Carrie Bow Cay Research Station Logbook, 1999-2010

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The logbook for the Carrie Bow Cay Research Station contains the entries of staff, volunteers, and visiting researchers, who wrote about their work and experiences from September 14, 1999 to January 15, 2010. Entries are dated and include a wide variety of rich description, primarily about island flora and fauna (listing scientific or common name). Also contains station manager's log entries, personal experiences, and daily activities. There are occasionally messages written to future visitors. Most entries document types of wildlife and their behavior including marine invertebrates (squid, crustaceans, coral, and examples of bioluminescence), birds, fish along mangrove roots and reefs, turtles, and porpoise. Some entries include daily observations and measurements. Of note, there numerous entries about of turtle nesting, and many drawings and watercolors of wildlife and the island's environment. Some authors have included their names at the beginning or ending of entries. Inside the front cover is a photograph of a Carapace with notations, dated September 14, 2003, 4:10am.

Date Range


Start Date

Sep 14, 1999

End Date

Jan 15, 2010

Access Information

Many of SIA's holdings are located off-site, and advance notice is recommended to consult a collection. Please email the SIA Reference Team at


  • Marine Invertebrates
  • Animals
  • Herpetology
  • Birds
  • Cetaceans
  • Ornithology




  • Fieldbook record
  • Field notes
  • Color photographs
  • Illustrations

Accession #

SIA Acc. 16-231

Collection name

Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Research Records, 1999-2010

Physical Description

1 field book

Physical Location

Smithsonian Institution Archives


Box 1 Folder 1