Bailey, V. O., Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, July 1904 - December 1904
Download IIIF ManifestRequest permissionsDownload image PrintThe journal documents Vernon Orlando Bailey's collecting mammal and bird specimens in Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, July 4 - December 18, 1904. The entries are dated and pages are often headed with locations. Details travel, routes, campsites, terrain (elevation), weather, vegetation, specimens collected, stories about and interactions with local inhabitants, geology. Includes extensive descriptions of local Indian tribes, a fiesta (Jicarilla Apache) and notes about Taos language, including English translations. Locations includes Taos mountains, Questa, Stinking Lake, Gallinas Mountains, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Hopewell (state unidentified).
Jul 04, 1904
Dec 18, 1904
At least 24 hours advance notice is recommended to consult this collection. Contact the Division of Mammals at 202-633-1253 to make an appointment.
SIA Acc. 12-443
Mammal Section, Bird and Mammal Labs, Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior, Division of Mammals
1 field book
National Museum of Natural History (U.S.). Division of Mammals