) Roma, giugno MCMXXIX. Roma, La Libreria dello stato, 1929. 2 p. l., [7]-58, [2] p. 21½ cm. At head of title: Primo Congresso mondiale delle biblioteche e di bibliografia. On Cover: Roma. Mostra storica romana dall' impero a oggi. CONTENTS.- Topografia romana.- I classici. -Roma dal risorgimento al fascismo.- Regia calcografia e Stamperia camerale di Roma. 1. Rome (City) - Exhibitions. 2. Rome (City) - Bibl. I. World congress of libraries and bibliography. 1st, Rome and Venice, 1929. II. Title. 36-34207 Library of Congress N5073.R6 1929 ---------Copy 2. Z2364.R7R8 [2] [Paris. Salon, 1935 (Société des artistes décorateurs) Nouveaux intérieurs français. 3e série. Paris, C. Moreau [1935] 3 p. l., 48 pl. 33½ x 25½ cm.
^[[Mrs Chase, Please let me have this with the specimens, whenever they are ready. WR Maxon 6/6/39]] June 6, 1939 Dr. Harold A. Senn Central Experimental Farm Ottawa, Canada Dear Dr. Senn: I am writing to acknowledge receipt of the lot of 140 Canadian grasses mentioned in your letter of May 29 addressed to Mrs. Agnes Chase, Custodian of Grasses, U.S. National Herbarium. The specimens are accessioned as an exchange from the Department of Agriculture, Division of Botany and Plant Pathology, and an equivalent will be forwarded as soon as Mrs. Chase has had an opportunity of selecting desirable material; this will probably be in the course of the next fort[[overwritten]] h [[/overwritten]]^[[n]]ight or so. Your preference for specimens from certain regions is noted. Yours very truly ^[[WR Maxon]] William R. Maxon Curator, Division of Plants