McLellan, J. Ellis, California, Lower California, Mexico, Oregon, July 1893 - February 1896
PrintThe field catalog documents the mammals collected by J. Ellis McLellan in Lower California [Baja California] (Mexico), Oregon, July 1893 - February 1896. Includes multiple catalogs bound together; pagination restarts with each catalog. Entries cover some USNM catalog numbers (non consecutive), original specimen number (1 - 1542), sex, name of species, locality, date, measurements (total length, tail vertebrae, hind foot), and remarks. Locations include California (1893 - 1894); and Mexico (1895 - 1896).
Jun 30, 1893
Jan 31, 1896
At least 24 hours advance notice is recommended to consult this collection. Contact the Division of Mammals at 202-633-1253 to make an appointment.
SIA Acc. 12-443
Mammal Section, Bird and Mammal Labs, Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior, Division of Mammals
1 field book
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Division of Mammals