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Specimen lists from C. Hart Merriam's biological survey of the San Francisco mountain region, 1889

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hind foot width -------------25 mm [illegible] ----------------tail--52----| [at right angle to binding] ----------totl length---------------110 mm L. Stejneger Smithsonian Institution Washington D.C.
No 3000. Sitta pygmaea ♂ ad. St Frisco Mts. Little Spring. 8200´ Arizona Sept. 8, 1889. ------------- Another of same species ♀ ad. Same locality and date. measured Total length 107 mm Diam. of eye 2.5 mm -------------- A Turdus auduboni (sex [illegible] juv.) same locality and date measured total length 187 mm; eye 4.25 mm --------------- [[strikethrough]] [illegible] [[\strikethrough]] Sept. 9 Trip to Grand Canon. PL. 1.-'The Vanguard'. Sun behind small cloud. [inst] 5. From Buckboard. 4 pm PL. 2. do. do Sept. 10. PL. 3 Breakfast in camp. Bright sun. [inst] 1 - 8 am. PL. 4. Packing up. To. do
PL. 5 "The main body". bright sun. [illegible] 5. from Wagon. 11 am. PL. 6 ditto ditto PL. 7 Old Indians (Navajos), Red Horse Spring. bright sun. [illeg.] 1. - 2 pm. Sept. 11 (camp. Canon Spring. 7500 feet) PL. 8 View of the Grand Canon of the Colorado. bright sun. [illeg.] 5. 10:15 am. PL. 9. ditto ditto [illeg.] 1, same view as 8. PL. 10. ditto ditto [illeg.] 1, view to the right of 8 and 9. PL. 11. ditto ditto [illeg.] 5 same view as 10. PL. 12 ditto ditto [illeg.] 3, view between the 8 and 10. PL. 13 ditto to left of 8, [illeg.] 1, partly clouded 4.40 pm PL. 14 ditto ditto [illeg.] 5. ditto 15. X X X [illeg.]-holder slipped from camera so plate light struck. perhaps all forgoing also. PL. 16 = 14 [illeg.] 5 PL. 17 = 13. " 1 PL. 18 = 12 [illeg.] 1. 4.45 pm. PL. 19 = 10 [illeg.] 1. " PL. 20 = 8 " " Sept. 12. (camp. Canon Spring PL. 21. ditto ditto from slightly different stand point. Partly clouded. Rain in background. [illeg.] 51. 2.30 pm. PL. 22. ditto ditto [illeg.] 5. PL. 23 From a point further west looking west [illeg.] 5. PL. 24 ditto ditto [illeg.] 1. PL. 25 ditto looking N.E. [illeg.] 1. PL. 26 ditto ditto [illeg.] 5. Sept. 13. (camp. ) Description sof colors of lizards brought back by Dr. Merriam from the Grand Canon. (1) "Altit.[altitude?] about 3500 ft." "Sept. 12. 1889" Sceloporus clarki Above drab gray with an indistinct and interrupted zigzag lines of lighter color one scale wide
across the back gradually arranging into 32 angular cross bands across the tail, the darker ones occupying 2 to 3 scale rows, the lighter interspaces are scale row less; head and upper neck suffused with light ochre; most dorsal scales edged with orange red, a few of the lighter ones being bright yellow along the keel especially those bordering the blackish shoulder patch behind; legs above like tail, but dark cross bars in fore legs nearly obsolete; three blackish , but ill defined and somewhat insdistinct patches on the loins; whole under surface silvery white with same golden ochre on the flanks. (2) "Altit. about 3000 ft." "Sept. 12, 1889" Sceloporus clarki juv. 15849 Head and neck above dark brownish gray. The snout lighter with a regular pattern of greenish white forming an X shaped figure following the inner edge of the super-ocular region, and a spot of similar color with a black central [illeg.] on the middle of the occipital; sides of head and upper neck brownish drab, with a few dusky spots on the upper mandible; a narrow blackish brown streak from the lower part of the eye back over the upper corner of the ear opening; a similar semilunar streak parallel with the head shield as the upper neck; rest of the upper parts of the body and limbs drab grey with well defined black spots and cross bars, the light scales bordering the black ones on the sides of the anterior back tinged with ochraceous; the shoulder patch particularly black, with defined
[[start page]] and connected across the neck with the one of the opposite side; under side white, silvery anteriorly, with a pale brassy gloss from the lower breast backward, lower eyelid sky blue. (3) "1" "Altitud. about 3000 feet"; "Sept. 12 '89" Uta 15847 Uta stansburiana? Above coppery drab with three longitudinal series of indistinct brown spots along the back which is speckled all over with numerous blueish white specks from 1 to 3 scales large; tail somewhat grayer with faint cross bars of a slightly darker color and a longitudinal dusky spot along the median line of each of the [[strikethrough]]anterior[[/strikethrough]] darker crossbars of the anterior half; legs with faint dusky cross bars; head near rusty on the crown inclining [[end page]] [[start page]] to greenish bronze on the supercilia and portion between them; snout dusky; underside whitish, flanks inclining to greenish; chin and throat sky blue with faint dusky marblings. (4) "2" Do. do. Same species. 15846 Similar to above. (5) "3" Do. do do. 15845 Similar to forgoing ones, but back with less light speck, but with numerous dusky dots particularly noticeable on the upper neck, whole head uniform coppery drab; cross bars on tail more distinct; chin and throat whitish, slightly suffused with blueish and marbled with purplish gray; upper and lower mandible suffused with [[strikethrough]] pale [[/strikethrough]] salmon color [[end page]]
[[start page]] (6). "Hyla" arenicolor. "Grand Canon, Ariz. Sept. 13, 1889 16189 C. H. Merriam. Alt about 3500 ft". Above uniform frosted silvery, irregularly overlaid with a faint golden gloss, more brassy on tympana and sides of face; iris pale brassy with black marblings; faint traces of dark cross bars on limbs. The light interspaces being pale golden; under side whitish [[strikethrough]] pale [[/strikethrough]] suffused with pale bluish greenish on mentum and middle of breast and belly (stronger on the latter parts) and with pinkish on fore neck; flanks posteriorly as well as inside of limbs bright and deep gamboge yellow, underside of thighs as well as sides of belly more brownish orange; discs pale orange [[end page]] [[start page]] pink. (7). Lizard coll. by Bailey, near 15838 Uta [[strikethrough]]ornata[[/strikethrough]] symmetrica bottom of Grand Canon. "4" General color above grayish drab, more pinkish on the tail and along the middle line, with a series of 8 "herring bone" cross bars of dusky growing paler behind and including a lighter spot on the middle line; the 6 anterior crossbars are bordered behind by a narrow black line, and all both in front and behind by a [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]]whitish one, broader behind than in front; on the sides several rows of indistinct pale spots, many of them bordered anteriorly by dusky; a narrow dusky line across the head behind the eyes; an indistinct dusky line from nostrils through eyes to above ear; legs and tail indistinctly cross barred by the ground color with lighter irregular intervals; under side [[end page]]
[[start page]] whitish with an emerald green elongated spot on each side of the breast, and a more yellowish one on the middle of the throat. ^[[In alcoholic specimen - (Apr. 10, '90) - the green of the sides is faint sky blue and the yellow of the throat has disappeared]] (8). "5" Do do. Same species. ^[[15840 [[underline]]Uta [[strikethrough]]ornata [[/strikethrough]] symmetrica[[/underline]]]] Like the above but somewhat darker and pattern more distinct; no green on sides of breast, and with the spot on the throat pinkish yellow. ^[[Disapp. in alcoholic]] (9) "6" "Hyla" ^[[arenicolor]] Same loc. & collector. Sept. 13. ^[[underline]][[16191]][[/underline]] Like the one coll. by Dr. M. descr. above, but less metallic and more of a clayey color, except tympanum which is coppery; discs more purplish pink. (10) "7" [[underline]]Hyla[[/underline]] ^[[arenicolor]] Do do do. Like above. ^[[16192]] Webs of hind feet in all bright gamboge yellow. [[end page]] [[start page]] (11) "8". [[underline]]Hyla[[/underline]] ^[[arenicolor]] Same species, coll. & loc. ^[[underline]]16190[[/underline]] Clayey above with numerous slightly darker spots, and well marked cross bars on limbs of same color; [[strikethrough?]]throat[[/strikethrough?]]mentum dark purplish grey with whitish dots; labial margins whitish; breast whish belly bluish gradually merging into yellowish behind; inside of legs bright gamboge yellow, thighs underneath more brown speckled with whitish; discs pale flesh color. (12) "9" "[[underline]]Bufo ^[[punctatus]][[/underline]] Near bottom of canon ^[[underline]][[16185]][[/underline]] about 2500 feet alt. Bailey coll. Sept. 13, 1889. Above greenish ^[[malachite]] pea green densely speckled with small bright vermillion specks, limbs more whitish likewise speckled with red and like the flanks likewise speckled with minute black specks; nostrils black; iris brassy marbled with black; upper labia and under surface blueish white, irregularly speckled with black. [[end page]]
[[start page]] lower belly and underside of thighs brownish flesh color; soles dull orange. No 3001 _ _ Stones and soil to illustrate protective mimicry of [[underline]]Phrynosoma[[/underline]] no. H. 136. (color sketch no 3 ) collected at same spot as the animal, at Canon Springs, edge of (7500 ') Grand Canon of Colorado, A. T. [[Arizona Territory]] Sept. 12 1889. [[underline]]Sept. 14.[[/underline]] (Camp. [[underline]]Ph. 27.[[/underline]] Down the Canon 9.30 am bright sun inst. 1. [[underline]]Ph. 28[[/underline]] Do from higher up the trail; [[strikethrough]][[lengthwise]][[/strikethrough]]upright (5x4); Douglass pine in centre; inst 1. [[underline]]Ph. 29[[//underline]] X (safety opened before cocking!) [[underline]]Ph. 30[[/underline]] = 28. [[underline]]Ph. 31[[/underline]] Collecting cones under difficulties Do do. do. [[strikethrough]]upper[[/strikethrough]] lengthwise (4x5) [[underline]]Ph. 32[[/underline]] "The Monument" from upper portion [[end page]] [[start page]] of trail. 5x4 Do. do. do. No. 3002._ [[underline]]Dendroica nigrescens[[/underline]] [[male symbol]] adult Grand Canon Spring, A.T.[[Arizona Territory]] - Sept. 14, 1889. T.l. 130 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]] diam. eye 2.2 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]] Iris dark brown; bill and feet blackish plumbeous; soles whitish. No. 3003. _ [[underline]]Parus gambeli[[/underline]] [[male symbol]] Grand Canon Spring, A.T.[[Arizona Territory]] - Sept. 14, 1889. T.l. 133 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; diam. eye 3 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]] Iris dark brown; bill black; feet bluish plumbeous. - Molting all over. No. 3004. [[underline]]Zonotrichia [[strikethrough]]leucophrys [[/strikethrough]][[/underline]]^[[?]] ^[[intermedia?]] [[circle symbol; sex unknown?]] Grand Canon Springs, A.T.[[Arizona Territory]] - Sept. 14, 1889. T.l. 180 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; diam. eye 4 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]] Iris hazel; bill brownish yellow, lower mandible [[illeg?]] yellower, upper one with dusky tip; feet honey brown. Merriam's Coll. No. ____. [[underline]]Vireo plumbeus[[/underline]] Grand Canon Spring, A.T.[[Arizona Territory]] - Sept. 14, 1889. T.l. 140 mm; diam. eye 3.5. mm [[end page]]
[[start page]] Iris very dark brown; upper mandible dusky plumbeous, lower one pale bluish plumbeous, tomia nearly whitish; feet [[strikethrough]]pale[[//strikethrough]] bluish plumbeous. [[underline]]Ph. 33[[/underline]]. About same view as 10, or perhaps 12. Sun, clear, somewhat hazy, especially distance. inst. 1. 5.45 pm. No. 3005. [[underline]]Loxia stricklandi[[/underline]] [[symbol for male]] Canon Spring, A.T., Sep. 15, 1889. T.L. ___ [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; diam. eye ___ [[underline]]mm[[/underline]] Feet horny brownish gray. Knowlton No. ___ [[underline]]Melanerpes torquatus[[/underline]] [[symbol for male]] Canon Spring, A.T., Sep. 15, 1889. T.L. 275 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; diam. eye 5 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]] Iris hazel; bill blackish plumbeous, pale at base of lower mandible; feet pale bluish plumbeous. [[end page]] [[start page]] Sept. 16 Grand Canon Spring [[underline]]Photo 34[[/underline]] "Sunday Morning Devotions", inst. 1 _ 9.30 am. [[underline]]Ph. 35[[/underline]] Do. do. inst. 3. do. Sep. [[strikethrough]]20[[/strikethrough]] 19. Little Spring Camp. S. Francisco Mtn. [[underline]]Ph. 36[[/underline]] Camp. inst. 1 sun 1.45 pm. [[underline]]Ph. 37[[/underline]] do. inst. 3 do. [[underline]]Ph. 38[[/underline]] Merriam's tent inst. 1 do. [[underline]]Ph. 39[[/underline]] Knowlton's do. time 1 1/2 sec. part-clouded. [[underline]]Ph. 40[[/underline]] ? ? O D ? Turned one expos. ahead, perhaps? [[strikethrough]][[underline]]Ph. 41[[/underline]][[/strikethrough]] No. 3006. [[underline]]Troglodytes aedon aztecus[[/underline]] _____ O. [[sex undeterm?]] Little Spring, S. Francisco Mt. 8200' alt., Ariz. Sept. 10, 1889. Total length 118 [[underline]]mm.[[/underline]] diam. eye 3.5 mm. Iris hazel; bill dark horny brown, lower mandible, except tip, flesh color; feet long brownish grey. Molting all over. Sept. 20 No. 3007. [[underline]][[striketrough]]Certhia[[/strikethrough]] Troglodytes aztecus[[/underline]] [[male symbol]] Little Spring, S. Francisco Mt. 8200' alt., Ariz. [[end page]]
Sep. 19, 1889. [[strikethrough]]Iris[[//strikethrough]]T.t. ___ mm.; diam. eye ___ mm. Iris like 3006; bill do. [[underline]]H. 135[[/underline]] [[underline]]Amblystoma[[/underline]] tigrinum (nebularium) Little Spring, S. Francisco Mt. Ariz. 16179 Sep. 19, 1889. - 8200 ft. alt. Found wriggling in the ashes by the campfire in the evening; evidently fallen from one of the logs which were gathered in the immediate neighborhood of the camp. __ Color sketch [[underline]]2[[/underline]]: Dark and light colors of the body same as shown in the head; underside, except tail, paler yellowish gray; free portion of the toes tinged with pinkish; skin [[?]] of back somewhat darker than head. [[end page]] [[begin page]] [[underline]]H. 136 Phrynosoma. hernandesi[[//underline]] 15724 [[strikethrough]]Colorado[[/strikethrough]]Canon Spring, Ariz. 7500' Sep. 12, 1889. Color sketch 3. Stones to illustrate mimicry = No. 3001. Under side whitish, ^[[on body]] with orange and bluish ^[[gray]] specks, which are most dense on chin and throat so as to nearly conceal the ground color; across the fore neck a collar of bright brownish orange. No. 3008 [[underline]]Sciurus[[/underline]] [[male symbol]] Camp Little Spring, 8200', S. Francisco Mt. Sep. 20, 1889. T.l. 305 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; tail 123 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; hind foot 50 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]. No. 3008 [[underline]]a[[/underline]] Skull of 3008. No. 3009 [[underline]]Melospiza lincolni[[/underline]] [[female symbol]] Camp Little Spring, 8200', S. Frisco Mt. Ariz. Sep. 20, 1889. T.l. 138 mm. diam. eye 3 mm. [[end page]]
[[start page]] Iris dark brown; bill horny brownish slate, pale along tomia and at base of lower mandible; feet pale horny brown. N. 3010. [[underline]]Sitta pygmaea[[/underline]] [[male symbol]] Camp Little Spring, S. Frisco Mt., Ariz. Sep. 21, 1889. T.l. 105 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; diam of eye 2.5 [[strikethrough]]Ey[[/strikethrough]]Iris dark brown; bill blackish slate except basal half of lower mandible which is bluish white; feet dark olive gray, soles yellow. No. 3011 [[underline]]Tamias [[strikethrough]]quadrivittatus[[/strikethrough]] [[/underline]]cinereicollis Allen [[male symbol]] Little Spring, S. Frisco Mt., Ariz. Sep. 21, 1889. T.l. 220 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; tail 101 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; hind foot 34 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]] No. 3011a. Skull of same No. 3012 [[underline]]Tamias[[/underline]] [[strikethrough]]quadrivittatus [[underline]]fasciatus [[/underline]][[/strikethrough]] [[underline]]lateralis[[/underline]] [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]]Little Spr[[/strikethrough]] Crater Lake [[N 35.41723 W 111.81127?]] b. Little Spring, S. Frisco Mt., Ariz. Sep. 22, 1889. T.l. 258 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; tail 95 mm; hind foot 39 [[underline]]mm[[/underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] No. 3012a. Skull of same. [[underline]]No. H. 137. Phrynosoma hernandesi[[/underline]] 15725 Hull's Spring (between Little Spring, S. Frisco Mt. & Canon Spring, Ariz., 'alt.) Sep. 17, 1889. Color sketch 4. Border spines as well as tips of most spines on the extremities and tail white, more or less tinged with bluish green, tips of spines on body mostly of the latter color, except the large ones in the dark patches; underside whitish, scales anteriorly (basally) orange, those of the body with minute gray dotlets which are collected in larger spots, densest on chin and throat; collar brownish orange - Stones illustr. mimicry = 3013. No. 3013. Stones from Hull's Spring illustrating mimicry of foregoing no. [[end page]]
[[start page]]Sep. 24, 1889. Little Spring Ph. 41 Skinning tent. L.S. _ inst. 1. bright sun; 1.30 pm. Ph. 42. Camp after morning. do. do. Ph. 43 S. Francisco Mt. from Dr. Merr. [iam's] tent door. 5x4 5 inst. [illeg.] Ph. 44 Water troughs, Little Spring. inst. 1 [illeg.] Ph 45 Arizona [illeg.] do. do. Panorama from Walker Lake Crater, highest point of rim [[N 35.39584 W 111.73478]] (inst. 3 _ 3.30 pm) bright sun. Ph. 46 X X (2 or 3 on one plate!) Ph. 47 San Francisco Peak Ph. 48 _________ Ph. 49 _________ Ph. 50 ____ (Kendrick Peak in extreme right corner) Ph. 51 Kendrick Peak (to the left). Ph. 52 X X (Safety not closed when shutter cocked) Ph. 53 Same - as X X Ph. 54 __________ Ph. 55 __________ [[end page]] [[start page]] Ph. 56 _____ Rim of crater Ph. 57 S. Fr. peak in right hand corner; Tree in the middle same as the one on extreme left in Ph. 47 -----------End of Panorama-------------- Ph. 58 Walker Lake with S. Frisco Peak in background, from rim of crater. inst. 3. - 3.45 pm. 5x4. Ph. 59 do. do. Ph. 60 "Half blown rose" at the well. inst. 1. 4 pm. Ph. 61 "The fairy's cabin" (Hochderffer). do. do. Ph. 62 O. O. O. ? ------ No. H. 138. Sceloporus consobrinus 15739 Cedar Belt, half way between Canon Spring and Little Spring, Ariz. about 6500 feet alt. Sep. 17, 1889 Color of belly patches emerald green passing into brilliant green towards the black line; neck patches more bluish than those of flanks. [[end page]]
[[start page]] No H. 139. [[underline]] Phrynosoma hernandesi [[/underline]] juv 15726 Canon Spring Ariz. Sep. 15, 1889. Color pale reddish gray, head and spines ^[[(in light portions)]] more reddish, less gray, the neck patches and the cross bands of body and limbs ^[[(including spines)]] as in the adult but more regular and of a dark gray color; chin and throat fringed with same color as upper surface and with faint marblings of gray; rest of under surface white. This is the most distinctly marked specimen of this size I have seen. [[strikethrough]] Most [[/strikethrough]] In most of the younger ones, the whole upper surface is more or less uniform reddish gray with but faint [[end page]] [[start page]] indications of the dark pattern; in this respect the young ones seem to be alike in all the color variations. Color Descriptions of Reptiles & Batrach brought home by Dr. Merriam from Moen Copie. Info ^[[ [[underline]] woodhouseii [[/underline]] ]] "10"[[strikethrough]] pale [[/strikethrough]] above pale olive green with a somewhat lighter stripe down the back; top of tubercles pale red surrounded by black rings; lower surface [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] olive white. Farmer's gulch, 3 miles north of Tuba City ([[strikethrough]] 2 miles [[/strikethrough]] Moen Copie) __ [Separate Olive bottle!] [[underlined]] Ph. 63. [[/underlined]] - "Our Cooks", Will Stout & G. F. Sinclair (send picture!) Sep. 28, 1889, inst. 1. bright sun. 11 a.m. [[underlined]] Ph. 64. [[/underlined]] do. do. [[underlined]] Color Sketch 5. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Info [[/underline]] "11", Little Colorado River, crossing [[underlined]] woodhousii [[/underlined]] [[end page]]
[[start page]] to Moen Copie. Sep. 22, 1889. Iris brassy densely obscured by dark mottlings except narrow inner ring which is bright metallic. Under surface blueish white, ^[[ lower ]] abdomen and ^[[ inner ]] under side of posterior extremities pale brownish yellow, palms likewise, inner under surface of ant. limbs pinkish. "12" - Color Sketch 6. - Lizard from W. of 15824 Crotaphytus merriami Little Colorado River (crossing to Moen Copie) Sep. 26, '89 Under surface pale greenish white; palms slightly pinkish, tail under nearly white. Tongue deep pink; pharynx blackish carmine; palate ultramarine blue. Iris brassy greenish yellow No 3014. [[underline]] Buteo calurus [[/underline]] [[male symbol]] ad Little Spring, S. Frisco. Mt. Ariz. Sep. 27, 1889 [[end page]] [[start page]] Iris [[strikethrough]] dark [[/strikethrough]] medium brown. Bill dark horny [[strikethrough]] slate [[/strikethrough]] plumbeous, [[strikethrough]] plar [[/strikethrough]] paler, more greenish towards base of lower mandible; cere yellow; feet yellow, claws dark horny plumbeous. T.L. 550 [[underlined]] mm [[underlined]]; eye 13 [[underlined]] mm [[underlined]] No 3015 [[underline]] Passerella schistacea [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] San Francisco Mt., Ariz., 9000' Sep. 29, 1889. Iris brown; bill dark horny plumbeous, basal half of lower mandible yellow; feet violet brownish gray. [[strikethrough]] "13" [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Phrynosoma [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] aruahiss [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] hernandesi [[/underlined]] "3" 15815 West of the Little Colorado R., among black lava Sep. 26, 89 Ground color of upper side ^[[ (including head) ]] satiny black; light markings on median third of body, ^[[ dull ]] "Naples yellow" ^[[ abruptly]] grading into the yellow ochre of those of the sides; tips of most lateral spines white; those of four largest spines on head marbled with ochre; under side yellowish white densely marbled with blackish; collar light ochre yellow [[end page]]
[[start page]] [[underline]]Remark[[/underline]] in reg. to the Phrynosoma collected by Dr. Merriam in the [[strikethrough "neighborhood"]] summer 1889. All adults from the immediate neighborhood of St. Francisco Mt. and to the Grand Canon of the Colorado have the head colored as in the first three color sketches of Ph., viz, the anterior portion of a greenish grey posteriorly grading into an Indian red on the larger occipital spines, while those from the Painted Desert (Moencopi trip) that are a yellowish brown have the head similarly and almost uniformly colored, and the black specimens from the lava belt ("3") [[originally "13" but the 1 struck out]] has the head black like the rest of the body, except the largest of the spines which are yellowish. [[end page]] [[start page]] No 3016 - Black lava to illustrate the color mimicry of the black Phrynosoma "13" Merriam. No. 3017. Moth. Little Spring, S. Frisco Mt., Ariz. Sep. 30 '89 - Found dead. No. 3018 - Anthus pensilvanicus [[male symbol]] S. Frisco Mt., Ariz. 9000' Sep. 25 '89 (Knowlton skinned!) Photos from the Bucklar Ranch, Hart Spring, Ariz. Oct. 1, 1889, 11.30 am Ph. 65 Readjusting the pack Ph. 66 S. Francisco & Agassiz Peaks from in front of the house. Ph. 67 Bill Williams & Sitgreave's Peak from same. Ph. 68 The Bucklar House. Ph. 69 Jack and Jennie (burros) Ph. 70 The monogamic Mormon and his family. [[end page]]
[[top page]] [[underlined]] Ph.71. [[/underlined]] A shot at the missing member [[underlined]] Ph.72 [[/underlined]] X Agassiz Peak, S. Frisco. Mts. Ariz, from 1/2 mile north of Flagstaff. 4.30 pm inst. 1. Sun. Last picture and rest of paper spoiled by reloading holder in broad daylight. Oct. 3 - New roll American Film (420) put in at night by lamp light, so first two plates spoiled (old coil rewound in darkness). [[underlined]] Ph.73 [[/underlined]] (marked on plate) [[underlined]] Ph.74 [[/underlined]] [[curly bracket enclosing ph.73 & 74]] Spoiled - X. No. H.140. [[strikethrough]] Sceloporus [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Uta [[/underlined]] 15729. Rim of Walnut Canon, 8 miles [[strikethrough]] sw [[/strikethrough]] S.E. of Flagstaff, Ariz. 7000' alt. Oct. 2, 1889 On throat a pale orange brown patch; flank patches flesh color. [[end page]] [[start bottom page]] [[underlined]] Ph.75. [[/underlined]] Agassiz Peak, S. Frisco Mts, Ariz, from Flagstaff. inst. 3. 3.30 pm. Bright sun. [[underlined]] Ph.76 [[/underlined]] do do. from a somewhat different point. [[underlined]] Ph.77 [[/underlined]] San Francisco Mountains from train at Bellemont Station, 12 miles west of Flagstaff. 4.30 pm. inst. 1 Oct. 4. [[underlined]] Prescott. [[/underlined]] A. T. [[underlined]] Ph.78 [[/underlined]] View of "Thumb Butte" from balcony of hotel Williams (Mrs. Baumann) 1 pm. inst. 5. bright sun. [[underlined]] Ph.79 [[/underlined]] View of "Granite Peak" from N. N. W. N^o. H.141 [[underlined]] Sceloporus [[/underlined]] 15740 Prescott, A. T. (on logs) Oct. 4, 1889. (Flank and neck patches blue) N^o. H.142. Sceloporus 15741 Prescott, A. T., (on logs.) Oct. 4 1889. (Flank- and neck patches gray) [[end page]]
[[start page]] [[underlined]]Ph.80.[[/underlined]] Same as 79, but 5.15 pm., partly cloudy, inst. 1. Oct. 5, '89. Prescott. A. T. [[underlined]]Ph.81.[[/underlined]] View of Prescott, from the water reservoir. Clear. Inst 1. 8^45 am [[underlined]]Ph.81[[/underlined]] View of Ft. Whipple from do. S. Frisco Mts, [[strikethrough]] 16 [[/strikethrough]] in the distance. do do do Foc. 40 [[underlined]]Ph.82[[/underlined]] Do do do Focus 100. [[underlined]]Ph.83[[/underlined]] Typical specimen of [[underline]] Juniperus [[strikethrough]]occidentalis[[/strikethrough]] pachyphloeus [[/underline]] "checker bark cedar"; [[syn. Juniperus deppeana]] Near Prescott. ab. 5500' -- 25 feet dist; gun to show size; 10.30 am. bright sun. inst. 1. -- Shrub oaks near. [[underlined]]Ph.84[[/underlined]] X? Typical spec. of [[underline]] Pinus ponderosa [[/underline]] [[underlined]]Ph.85[[/underlined]] [[bracket to include Ph.84 and Ph.85]] do. do. -- 75 feet dist. do. do. 84 possibly not exposed. [[underlined]]Ph.86.[[/underlined]] Oxteam from front inst. 1. 11.30 am. bright sun. [[underlined]]Ph.87[[/underlined]] Same, from behind., Prescott Courthouse in the distance do. do. [[end page]] [[start page]] N^o 3019. [[underlined]]Parus griseus[[/underlined]] Prescott, A.T. [[Arizona Territory]], 5500'; Oct. 5 '89 T.l. ^[[underline]]mm[[/underline]]; diam. of eye ^[[underline]]mm[[/underline]]. T.l. 5 7/16 inch. Iris dark brown N^o H.143. [[underlined]]Phrynosoma[[/underlined]] 15738 Prescott, Ariz. [[strikethrough]]Sep[[/strikethrough]]Oct. 5 '89. N^o H.144 [[underlined]]Sceloporus[[/underlined]] 15742 Prescott, Ariz. Oct. 6 '89. (among rocks) No H.145 [[underlined]]Sceloporus, [[/underlined]][[strikethrough]] Ariz,Oc[[/strikethrough]] 15743 Prescott, Ariz. Oct. 6, '89. (rocks). N^o H.146. [[underlined]]Sceloporus[[/underlined]] 15744 Prescott, Ariz. Oct. 6 '89 (rocks). NB. [[underlined]]Pinus ponderosa[[/underlined]] occurs at Prescott down to the plain, or about 5200 feet without regard to ^[[minor details of slope]] exposure, ^[[the whole valley sloping north]]. It is mixed with ^[[checkerbark]] cedar ([[underlined]]Junip.[[strikethrough]]occidentalis[[/strikethrough]] pachyphlorus]] exclusively and scrub oaks at least up to 5800'. On the west slope of the Granite Range on the road to Skull Valley the pine gives out already at 5500' and so far seen only on north slopes. [[end page]]
[The first specimen description on this page is diagonally crossed out with Stejneger's marginal notation, "Lost: Skin taken by the cat!] [[strikethrough]] No 3020. - Tamias dorsalis Prescott, Ariz. Oct. 6, 1889. Among rocks. Tail evidently defective, forming a thickened knob at the end, hence no measurements! No. 3020 b skull of same [[/strikethrough]] No 3021 - Salpinctes [male symbol] Prescott, Ariz. Oct. 7, 1889. T.l. 5 7/16 inch. Iris brown; bill dark brownish plumbeous, lower mandible paler grayish except tip; feet brownish black No 3022. - Tamias dorsalis [female symbol] Prescott, Ariz. Oct. 7 '89 - 5600' Tot. l. 9 2/16 inch; tail 3 15/16 inch hind foot, incl. claws, 1 5/16 inch This species always seeks safety among the rocks, like T. lateralis [[end page]] [[start page]] No. 3022b. - skull of same No. 3023. - Spermophilus [male symbol] Prescott, A.T. Oct. 7, 1889 - 5600' Tot. l. 13 12/16 inch; tail 5 14/16 inch hind foot incl. claws 2 3/16 inch No. 3023b. - skull of same No. 3024 - Spermophilus [male symbol] Prescott, A.T. Oct. 7, '89 - 5600' Tot. l. 15 2/16 inch; tail ____ inch hind foot incl. claws _____ inch No. 3024b. - skull of same [[strikethrough]]Ph. 88.[[/strikethrough]] Oct. 8, Stage Ph. 88. "Watering the horses (stage coach) (Skull [superscript over two illeg words] lower end/ 2 pm. [illeg.] inst. 1. Ph. 89 Spoiled by expos. to daylight. On plate erroneously inscribed 88 Ph. 90 do do? [[end page]]
[[underlined]][[start page]] Oct. 9, 1889 - Vulture ^[Mines] [[strikethrough]]P.O.[[/strikethrough]] Ariz. Maricopa County Studies of cactuses. [[underlined]]Ph. 91[[/underlined]] "Candlestick cactuses [[underlined]]Cereus giganteus[[/underlined]] gun to compare for size: inst. 1 bright sun 11.30 am. (5x4) [[underlined]]Ph. 92[[/underlined]] cactus (same as I ran into my shin. do do do (4x5) [[underlined]]Ph. 93[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Fouquiera (spinosa) splendens[[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] "Cactus? with leaves"[[/strikethrough]] Yuccatul Ocatillo do do do do. [[underlined]]Ph. 94[[/underlined]] Three generations of candlesticks. do do do do 12 noon. [[underlined]]No 3025. Auriparus[[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Vulture Mines [[strikethrough]]P.O.[[/strikethrough]] Ariz. Oct. 9 '89 T.l. 110 mm; diam. eye 2.5 mm Iris dark brown; bill horny blackish plumbeous, paler at base of lower mandible; feet blueish plumbeous; parine! Call note very characteristically parine: chickadee-like!! Molting all over. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]]No 3026 Polioptila[[/underlined]] O Vulture, Ariz. Oct 9 '89 T.l. 107 mm; diam. eye 2.75 mm. Iris brown; bill dark plumbeous, paler at base of lower mandible; feet blueish plumbeous, sole whitish. Call note decidedly catbird-like. Molting all over. [[underlined]]No 3027 Amphispiza[[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9 '89 T.l. 137 mm; diam. eye 3.25 mm Iris brown; bill blackish plumbeous, lower mandible, except tip paler blueish gray; feet pale horny gray. Molting, especially head. [[underlined]]No 3028 Amphispiza[[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9 '89 T.l. mm Color like foregoing. No H. 147 [[strikethrough]]Lizard[[/strikethrough]] Cnemidophorus tigris "15749" Vulture, Ariz. Oct 9 '89. [[end page]]
[[start page]] No H: 148. [[subscript]] 15734 [[/subscript]] Lizard Callisaurus draconoides. Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9 1889. On white sand. White underneath without colored flank patches; on sides of throat dusky lines. No H: 149. [[subscript]] 15736 [[/subscript]] Lizard Crotaphytus wislizenii. Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9 1889. No 3029 Tamias "harrisi"? [[in faint pencil]] [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9, 1889. Tl. 210 mm; tail 77 mm hind foot, incl. claw, 38 mm Among rocks. No 3029b. Skull of same. No 3030. Sayornis [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9, 1889 T.l. 192 mm; diam. eye 3 mm Iris dark brown; bill and feet brownish black. No H. 150 [[subscr.]] 15735 [[/subscr.]] - Lizard Callisaurus draconoides Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9 1889 Flanks light emerald green, [[end page]] [[start page]] the two dark bars de the sides being darker [[text obscured by slip front of each green bearing note "Negatives"]] smaller one flesh colored; throat white without dusky lines. Oct. 10. Ph. 95 Echinocactus [[strikethrough]] "Cucumber cactus" [[/strikethrough]] with curved spines. - Vulture, Oct. 10. - 10.30 am. bright sun; inst. 1 - 10 feet distant. cactus 900 mm high. No. 3031. Campylorhynchus [female symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 10 '89 T.l. 198 mm; diam. of eye 3.5 mm Iris copper red; bill slaty brown lower mandible, except tip pale bluish gray; feet dull pearl gray; Primaries molting No. 3032 Salpinctes [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 10 '89 T.l. 145 mm Colors as No.3021. [[end page]]
[[start page]] No H: 148. [[subscript]] 15734 [[/subscript]] Lizard Callisaurus draconoides. Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9 1889. On white sand. White underneath without colored flank patches; on sides of throat dusky lines. No H: 149. [[subscript]] 15736 [[/subscript]] Lizard Crotaphytus wislizenii. Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9 1889. No 3029 Tamias "harrisi"? [[in faint pencil]] [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9, 1889. Tl. 210 mm; tail 77 mm hind foot, incl. claw, 38 mm Among rocks. No 3029b. Skull of same. No 3030. Sayornis [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9, 1889 T.l. 192 mm; diam. eye 3 mm Iris dark brown; bill and feet brownish black. No H. 150 [[subscr.]] 15735 [[/subscr.]] - Lizard Callisaurus draconoides Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 9 1889 Flanks light emerald green, [[end page]] [[start page]] the two dark bars descending from the sides being darker green; in front of each green patch a smaller one flesh colored; throat white without dusky lines. Oct. 10. Ph. 95 Echinocactus [[strikethrough]] "Cucumber cactus" [[/strikethrough]] with curved spines. - Vulture, Oct. 10. - 10.30 am. bright sun; inst. 1 - 10 feet distant. cactus 900 mm high. No. 3031. Campylorhynchus [female symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 10 '89 T.l. 198 mm; diam. of eye 3.5 mm Iris copper red; bill slaty brown lower mandible, except tip pale bluish gray; feet dull pearl gray; Primaries molting No. 3032 Salpinctes [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 10 '89 T.l. 145 mm Colors as No.3021. [[end page]]
[[start page]] No 3033 Harporhynchus palmeri [female symbol] Vulture, Ariz., Oct. 10'89 T.l. - mm; diam eye 5 mm Iris orange yellow; bill and feet horny dark brownish gray. No 3034 Phainopepla nitens [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz., Oct. 10 '89 T.l. 192 mm; diam. eye 3.5 mm Iris copper red; bill and feet brownish black, lower mandible at base brownish gray. No 3035 Lanius [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz., Oct. 10 '89 Tl. 233 mm; diam. eye 5 mm Iris dark brown; bill dark plumbeous; feet brownish black; primaries molting and all over. No. H. 151 Lizard. Uta 15727 Vulture, Ariz., Oct. 10 '89 [[end page]] [[start page]] No. H. 152 Lizard. Uta 15728 Vulture, Ariz., Oct. 10 '89 NB. In addition to the four species of lizards collected at Vulture, I noticed several specimens of [[strikethrough]]Eumeces[[/strikethrough]] Cnemidophorus with pale sky-blue tail, the same as observed at Prescott, and at Phoenix No H.153 Horned rattlesnake Crotalus cerastes 15723 Vulture, Ariz., Oct. 10 '89 Found dead and only head and rattle preserved. No 3036 Lophortyx [male symbol] Vulture, Ariz. Oct. 10, 1889. T.l. 287 mm diam. eye 4 mm Iris dark brown; NB. - The "Candle stick" cactus appears first about 7 or 8 miles south of Stanton, on Road between Prescott and Phoenix, AT.
[[start page]] Ph 96 X [[large]] Vulture Peak, from south side. 8 am. inst. (Spoiled) Ph 97 do do NB. The timberline (Pinus ponderosa) around Prescott is laid down in a map by John F. Blandy, geologist of the territory, first published in the Journal of Mining Engineering, 1882. Prof. Blandy has in preparation a more detailed map. - The candlestick cactus he informs me goes up to about 3000 feet. [[end of page]] [[start of page]] No 3037 Speotyto [male symbol] 33 miles north of Phoenix, A.T. half way between Ph. and Vulture. Oct. 11, 1889 T.l, 232 mm; diam. eye 11.5 mm Iris yellow; light horny greenish-yellowish gray; feet drab gray. No 3038. Lepus O. immat. Phoenix, A.T Oct. 12, '89 T.l. 368 mm. tail 56mm hind foot incl. claws 80 mm No 3038 b. Skull of same No H.154. - Lizard Cnemidophorus tigris? 15750 Phoenix, A.T Oct. 12 '89 N. H.155 Kinosternon henrici. 15755 Salt River, Phoenix, A.T Oct. 12'89 No H.156 Lizard. Uta 15730 Phoenix, A.T Oct. 14 '89 On throat an ill defined patch of pale brownish orange.
[[start of page]] Ph. 98. - Maricopa Indians at Tempe RR station 2pm. cloudy inst. 1. No H. 157. Snake Phyllorhynchus browni n.s. x g! Tucson, A. T. Presented by Mr. Herbert Brown, Tucson. No H. 158 Lizard Sceloporus clarkii!! 15745 Tucson, A. T. Oct. 15, 1889. No H. 159 Lizard Uta 15731 Tucson, A. T. Oct. 15, 1889 Flank patches pale greenish blue, throat patches very pale greenish. Ph. 99 - San Augustin, Church, Tucson, A.T. Oct. 15. 1889. _ Bright sun. 11.30 am. inst 1. Ph. 100 ditto ditto ditto Ph. 101 ditto ditto 12 noon. Ph. 102 Santa Catalina Mts. from RR. station, Tucson, A.T. _ 1.30 pm. inst 1. Ph. 103 ditto ditto ditto 5 inst. [[end of page]] [[start of page]] Oct. 17. Ph. 104 Mexican [[obscured by slip of paper bearing the note "Collection 1889 Ariz, N. Mex"]] Ph. 105 Mex Fam [[obscured]] Ph. 106 M. water c [[obscured]] Ph. 107 Mex. [[obscured]] No. 3039 Spermophilus male juv. 2 miles south of Nogales, Sonora, Mex. Oct. 17, 1889. T.l. 420 mm; tail 200 mm hind foot incl toes 57 mm No 3039b Skull of same. No H. 160 Lizard Cnemidophorus gularis 15751 2 miles s. of Nogales, Mex. Oct. 17, '89. Tail and hind legs pale reddish brown, almost transparent; dorsal median stripe [[strikethrough]]dark[[/strikethrough]] like head, the other light stripes pale straw color becoming white posteriorly. No H. 161 Lizard Cnemidophorus gularis 15752 2 m. s. Nogales, Mex. Oct. 17, '89 [[end of page]]
[[start of page]] Ph. 98. - Maricopa Indians at Tempe RR station 2pm. cloudy inst. 1. No H. 157. Snake Phyllorhynchus browni n.s. x g! Tucson, A. T. Presented by Mr. Herbert Brown, Tucson. No H. 158 Lizard Sceloporus clarkii!! 15745 Tucson, A. T. Oct. 15, 1889. No H. 159 Lizard Uta 15731 Tucson, A. T. Oct. 15, 1889 Flank patches pale greenish blue, throat patches very pale greenish. Ph. 99 - San Augustin, Church, Tucson, A.T. Oct. 15. 1889. _ Bright sun. 11.30 am. inst 1. Ph. 100 ditto ditto ditto Ph. 101 ditto ditto 12 noon. Ph. 102 Santa Catalina Mts. from RR. station, Tucson, A.T. _ 1.30 pm. inst 1. Ph. 103 ditto ditto ditto 5 inst. [[end of page]] [[start of page]] Oct. 17. Ph. 104 Mexican water carriers, Mex. Nogales. 8 am. inst. 1 bright sun (focus?) Ph. 105 Mex Farm house (adobe) ditto ditto ditto Ph. 106 M. water carriers. do do 8.15am. inst. 1. Ph. 107 Mex. "shanty", Nogales, do do do . 8.30am. No. 3039 Spermophilus male juv. 2 miles south of Nogales, Sonora, Mex. Oct. 17, 1889. T.l. 420 mm; tail 200 mm hind foot incl toes 57 mm No 3039b Skull of same. No H. 160 Lizard Cnemidophorus gularis 15751 2 miles s. of Nogales, Mex. Oct. 17, '89. Tail and hind legs pale reddish brown, almost transparent; dorsal median stripe [[strikethrough]]dark[[/strikethrough]] like head, the other light stripes pale straw color becoming white posteriorly. No H. 161 Lizard Cnemidophorus gularis 15752 2 m. s. Nogales, Mex. Oct. 17, '89 [[end of page]]
[[start top page]] Body like forgoing, but hind legs and tail opaque brownish drab.-- Like forgoing [[strikethrough]] among [[/strikethrough]] on stony ground [[underlined]] N^o H. 162 [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Uta [[/underlined]] 15732 2 m. s. Nogales, Mex., Oct. 17, 1889. Flank and throat patches blue. On logs. N^o 3040 [[underlined]] Dryobates scalaris bairdi [[/underlined]] ♀ [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 1 m. s. Nogales, Mex. Oct. 17, '89. Iris dark chestnut; bill dark greenish slate; feet ^[[pale]] greenish plumbeous. T.l. 170 ^mm diam of eye 3 ^mm [[underlined]] N^o H. 163. [[/underlined]] Lizard Cnemidophorus gularis 15753 Calabasas, A.T., Oct. 18, '89 = Nos. 160 & 161: tail brownish drab = 161. [[underlined]] N^o H. 164 [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Sceloporus [[/underlined]] 15746 Calabasas, A.T., Oct. 18,'89. [[underlined]] N^o H. 165. [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Uta [[/underlined]] 15733 Calabasas, A.T., Oct. 18 '89. Caught on house wall. Flank patches pale sky blue; throat patch pale yellowish green in the middle, orange on the sides. [[end of page]] [[start bottom page]] N^o 3041 [[underlined]] Pyrocephalus mexicanus [[/underlined]] ♂ ad. Calabasas, A.T. Oct. 18 '89 T.l. 145 ^mm; diam. of eye 4 ^mm. Eyes brown; bill and feet blackish brown. N^o 3042 [[underlined]] Pipilo mesoleucus [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas A.T. Oct. 19 '89. T.l. 222 ^mm; diam. eye 4.5 ^mm Eye raw umber; bill pale purplish gray; feet pale brownish gray N^o 3043 [[underlined]] Centurus uropygialis [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas A.T. Oct. 19 '89 T.l. 240 ^mm; diam. eye 4 ^mm Iris chestnut; bill blackish plumbeous; feet pale greenish gray. [[Primaries ?]] & crown patch and ^[[all over]] [[molting ?]]; [[underlined]] N^o 3044 Harporhynchus palmeri [[/underlined]] ♀ Calabasas AT. Oct. 19 '89 T.l. 295 ^mm; diam. eye 5 ^mm Iris orange yellow. [[end page]]
[[top page]] Oct. 20. [[underlined]] Ph. 108 [[/underlined]] Mex flour mill, Ranch near Mission. 10 am. slightly cloudy; inst. 1. [[underlined]] Ph. 109 [[/underlined]] do. do. [[underlined]] Ph. 110 [[/underlined]] Ruins of Mission Church "Mission de San Juan de Tumacácori," 10 miles n. of Calabasas. Exterior, front. 11.30 am; thinly veiled; inst 1. [[underlined]] Ph. 111 [[/underlined]] Do, front at closer range [[underlined]] Ph 112. [[/underlined]] Do interior: toward the altar, from the entrance. [[underlined]] Ph. 113. [[/underlined]] Do: ceiling of above [[underlined]] Ph. 114. [[/underlined]] Do: looking towards the entrance [[underlined]] Ph. 115. [[underlined]] Do: ^[[interior]] from top of triglyph over entrance. [[underlined]] Ph. 116 [[/underlined]] Do: baptisterium (?) in yard [[underlined]] Ph. 117 [[/underlined]] Do: church from the yard. [[underlined]] Ph. 118 [[/underlined]] Do do. [[underlined]] Ph. 119 [[/underlined]] Do: exterior. do do. [[underlined]] No H. 166 [[/underlined]] lizard [[underlined]] Sceloporus clarkii! [[/underlined]] 15748 Tumacácori, 10 mi. w. of Calabasas A T. [[end of page]] [[start bottom page]] Oct. 20 '89. - On adobe wall. Under side white with faint trace of bluish throat and flank patches (Shortly after death these [[became or become ?]] intensely blue broadly bordered with black. Upper parts lighter than in the alcoholic specimens and most of the dorsal scales bronzy green at base. [[underlined]] N^o 3045. Agelaius phoeniceus [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas, A.T., Oct. 20 '89 Tl. 222 ^mm; diam. eye 4.5 ^mm [[underlined]] N^o. 3046. Dryobates scolaris bairdi [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas, AT., Oct. 21 '89 Tl. 177 ^mm; diam. eye 3 ^mm. Iris dark reddish brown; bill blackish plumbeous, lighter at base of [[strikethrough]] upp [[/strikethrough]] lower mandible; feet pale greenish plumbeous. _____________________________________ NB. The [[underlined]] Geococcyx [[/underlined]] collected by Bailey at Calabasas measured T.l. 585 ^mm; diam. of eye 8 ^mm [[end of page]]
[[top page]] [[underlined]] N^o 3047. Sphyrapicus nuchalis [[/underlined]] ♀ Calabasas, AT. Oct. 21 '89 Tl. 218 ^mm diam. eye 4 ^mm Bill [[strikethrough]] dark [[/strikethrough]] purplish slate, paler below; feet dull pale plumbeous. [[underlined]] N^o. 3048 Mimus polyglottos [[/underlined]] ♀? Calabasas, A.T. Oct. 21 '89 Iris ^[[brownish]] yellow. [[underlined]] N^o 3049 Hesperornys leucophrys sonoriensis [[/underlined]] ♂ juv. Calabasas, AT. Oct. 22 '89. Tl 120 ^mm; tail 52 ^mm hind foot with claw 19 ^mm [[underlined]] N^o 3049 b [[/underlined]] skull of same [[underlined]] No H. 167. [[/underlined]] Lizard Cnemidophorus gularis 15754 Calabasas, AT. Oct. 22 '89. Tail pale sky blue, light stripes on body pale straw yellow. N^o 3050 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Calcarius ornatus ♀ ad Calabasas, AT. Oct. 22 '89. Tl. 151 ^mm; diam. of eye 4 ^mm [[end of page]] [[start bottom page]] Iris brown; bill brownish slate, lower mandible pale; feet horny brown; [[underlined]] N^o 3051 Campylorhynchus bruneicapillus [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas AT. Oct. 22 '89 Tl. 210 ^mm; diam. eye 4 ^mm [[underlined]] N^o 3052 Thryothorus bairdi [[/underlined]] ♀ Calabasas AT. Oct. 22 '89 T.l. 133 ^mm; diam. eye 3 ^mm [[underlined]] N^o 3053 Lepus [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas A.T. Oct. 23 '89 Tl 14 14/16 inch; tail 2 5/16 inch hind foot incl. claws 3 8/16 inch. [[underlined]] N^o 3053b. Skull of same. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] N^o 3054. Catherpes [[strikethrough]] conspenrus [[/strikethough]] mexicanus punctatus [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas AT. Oct. 23 '89. Tl. 147 ^mm diam. eye 3 ^mm Iris brown; bill dark brownish slate, lower mandible gradually becoming pale basally, the basal third [[strikethrough]] half [[/strikethrough]] being nearly white; feet dark horny brown. [[end page]]
No 3055 ._ Spermophil [[female symbol]] Calabasas A.T. Oct. 23, 1889. T.l. 445 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] ; tail 197 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot, incl. claws, 56 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3055b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same. [[symbol indicating NB]] : Character 6° in [[underlined]] Ammodramus [[/underlined]] Ridgway's Manual p. 407: "Tail 3 times as long as tarsus" does not hold; not one of the averages shows this proportion! In [[underlined]] A. bairdi [[/underlined]] with tail only 2 1/2 times tarsus length of latter is not given!! Also in d [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] (p. 408), "tarsus" for exposed culmen! [[underlined]] No 3056 Cardinalis c. superbus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Calabasas AT. Oct. 24 '89 Tl. 240 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] diam. eye 4.25 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; bill ^ [[ dull ]] orange red brownish at base; feet brownish gray [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] No H.168. [[/underlined]] Frog 15720 Sonoita Creek near Calabasas AT. Oct. 23 '89. [[strikethrough]] Color green with dark brownish olive [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] No H.169 [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Holbrookia [[/underlined]] 15737 Calabasas A.T. Oct. 23 '89. [[underlined]] No 3057 Calamospiza melanocorys [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Calabasas AT. Oct. 24 '89. Tl. 175 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] ; diam. eye 3.5 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; bill pale bluish gray, lower mandible paler [[strikethrough]] "nearly" [[/strikethrough]] more whitish; feet [[strikethrough]] brown [[/strikethrough]] grayish brown. [[underlined ]] No 3058 Dipodops [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] ad Calabasas AT. Oct. 24 '89 Tl. 233 [[underlined ]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 136 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 36 [[underlined ]] mm [[/underlined]] No 3058 b. Skull of same
[[top page]] [[underlined]] No 3059. Dipodops [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas, AT. Oct. 24 '89. Tl. 210 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] ; tail, 130 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl claws 35 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3059b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same Oct. 25 '89. [[underlined]] Ph. 120. [[/underlined]] View of country near Calabasas from foothills of the Cayetano Mts. barom. 3365' looking east, to show effect of slope exposure in hills in middle of picture; the north slope being covered with [[strikethrough, underlined]] Yucca [[/strikethrough, underline]] narrow-^[[leaved Agaves]] while the south slope is covered with "Yuccatels" [[underlined]] (Fouquieria) [[/underlined]] and mesquite "catsclaw". The crest of the hill runs nearly straight east and west. 9.30 am. sun slightly veiled; inst. 1. [[strikethrough]] No. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Ph. 121 [[/underlined]] Santa Rita Peak from southernmost peak of Cayetano Mts, Calabasas, 4550' [[end page]] [[start bottom page]] to the left in fore ground two other peaks of 11.30 am. Sun but slightly veiled by cirrus; [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] inst 1. [[strikethrough]] No. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Ph. 122 [[/underlined]] Agave, narrow-leaved; east slope of 4475' Calabasas AT. 12 Noon. do. do. V. Bailey. 5 x 4. [[strikethrough]] No. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Ph. 123 [[/underlined]] "Lover's Glen" Cañon, Calabasas 12.30 pm do. do. 4 x 5 [[underlined]] No H.170 [[/underlined]] Frog 15721 Sonoita Creek, Calabasas, AT. Oct. 25. '89. [[underlined]] No H.171 [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Sceloporus [[/underlined]] 15747 Calabasas, AT., Oct. 25. '89. On the RR track among stones. On the flanks a longitudinal, [[strikethrough]] rather [[/strikethrough]] narrow patch of pale sky blue, and a spot of similar color on each side of the neck below the ear opening. No 3060 [[underlined]] Rhynchophanes mecoronii [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas, AT., Oct. 25 '89. Tl. 153 [[underlined]] mm. [[/underlined]] diam. eye 3.75 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris dark brown bill clay colored, paler underneath, tip dusky; feet dark horny brown [[end page]]
[[top page]] [[underlined]] No 3061. T^[[h]]omomys [[/underlined]] ♂ ad Calabasas, AT. Oct. 25 '89. Tl. 210 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] ; tail 62 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] ; hind foot incl. claws 30 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No. 3061 b.[[/underlined]] Skull of same. Oct. 27. 1889 - Calabasas, AT. [[? arrow pointing from No. 3061b. line to end of this line, to bring it to Oct. 27. ?]] [[underlined]] Ph. 124. [[/underlined]] Unloading burro train bringing in ore in bags, at R.R. station. Bright sun; 12.15 pm. inst 1. [[underlined]] Ph. 125 [[/underlined]] Do. do. inst. 3. [[underlined]] Ph. 126 [[/underlined]] Do. do. inst 5. [[underlined]] Ph. 127. [[/underlined]] Burros from do. do inst. 5? [[underlined]] Ph. 128. [[/underlined]] Raising a burro do do. inst. 1. [[underlined]] Ph. 129. [[/underlined]] Santa Rita hotel, Calabasas, from S.E. Daily on balcony. 12.30 pm. inst 1. [[underlined]] Ph. 130 [[/underlined]] X? Has probably both the "tank house" and the Santa Rita Mt. from balcony of the Santa Rita hotel in it. 4.15 pm. bright. inst. 1. [[end page]] [[start bottom page]] [[underlined]] Ph. 131 (or 132) [[/underlined]] Cayatano Mts and Santa Rita Peak, from 2 story balcony Sra Rita hotel. 4.15 pm. inst. 1. Oct. 28 '89. - Calabasas A.T. [[underlined]] Ph. 133 [[/underlined]], "Tank house" Santa Rita Hotel from the hotel balcony. Bailey in door. 3.15 pm. bright. inst. 1. [[underlined]] No H.172. [[/underlined]] Frog 15722 Calabasas, A.T. Oct. 29, 1889. Brickyard pond. [[underlined]] Ph. 134 [[/underlined]] Cactuses in garden, Hotel Santa Rita, Calabasas, A.T. Oct. 29 '89. 10.45 am. bright sun. inst. 1. [[underlined]] No 3062 [[/underlined]] Roosting nest of [[underlined]] Auriparus flaviceps [[/underlined]] ♂ Calabasas, A.T. Oct. 29, 1889. [[underlined]] No 3060 [[/underlined]] Skink ♀ Huachuca Station A-T. Oct. 30, 1889. [[end page]]
[[top page]] T.l. 595 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] ; tail 270 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claw 62 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3063 [[/underlined]] b. Skull of same Oct. 31. 1889. Ft. Huachuca [[underlined]] Ph. 136 [[/underlined]] X Spoiled. [[underlined]] Ph. 137. [[/underlined]] Hotel Huachuca, Ft. H. A.T. 1.15 pm bright sun inst. 1. [[underlined]] Ph. 138. - [[/underlined]] Broad-leaved Agave with a small-leaved one in the background; Ft. Huachuca. "5025" feet; not corrected. 1.45 pm do. do. 5x4. leaves 24 inches long. [[underlined]] Ph. 139 [[/underlined]] Blank. o o [[underlined]] Ph. 140. [[/underlined]] Fort Huachuca, A T., from the hill south of it. 2 pm. 4x5. inst. 1. [[underlined]] Ph. 141 [[/underlined]] Do do do do inst. 5. [[underlined]] Ph. 142 [[/underlined]] Do do do do do 3. [[underlined]] Ph. 143 [[/underlined]] Do do ; from nearer and lower. inst. 1. [[end page]] [[start bottom page]] NB The following altitudes, except under heads of species, are not corrected. Nov. 1. Ft. Huachuca (Hotel). Barom. 178; [[underlined]] 8 am [[/underlined]] local time 24.23 = 4720' [[underlined]] 9 am. [[/underlined]] At the water reservoir in the valley ^[[a little over 2 miles]] south of the fort barom. 23.75 = 5225' Here a tall ^[[(40')]] and old [[underlined]] Juniperus pachyphlora [[/underlined]] ; this species appears in small exemplars about 1 mile from the fort. First ^[[young]] small ^[[(20')]] [[underlined]] Pinus ponderosa [[/underlined]] in valley [[underlined]] 9.30 [[/underlined]] am. bar. 23.58 = 5410' A few feet higher a large tree, 60 centim. in diam. at base, and young trees become ^[[more]] numerous; among the oaks; no. sycamores any more - Pines ^[[of this size]] now numerous among the oaks on the east slope of the valley up to the top, but none yet on the western slope. [[end page]]
[[top page]] 10.45 am valley bifurcates barom. 23.29 = 5715' f. Sycamores only occasional Here still a large one. Pines not yet on western slope. - Going up the left (east) fork. Very shortly the valley again subdivides. this time up right or southern branch. Pines now become numerous, but the short-needled kind, only occasional [[underlined]] P. ponderosa. [[/underlined]] Oak still continues. Log cabin a little higher up. 11.15 barom. 23.09 = 5930' Pinõn with nuts Here on 5 yards square side by side: P. ponderosa, other Pine, Pinon, Junip. pachyphlora, and oaks; [[strikethrough]] both [[/strikethrough]] broad-leaved Agave ^[[in fruit]]; birds: black crested Jay; Melanerpes formic. baird; Junco yellow eyes 12.15 pm [[strikethrough]] Pass? [[/strikethrough]] Large fruit bearing broad leaved agave. Still no pines on [[strikethrough]] left [[/strikethrough]] east slopes except piñons; and [[underlined]] Junip. p. [[/underlined]] - Barom. 22.66 = 6410' - [[?]] 45 min 1 pm Pass. Bar. 22.62 = 6460' - Lizards. [[end page]] [[start bottom page]] From the top of the pass I can see unobstructedly south over lower ridges, the horizon being formed by blue mountains way back in Mexico. It is evident that the Huachuca Mts. are not continuous with the latter or wide plainlike valley separating them. Nor does the pine appear on the south slopes of Huachuca Mts. as seen from here, except on the higher peaks, and the pines are consequently not continuous with what pine forests there are in the Mexican Mts. 40 or more miles away. I am told by Mr. [[Albrecht]] that the Imp. Woodpeckers were not shot 30 miles south of the boundary but at least 120 miles, and with the country now lying at my feet I am ready to believe him. 5.30 pm Hotel Huachuca Barom: 24.40 = 4850 [[underline]] Nov. 2. [[/underline]] 8 am. Hotel Huachuca, Barom. 24.21 = 4750 1 pm: 24.18 = 4780 [[end page]]
[[underlined]] No H.173 [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Uta [[/underlined]] 15761 Ft. Huachuca, A.T. Pass Summit 6700' November 1, 1889. A faint [[strikethrough]] pale [[/strikethrough]] cream colored patch in the middle of the throat. [[underlined]] No H.174 [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Sceloporus [[/underlined]] 15756 Ft. Huachuca AT Pass Summit 6700' Nov. 1, '89. On throat a large patch of brilliant ultra marine blue running backwards on each side of the neck; [[strikethrough]] on each [[/strikethrough]] flanks pale greenish terminating ^ [[ posteriorly ]] in the groins in a black spot; scales on back creamy white, black at base; on upper neck a black collar bordered posteriorly with white; longitudinal stripe on each side of the upper neck, and stripes on side of head likewise white; tail suffused with greenish blue; throat in front of the blue patch and [[strikethrough]] middle belly [[/strikethrough]] lower parts white; [[end page]] [[start page]] (no black bordering blue patch; the black surrounding it appears after death). [[underlined]] No 3064 Spermophilus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] ad. Ft. Huachuca Valley AT. about 5800'. Nov. 1, '89 T.l. 458 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] tail 217 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl claws 55 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3064 b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same [[underlined]] No 3065 Junco [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Ft. Huachuca Valley, A.T. 5000-6000' Nov. 1 '89 Tl. 152 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam of eye 3.5 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris bright deep chrome; bill: upper mandible very dark [[strikethrough]] blackish [[/strikethrough]] horny brown, lower mandible horny buff; feet pale brownish flesh. [[underlined]] No 3066 Passerella [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Ft. Huachuca Valley, A.T. about 5800'. Nov. 1 '89 T.l. 157 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam of eye 4 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; Bill brownish slate, sides at base and basal half of lower mandible wax yellow. Feet pale brownish flesh.
[[underlined]] No 3067 Pipilo [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Ft. Huachuca Valley AT. 5000 - 6000' Nov. 1 '89 Tl. 203 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 3.75 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris pale raw amber; bill blackish brown; feet dark grayish brown. [[underlined]] No 3068 Cyanocitta [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Ft. Huachuca Valley, A.T. 6000' Nov. 1 '89. Tl. 290 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 6 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris dark brown; bill and feet black. [[underlined]] No 3069 Aphelocoma [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Ft. Huachuca Valley 6000 - 6700' Nov. 1 '89. Tl 327 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 6 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris very dark brown; bill blackish slate, below at base whitish; feet black. [[underlined]] No H.175 [[/underlined]] Lizard Sceloporus 15757 Ft. Huachuca A.T. 5800 feet [[end page]] [[start page]] Nov. 2 '89. Changed in color very greatly after death. When just shot it was nearly black all over, except the blue patches underneath and on the under surface of the tail, so black in fact that it was almost impossible to distinguish the pattern on the upper neck. When [[strikethrough]] aft [[/strikethrough]] examined an hour after, when coming home, it had changed to the same colors as no 174. In the living animal the blue throat patch was deep ultramarine blue verging to Prussian blue on the posterior branches down each side of the fore neck; this continued though considerably duller backwards on each side of the chest until they meet the flank patches which were vivid greenish blue; the black groin patch was also strongly suffused with Prussian blue;
[[top page]] most of under surface, except of tail which was whitish, was a smoky blackish; upper surface, including tail, smoky black with a faint coppery luster on the back. [[underlined]] No H.176 [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Sceloporus [[/underlined]] 15758 Ft. Huachuca A.T. 5700' Nov. 2 '89. Like foregoing, though not quite so dark; tail with a decided greenish blue tinge. Changed like foregoing. [[underlined]] No 177 [[/underlined]] Lizard [[underlined]] Sceloporus [[/underlined]] 15759 Ft. Huachuca A.T. 5700' Nov. 2 '89 [[Colors ?]] like foregoing, perhaps still lighter and changing in the same manner; underneath whitish, except posterior throat and flanks which were of a pale sky blue. [[end page]] [[start bottom page]] No 178 Lizard [[underlined]] Uta [[/underlined]] 15760 Ft. Huachuca AT. 5800' Nov. 2, 1889. On throat a patch of vivid straw yellow. [[underlined]] No 3070 Spizella [[/underlined]] ♂ Ft. Huachuca A.T. 5800' Nov. 2 '89 Tl. 133 [[underlined]] mm. [[/underlined]] diam. eye 2.5 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; ^[[bill]] horny brown above, flesh color below; feet pale horny brown. [[underlined]] No 3071 Sialia [[/underlined]] O Ft. Huachuca AT. 5800' Nov 2 '89. Tl. 167 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 4 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris dark brown. No 3072 Spermophilus ♂ juv Ft. Huachuca Valley, 5600' AT Nov. 1 '89 Tl. 375 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 167 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; hind foot 51 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]. [[end page]]
[[underlined]] No 3072 b [[/underlined]] Skull of same. Nov. 3. [[underlined]] Ph. 144 [[[/underlined]] - Ft. Huachuca and Huachuca Valley from the north. 10.30 am. bright sun. inst. 1. [[underlined]] Ph. 145 [[/underlined]] - Dipodomys hill, 4 miles north of Ft Huachuca. do do do 11.45 [[underlined]] Ph. 146. [[/underlined]] - Do do, slightly different view. Diameter of hill 3 meters; height 60 centims. [[underlined]] No 3073 Lepus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] * Huachuca Plains, A.T. Nov. 3 '89. Iris pale raw umber. T.l. 560 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 83 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 130 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3073 [[/underlined]] b. Skull of same. [[underlined]] No 3074 Otocoris [[underlined]] [[male symbol]] Huachuca Plains, AT. Nov. 3 '89. Tl 167 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam eye 3.5 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; bill plumbeous, darker [[end page]] [[start page]] at tip; feet brownish gray. [[underlined]] No 3075 Junco [[underlined]] [[male symbol]] Silver City, N.M. Nov. 5 '89. Tl. 150 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 3.5 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris very dark brown; bill flesh color, tip dusky; feet brownish gray. [[underlined]] No. 3076 Junco [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] !! Silver City, N.M. Nov. 5 '89. Tl. 155 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 3.5 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Colors as foregoing. [[underlined]] No 3077 Harporhynchus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Silver City, N.M. Nov. 5 '89 Tl. 270 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 6 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris chrome yellow; bill black; feet ^[[ dark ]] brownish gray, Tarsus lighter behind. [[underlined]] No 3078 Lepus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Silver City, NM. Nov. 5 '89 Tl. 343 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 33 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 82 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris dark hazel
[[start page]] No 3078b Skull of same No 3079 Lepus female [[symbol]] Silver City, NM. Nov. 5 '89 Tot l. 340 mm tail 46 mm hind foot with claws 84 mm No 3079b Skull of same. No 3080 Lepus male [[symbol]] Silver City, NM. Nov. 5 '89 T.l. 327 mm; tail 36 mm hind foot incl. claws 80 mm. No 3080b. Skull of same. No 3081 Lepus male [[symbol]] Silver City, NM. Nov. 5 '89 Tl. 595 mm; tail 83 mm hind foot incl. claws 136 mm No 3081b. Skull of same. Nov. 7 '89 Silver City, NM. Ph. 147 Yucca inst 1. bright sun 3.15 pm Ph. 148 Yucca with fruit stalks ditto ditto ditto 5x4 Ph. 149 Same plant ditto ditto ditto 5x4. [[end page]] [[start page]] Ph. 150 [[illegible strikethrough]] Ore Mill unloading Silver ore from Pinos Altos. inst. 1. bright sun. 4 pm. Ph. 151 ditto ditto ditto ditto Ph. 152 ditto ditto ditto ditto [[illeg. symbol]] The altitude of Silver City as ascertained by RR leveling from the sea is said to be nearly 6000 feet, so near so that 2nd story of this hotel may be considered to be 6000 feet within a few feet. Barom. 178 Nov. 7. 7 pm 23.45 (=5550!) The country around Silver City is a rolling plain cut by numerous "washes" and thickly covered with Yucca, shrub oaks, Pinyon and both species of Juniperus both pachyphlora and the strip bark species. Species of birds observed in addition to those preserved Red tailed hawk Carpodacus Regulus calendula [[end page]]
[[start page]] Pipilo macrodact [[?]] (Aphelocoma) Agelaius (red shouldered) Merula propinqua Colaptes cafer Lanius Amphispiza bilenata (Zonotrichia) No 3082. Harporhynchus male [[symbol]] Silver City, N.M. Nov. 7 '89. Tl. 300 mm diam eye 4.5 mm Iris clay colored; bill black; feet dark brownish gray. No 3083 Parus O [[symbol]] Silver City, NM. Nov. 7 '89 Tl. 133 mm; diam. eye 2.75 mm Iris brown; ___________ No 3084 _______________ male [[symbol]] Silver City, N.M. Nov. 7 '89. Tl. 220 mm; diam. eye 4 mm Iris chrome yellow; bill very dark brownish gray; feet dark brownish gray. [[end page]] [[start page]] No 3085 Pipilo female [[symbol]] Silver City NM; Nov. 7 '89 Tl: 198 mm; diam eye 4 mm Iris brown; bill pale lilac gray, upper half of upper mandible dusky; feet lilac gray, toes darker gray. [[subscript]] Common among the houses in town. No 3086 Myadestes townsendi female [[symbol]] Silver City NM; Nov. 7 '89 Tl 210 mm; diam eye 5 mm Iris brown; bill brownish black; feet blackish brown. No 3087 Spizella male [[symbol]] Silver City NM.; Nov. 8 '89 Tl. 138 mm; diam eye 3 mm Iris dark brown; bill brownish flesh color, culmen dusky; feet pale brownish gray. No 3088 Psaltriparus O [[symbol]] Silver City NM.; Nov. 8 '89 Tl. 105 mm; diam eye 2 mm Iris dark brown; bill and feet black. Voice decidedly parine, resembling Aegithalos [[end page]]
[[underlined]] No 3089 Thryothorus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Silver City NM; Nov. 8 '89. Tl. 133 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 3 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris dark brown. [[underlined]] No 3090 Aphelocoma [[underlined]] [[male symbol]] Silver City NM.; Nov. 8 '89 Tl. 295 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam eye 6 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; bill and feet black. [[underlined]] No 3091 Otocoris [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]! Silver City NM. Nov. 8 '89. Tl. 163 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam eye 3.5 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; bill slate colored, paler, nearly whitish at base of lower mandible; feet brownish slate. [[underlined]] No 3092 Lophortyx [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Silver City NM. Nov. 7 '89 Tl. 283 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 5 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; bill black; feet pale brownish pearl gray. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] No 3093 Lophortyx [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Silver City NM. Nov. 7 '89 Tl. 270 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam eye 4.75 [[underlined]] mm. [[/underlined]] Iris brown, etc as [[male symbol]] 3092 [[underlined]] No 3094 Spinus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] Silver City NM. Nov. 9 '89 Tl. 110 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 2.75 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; bill pale bluish gray, culmen and tip dusky; feet brownish gray. Molting all over. [[underlined]] No 3095 Zonotrichia [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Silver City NM. Nov. 9 '89 Tl. 159 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; diam. eye 4 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Iris brown; bill dull brownish orange, tip dusky; feet pale horny brown. [[underlined]] No 3096 Lepus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Silver City NM Nov. 9 '89 Tl. 353 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 42 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] Hind toe incl. claws 82 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3096 b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same.
[[start page]] Nov. 10 '89. Silver City N.M. [[underline]] Ph. 153 [[/underline]] Silver City from hills west of town. 2 pm. sun slightly veiled. inst 1. [[underline]] Ph 154 [[/underline]] Piñon tree. 6500' do do do. [[underline]] Ph. 155 [[/underline]] Silver mine in valley of Silver City. do. do. do. [[underline]] Ph. 156 [[/underline]] Cactus 6500' do do do. [[underline]] Ph. 157 [[/underline]] Checker bark Cedar Silver City in background. do. do do. Barom 178 - Tremont Hotel 2^d floor. - 9.30 pm. 23.19 (5820') Nov. 12 '89. El Paso, Texas. Barom. 178. Vendome Hotel 2^d floor. 8 am. 25.57 (3360') [[numeral 5 overwritten with numeral 6]] [[underline]] Ph. 158 [[/underline]] Church, Juarez, Mex. 9.20 am. bright sun. inst 1. [[underline]] Ph. 159 [[/underline]] Bust of Juarez, on Plaza, Juarez, Mex. do do do. [[end page]] [[start bottom page]] [[underline]] Ph. 160. [[/underline]] Interior of Church. do do. do. [[underline]] Ph. 161 [[/underline]] Do do. 5 sec. do. [[between lines, small "bubble" of numbers; calculations?]] [[underline]] Ph. 162 [[/underline]] Exterior of do. near view. do [[illeg.]] [[underline]] Ph. 163 [[/underline]] Entrance to military barracks, Juarez Mex. do do. 9.50 am [[underline]] Ph. 164 [[/underline]] Street in Juarez do do do. [[underline]] Ph. 165 [[/underline]] Architecture: fruit stand do do do. [[underline]] Ph. 166 [[/underline]] Public school for girls, Juares. do do do. [[underline]] Ph. 167 [[/underline]] Street scene, Juarez do do do. [[underline]] Ph. 168 [[/underline]] Court house, El Paso, Texas. do do 11 am [[underline]] Ph. 169 [[/underline]] Public School, El Paso, do do 11.15 am [[underline]] Ph. 170 [[/underline]] Building on Main Street, El Paso. do do Nov. 14 '89. El Paso, Texas. Mount. north of town. Barom. 178. 12 m. [[?]] 24.84 (8 am. at S S station. 26.19) [about 5100'?] 3.30 pm. 2 story Hotel Vendome. 26.14 [[encircled note]] 82630 S. S. barom. 8 pm 26.26 [[close encircled note]] [[underline]] No 3097 Tamias interpres [[/underline]] ♀ [[symbol written over ♂]] El Paso, Texas, Nov. 14 '89 - 4000' Tl. 223 mm; tail 82 mm hind foot incl. claws 38 mm among rocks. [[end page]] [[end page]]
[[start page]] [[underline]] No 3097b. [[/underline]] Skull of same Nov. 15 '89 El Paso 5.30 ^[[pm]] S.S. office barometer corr. 26.33 Geol. Surv. Barom. 178 _____ 26.20 Correction . + 0.13. Correction 8 am Nov. 14. + 0.11 5.30 - Hotel Vendome, 2 story B. 178: 26.22. _____________ [[underline]] No H.179. - Holbrookia [[/underline]] 15762 El Paso, Texas. Nov. 16 '89. Ground color above vivaceous cinnamon becoming more vivaceous posteriorly, the spots being brown between cinnamon rufous and vivaceous rufous; flanks anteriorly orange buff, posteriorly sulphur yellow, the black crescents having a tinge of neutral tint on the yellow. [[underline]] No H.180. [[/underline]] - Lizard Uta 15763 [[4 overwritten]] El Paso, Texas. Nov. 16 '89 [[end page]] [[start bottom page]] [[underline]] No H.181 [[/underline]] do [[underline]] 15764 [[5 overwritten]] El Paso, Texas, Nov. 16 '89 [[underline]] No H.182 [[/underline]] do 15765 do [[underline]] No H.183 [[/underline]] do 15766 [[7 overwritten]] do [[underline]] No H.184 [[/underline]] do 15767 [[8 overwritten]] do [[underline]] No H.185 [[/underline]] do 15768 [[9 overwritten]] do [[underline]] No H.186 [[/underline]] do 15769 [[6 written over 9]] do [[underline]] No H.187 [[/underline]] do 15770 do [[underline]] No H.188 [[/underline]] do 15771 do This species, 180-188, lives on rocks or sand and ^[[immediately upon seeing himself discovered]] always seeks refuge in holes under some bush, mesquite, cactus or the like. [[end page]]
[[underlined]] No H.189. [[/underlined]] Lizard Uta 15772 El Paso Texas, Nov. 16 '89 [[underlined]] No H.190 [[/underlined]] do 15773 do [[underlined]] No H.191 [[/underlined]] do 15774 do [[underlined]] No H.192 [[/underlined]] do 15775 do [[underlined]] No H.193 [[/underlined]] do 15776 do [[underlined]] No H.194 [[/underlined]] do 15777 do [[underlined]] No H.195 [[/underlined]] do 15778 do [[underlined]] No H.196 [[/underlined]] do 15779 do [[underlined]] No H.197 [[/underlined]] do 15780 do [[underlined]] No 3098 Tamias interpres [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 15781 [[/strikethrough]] El Paso, Texas, Nov. 16 '89. 4000' [[end page]] [[start page]] T.l. 215 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 76 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 38 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3098 b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same [[underlined]] No 3099 Tamias interpres [[/underlined] [[male symbol]] El Paso Texas, Nov. 16 '89 4000' Tl. 215 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail, 72 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl claws 36 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3099 b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same [[underlined]] No 3100 Tamias interpres [[underlined]] [[male symbol]] El Paso, Tex. Nov. 16 '89 4000' Tl. ___ [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail ___ [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 37 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3100 b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same [[underlined]] No 3101 Tamias interpres [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] El Paso, Tex. Nov. 18 '89 4000' Tl. 215 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 80 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 35 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3101 b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same [[underlined]] No 3102. Tamias interpres [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] El Paso, Tex. Nov. 18 '89 4000'
Tl. 212 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 75 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 35 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3102 b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same [[underlined]] No 3103 Tamias interpres [[/ underlined]] [[female symbol]] El Paso, Tex. Nov. 18 '89 4000' Tl. 218 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 75 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 36 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3103 b. Skull of same [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3104 Tamias interpres [[/ underlined]] [[female symbol]] El Paso, Tex. Nov. 18 '89 4000' Tl. 200 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 68 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 35 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3104 b [[/underlined]] Skull of same [[underlined]] No 3105 Tamias interpres [[underlined]] [[female symbol]] El Paso Tex. Nov. 18 '89 4000' Tl. 214 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]]; tail 73 [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] hind foot incl. claws 36. [[underlined]] mm [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] No 3105 b. [[/underlined]] Skull of same. [[underlined]] No H.198 [[/underlined]] Lizard Uta 15781 El Paso, Tex. Nov. 20 '89 3700' [[underlined]] No H.199 [[/underlined]] do 15782 do [[end page]] [[start page]] [[all lines obscured by inserted slip of paper inscribed as follows]] Huxley Prof Baird [?]] [[?]] J M Huxley
[[start page]] Tl. 212 mm; tail 75 mm hind foot incl. claws 35 mm No 3102b Skull of same No 3103 Tamias interpres female [[symbol]] El Paso, Tex. Nov. 18 '89 4000 feet Tl. 218 mm; tail 75 mm hind foot incl. claws 36 mm No 3103b. Skull of same No 3104 Tamias interpres female [[symbol]] El Paso, Tex. Nov. 18 '89 4000 feet Tl. 200 mm; tail 68 mm hind foot incl. claws 35 mm No 3104b Skull of same No 3105 Tamias interpres female [[symbol]] El Paso Tex. Nov. 18 '89 4000 feet Tl. 214 mm; tail 73 mm hind foot incl. claws 36. mm No 3105b. Skull of same. No H.198 Lizard Uta 15781 El Paso, Tex. Nov. 20 '89 3700 feet No H.199 ditto 15782 ditto [[end page]] [[start page]] No H.200 ditto 15783 ditto No H.201 ditto 15784 ditto No H.202 ditto 15785 ditto No H.203 ditto 15786. ditto (198-203 seem paler than 189 seq. [[?]] [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] 198-203 were found on the sandy flats near the Rio Grande on the embankment under the RR ties.) Nov. 21 '89 S.S. office El Paso. Geol. Surv. [illeg.]] 178. 26.12 S.S. merc. [[?]] barom corr. for temp. [[?]]: 26.23 corr. + 0.11 [[end page]]
[[Empty pages]]
[[Empty pages, but contains a pressed faded white flower with thin leaves lying on the top line of the 2nd page.]]
[[start page]] [[empty page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[inserted printed slip or business card]] John F. Blandy, M. E. TERRITORIAL GEOLOGIST PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. [[end page]]
[[start page]] [[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[inserted folded note paper with printed return address]] Return in 10 days to Daily & Weekly ARIZONA CITIZEN Tucson, Arizona [[handwritten address inscribed by Herbert Brown]] Mr. Towne Introducing Dr. [[Stenejer?]] esq. Mr. Bailey [[end page]]
[[letterhead]] Office of The Citizen Printing and Publishing Company ---- Publishes of the Daily and Weekly Arizona Citizen. Established 1870. H. B. Tenney, President. Herbert Brown, Editor and Manager. Tucson, A. T., Oct. 15 1889 Dear Mr. Towne Calabasas Dear Sir: The [["bearer"?]] of this note Dr. [illeg. "Stenejer"] and Mr. Bailey both connected with and collecting for the Smithsonian will [[will is written over "are"]] visit[[strikethrough]]ing[[/strikethrough]] your section for the purpose of collecting mammals, reptiles, etc. Any favor shown them will be duly appreciated by Yours truly Herbert Brown
" [[underlined]] Spizella wortheni Ridgw. [[/underlined]] Adult: Top of head dull tawny brown, indistinctly streaked with darker brown; rest of head, including anterior portion of forehead, plain ashy, becoming gradually paler (almost white) on chin and throat; chest very pale grayish buffy, the sides and flanks similar but rather deeper; belly and under tail-coverts white; back grayish tawny, broadly streaked with black; middle wing-coverts tipped with pale buffy, but greater coverts without light tips; bill cinnamon; length (skin) about 4.50, wing 2.70, tail 2.50, culmen 0.75, tarsus 0.72. Hab. New Mexico (vicinity of Silver City)." [Ridgw., Man. p. 419] [[end page]] [[start page]] d2) Tars. more than twice as long as culm.; no dusky streak behind eye 3. [[underlined]] S. wortheni [[/underlined]] c2) Wing not longer than tail (usually shorter). (Upper parts without any rusty, and top of head distinctly streaked with dusky). d1) Head distinctly striped; ear-coverts light buffy brown, in marked contrast with the very distinct broad supercil. and malar stripes of dull whitish, and ashy sides of neck....... 4. [[underlined]] S. pallida. [[/underlined]] d2) Head not distinctly striped, and ear-coverts not distinctly brownish. 5. [[underlined]] S. breweri [[/underlined]] a2) Head and neck plain grayish; chin and upper throat black in adult. 6. [[underlined]] S. atrigularis [[/underlined]]
[[start page]] [[upside down]] Spizella. (Ariz. N Mex. W. Tex Common. Char.: Lower back, rump and upper tail-coverts plain grayish or grayish brown, or else indisinctly streaked; lower parts plain whitish, grayish, or pale brownish (belly always white) in adult, streaked with dusky in young. a1) Head more or less conspicuously marked, but no black on chin or throat. b1) Wing with 2 distinct white bands; lower mandible yellow; ad. with dusky spot in center of chest . . . 1. S. ochracea b2) Wing without 2 distinct white bands; lower mand. without yellow; ad. without dusky spot on chest. c1) Wing decidedly longer than tail d1) Tarsus less than twice as long as culm; a distinct dusky streak behind eye. 2. S. arizonae [[end page]] [[start page]] [[torn edges of perhaps 2 or 3 missing pages]] [[end page]]
[[start page]] blank page [[end page]] [[start page]] [[inserted folded document]] [[end page]]
[[start page]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, August 31, 1889 List of Special Desiderata among Arizona Birds [[not Stejneger's handwriting]] _____________ Cyrtonyx, Lophortyx, and Callipepla: good specimens for mounting. Colinus ridgwayi. Series. Meleagris gallopavo. [[underlined for emphasis]] Good specimens for mounting. Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi. Buteo borealis calurus. Key [[?]] dark specimens. " abbreviatus. " lineatus elegans - if it should be met with. Urubitinga anthracina. Archibuteo ferrugineus. Good specimens for mounting. Aquila chrysaetos " " " " Falco fusco-caerulescens. " richardsoni. [[end page]]
[[start page]] 2. [[underlined]]Polyborus cheriway.[[/underlined]] Good specimens for mounting [[underlined]]Syrnium occidentale.[[/underlined]] " " " " [[underlined]]Megascops asio trichopsis.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " flammeolus.[[/underlined]] Very special desideratum! [[underlined]]Glaucidium phalaenoides[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " gnoma[[/underlined]] [[bracket for the foregoing two lines]] Series [[underlined]]Micropallas whitneyi.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Coccyzus americanus occidentalis[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Trogon ambiguus. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Ceryle cabanisi.[[//underlined]] [[underlined]]Dryobates arizonai.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " scalaris bairdi.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Picoides americanus dorsalis. [[/underlined]] Series [[underlined]]Colaptes chrysoides.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Melanerpes unopygialis.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Antrostomus vociferus arizonae.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Phalaenoptilus nuttalli nitidus. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Chordeiles texensis.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Chaetura vauxii[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Cypseloides niger[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Eugenes fulgens. [[/underlined]] [[end page]]
[[start page]] 3. [[underlined]]Coeligena clemenciae. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Calothorax lucifer. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Tache latirostris. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Myiodynastes luteiventris. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Myiarchus mexicanus magister.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " lawrencei olivascens.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Contopus pertinax.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Empidonax hammondi.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " fulvipous pygmaeus.[[/underlined]]Series [[underlined]]Ornithion imberbe ridgwayi.[[/underlined]] " [[underlined]]Otocorys alpestris chrysolaemas[[/underlined]] " [[underlined]]Corvus cryptoleucus[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " corax sinuatus[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " americanus hesperis.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Agelaius phoeniceus sonoriensis.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Icterus parisorum.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " cucullatus nelsoni.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Loxia curvirostra stricklandi.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]]Spinus psaltria arizonae.[[/underlined]] [[end page]]
4. Spizella pallida " atrigularis. [[underlined for emphasis]] " wortheni. [[underlined for emphasis]] Junco cinereus palliatus " dorsalis. Peucaea arizonae. [[underlined for emphasis]] Many as possible ! " carpalis. " cassini. “[[strikethrough]] ruficeps [[/strikethrough]] Melospiza fasciata fallax. Passerella iliaca scbistacea. Pipilo aberti. Cardinalis cardinalis superbus. [[underlined for emphasis]] Series. Pyrrhuloxia sinuata beckhami. Guiraea caerulea eurhyncha. Passerina versicolon pulchra. Piranga hepatica. " rubra cooperi. [[underlined for emphasis]] Progne subis Hesperia. [[underlined for emphasis]] Tachycineta thalassina. Phainopepla nitens. [[end page]]
5. [[underlined]] Vireo bellii. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " pusillus. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " vicirrion [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " huttoni stephensi. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " atricapillus. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Helminthophila luciae, [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " virginiae. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " ruficapilla gutturalis. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Dendroica aestiva sonorana. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " graciae. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " townsendi. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " occidentalis [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " nigrescens. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Geothlypis trichas occidentalis. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " macgillivrayi. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Septophaga picta. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Cardellina rubrifrons [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Harporhynclius bendirei [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " crissalis . [[/underlined]]
6. [[underlined]] Harporhynchus lecontei. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " curvoritris palmeri. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Catherpes mexicanus conspersus or punctulatus. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Certhia familiaris montana [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " " mexicana. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Parus inomatus griseus. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " atricapillus septentrionalis [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " meridionalis. [[/underlined]]] [[underlined]] Psaltriparus plumbeus [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " santa-ritae. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Auriparus flaviceps.[[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Polioptila caerulea [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " plumbea. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Sialia mexicana [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] " artica. [[/underlined]]