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Field Notes, 1880

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[[Front cover]]
E 1/4 N } 3 1/4 NE 1/2 E } N by E [[end page]] [[start page]] [[image - pencil drawing of unidentified object]] [[image - pencil drawing of some sort of cliff or possibly an iceberg]] 3125 32.75 [[line]] X
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[[Blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[Blank page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] - Friday - [[line]] June 4th, 1880 [[line]] 4:15 A.M. Reached Seymour Narrows. The extreme end of Race Pt is rocky flattish and bare of trees. Between east end of Maude Id & adjacent shore is an appearance of a passage called False Passage. In the Narrows the ridge on the Vancouver side seemed decidedly the higher - both were rather sparsely wooded the rocks showing through in several places - Two inlets northward from Deepwater Bay on Valdes Id. ends not examined but ^ [[insertion]] reported to [[/insertion]] penetrate much further than indicated by Br. Ad Ch. 530 Granite Pt between them is rather low, wooded on top bare at the end - highest side toward northern inlet [[image - pencil sketch of landscape indicating horizon & shore]]. Point opposite Chatham Pt has a nearly bare rocky face steep, not much higher than Chatham Pt. N shores hereabouts largely rocky [[strikethrough]] [[at? ?]] [[/strikethrough]] for some little way back. Capt. George says tides in Johnston's Straits are very irregular. the data on the B. A. Ch. not sufficient to compute tides by. H.B. Officers agree. Mt. Eldon near Pender Id. Peculiar wooded square topped hill, abrupt to the NW and quite isolated. Vancouver side hereabouts steeper higher & more densely wooded. Bluff ENE of Knox Bay nearly bald on SE slope.
[[Image - pencil sketch of landscape from sea]] C. Calvert [[end page]] [[start page]] On line from Eldon Pt. Thurlow Id & Camp Pt. [[underline]] peak [[/underline]], close to the shore is a rock covered at H.W. discovered by Capt. Carroll & not on B. A. Ch. 581. Blinkhorn Id. all timber prostrated by wind &c. Alert Bay - trading station & wood wharf. Indians have mostly moved over from Cheslakee. Hecate Str. NE. current from 2.C. Sd 1-2 km. [[image - rough pencil sketch of peaks]] [[image - more detailed pencil sketch of peaks and landscape [[captions on image:]] C. Calvert Clark Pt? Sorrow Ids NW 1/2 N NW by N 3/4 N Fm [[/captions]] Fisherman's cove near Grenville Channel anchorage in 20 fms. no room except for a small boat a 70 ton schr [[tails?]] on to the beach. [[image - pencil sketch of peaks overwritten by entry]]
[[image - pencil drawing of landscape]] [[image caption]] Safety Cove W by N 1 mile [[/caption]] [[image - pencil drawing of landscape]] [[image labels]] cone at head; W 1/2 S [[/labels]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Saturday June 5. Foggy in A.M. much of time Tides met about where 126 fms is marked near Bare Hill in Grenville Channel Turtle Pt. Gil Id has no marked hill on it A good deal of dead timber and more low and level land near entrance from Wright Id. than before, especially on S. side. Bare Hill is merely the long spur of a higher one westward from it which is wooded. Several good beaches & camping places between here & Wright Sound on S. side. Mts back from shore inside of first range are often perfectly bare rock. Same rock from Cape Calvert up along the channel with no visible exception near Nabannah B. on S. side opp. 58 fms fine waterfall and west from it 1/8 mile a small [[image - small drawing of landscape]] knob puts out not on ch. Rocks change shortly afterward at least apparently & resemble clay porphyrys. Beyond Klewnuggit the N. shores (especially) become lower. Rocky Mt goats seen on a hill by the capt. Breaker 1 m S of l in plan see Brown Passage 1923 A B. [[td?]]. Sparrowhawk Rk has 12 ft at low water with 22 ft rise & fall [[strikethrough]] Rock [[/strikethrough]] Breaker broad off Cape Elisabeth 3/4 mile Capt. George in heavy SE gale
[[image - pencil sketch of island and landscape as seen from water.]] [[image labels:]] Grindall Id. S by W 1/2 W. C. Grindall SW by S 1/2 S From near C. Caamano [[/image labels]] [[image - rough pencil sketch of profile of island]] [[image label:]] E Pt of Cape Caamano N. 1/2 m [[/image labels]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[line]] Sunday June 6/80 [[line]] Tongass Mt. S. end of Gravina Id. a good land mark from Hecate Str. for Clarence Str. Gravina group land very high 3 - 4000 ft to westward. several very sharp or bold peaks but runs to low land on the shore of the narrows. Shore of Revillagigedo Id opposite much broken, with one large ramifying inlet and fringed with islands 2000 - 3000 feet inland low toward the narrows, shores rocky, few beaches & mostly bold to. all wooded to tops but above more sparsely 2 waterfalls on porthand anchorage in 19 fms mud pretty close in Ward Cove just N. of Pen'a. Pt Tongass Narrows steer in mid channel till 14 fms & anchor in mud, good holding ground. No dangers & perfect shelter, fresh water, small extent. Pt. Vallenar low, narrow, wooded, a small island with lower trees barely detached at its NW. end and this surrounded with low flat bare rocks probably partly covered at h.w. Half a mile N from Pt. Vallenar, Guard Island 2 cables in extent bare or nearly so low & rocky. The passage between this & the Pt. is full of rocks.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Pt. Higgins is also low & wooded, both for a long way back. Betton Id is quite [1500ft) high & bluff Ship Id to Pt. Stanhope logged 32 miles Tolstoi Pt is low, wooded, rising slowly to a ridge of 2-3000 ft to the S.& W. Southern third of Etolin Id extremely low & flat, wooded, shores much broken Northern part higher & much more abrupt. E pt Vauks Id (?) on with Stikine Mouth N 1/2 E At Wrangell the low hill (150 ft?) behind the town is covered with a very wet boggy soil of a black color and with quantities of granite boulders and erratics scattered through it, apparently glacial
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[line]] Saturday June 12 1880 [[line]] From anchorage in little bight just within Big Nakwasina Bay NE point of Id across entrance thereto N [[strikethrough]] 60 [[/strikethrough]] 40 W SE " [[ditto for: point]] about W NW point of cove where we are anchored N [[strikethrough]] 45 [[strikethrough]] 34 W SW " " " [[dittos for: point of cover where we are anchored]] S. 24 W S. point of Halleck Id. about W. [[strikethrough]] 20 S. [[/strikethrough]] Beehive Id. (middle of top) " [[ditto for: about]] [[strikethrough]] W 10 N [[/strikethrough]] N 70˚W. SE. Pt Krestoff Id S. 50 E [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] bears N 60 W [[underlined]] b [[/underlined]] N. 40 W [[underlined]] c [[/underlined]] (mouth of stream) about E. [[image - detailed pencil sketch of landscape with hills marked with a and b]] [[image captions:]] S end Halleck. Beehive. [[/captions]] [[image - pencil sketch of islands and land from a birds eye view marked with c, d and two anchor symbols]] [[image captions:]] passage at h w. for boats. c - d is not less than half a mile by estimate of all who were present. [[/image captions]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Small islands off right leading toward Katlian Bay Two wooded ones and some bare rocks The marble ledge is on the shore of Baranoff Island. It borders on the western side on a mass of the greenish (diorite?) common to the vicinity and the dip seemed nearly perpendicular; the width of the ledge was at least 100 ft exposed & apparently extended much further but covered by vegetation It was of a fine grain with little discoloration and with cold water close up to the beach. The entrance to the SE arm is wider than the charts give it, all estimated it at half a mile or so. It was nearly as wide as the length of the two channel islands. There is a passage at high water over the sand bar connecting Beehive Id. with Halleck Id. a short distance beyond the SW. pt of the latter in Olga Strait a fine cascade falls over a high bluff apparently from a basin in the hills. This is permanent throughout the season.
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Pilot George Cozain who accompanied us says that Hewitt Rock in Hikish Narrows is on a patch of shoal extending one third of the width of the channel from the western shore & the rock has 8 ft on it at low water It is opposite or off from a sort of little rounded hill on the west shore of the Narrows. On the rock behind the old Indian church site at Sitka about 50 feet above the water are what appear to be glacial scratches & deep groovings in an easterly & westerly direction. Angles of elevation for Mt. Edgecumbe June 16th, 9 P.M. midway between Vitskari 3°.23'.20" and Kulichkoff Rks. 66 fms 3°.23'.30" Rock off Biorka S. by E 1/4 E. 3.23.55 Verstovaia Pk NE. by N. 3.23.40 Vitskari Beacon W by S 1/2 S. 3.23 20 distance 7 1/8 miles = 47850 ft. --------- 145 3 23 33 47850 x [[tau? [an?]] 3°22'.52"= 2827 ft. -41 --------- 3 22 52
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[line]] Monday June 14/80 [[line]] Go ashore to connect old magnetic station on Parade ground Sitka with new one on Japonski Island after lunch. A.M. rainy. [[line]] [[Thursday June 17 overwritten]] Friday June 18 [[line]] Pt Theodore low rocky four or five rocks above water extending out half a mile in southerly direction. Hence to (?) Takhanis Bay shore bold rocky bare for a short distance broken into knobs & hillocks back from shore all wooded S & NW part of Id low middle high but not as high as main land of Chichagoff Id NW from 1st bay shore less broken. [[strikethrough]] Pt Bingham [[/strikethrough]] Cross Cape low wooded, white rocks off it outer large are with patch of grass, a few stubly & one high lighthouse like tree, some low rock outside of this - water discolored - off entrance, see sketch. sounded in 78 fms - 8.30 A.M. Cross Cape [[strikethrough]] Point Bingham [[/strikethrough]] rocks NW. 1 1/2 miles, sound in 35 fms 10.15 A.M. 11 A.M. peak of Fairweather bears NW. 3/4 W Rocks off [[strikethrough]] Pt Bingham [[/strikethrough]] Cross Cape NW by N. 25 fms
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Hutton 311. 14 [[superscript]] h [[/superscript]] [[line]] [[table]] m | [[underlined]] ⊙ [[/underlined]] 5 . 28 . 5 |54 . 5 . 10 6 . 13 . 0 |54 . 7 . 00 6 . 39 . 5 |54 . 8 . 40 [[/table]] lower limb from quarter deck. Comparison of chronometers 214 8 [[strikethrough]] 09 [[/strikethrough]] 15 04 18 05 311 14 09 21.5 12 23 [[line across page]] [[table]] h m s ° ' " 12 54 18 55 25 30 55 02 1/2 24 10 55 30 1/2 24 10 59 36 1/4 24 10 1 06 27 1/2 55 20 0 [[/table]] P'k Fairweather N.W. 3/4 W. Rock off Pt [[strikethrough]] Bingham [[/strikethrough]] Cross Cape N. by W. 1/4 W. δ = 23 26.3 [[table]] Mer alt. 55° 24' 10" I Corr.ⁿ - 40 S. Diam. + 15 46 Dip - 3 15 Refraction - 39 Parr [[superscript]] lx. [[/superscript]] + 8 ------------------------ Z 55 35.5 ζ 34 24.5 δ 23 26.3 --------- φ 57 50.8 [[/table]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 1 P.M. N. edge Jacoby Id N. 1/4 W N islet Pt Bingham N by W. 1/2 W Rock [[strikethrough]] Pt. Bingham [[/strikthrough]] Cross Cape E by N. 1/2 N Fairweather Pk. NW. 3/4 W. later outermost rocks Pt Bingham in one with outermost land southward ESE. later Rocks off SW edge Pt Bingham in one with do Cross Cape SE by S. (shore E 1 mile) low edge C. Spencer NW by N 1/2 N 1 Pt Spencer NW 1/2 W Next NW by W Pt. Islet or Knob NW by W 3/4 W. a pt or islet midway between last two. NW 1/4 W low east edge of Spencer in one with E edge of Taylor glacier. ^ [[insertion]] top.(NNE)of Three hill Id. [[/insertion]] 36'. 38'. 37 1/2. elevation C. Spencer W 1/4 N. Glacier N. W. [[line]] Correction Theodolite 123 [[line]] for curvature of the mag. needle N. to W. add 23'.5 N. to E subtract 23'.5 S to E subtract 23'.5 S to W add 23'.5
[[scan contains a chart that occupies both pages - entries on left page correspond to entries on right page. To indicate which lines correspond to which, have labeled them as L# and R# where L=left page and R=right page and # equals sequential line number.]] [[L1]] To [[L2]] Top of Beach [[L3]] waters edge [[L4]] Schr. anchorage [[L5]] Top Beach [[L6]] Waters edge [[L7]] Top Beach opp [[L8]] Waters edge [[L9]] W. head of small rocky bight} & end of Cape Spencer in one} [[L10]] water edge [[strikethrough]] Top [[/strikethrough]] of beach W. edge of glacier (nearly in line with Crillon) [[L11]] Top of Crillon (?) [[L12]] E headland of small bight [[L13]] Top of beach [[L14]] Mt Fairweather (?) peak of [[L15]] Bight in anchorage - about - [[L16]] S.E. head of " [[ditto for: anchorage]] [[L17]] End of rocks off above head [[L18]] Edge of rocks, W. side. High water 8 P.M. approx [[end page]] [[start page]] Port Althorp Cross Sound June 18, 1880. [[R1]] From Station on isthmus, 6 P.M. Granite Cove [[R2]] 36 1/2 B. N.6E. 3°.18'40 A 18'.40" B [[R3]] 62 1/3 B. N.26 3/4 E 24°.12'.00 A Vert 2° 30'-31 [[R4]] [[strikethrough]] 57 [[/strikethrough]] N57 1/4 E 54°.40'00 A [[R5]] 51 3/4 B. S53 3/4 E 124.18.30 A Vert 2°. 40'-41 [[R6]] 67B. S71 1/3 E 107.02 00 A " [[Ditto for: Vert]] 4°23'-4 [[R7]] 98B. S23 1/2 N, 20l.42.00 A " [[Ditto for: Vert]] 1°38'-9 [[R8]] 78B. S.36 3/4 W 204.54.00 A " [[Ditto for: Vert]] {3 45.30 {3 44 [[R9]] S. 64 3/4 W 243 2 30 A [[blank line]] [[R10]] 43B S 82 1/4 W 260°23' A [[blank line]] [[R11]] N. 74 1/2 W. 283 02 00 A V.A.{Rt. vern 1°08'00 {Left "[[Ditto for: vern]] 1 09 [[R12]] S86W. [[R13]] 40 1/2 B. N.62 1/4 W 295 14 30A [[R14]] N.66 W 291 44 30 A Vert A {Rt Vern 2° 30' {left Vern 2 31 [[R15]] N 22 E [[R16]] N 76 E [[R17]] N 82 3/4 E [[R18]] S 79 1/2 E [[image - landscape drawing showing area being discussed?]]
From magnetic Δ Port Althorp 1880 June 18, P.M. Magnetic mark (dead tree on opposite shore) -A- -B- Bears N. 77° 5/8 S. 0° 0' 0" 180° 0' 15" To Astronomical Δ 12 m. B S. 16 1/4° E. 86° 54' 0" Mt Fairweather (peak) ? 216 48 40 ------------- N. 66° W. V.A. D 2° 31' 2° 30 1/2' R 2 22 1/2 2 25 Mt Lituya (peak) ? (flat top bisected) V.A. D 3° 04' 3° 02 1/2' R 2 54 2 58 1/2 N. 72 3/4 W. H.A. D 209° 46' 15" N. 72 1/2 W. R 29 46 10 [[image - drawing of landscape; this is partly drawn over text transcribed above]] [[end page]] [[start page]] June 19, 1880 Theodolite Fanth, 123. 10.45 A.M. Δ Top of Rock. [[strikethrough]] 177 L. S. 32 E. [[/strikethrough]] to Pinnacle Rock at waters edge S. 33 3/4 E 0° .0'. " " [[Dittos for: Pinnacle Rock]] within a little way S. 32 E [[strikethrough]] to P [[/strikethrough]] 177 L. to rock at water's edge this side of bight S. 38 1/2 E. 64 B. Bottom of bight between two last S. 20 E. Bottom of small bight near Δ 53 B S. 33 1/2 E. ditto 75 1/2 B. S. 54 1/2 W S. end rock nearby S. 61 1/2 W A [[this A is circled]] N " " " [[dittos for: end rock nearby]] N. 36 W Rock 58 1/2 B S. 76 1/2 W Id. Rock near spit S 86 1/2 W Station of yesterday 118 L N. 84 3/4 W. Large Rock E end 153 B. N 82 1/2 W
9.15 am Telemetric Observations 1880 June 20. Sunday Theod. Fanth No 123 + telemeter Observer W. H. D. From Point [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Rocky Δ To Outer edge of island ^[[insertion]] opposite [[/insertion]] in one with with rocks at further end Jacoby Id 0° 0' 0" 180° 0' 0" S. 9 1/4° W. " [[Ditto for: To]] Δ on rock (of yesterday) 195 L S. 46 1/4 W. 37 23 30 " [[Ditto for: To]] Middle of Pinnacle Rock S. 10 3/4 W. 2 45 0 " [[Ditto for: To]] Bottom of bight on opposite shore S. 27 1/2 W. 18 46 30 " [[ditto for: To]] Top of trees, above same A B V.A. 8° 50' 8° 49' " [[Ditto for: To]] W. edge small beach [[symbol- encircled *]] 225 L S. 74 3/4 W. 65 52 0 " [[Ditto for: To]] Top square rock W. head of N. bight S. 65 W. " [[Ditto for: To]] Outer edge same rock S. 67 1/2 W. " [[Ditto for: To]] Anchorage of Schr S 69 W " [[Ditto for: To]] East edge last beach [[symbol - encircled *]] S 76 1/2 W [[end page]] [[start page]] To W. edge next beach S. 85 1/3 W " do do [[dittos for: To W. edge next beach]] high water mark 237 L S. 82 1/2 W. 73° 48' 0" " [[ditto for: To]] S. edge same beach W. " [[ditto for: To]] Small point of Rocks N 83 2/3 W. " [[ditto for: To]] Bottom of bight 224 L N 79 W. 91° 20' 0" " [[ditto for: To]] N part same bight N 73 3/4 W " [[ditto for: To]] Rock slide N 38 W " [[ditto for: To]] Lower end of rock on which Δ is situated N. 15 E [[image- single line drawing, showing outline of shore perhaps? marked with a small "x" and word "slide"?]] To Point W. of land slide 158 B N. 50 W. To bight E. of land slide 180 B N 23 1/2 W V.A. Top of trees above last A B N. 21 W., 21° 15' 21° 15 1/2'
Δ To bottom of bight E. side rock N. 34 1/2 E " [[ditto for: To]] small point just beyond N. 78 1/2 E " [[ditto for: To]] Point of rocks beyond N. 81 1/2 E " [[ditto for: To { N 83 3/4 E 240 L { Nearest point next Id " [[ditto for: To]] Edge trees on same N 88 E " [[ditto for: To]] End S. point, waters edge S. 89 1/2 E " [[ditto for: To]] End rocks off shore S. 82 E. " [[ditto for: To]] End kelp do [[ditto]] (narrow line of kelp) S. 75 E " [[ditto for: To]] E. end of bay S. 70 E. " [[ditto for: To]] Rock E. end of island opposite S. 36 1/4 E. " [[ditto for: To]] Middle peak same island S. 22 1/4 E. " [[ditto for: To]] Gash in same " [[ditto for: island]] S. 16 1/2 E " [[ditto for: To]] N. end " " [[dittos for: same island]] S. 3 1/4 E. " [[ditto for: To]] Rock, end of reef off " [[ditto for: island]] S. 1 W. " [[ditto for: To]] outer edge of kelp S. 2 1/4 W. " [[ditto for: To]] Edge kelp off Δ B 45 [[strikethrough]] BL [[/strikethrough]] S. 21 1/2 W " [[ditto for: To]] Shore end Δ rock B 56 [[strikethrough]] BL [[/strikethrough]] N. 18 1/4 E " [[ditto for: To]] Little point next same B [[strikethrough]] 56 B [[/strikethrough]] 78 [[strikethrough]] BL [[/strikethrough]] " [[ditto for: To]] outerpoint of last N. 82 3/4 E [[end page]] [[start page]] Vertical Angles 1880 June 20 P.M. From deck of Schooner To Middle peak [[strikethrough]] Bean [[/strikethrough]] Id "Three Hill" {5° 56' 30" 5° 55' 40" {5° 55' 25" ------------ Mean 5 55 52 " [[ditto for: To]] North " [[ditto for: peak]] same 5° 01' 10" 5 02 20 5 02 15 ----------- Mean 5 01 55 -40 ----------- 5 01 15 distance 1 5/8 mile = 9876 ft 5 55 52 I.[[l? C?]] -40 -------- 5 55 12 distance from Tebenkoffs chart VIII is 2 1/8 miles = 12912 3.99458 8.94376 --------- 2.93834 N. peak = 868 ft 4.11200 9.01574 --------- 3.12774 1342 ft. Middle peak
June 25 Breaker off Phipps Pt W by S in one with outer most opposite land - [[strikethrough]] (Pt. Manby?) [[/strikethrough]] angles for height of Malaspina Peak, Yakutat [[circled]] [[strikethrough]] 2˚.42'.05" 44.50 44.15 [[/strikethrough]] slick in water taken for horizon [[/circled copy]] 2˚.28'.40" 28.15 [[strikethrough]] 30.00 [[/strikethrough]] poor 28.00 27.40 -------------- Mean 2˚ 28 09" Capt Herendeen observes the angle 2˚30' Index Corr. Observed altitude 2˚ 28' 09" on arc Off arc Index Corr. - 19 ---------- -32'25" +31'20" Corrected altitude 2 27 50 31 45 15 45 00 30 10 45 -------- ------- -31 50 +31 11.1/4 +31 11.3 -------- - 387 - 19.4 Observed S.D. 15" 45.'3 Almanac " [[ditto for: S.D.]] 15 46. 3 ---------- +1".0 [[start page]] Bearings from Deck of Schooner. 1880 June 25 P.M. 60 fms To Ocean Cape E by S. 1/4 S. Crugley Id N. E. by E. Peak Mt St. Elias N. W. by W. 1/2 W. approx. E. head Disenchantment Bay N. 5/8 E. Point Manby W. 1/2 S. From same later To Ocean Cape E 1/4 N Crugley Id N.E. S. End Dalnoy Id. N E 1/2 N Centre Disenchantment Bay N [[strikethrough]]by[[/strikethrough]]1/2 E. Point Manby West N. end of trees NW 1/2 N Southernmost edge of land W by S 3/4 S Nearest beach 2 1/2 miles dist. N.N.W. Manby bearing WNW. 21 fms. soft | NW 10 f Ocean Cape E 1/2 S. |E 1/2 S [[?]] kelp Disenchantment Bay NE by N 3/4 N | NNE ---------------------------------- outermost land W by S
[[image - drawing of landscape/rock; section is circled and marked dist.]] [[image caption:]] SW 1/2 W Southernmost Barren Id & rock SE by S 1/2 S E edge Barren Ids S 1/4 E W e.(E group) " [[ditto for: Barren Ids. SE 3/4 E C. Elizabeth? N 3/4 E Pt Bede? [[end page]] [[start page]] Bearings from Glacier Spit. 1880 July 2 USC&G.S. Theod. No 122 General direction of this beach S. 60° 1/2 E. Point in small bight to eastward {S. 43 E {0° 0' 0" Point on opposite shore of bight further in} S.41 1/2 E.} 2 02 0 Opposite head of bight S. 44 47 0 Point on same shore further on S.26 3/4 W. 72 13 0 Inner edge islet beyond S.30 W. 75 53 0 Outer edge " " S.31 W. 76 49 0 Mainshore of bay beyond } nearly in one with this islet} Rock beyond S. 33 1/2 W. 78 13 0 End of spit at water's edge S. 49 1/2 W. 94 14 0 First of the 7 trees on spit S. 51 W. 96 33 0 Seventh ditto S. 51 1/2 W. 97 01 0 Schooner at anchorage S. 54 W. 99 01 30 ------------------------ A B Vert. Ang{Schooner waters edge 359° 55' 171° 54' {Top mainmast +0 01 1/2 +180 01 1/2 ------------------------- Same reversed (water) 179° 57' 359° 58' (top) 180 11 0 08 1/2 Height of telescope leveled above water's edge 24 ft. 6in
From same To low neck of spit (middle) S66°1/2W. 109° 45' " [[ditto for: To]] Watering place (approx) S80W 123 18 " [[ditto for: To]] General direction this beach} N51W. (on which is Δ) " [[ditto for: To]] General direction of head of bay N.14W. " [[ditto for: To]] Foot of hill opposite side of spit N.9W. " [[ditto for: To]] Edge of trees this side of spit N.31E. " [[ditto for: To]] Mountain N. of Glacier N.69E.(approx.) " " [[dittos for: To Mountain]] S. " " [[dittos for: of Glacier]] N.88E " [[ditto for: (approx.)]] " [[ditto for: To]] Point of starting S.42 3/4W.-0° 0' Vert. Ang Schooner at waters edge A B 180° 01' 0° 0' Top mainmast 180 09 1/2 0 09 1/2 -------------------------- Same reversed (water) 0 06 180 06 (top) 359 57 179 58 -------------------------- Height of mainmast [[strikethrough]] 101 ft 8 in [[/strikethrough]] above water 99 ft 6 in. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[image - rough pencil sketch map of islands]] Andory 15 Twenty Hogrht X X X Bold y d angle rd [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
[[Back cover]]