Field notes, Texas and California, June 5-October 15, 1900

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This item contains data from Bailey's collecting efforts in Texas and California from June through mid October 1900. Dated lists of plant and animal specimens identified by scientific name begin in El Paso, Texas and end in Sonoma county, California. The item includes an itinerary of Bailey's travels from June 4, 1900 through October 15, 1900.

Date Range


Start Date

Jun 05, 1900

End Date

Oct 15, 1900

Access Information

Many of SIA's holdings are located off-site, and advance notice is recommended to consult a collection. Please email the SIA Reference Team at


  • Animals
  • Birds
  • Mammalogy
  • Mammologists
  • Plants
  • Botany
  • Ornithology


  • Yuba
  • Sonoma
  • El Paso
  • United States
  • Texas
  • California


  • Fieldbook record
  • Field notes

Accession #

SIA RU007267

Collection name

Vernon Bailey Papers, 1889-1941 and undated, field notes and journals, 1889-1941

Physical Description

1 field book

Physical Location

Smithsonian Institution Archives


Box 1 Folder 18

[[Front cover]] [[underlined]] 1900 [[/underlined]] June 5 - Oct. 15 California
[[underlined]] w [[/underlined]] 10 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Vernon Bailey [[/underlined]] [[overwritten]] 1800 [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]] 1900 [[/underlined]] : [[underlined]] Vol. II. [[/underlined]] Washington. D.C. 2019. 19 [[superscript]][[underlined]] th [[/underlined]][[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Field Notes [[/underlined]] [[text upside down]] Harry Root. Fallbrook. skull of big grizzly [[line across page]] F, Austin, Escondido. [[line across page]] Lead & opium wash 3 oz each & [[line across page]] Manning - for tiles & mantles [[line across page]] [[/text upside down]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] El Paso. [[/underlined]] Texas, 8:20 am [[underlined]] June 4, [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Deming [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Tucson [[/underlined]] - supper. dark. [[underlined]] June 5 [[/underlined]] Colorado desert. daylight [[underlined] Salton [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Indio, [[/underlined]] breakfast. [[underlined]] Colton. [[/underlined]] 9:48 [[underlined]] Riverside [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] June 6 [[/underlined]] Riverside 8:36 am [[underlined]] Olive [[/underlined]] A cactus valley a few [[Indians?]] good collecting ground [[underlined]] Orange [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Santa Ana [[/underlined]] big valley, alfalfa, grain, tide marsh low hills to West, mts. east Coyote
[[underlined]] El Toro [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Capistrano [[/underlined]] Cactus, dry; sandy. [[underlined]] Ocean [[/underlined]], along shores [[underlined]] Las Flores [[/underlined]] - aboard big tar weed pastures, mounds. [[underlined]] Oceanside [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] San Marcus [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Twin Oaks [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] June 7 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] June [[/underlined]] 9, to Escondido & return [[underlined]] June 10 [[/underlined]] Sunday. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Twin Oaks [[/underlined]] June 12 Quercus agrifolia " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] Platynus Sanbucus Adenostoma Rhus aromatica " [[Ditto for: Rhus]] toxico - " [[Ditto for: Rhus]] big leaf Ceonothus thyrsiflorus " [[Ditto for: Ceonothus]] cordatus? Erreogonum Salvia " [[Ditto for: Erreogonum]] white sage " [[Ditto for: Salvia]] blue sage Prunus ilicifolia Rasa Ribes " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] Arctostaphylos " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] Yucca " [[Ditto for: Yucca]] Opuntia Phaselia big " [[Ditto for: Phaselia]] tall Artemesia ludoviciana " [[Ditto for: Artemesia]] filifolia ? Cercocarpus parvifolius Madia? tar weed
Soap root Solanum nigrum ? Lonicera big red. " [[Ditto for: Lonicera]] white fl. Clematis vine Echinocectus Cucurbita foitidissina Silene red Malvastrum bush Kahina ? thistle Antenaria Minulus yellow " [[Ditto for: Minulus]] gluhinosa ? Bacharis ? Peone browni [[strikethrough]] Merica [[/strikethrough]] Hetteraphylla Rhus big leaf Prunus big leaf Datura Cuscuta Wild oats Xanthium Mustard Convolvulus Croton setagerifolia [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Twin Oaks [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] June 6 - 14 [[/underlined]] Cariacus S. beecheyi Thomomys Perodipus Perognathus Peromyscus big eared Neatoma Lepus calif " [[Ditto for: Lepus]] cottontail " [[Ditto for: Lepus]] trowbridgi Urocyon Canis ocleropus Lynx Felis Mephitis Spilogale Procyon Ursus americanus " [[Ditto for: Ursus]] horribilus Scapanus
[[underlined]] June 14 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Twin Oaks, [[/underlined]] 8:20 [[underlined]] Oceanside [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Los Angeles [[/underlined]] - Ostrich farm [[underlined]] Passadena [[/underlined]] Left Los Angeles at 10:20 P.M. [[underlined]] June 15 [[/underline]] [[underlined]] Bakersfield [[/underlined]] 7:20 breakfast [[underlined]] Alila [[/underline]] 8 a m Goldman - [[underlined]] Fresno [[/underlined]] lunch [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] June 19 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Marysville [[/underlined]] Salix Populus monolifera Typha [[Sciapres?]] Croton [[setagerifotia?]] [[underlined]] 5 mi. [[/underlined]] Quercus douglasi Dipodomys Thomomys Lepus Calif. Spermophilus beecheyi [[underlined]] Brownsvalley [[/underline]], 13 mi. Camp. Oranges ripe [[underlined]] June 20 [[/underlined]], Browns Valley [[underlined]] Camp [[/underline]] 8 AM Pinus sabiniana - 2000 Quercus douglosi, com. - 2000 " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] lobata a few. - 2000 Rhamnus calif.? Aovothus cuneatus - 2000 Quercus wizligini " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] californicus, a few. [[underlined]] 4 mi [[/underlined]]. Aretophaphylos viscides, a few. P. ponderosa a few. Aesculus calif. a few.
[[underlined]] Oregon Creek [[/underlined]], 10 mi [[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] Platinus along creek Circis a few. Phiadelphis Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus oregana Azalia a few [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Camp, 18 mi [[/underlined]] (one mi. from Dobbins.) [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] June 21 [[/underlined]] Camp 7.45 [[/strikethrough]] (Probably 1000 or 1200 feet, edge of lower Sonoran.) [[strikethrough]] or well into Upper) [[/strikethrough]] . Pinus ponderosa com. . Libocedrus " [[Ditto for: com]] . Acer macrophyllum " [[Ditto for: com]] . Cerassis emarginata " [[Ditto for: com]] . Cupressus [[mac[[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]]roluiana?]] a few [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 18 mi. 1 mi. from Dobbins [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] June 21. Camp [[/underlined]] 7:43 [[underlined]] Dobbins [/underlined]]. 1 mi. 2000 feet Figs & catalpax in town Saxifraga peltata [[right margin bracket]] end of P. Sabiniana Ceanothus cuneatus Q. lobata " [[Ditto for: Q.]] douglassi [[/right margin bracket]] . Hetteromeles . A. Chrysolepis 2300 - . [[Tumian?]] 2500 - [[left margin bracket]] Ceonothus thyrsifloria " [[Ditto for: 2500]] - tall, white flowered [[/left margin bracket]] [[Cameobotia?]] 2600 . Ceanothus prostratus " [[Ditto for: 2600]] - [[underlined]] top of ridge [[/underlined]] 4 mi., 2800 - . Pinus lambertiana " [[Ditto for: 2800]] - . Psuedotsuga " [[Ditto for: 2800]] - . Wyethia " [[Ditto for: 2800]] - . Arbutus " [[Ditto for: 2800]] Abies [[strikethrough]] grandis [[/strikethrough]] magnifica N.E. " [[Ditto for: 2800]] - . Quercus densiflora " [[Ditto for: 2800]] - . Cornus nuttallii " [[Ditto for: 2800]] - . " [[Ditto for: Cornus]] asperifolia " [[Ditto for: 2800]] - Aquelegia . [[Pachestena?]] N.E. gulch " [[Ditto for: 2800]] - . Azalia in flower
[[underlined]] North Yuba [[/underlined]] River 11:30 1800 Calecanthus occidintalis Berberis repens Vitis [[underlined]] Lunch on grade [[/underlined]] - 2200 Corylus calif - [[underlined]] Camptonville [[/underlined]]. 18 mi. 2780. [[underlined]] Camp at hotel [[/underlined]] 3 mi. 3750. [[Cauras?]] Rosa gymnocarpa Crategus [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] June 22 [[/underlined]] Camp 3750 Abies [[strikethrough]] [[shespress?]] [[/strikethrough]] magnifica 4000. Arctostaphylos manzanita " [[Ditto for: 4000.]] " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] nevadensis " [[Ditto for: 4000.]] Rosa gymnocarpa [[Cernlanchies?]] [[underlined]] 6 mil. [[/underlined]]. 4500 [[Casterofolis?]] " [[Ditto for: 4500]] Ceonothus cordulatus " [[Ditto for: 4500]] [[Spragura?]] [[Catthsudan?]] 4708 [[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] 8 mi. " [[Ditto for: 4708]] [[underlined]] Toll House [[/underlined]], 2 mi. 4500 Acer glabrum N.E. down long glade to Yuba R. 5 mi. [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 2800 Taxus " [[Ditto for: 2800]] by stream Garrea Eriogonum Prunus oregonus Rubus black cap. " [[Ditto for: Rubus]] nutkanus Pteris Maidinhair fern Dicentra formosa Convolvulus wooly leaf Bigelovia Eriogonum tall
[[underlined]] N. Yuba R. below Downieville [[/underlined]] Brodea Phaselia Lonicera yellow flower shrub Symphorocarpos Gehophytum Polygale cornuta Sambucus melanocarpa Rhus trilobata " [[Ditto for: Rhus]] toxicodendron Ceonothus thyrsiflorus ? white fl. Madea bolandieri Phyladelphis Corylus calif - Alnus Salix " [[Ditto for: Salix]] Acer macrophyllum Quercus chrysolepis " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] californicus " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] wislizini Pinus ponderosa 2500 - 5500 Pseudotsuga " [[Ditto for: 2500]] - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Libocedrus " [[Ditto for: 2500]] - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Abies loweana " [[Ditto for: 2500]] - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Cornus nuttallii [[Carncobatia?]] a little Arctos - viscida " [[Ditto for: a little]] Ribes [[arcticus?]] thorny [[end page]] [[start page]] Ribes blue currant Clatonia perfoliata Phamus green [[underlined]] June 25 [[/underlined]] Camp 9:30, 2750 [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] in Woodruff Gulch Populus trichocarpa 1 [[underlined]] River [[/underlined]] 2550 Prunus [[Quinsoa?]] [[underlined]] Downievilla [[/underlined]] 4 mi. 2800 [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 10 mi. 3750 [[underlined]] June 26 [[/underlined]] 4000 [[underlined]] Sierra City [[/underlined]] 4 mi 4300 Quercus vaccinifolia 4800 2 [[Arctos?]] - [[strikethrough]] mazuiets [[/strikethrough]] [[patula?]] " [[Ditto for: 4800]] Ceonothus cordulatus " [[Ditto for: 4800]] [[left margin bracket]] Ceonothus like little thyrsiflorus, white fl. [[/left margin bracket]] [[Casteropsis?]] Abies magnifica, a few.
[[underlined]] Lunch camp [[/underlined]] 5 mi 5150 at N.E. base of Sierra Buttes Tsuga up on Buttes Eutamias Peromyscus - 2 sp. [[underlined]] June 27 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 11 A.M. 5100 Populus trichocarpa " [[Ditto for: 5100]] Wyethia [[Ciricio tagousphylla?]] Calochortus [[strikethorugh]] 6500 [[/strikethrough]] 5500 Pinus jeffreyi " [[Ditto for: 5500]] - 6500 " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] murrayana " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Populus tremuloides " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Veratrum calif. " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Lupinus " [[Ditto for: 5500]] [[Entanicas senex?]] 5600 [[Caloscoaphielus?]] " [[Ditto for: 5600]] [[Ceonothus solectrius?]] 6000 [[Arcitos - nevadasis?]] " [[Ditto for: 6000]] Dodecatheon Habinaria Alnus virida [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] at meadows [[insertion]] ^ 8 mi. [[/underlined]] 6300 Pinus monticola [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] June 28 [[/underlined]], Camp 6200 [[underlined]] Snow [[/underlined]] in woods 800 Lupinus [[underlined]] Camp at Lincoln [[/underlined]] Valley 4 mi. 7000 Polygonum shastinse Arnica [[Spragma?]] [[Feutstimon?]] Lepinus minimus [[underlined]] Tsuga [[/underlined]] a few at 7200 N.E. & again at 8000 Ribus Paeonei brownii [[underlined]] June 29 [[/underlined]] Camp. 10. 7100 Phlox douglasi [[Polemsuicum compertum?]] Dodecatheon Viola yellow 2 " [[Ditto for: Viola]] olanda Mimulus 2 Myiosotis
[[underlined]] June 29 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Camp. 10, [[/underlined]] 7100 [[underlined]] Ridge [[/underlined]] 1/2 mi. 7250 [[underlined]] Little meadow [[/underlined]] Voccineum Monotrope, scarlet Saxifraga Pedicularis Habinaria [[underlined]] Summit [[/underlined]] 7100 Primus Jeffreyis - 6900 Artemisia tridentata - " [[Ditto for: 6900]] Pteris - " [[Ditto for: 6900]] [[underlined]] Edge of steep slope [[/underlined]] & [[chaffant?]] 6600 P. murryara, " [[Ditto for: Edge of steep slope]] down to " [[Ditto for: 6600]] Abris grands " " " [[Dittos for: Edge of steep slope down to 6600]] P. tremuloides " " " [[Dittos for: Edge of steep slope down to 6600]] P. monticola " " " [[Dittos for: Edge of steep slope down to 6600]] P. jeffreyi - 5600 ? P. ponderosa Libocedrus Sarcodes sanguinea 7200 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Sierra Valley [[/underlined]] 5350 Wyethia "wallis" " [[Ditto for: Wyethia]] amplexicaulis " [[Ditto for: Wyethia]] big green Arnica Balsamorhiza Artemisia tridentala " [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] ludoviciana Kunzia Amelanchier Prunus demissa " [[Ditto for: Prunus]] Sambucas Salix Rosa Madia Actinella mil- Ulunus & other grasses "Eppo" Alfilaria Juniperus occidintalis Libocedrus P. ponderosa P. jeffreyi, a few N.E. Abies lowiana " [[Ditto for: a few N.E.]] Pseudotsuga P. lambertiana
Bigelovia tortifolia [[Erisogonums?]] Castilla Oxytropis wooly Lupinus [[bracket]] Sierraville. Calif. June 30. 900 [[/bracket]] [[image - pen sketch of tree and nests]] nest of [[underlined]] Tyrannus nest. [[/underlined]] of sticks & grass [[overwritten]] t [[/overwritten]] lined with [[greenery?]] sack & cow hair 3 yg. 1 dead. [[underlined]] Baskets [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Washoe Indian [[/underlined]] Called onion baskets - they called Eppo & Camas & all this roots onions. Old squaw had hair brush of fibres of Amole Chlorogalum pomeridianum [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] July [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 1 [[/underlined]] Hot Spr. Camp 9, 5000 [[underlined]] Sawmill [[/underlined]] 5600 Abies mag. N.E. 6500. Abes gladrum " [[Ditto for: 6500]] Pinus montisola " [[Ditto for: 6500]] Pinus murryana 7000 [[underlined]] Camp on ridge [[/underlined]] June 7300 [[underlined]] July [[?]] [[/underlined]] Camp. 10 7300 [[underlined]] Wiber Lake [[/underlined]] 1 mi. 6900 P. murrayana Wyethia Delphinius Camasa Eppo Lupinius [[underlined]] down Z. [[Truelee?]] R. [[/underlined]] P. jeffreyi 6700 - 6800 Artemisia tridentata " [[Ditto for: 6700 - 6800]] P. ponderosa 6700 - [[underlined]] Lunch on Z. [[Truelere?]] [[/underlined]] R. 6700 Fork of road 9 mi. 4650
[[underlined]] July 3 [[/underlined]] Independence Lake [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 8. 7000 Abies magnifica - 8000 NE P. murryana - 8500 SW P. monticola - 9000 SW P. jeffreyi - 8400 SW P. lambertiana Populus trimuloides " [[Ditto for: Populus]] tricocarpa - 7600 Almus Salix Quercus vaccinifolia - 8000 Abies lowcama Ceonothus velutinus " [[Ditto for: Ceonothus]] Castenopsis Arctostaphylos nevadensis - 8500 Wyethia - 9000 Gilia Castaba Lupinus Verotrum californan Sambucus Polemonium confertifolia - 9000 Arnica Lowara invotucrata - 7600 NE [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] up slope [[/underlined]] Tsuga [[strikethrough]] a few, [[/strikethrough]] N.E. 7700 - 9000 S.W. Callia liptoapula " [[Ditto for: 7700 - 9000 S.W.]] [[checkmark]] Eutamias " [[Ditto for: 7700 - 9000 S.W.]] [[checkmark]] Thomomys 8400 - 9000 Bryanthus " [[Ditto for: 8400]] Ranunculus " [[Ditto for: 8400]] [[underlined]] Summit of ridge [[/underlined]] Junipers S. on rocks " [[Ditto for: 8400]] Circocapus S. on rocks " [[Ditto for: 8400]] Phlox souglasii " [[Ditto for: 8400]] - 9000 Erriogonum " " [[Ditto for: 8400 - 9000]] Polygonum shastense " " [[Ditto for: 8400 - 9000]] Artemisia [[iridumtola?]] S. " [[Ditto for: 8400]] 9000 Wyethia S " " [[Ditto for: 8400 - 9000]] Kunzia S. " [[Ditto for: 8400]] Symphorocapus " " " [[Ditto for: S. 8400 - 9000]] Eutamias alpinus 8500 Arctomys signs Clarks crow " [[Ditto for: 8500]] Spizella " [[Ditto for: 8500]] Junco " [[Ditto for: 8500]] 9000 Spinus prinus " " [[Ditto for: 8500 - 9000]] Artemisia little [[underlined]] High peak [[/underlined]] 9000. Thomomys on top 9000 Sialia arstica " [[Ditto for: 9000]] Carpodcus casseni " [[Ditto for: 9000]]
[[underlined]] July 4 [[/underlined]] Camp 7200 Summit Lake 8400 Paradise Valley down to 7200 [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]], W. slope, 7500 Tsuga Abies magnifica P. murryana P. monticola Bryanthus [[underlined]] July 5 [[/underlined]] Camp 7500 [[underlined]] Donner [[/underlined]] 7000 Camp 6900 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Donner [[/underlined]] . Pinus jiffryi . " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] murryana . " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] monticola . Abies loweana . " [[Ditto for: Abies]] magnifica . Tsuga mertensiana . Juniperus . Populus tremuloides . " [[Ditto for: Populus]] tricocarpa . Salix glauca villosa . " [[Ditto for: Salix]] nuttallii, [[image]] . " [[Ditto for: Salix]] . Quercus vaccinifolius . Prunus emarginata . Arctostaphylos nevadensis . " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] patula . Ceanothus velutinus . " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]] cordulatus? high up form . Sambucus . Lonicera conjugialis . " [[Ditto for: Lonicera]] involucrata . Holodiscus discolor . Artemisia bolanderi? . Coruus pubescens . Ribes sanguineum . " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] cereum . " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] -
[[start page]] . Orthocarpus pilosus . Wyethia . Arnica . Balsamorhiza . Erigeron . Ciniceo trigonophylla . [[Hirocumus?]] . Veratrum californicum . [[Calacohortis?]] . Pentstemon newberryi . " [[Ditto for: Pentstemon]] gracile . Lupinus big . " [[Ditto for: Lupinus]] little . Castilia mineata " [[Ditto for: Castilia]] Thalictrum . Cynopterus . "Eppo" . Valerian . Gillea agrigata . Polemonium . Pedicularis groenlandica . Mimulus . " [[Ditto for: Mimulus]] . Monardella odoratissima . Viola blue . " [[Ditto for: Viola]] white . " [[Ditto for: Viola]] yellow . Delphinium . Aconitum . Acer glabrum [[end page]] [[start page]] . Lophanthus nepatoides ? . Lilium parviflorum . " [[Ditto for: Lilium]] washingtonia . Cannas . Allium . Potentilla glandulosa ? . " [[Ditto for: Potentilla]] . Saxifraga . " [[Ditto for: Saxifraga]] . Phacelia . Spraguea . Paeonia brownii . Hydrophyllum . Veronica Hypericum . Hyracleum lanatum . Mimulus lewisii pink . Aquilegia formasa . Ribes lacustre molle 7900 - Cepocyrum . Cnicus . Bryanthus breweri . Casiope mertusiana . Ledium glandulosum . Tsuga . Sarchas 1 bush 7300 . Holodiscus discolor 7900 . Spirea Bitulaefolia " [[Ditto for: 7900]] . Amelancliner - 7800
[[underlined]] July 8 [[/underlined]] camp 6900 base of [[Ampitheatre?]] 7400 . Tsuga n. first " [[Ditto for: 7400]] Parus gambeli nest 7700 Pine [[grasveclos?]] 7900 [[underlined]] Trail over ridge [[/underlined]] 8000 [[underlined]] Peak [[/underlined]] 8500 . Phlox douglasi " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Polygonum shastense " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Wyethia "wallis" " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Erriogonum, 2 " [[Ditto for: 8500]] Arenaria " [[Ditto for: 8500]] [[Aplopappus blueeresi?]] " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Lupinus silvery " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Artimisia dwarf " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Lupinus " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Symphorocarpus " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Ribes " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Tsuga " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . P. monticola " [[[Ditto for: 8500]] . Pentstemon glabrum " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Astragulus "inflatus" " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Allium " [[Ditto for: 8500]] . Sibaldia procumbeus E 8000 [[line across page]] . Tirella . Heuchera rubescens . Godetia . Evernia [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] July 10 [[/underlined]] up to 7500 Camp in hemlocks " [[Ditto for: 7500]] [[underlined]] July 11 [[/underlined]] Camp 7500 over ridge [[Entaimas acnesans?]] S.W. 7900 . Acer glabrum " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] 7500 . Arctos- patula. SW. dry a little " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Dendragapus 2 yg " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Quail " [[Ditto for: 7500]] . Castanopsis - a little [[underlined]] July 16 [[/underlined]] to Downer Lake [[Actities?]] [[Taecinita thallasium?]] nest . Populus angustifolia ? . Arctostaphylos patula S. . Ceonothus prostratus S. . Colinzia . Epilobium lanceolatum [[line across page]] . [[Sercodes?]] . Pirola picta . " [[Ditto for: Pirola]] secunda . Habinaria Sidalsia . Montia perfoliata . [[Clatonia?]] bulb . " [[Ditto for: [[Clatonia?]] ]] . Pteris aquilina
[[underlined]] Donner [[/underlined]] . Tritelia ixioides . Vaccinium caespitosum . Hiracum . Chimophila . Gentiana . Apocynum [[underlined]] Donner Lake [[/underlined]] Ribes d. irreguum Ribs cereum [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] July 19 [[/underline]] To [[underline]] Truckee [[/underline]] Camp 7:30 7900 bottom of slope 7300 R.R. at Loup 7200 Lake 6400 [[underline]] July 21 [[/underline]] to [[underline]] Emigrant Gap [[/underline]] Pinus ponderosa [[strikethrough]] Pseudotsuga [[/strikethrough]] . Libocedrus . Quercus californicus . Prunus emarginata . Ceanothus intergerrimus . " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]] cordulatus . [[strikethrough]] Adenostema fasciculata [[/strikethrough]] Chamaebatia foliolosa . Rhamnus rubra . Ribes thorny . Wyethia Madia Chlorogalum pomeridianum Mullen Mayweed Monardella Eriogonum fasciculatum? Spraguea Phaselia
. Abies loweana . Amelanchier . Arctostaphylos patula . Rosa calif - . Salix nuttallii . " [[Ditto for: Salix]] . Brodea . Symphoricarpos . Acer glabrum on N.E. slope . Sorbus " [[Ditto for: on N.E. slope]] . Quercus vacciniifolia " [[Ditto for: on N.E. slope]] . Rubus nutkanus " [[Ditto for: on N.E. slope]] . Lilium parvum " [[Ditto for: on N.E. slope]] . Ribes sanguineum " [[Ditto for: on N.E. slope]] . [[Castilea inveata?]] " [[Ditto for: on N.E. slope]] . Pinus lambertiana a few . Populus trichocarpa . Populus tremuloides a few N. slopes . Arcto. nevadensis? " " [[Ditto for: N. slopes]] . P. murryana, 1 by creek . P. jeffreyi a few . Sambucus c. calif [[end page]] [[start page]] Cyanocitta com. Mercula " [[Ditto for: com]] Dendroica aestiva 2 Parus gambeli abn Pipilo megalonyx ? com Cyanospiza [[aeureca?]] 1 Oreortyx plumifera com [[Dendrogapus?]] 1 [[male symbol]] Contopus [[virens?]] com " [[Ditto for: Contopus]] borealis " [[Ditto for: com]] H. c. [[lutiscus?]] a pair [[Trochiles annae?]] ? com Pipilo chlorurus " [[Ditto for: com]] Passerella megashipridea com. Geothlypis macgillivrayi 2 Sphyrapicus ruber 1 Colaptes cafer 2 Vireo cassini com Habia melanocephala " [[Ditto for: com]] Spizella arizonae[[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] " [[Ditto for: com]] [[Progrue salius?]] 2 Myadestes 1 Empidonax wrighti 1 Phalaenoptilus 2 [[Chiledon?]] 1
[[underlined]] June 25 [[/underlined]] Left Donner Peak camp 7900 [[underlined]] Summit [[/underlined]] - 7000 [[underlined]] Donner Lake [[/underlined]] 6100 [[underlined]] July 27 [[/underlined]] Camp. 6:30 [[underlined]] Truckee [[/underlined]] up Truckee R. [[underlined]] Tahoe [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] July 29 [[/underlined]] Lake Tahoe P. jeffreyi P. murryana P. lambertiana Abies [[monoperpies?]] " [[Ditto for: Abies]] lowiana Libocedrus P. ponderosa at Emerald Bay Juniperus at - " [[Ditto for: Emerald Bay]] Populus tremuloides " [[Ditto for: Populus]] trichocarpa Salix nuttallii " [[Ditto for: Salix]] cordulatus [[varx?]] - " [[Ditto for: Salix]] Alums Quercus vacciniifolia Castenopsis [[end page]] [[start page]] Ceanothus velutinus " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]] cordulatus " [[Ditto for: Ceanothus]] prostratus Rhamnus rubra Amelanchier Symphoricarpos Ribes l. irrignum " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] sanguineum " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] cereum " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] [[l. wallae?]] " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] [[aminctum?]] thorny fruit. Rosa californica Arctostaphylos patula " [[Ditto for: Arctostophylos]] nevadensis Lonicera conjugialis Rubus nutkanus Sorbus Sambucus red Artemisia tridentata Bigelovia tortifolia Tetradymea Wyethia Artemisia trifida Lupinus big " [[Ditto for: Lupinus ]] medium " [[Ditto for: Lupinus ]] [[gerosps?]] Solidago
[[underlined]] July 31 [[/underlined]] Fallen Leaf Lake, to Myers on Upper Truckee R. 5 mils. [[underlined]] Aug. 3 [[/underlined]] Myers [[underlined]] Summit [[/underlined]] 7500 [[underlined]] Echo Lake [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 7300 Pinus murrayana - 750 " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] monticola " [[Ditto for: - 750]] " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] jeffreyi " [[Ditto for: - 750]] Abies [[lavearo?]] " [[Ditto for: - 750]] " [[Ditto for: Abies]] magnifica " [[Ditto for: - 750]] Populus tremuloides " [[Ditto for: - 750]] Tsuga mertensiana 7500 - Arctostaphylos nevadensis - 7500 " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] patula (hot slopes) " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Ceonothus cordulatus " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Prunus emarginata " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Quercus vaccinifolia " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Castinopsis (rocky slopes) " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Salix nuttallii " [[Ditto for: 7500]] " [[Ditto for: Salix]] g. [[villosens?]] 7300 - " [[Ditto for: Salix]] Vaccinium occidentale? 7300 - 7500 Bryanthus [[mareri?]] " [[Ditto for: 7300]] Ribes sanguineum " [[Ditto for: 7300]] " [[Ditto for: Ribes]] mollae " [[Ditto for: 7300]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Ledum glandulosum 7300 - Lonicera conjugialis - 7500 Amelanchier " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Monardella " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Verotrum calif - " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Erignon " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Arnica 7300 - " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Lupinus big " [[Ditto for: 7500]] " [[Ditto for: Lupinus]] medium " [[Ditto for: 7500]] " [[Ditto for: Lupinus]] little " [[Ditto for: 7500]] [[Castillsiminata?]] " [[Ditto for: 7500]] " [[Ditto for: [[Castillsiminata?]] ]] Alnus " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Sorbus " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Fragera " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Potentilla " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Fragaria glauca " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Juniperus - 6000 [[Aeoniturns?]] - 7500 Pottamogeton 7300 Sagitaria " [[Ditto for: 7300]] Nelumbo " [[Ditto for: 7300]] Acer glatrum - 7500 Ceonothus velutinus - " [[Ditto for: 7500]] Horkelia
[[underlined]] Aug [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 4 [[/underlined]] near Summit. Camp. 7300 Down S. Fork American R. [[underlined]] Echo [[/underlined]] P.O. 5500 [[underlined]] Transition [[/underlined]] on S.W. Pinus ponderosa - 5500 " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] lambertiana 3300 - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Quercus californica 2000 - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Ribes cereum - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Sambucus big 1900 - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Madia " [[Ditto for: 1900]] - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] [[Hoscerhia?]] " [[Ditto for: 1900]] - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Arctostaphylos patula 3300 - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Libocedrus 1900 - 6000 [[Cameobatia?]] 3300 - 5500 Pseudotsuga 2000 - " [[Ditto for: 5500]] Quercus chrysolepis " [[Ditto for: 2000]] - 5000 Ceanothus intergerrimus " [[Ditto for: 2000]] - " [[Ditto for: 5000]] Cornus nuttallii 3300 - 4500 Saxifraga peltata 3300 - 4000 Alnus tree 1900 - " [[Ditto for: 4000]] Populus trichocarpa " " [[Ditto for: 1900 - 4000]] Acer macrophylla 3300 - [[Ditto for: 4000]] [[Prisresus cordatus?]] 2000 " [[Ditto for: 4000]] " [[Ditto for: [[Prescus?]] ]] [[dericusa?]] " [[Ditto for: 4000]] [[underlined]] Slippery Ford [[/underlined]]. Camp [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Plant Catalogue [[/underlined]] No. [[underlined]] Twin Oaks. Calif. May 11 [[/underlined]] 100. Ceonothus thyrsiflorus 101. Arctostaphylos 102. Arctostaphylos ? 103. Lidum? 104. Rhus integrefolia - big leaf. Circocarpus parvifolius 105. Ribes malvaceum not thorny 106. Ribes speciosum thorny 107. Prunus ilicifolia big [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Donner [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 108. Arctostaphylos patula Emigrant Gap. Calif. 109. A. nevadensis ? Emigrant Gap. 1 [[underlined]] Donner [[/underlined]] 110. Ceanothus 111. Ribes s. variagatum of authors really are undescribed/own 112. Ribes lentum = locusts walk 112[[superscript]] a [[/superscript]]. Ribes leptanthum
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] June 19 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Marysville [[/underlined]] Salix Populus monolifera Typha Scirpus Croton [[sitagerifolia?]] Quercus douglasi Dipodomys [[underlined]] Browns Valley [[/underlined]] 13 mi Oranges ripe [[underlined]] June 20 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Brown Valley [[/underlined]] Pinus sabinana Quercus douglasi com " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] lobata a few [[Rharinus?]] Calif. Ceonothus cuneatus Quercus wislizeni Quercus Calif. - ? a few [[underlined]] 4 mil. [[/underlined]] Arctostaphylos viscida a few P. ponderosa " [[Ditto for: a few]] Aesculus californica [[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] - 10 mi. [[underlined]] [[Aregonte.?]] [[/underlined]] Platius occidentalis Cercis Philadilphus [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[page cut from fieldbook]] [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] N. Yuba R. [[/underlined]] 11:30 [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 500 feet Calacanthus Berberus ripens [[underlined]] lunch [[/underlined]] 900[[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Camptonville [[/strikethrough]] (2780) 1500 Corylus Camp at hotel (3750) [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] June 19 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Marysville [[/underlined]] Salix Populus monolifera Typha Scirpus Croton entagerifolia Quercus douglasi Dipodomys [[underlined]] Browns Valley [[/underlined]] 13 mi Oranges ripe [[underlined]] June 20 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Browns Valley [[/underlined]] Pinus sabinana Quercus douglasi com " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] lobata a few Rharimus Calif. Ceonothus cuneatus Quercus wislizeni Quercus Calif. - ? a few [[underlined]] 4 mil. [[/underlined]] Arctostaphylos viscida a few P. ponderosa " [[Ditto for: a few]] Aesculus californica [[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] - 10 mi. [[underlined]] Oregon [[Cr?]] [[/underlined]] Platius occidentalis Cercis Philadilphus [[/strikethrough]] [[page cut from field book]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] N. Yuba R. [[/underlined]] 11:30 [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 500 feet Calacanthus Berberus ripens [[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] 900[[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Camptonville [[/underlined]] (2780) 1500 Corylus Camp at hotel (3750) [[/strikethrough]]
[[double underlined]] 1900 [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] Plant Cat. [[/underlined]] 313 Bigelovia canescens Peak S. of Echo Lake, Calif. 9200 feet. 314. Pinus albicaulis 9200 feet. on peak S. of Echo Lake, all from one tree 15 feet high. 315. Pinus flexilis Bloody Canyon in Moro Pass, Sep 2, 1900. [[underlined]] V. B. [[/underlined]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
4000 [[underline]] Aug. 5 [[/underline]] Slippery Ford Camp [[underline]] Riverton [[/underline]] (11 mi.) 3300 Ceonothus cuneatus S.W. " [[Ditto for: 3300]] Arctostaphylos viscida S.W. " [[Ditto for: 3300]] Corylus " [[Ditto for: 3300]] Rhamnus purshiana " [[Ditto for: 3300]] Cornus sesslis " [[Ditto for: 3300]] " [[Ditto for: Cornus]] pubescens " [[Ditto for: 3300]] Quercus wizlizini " [[Ditto for: 3300]] [[Chloroglreus?]] " [[Ditto for: 3300]] Croton " [[Ditto for: 3300]] [[underline]] Up across ditch [[/underline]] All Transition again to [[underline]] Sportsmans [[/underline]] Hall. [[strikethrough]] C [[/strikethrogh]] [[underline]] Camp [[/underline]] 23 m. [[underline]] Aug. 6 [[/underline]] Camp 4000 6 mi. 3400 Escolizia 3400 [[Asculus?]] " [[Ditto for: 3400]] Rhamnus " [[Ditto for: 3400]] Arctostaphylos [[oiicids?]] " [[Ditto for: 3400]] Ceonothus [[urrcalis?]] " [[Ditto for: 3400]] [[underlined]] 8 mi. [[/underlined]] 3000 Pinus sabiniana " [[Ditto for: 3000]] Q. douglasi " [[Ditto for: 3000]] Q. lobata " [[Ditto for: 3000]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Smith Flat [[/underlined]] (camp) 2300 Pinus sabiniana com. [[Ditto for: Pinus]] ponderosa, on slopes. Quercus lobata " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] douglasi " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] wizlizini " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] californica " [[Ditto for: Querecus]] garreana Arctostaphylos viscida Ceonothus cuneatus " [[Ditto for: Ceonothus]] integerrimus Aesculus calif - Rhus toxicodendron Prumus cordulatus Croton Phaselia Madia Grendelia Lupinus 2 Hoscukia Salix Alums tree Yerbe Santa - Errydiction glutinosa Hetterophylla
[[underlined]] Aug. 7 [[/underlined]] Smith Flat & Placerville [[underlined]] Aug. 8 Placerville [[/underlined]] to [[underlined]] Pacific [[/underlined]] 19 mi. [[underlined]] Aug. 9. [[/underlined]] Pacific 3500 [[underlined]] 5 mi. W. of Echo. [[/underlined]] 5000 [[underlined]] Aug. 10 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Echo [[/underlined]] 5500 [[underlined]] Lake Andrian [[/underlined]] 7300 [[underlined]] Aug. 11 [[/underlined]] to Echo Lake, 7800 Wilsonia paliolata D. auduboni G. macgilvrayi Empidonax [[Ulerula?]] Parus [[Contapus?]] richardsoni " [[Ditto for: [[Contapus?]] ]] borealis Junco Trochilus Turdus Cyanocitta Pinicola Oreortyx & yg. [[end page]] [[start page]] Picicorvus? Zonotrichia 1 Vireo swainsoni, brood of yg. H. c. lutescens 1 8600 Myiadestes " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Dendrogapus " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Colaptes " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Sitta canadensis " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Empidonax wrightii 9150 Spinus pinus " [[Ditto for: 9150]] Pipilo chlorurus sw. " [[Ditto for: 9150]] Salpinctes " [[Ditto for: sw.]] 8700 Troglodytes Sialia [[Tachycineta?]]
[[underlined]] Aug. [[/underlined]] 11 [[underlined]] Echo Lake [[/underlined]] 7800 Bryanthus breweri " [[Ditto for: 7800]] Tsuga " [[Ditto for: 7800]] Caltha liptosipala 8600 Aconitum " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Erigeron " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Arnica " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Ledum glandulosum " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Lupinus big " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Veratrum Vaccinium caespitosum 7800 " [[Ditto for: Vaccinium]] tall " [[Ditto for: 7800]] Polemoneum 8600 Sambacus " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Draba " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Spraguea " [[Ditto for: 8600]] Anemone occidenlalis 8700 Hiracium " [[Ditto for: 8700]] Ribes l. mollae " [[Ditto for: 8700]] Mimulus lewisii " [[Ditto for: 8700]] Cinicio trigonophylla " [[Ditto for: 8700]] Pentstemon [[graciliutes?]] " [[Ditto for: 8700]] " [[Ditto for: Pentstemon]] glaber " [[Ditto for: 8700]] Saxifrage ptolmayi N.E. 9100 [[Oxaria dyginos?]] " [[Ditto for: N.E.]] " [[Ditto for: 9100]] [[strikethrough]] top of ridge [[/strikethrough]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Top of Ridge 9200 [[/underlined]] Pinus albicaulis 9200 Abies magnifica " [[Ditto for: 9200]] Holodiscus " [[Ditto for: 9200]] Symphorocarpos " [[Ditto for: 9200]] Lupinus argentatus ? " [[Ditto for: 9200]] Phaselia " [[Ditto for: 9200]] Erriogonum " [[Ditto for: 9200]] Castenopsis " [[Ditto for: 9200]] Tsuga " [[Ditto for: 9200]] Pinus jeffreyi S.W. 9000 Ceonathus cordulatus " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 9000]] Quercus vaccinifolia " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 9000]] Prunus emarginata " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 9000]] Ribes cereum ? " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 9000]] Populus tremuloides " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 9000]] Wyethia " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 9000]] Orctos - nevadensis " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] 8900 " [[Ditto for: Orctos]] patula, dwarfed " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 8900]] Acer glabrum 1 " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 8900]] Bigelovia " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 8900]] Phlox douglasi 9200 Juniperus " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] 8700 Rhamnus rubrum " [[Ditto for: S.W.]] " [[Ditto for: 8700]]
[[underlined]] July 15 [[/underlined]] to Upper Truckee R. [[underlined]] July 16 [[/underlined]] To Grass Lake [[underlined]] July 17 [[/underlined]] Grass Lake, 10 [[underlined]] Hope Valley [[/underlined]] Artemisia tridentata " [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] trifida " [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] ludoviciana Bigelovia [[allicaules?]] " [[Ditto for: Bigelovia]] tortifolia Circocarpus ledifolius [[Banzia?]] [[underlined]] Down W. Carson R. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Valley [[/underlined]] Prunus andersoni Pinus monophylla [[underlined]] Markleeville [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Hot Springs [[/underlined]] Camp. 20 mi. [[underlined]] Aug. 18 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] to Markleville [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] up Silver Creek [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 8000 ((20 m. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Aug 19. [[/underlined]] Camp. 8000 [[underlined]] Lunch [[/underlined]] near summit 8700 [[underlined]] Above Summit [[/underlined]] 9200 Erigeron Oxyria digyna [[Ateleriaisa?]] alpina Tsuga P. albicaulis Juniperus Artemisia triduitata " [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] trifida ? " [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] Sambucus red Potentitla Lupinus argenteus " [[Ditto for: Lupinus]] laylei " [[Ditto for: Lupinus]] big Veratrum viridus Wyethia Symphorocarpos Holodiscus Amelanchier Spraguea Salix villosa Kunzia [[Mimubus?]]
[[underlined]] Aug. 20 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Hermit Valley [[/underlined]] down [[Maculmne?]] River over ridge 8000 feet. [[underlined]] Bloods [[/underlined]] Camp, 7000 20 mi. [[underlined]] Aug. 21 [[/underlined]] Down ridge Eutamias senex 6700 " [[Ditto for: Eutamias]] quad - 6500 [[underlined]] to Gardners [[/underlined]] 17 [[underlined]] Aug. 22 [[/underlined]] Big trees 3 [[underlined]] Aug. 24 [[/underlined]] to Murphy 18 all upper Sonoran [[underlined]] Aug. 25 [[/underlined]] Murphys Pinus [[sibiricana?]] " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] pondrosa few Quercus douglasi " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] lobala " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] wizlizini " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] chrysolepis " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] agresta " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] californica, a few [[end page]] [[start page]] Arctostaphylos viscida " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] pringlius ? Ceonothus cuneatus " [[Ditto for: Ceonothus]] [[entergenrinus?]] Adenostema [[Eriatretion?]] Hetteromeles Circocarpus porrifolius Circis Prinus ilicefolia Aesculus Sambucus Salix Alums Rhamnus Rhus toxicodendron Phoradendron [[Arsothepireum?]] Rhus [[Phlolspolsys?]] Lupinus [[tholax?]] " [[Ditto for: Lupinus]] [[underlined]] Somer [[/underlined]] 20
[[underlined]] Aug. 26 [[/underlined]] Sonora up [[Mova?]] Road [[left margin bracket]] [[underlined]] Sugar Pine [[/underlined]], Lunch. 12 mi edge of Transition 3500 [[/left margin bracket]] Pinus ponderosa " [[Ditto for: Pinus]] lambertiana [[Ziboccdrus?]] Abies lowiana Quercus calif " [[Ditto for: Quercus]] chrysolepis, a little Arctostaphylos patula " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]] bakeri Ceonothus cordulatus " [[Ditto for: Ceonothus]] prostratus Rhamnus rubra [[Cameobatia?]] Prunus [[anrasgriata?]] " [[Ditto for: Prunus]] subcordata [[Circacasprer fairphiis?]] ? [[Garrek?]] Cereus nuttallia Ribes [[underlined]] Cold Spr. [[/underlined]] 3 mi. Castanopsis [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Aug 27 [[/underlined]] Cold Spr. [[underlined]] Strawberry [[/underlined]] Valley. 4 mi. [[underlined]] Stanislaus Camps [[/underlined]] [[/underlined]] Edge of Canadian [[/underlined]] 6000, 15 mi. [[underlined]] Douglas [[/underlined]] 29 m. from Cold Spr. [[underlined]] Aug. 28 . [[/underlined]] to Summit 11 mi. 9624 feet [[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 12 mi. 9000 [[underlined]] Aug 29 [[/underlined]] Dwn W. Walker R. [[underlined]] Junction [[/underlined]] 13 mi. 7000? Camp. [[underlined]] Aug. 30 [[/underlined]] Junction. divide 7540 [[underlined]] Bridgeville [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Walters Ranch [[/underlined]] 23 mi [[underlined]] Aug 31. [[/underlined]] to Mono Lake 6400 La Vina Creek 20 mi [[underlined]] Sep. 1 [[/underlined]] To Farringtons Ranch. 6 Sep. 2. up Bloody Canyon Summit, 10500, Camp 9 mi.
[[underlined]] Sep. 4 [[/underlined]] to soda springs, 10 mi. down Tonalema Meadows [[underlined]] Sep. 5. [[/underlined]] over ridge & down to s. base of Clouds Rest 15 mi. [[underlined]] Sep. 6. [[/underlined]] To Little Yosemite. [[underlined]] Sep. 7. [[/underlined]] Yosemite Valley & return. [[underlined]] Sep. 11. [[/underlined]] To Yosemite Valley Mirror Lake Camp [[underlined]] Sep. 12 [[/underlined]] Camp at Clarks [[underlined]] Sep. 13 [[/underlined]] To Crockers 23 [[underlined]] Sep 14. [[/underlined]] To Groveland 27 [[underlined]] Sep. 15 [[/underlined]] To Chinese Camp. 14 on Train to Sonora [[underlined]] Sep. 16 [[/underlined]] Sonora [[underlined]] Stockton [[/underlined]] San Francisco [[underlined]] Sep. 18 [[/underlined]] To Stanford & return [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Sep 19 [[/underlined]] to Berkley & return Left San Francisco [[underlined]] Sep. 20 [[/underlined]] Redding to Grants Pass [[underlined]] Sep. 21 [[/underlined]] Portland to Tacoma [[underlined]] Sep. 22. [[/underlined]] to Seattle Left Seattle 8 PM g.n. [[underlined]] Sep. 23 [[/underlined]] Wenatchee to Bowners Ferry [[underlined]] Sep. 24 Blackfoot [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Sep. 25, [[/underlined]] Fargo. Elk River 4 P.M. [[underlined]] Sep. 27 [[/underlined]] Elk River 4:30 P.M. Minneapolis 5:30 [[underlined]] Sep. 28 [[/underlined]] Chicago 9 A.M. Sep. 29. Washington 4 P.M.
[[underlined]] Oct. [[/underlined]] 6. to New York [[underlined]] Oct. [[/underlined]] 7. All day in N.Y. [[underlined]] Oct. 8 [[/underlined]] Port Leyden 7 A.M. Locust Grove [[underlined]] Oct. [[/underlined]] 15. to New York Washington. 4.30 P.M. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[underlined]] Transportation Orders [[/underlined]] Washington to Sacramento 113.25 San Antonio to Corpus Christi 4.50 Corpus to San Antonio 4.50 El Paso to Alimogordo & return 7.80 Riverside to San Marcos 4.00 San Marcos to Los Angelos 3.85 Sacramento to Marysville 2.15 Sonora to Stockton 3.75 Chicago to Washington 17.57 [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[underlined]] Roll No. 11. [[/underlined]] 1 - 6 [[Frantrain?]], Cloudcroft to [[Clanegrdo?]] & pou valley June 2 7 & 8. Palm Spr. Calif. Mts. west. across desert. June 5. 9 & 10 Yellow pea hedge & Orange tree Riverside, June 5. 11 & 12 Cactus in park of Riverside. June 6. [[underlined]] Roll 12 [[/underlined]] 1. Eriogonum at Oceanside 2. Eucaliptis grove 3. Twin Oaks. June 9 4 & 5. Twin Oaks June 11 6 & 7 Neotoma nest in tree " [[Ditto for: June 11]] 8. Tangerin tree June 13 9. Olive tree " [[Ditto for: June 13]] 11 & 12 Ostrich with black bird on back, June 14 [[underlined]] Roll 13 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 1 - 4, acorus in P. ponderosa Browns Valley, June 19. 5 - 7, Q. douglassi near Browns Valley, June 19. 8 - 11. Ceonothus like intergerimus with white flowers, near Downeyville June 22, (4700 ft 12. Clouds [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Roll 14 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Sierra [[/strikethrough]] Phyladelophys bushes below [[underlined]] Downieville [[/underlined]] 7 - 8, Sierra Buttes. 9 10 - 12, Independence Lake. July 4. [[underlined]] Summit Lake, & Peak. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Roll 15 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Donner July 8. [[/underlined]] Veratrum calif. Pinus monticola cones Tsuga cones & trees. Lava chimney with hole in int Peak & rocks S. of Donner. Parus gambeli in nest hole. [[underlined]] Roll 16 [[/underlined]] Donner. July 8 1 - 2 Calochortus 3 - 4 Wyethia, compas plants 5 - 6 Lupinus at camp 7 - 8 P. murryana 9 - 10 S. beldingi on log. 11 - 12 S. beldingi at hole. [[underlined]] Roll 17 [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Donner [[/underlined]] July 9 - 10 1. Lincoln Peak across Donner Meadows 2. Young Abies magnifica 3 - 12. P. monticola & Murryana & Abies magnifica & trucks of murrayana & maginfica
[[underlined]] Roll 18 [[/underlined]] Donner, July 11 - 12 [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 2 Oreortyx . 3 Junco nest 4 - 12, hemlocks, Abies trunk & cones. P. monticola trees & trunk & cones. July 12 [[underlined]] Roll 19 [[/underlined]] Donner Arctos - nevadensis 1 Quercus vaccinfolia 1 Pentstemon newberryi 2 Bryanthus breweri Mimulus Erigeron Willow flat, hemlocks, snow & [[insertion]] ^ Donner [[/insertion]] peak Hemlock bough 2 Sambucus [[underlined]] Roll 20 [[/underlined]] Donner, July 14 Juniper on rocks, 8000 feet. Dwarf P. jeffreyi at 7900 feet [[Lagomy?]] slide, 2 dead L. [[underlined]] Roll 21 [[/underlined]] Donner, July 15 16 Arctomys 2. Junco nest 2 Lagomys slide 4, glacial rocks ? [[underlined]] Roll 22 [[/underlined]] Donner 1 Donner Peak, 3 P. jeffreyi 4 Camp [[scurex?]] 3 of Woodchuck rocks [[underlined]] Roll 23 [[/underlined]] Donner, July 23 Night hawk & young. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Roll 24 [[/underlined]] Donner Lake 2, July 27 Falls 3 " [[Ditto for: July]] 28 Emerald Bay 5 " [[Ditto for: July]] 28 & 29 [[underlined]] Roll 25 [[/underlined]] Tahoe to Big Trees Aug. 16 - 23 [[underline]] Roll 26 [[/underlined]] Big Tree, Aug. 24.
Miss Mary Moare Wilcox. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[I'O?]] Prof. McClutchie [[line]] [[left margin bracket]] Prof. A. G. [[?awin]] [[line]] [[Prix.?]] Powara College [[/left margin bracket]] [[line]] Ed Probes [[strikethrough]] near Abbas [[aland?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[John?]] W. of [[Tudos?]] [[line]] [[Miss?]] [[?rebus]] Browns Valley Calif. [[line across page]] W. M. Freeman Spenceville. Calif. for wintering stock, $1.00 per mo. [[line across page]] Willie Farrington. Crater. Mono Co. Calif. [[line across page]] W. W. Merriam 2511 Dwight Way. Berkly [[line across page]] Wm. Raymond, Los Gatos Resort near redwoods [[line across page]] Bigelovos ranch near McCloud [[line across page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Marysville Butte Pac. R.K [[?]] Vol. VI [[line across page]] Watkins, Big Tree photos Market & 9 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] [[line across page]] 1420 [[strikethrough]] 1st [[/strikethrough]] St. West [[line across page]] 3655. 13 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] Howell [[line across page]] R. J. Fisher 1316, S. [[line across page]] Fay Fuller. 128 Md. Ave. S.W. [[line across page]] [[Aberbolser?]] - 1505, Howard [[line across page]] Judd, 1321 - 33 [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] N.W. [[line across page]] Chas. R. Night - 1029, Conn. Ave [[line across page]]
[[blank back cover]]