Album 1 Wyoming, 1910; Alaska, 1911; Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 1911-1912; includes photographs of Wetmore, Merritt Cary, Daniel Denison Streeter, and Arthur Cleveland Bent
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689. Greybull, Wyoming. June, 1910.
690. Dry Gulch, east of Big Horn River, near Greybull, Wyoming. June, 1910.
691. Big Horn River, Greybull, Wyoming. June, 1910.
692. Camp near Greybull, Wyoming. June 15 to 22, 1910.
693. Breakfast in camp on Dry Creek, near Germania Flats, Wyoming. June 23, 1910.
694. Camp on Dry Creek, east of Germania Flats, Wyoming. June 23, 1910.
695. The Shoshone River from the bridge at Cody, Wyoming. June 25, 1910.
696. On Cottonwood Creek, near Cody, Wyoming, June 25, 1910.
697. Black Mountain, north of Cody, Wyoming. Good bear country. June 27, 1910.
698. D.D. Streeter, Jr. and M. Cary, "staking out" mouse skins. In Camp, Pat O'Hara Creek, Wyoming. June 29, 1910.
699. Camp on Pat O'Hara Creek, below Black Mountain, Wyoming. June 29, 1910.
700. Camp on Cottonwood Creek, north of Cody, Wyoming. Heart Mountain in the distance. June 29, 1910.
701. Jess Brown gets breakfast in camp. Cottonwood Creek, Wyoming. July 1, 1910.
702. D.D. Streeter, Jr. in camp on Cottonwood Creek, north of Cody, Wyoming. July 3, 1910.
703. Mouth of Ishawooa Creek, on the south fork of the Shoshone, Wyoming. July 7, 1910.
704. Carter Mountain near Cody, Wyoming. July 7, 1910.
705. Mountains above Valley, Wyoming, taken from timberline. July 8, 1910.
706. Looking down the South Fork to Wapiti Ridge, near Valley, Wyoming. July 8, 1910.
707. Boulder Basin, below Needle Mountain, Wyoming. July 8, 1910.
708. Mouth of Deer Creek near Valley, Wyoming. July 8, 1910.
709. Shoshone Mountains above the South Fork, Wyoming. July 8, 1910.
710. Jess Brown, the camp man, goes trout fishing near Valley, Wyoming. July 10, 1910.
711. D.D. Streeter, Jr. and M. Cary arranging packs. Camp near Valley, Wyoming. July 10, 1910.
712. D.D. Streeter, Jr. and M. Cary start for Needle Mountain, Wyoming. July 10, 1910.
713. A. Wetmore working on mountain sheep skin. Camp at timberline above Boulder Basin, Wyoming. July 14, 1939.
714. A. Wetmore packing down from timberline camp above Boulder Basin, Wyoming. July 16, 1910.
715. M. Cary and Jess Brown crossing the South Fork to Valley, Wyoming. July 20, 1910.
716. Shoshone Dam on the North Fork, beyond Cody, Wyoming. July 23, 1910.
717. Cayon of the North Fork, beyond Cody, Wyoming. July 23, 1910.
718. Lake impounded above the Shoshone Dam, Wyoming. July 23, 1910.
719. "The Holy City", Yellowstone National Forest, Wyoming. July 24, 1910.
720. A. Wetmore and the buckskin start for the timberline on Whirlwind Peak, Wyoming. August 1, 1910.
721. Timberline on Whirlwind Peak, Wyoming. August 1, 1910.
722. The Absaroka Mountains, above Grinnell Creek, Wyoming. August 2, 1910.
723. The North Fork above Grinnell Creek, Wyoming. August 2, 1910.
724. Sylvan Pass at the east entrance to Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. August 8, 1910.
725. Sylvan Lake, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. August 8, 1910.
726. Sylvan Lake, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. August 8, 1910.
727. North Fork of the Shoshone below Pahaska, Wyoming. August 8, 1910.
728. Breaking camp below Sylvan Lake, Wyoming. August 9, 1910.
729. Canyon of the Yellowstone, Wyoming. August 10, 1910.
730. Above the Lower Falls on the Yellowstone, Wyoming. August 10, 1910.
731. Yellowstone River near the Canyon, Wyoming. August 10, 1910.
732. Tower Falls, Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. August 11, 1910.
733. Yellowstone River below Tower Creek. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. August 11, 1910.
734. The north entrance to Yellowstone National Park, near Gardiner, Montana. August 13, 1910.
735. The Golden Gate, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. August 13, 1910.
736. Registry Station at Norris Geyser Basin, Wyoming. August 14, 1910.
737. Kepler Cascades, on the Fire-hole River, Wyoming. August 15, 1910.
738. A. Wetmore on the trail near the Fire-hole River, Wyoming. August 15, 1910.
739. D.D. Streeter, Jr. and Boxer. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. August 15, 1910.
740. Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. August 15, 1910.
741. Old Faithful Geyser, Wyoming. August 15, 1910.
742. Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming. August 16, 1910.
743. Yellowstone Lake at The Thumb, Wyoming. August 16, 1910.
744. Cascades on the Lewis River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. August 16, 1910.
745. Lewis River Meadows, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. August 18, 1910.
746. Part of our collection, ready to be packed. Camp near Moran, Wyoming. August 21, 1910.
747. Timberline in the north end of the Teton Range above Jackson's Lake, Wyoming. August 30, 1910.
748. Timberline in the Teton Range, above Jackson's Lake, Wyoming. August 30, 1910.
749. Breaking camp on Berry Creek in the Tetons, Wyoming. September 2, 1910.
750. Snake River at Moran, Wyoming. September 3, 1910.
751. The last camp of the season, on Pacific Creek, Wyoming. September 5, 1910.
752. Charlie and Pete, Teton Pass, Wyoming. September 15, 1910.
753. Jackson's Hole from Teton Pass, September 15, 1910.
754. Crater Lake in Teton Pass, Wyoming. September 15, 1910.
[[image missing -- handwritten note: "Out exhibit 6/16/86"]]
755. A. Wetmore at the close of the season. Teton Pass, Wyoming. September 15, 1910.
756. Lee's Ranch, below Teton Pass, Wyoming. September 17, 1910.
757. Jackson, Wyoming. September 18, 1910.
758. The bull rider. Frontier Day at Jackson, Wyoming. September 21, 1910.
759. Riding the bull. Frontier Day at Jackson, Wyoming. September 22, 1910.
760. Long Tom Imeson, dude wrangler. Jackson, Wyoming. September 22, 1910.
761. Ride 'em Cowboy! Frontier Day at Jackson, Wyoming. September 22, 1910.
762. Our quarters at Kirkland, Washington. May 14, 1911.
763. Shore of Lake Washington, near Kirkland, Washington. May 14, 1911.
764. Forest near Kirkland, Washington. May 15, 1911.
765. The Revenue Cutter Tahoma, Nanaimo Harbor, Vancouver Island. May 21, 1911.
766. Old Hudson's Bay Co. blockhouse, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island.
May 21, 1911.
767. Millstone Creek, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island.
May 21, 1911.
768. Millstone Creek near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island.
May 21, 1911.
769. Seymour Narrows on Inside Passage.
May 23, 1911.
770. Inside Passage near Greenville Channel.
May 25, 1911.
771. A. C. Bent and Lieut. Addison enroute for Alaska on the quarter deck of the Revenue Cutter Tahoma.
May 25, 1911.
772. Kutz Inlet on the Inside Passage.
May 24, 1911.
773. Fraser Reach on Inside Passage.
May 25, 1911.
[[image]] 774. A.C. Bent and Rollo Beck in the dinghy at Gravina Island, near Ketchikan, Alaska.
May 27, 1911.
775. Ballyhooly Mountain, Amaknak Island, opposite Unalaska, Alaska.
June 5, 1911. [[image]]
[[image]] B.S. 13793. Native barbara at Chernofski, Unalaska Island.
June 8, 1911.
[[N.M.neg. 36021]]
B.S. 13796. The village of Atka at the head of Nazan Bay, Atka Island,
June 13, 1911.
[[n.m. neg. 36021]]
[[image -- Man with two horses]]
2448. Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Alaska. June 5, 1911.
2449. View in harbor at Unalaska, Alaska. June 8, 1911.
2450. Coaling the Revenue Cutter Tahoma, Unalaska, Alaska. June 8, 1911.
2451. Shore of Unalaska Lake, back of Unalaska, Alaska. June 8, 1911.
2452. Haunt of ptarmigan, back of the beach at Atka, Alaska. June 13, 1911.
1329. Grass grown slopes and hills frequented by the ptarmigan with a lake in the tundra. Head of Nazan Bay, Atka Island, Alaska. June 13, 1911.
1331. Location of nest of Pacific Eider, [[underline]] Somateria [[/underline]] v-nigra. Kiska Island, Alaska. June 18, 1911.
1332. Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Alaska. June 18, 1911.
1334. Tundra Lake on Kiska Island, Alaska. June 18, 1911.
1336. Sand beach at head of Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Alaska. June 18, 1911.
2453. Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Alaska. June 18, 1911.
^[[x]] [[strikethrough]] B.S. 13802. [[/strikethrough]] Rocky beach of Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Alaska. Home of [[underline]] Nannus [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Melospiza. [[/underline]] June 18, 1911.
[[strikethrough]] B.S. 13807. [[/strikethrough]] Inland lake in high Tundra, near Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Alaska. [[underline]] Lagopus [[/underline]] found on higher slopes. June 18, 1911.
^[[N.M. neg. 36021]]
^[[x]] [[strikethrough]] B.S. 13809. [[/strikethrough]] High valley, 200 feet above sea near Kiska Harbor. Kiska Island, Alaska. Home of [[underline]] Lagopus [[/underline]]. June 18, 1911. ^[[N.M. neg. 36021]]
B.S. 13814 Attu natives, deck of Revenue Cutter "Tahoma" Sarana Bay, Attu Island, Alaska. June 22, 1911.
B.S. 13815. Native women, Sarana Bay, Attu Island, Alaska. June 22, 1911.
B.S. 13816. Racks of drying salmon. Sarana Bay, Attu Island. June 22, 1911.
^[[2454a]] [[strikethrough]] B.S. 13817. [[/strikethrough]] Stream flowing into Sarana Bay, Attu Island. [[underline]] Arquatella [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Calcarius [[/underline]] found here. June 22, 1911.
B.S. 13819. View of Sarana Bay, Attu Island. June 22, 1911.
2454. Dwarf willow at Sarana Bay, Attu Island, Alaska. June 22, 1911.
2455. Haunts of Song Sparrows at the Bay of Waterfalls, Adak Island, Alaska. June 27, 1911.
2456. Beach at the Bay of Waterfalls, Adak Island, Alaska. June 27, 1911.
2457. Unalaska village, Unalaska, Alaska from the U.S.S. Tahoma. July 1, 1911.
B.S. 13822. Salmon weir across stream, head of Sarana Bay, Attu Island. June 22, 1911. ^[[N.M. neg. 36021]]
B.S. 13823. Large Lake near head of Sarana Bay, Attu Island. June 22, 1911.
B.S. 13830. Stream though tundra near Bay of Waterfalls, Adak Island. June 27, 1911. ^[[^n.m. neg. 36021]]
B.S. 13842. Unalaska Harbor, Alaska. July 7, 1911.
2458. Dwarf willows near Unalaska, Alaska. July 7, 1911.
2459. [[underline]] Symphoricarpos [[/underline]], near Unalaska, Alaska. July 7, 1911.
2460. Grassy slopes at 300 feet elevation near Unalaska, Alaska. July 7, 1911.
776. The main street of Unalaska, Alaska.
July 9, 1911.
777. The main street of Unalaska, Alaska.
July 9, 1911.
B.S. 13850. Where the Ptarmigan were found (300 ft. altitude). King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula.
July 16, 1911.
B.S. 13855. Stream and valley, King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula. Alders here were frequented by [[underlined]] Pas^[[s]]erella [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Zonotrichia coronata [[/underlined]]. July 16, 1911.
2461. Mossy tundra at 300 feet elevation King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. July 16, 1911.
2462. Stream at King's Cove, Alaska.Peninsula, Alaska. July 16, 1911.
778. Salmon cannery at King's Cove, Alaska.
July 19, 1911.
779. Salmon cannery at King's Cove, Alaska.
July 19, 1911.
780. Camp at Morzhovoi Bay, Alaska Peninsula.
July 21, 1911.
781. My camp man Elisiy Bazaroff, Morzhovoi Bay, Alaska Peninsula.
July 22, 1911.
789. On Unga Island, Alaska. August 16, 1911.
790. Glaucus-winged gulls at King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula. August, 1911.
791. Morgan, Smith and A. Wetmore. King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula. August 14, 1911.
B.S. 13894. Stream emptying into Excursion Inlet, Alaska. [[underlined]] Cinclus [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Nannus [[/underlined]] occurred here. August 30, 1911.
[[image-black and white photograph]]
782. Camp at Morzhovoi Bay, Alaska Peninsula, July 22, 1911.
[[image-black and white photograph]]
B.S. 13867. Bear trail through the tundra west of Morzhovoi Bay, Alaska Peninsula. July 25, 1911.
[[image-black and white photograph]]
B.S. 13869. Grass and moss heaped up by bears to form a bed. West of Morzhovoi Bay, Alaska Peninsula. July 25, 1911.
[[image-black and white photograph]]
B.S. 13882. Camp on old sand-dunes with cliff back of them. East base of Frosty Peak, Alaska Peninsula. August 12, 1911.
2463. Beach at Thin Point Bay, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska. August 12, 1911.
2464. Thin Point Bay, Alaska, Peninsula, Alaska. August 12, 1911.
B.S. 13884. Arched rock. [[underlined]] Leucosticte t. griseonucha [[/underlined]] found here. East base of Frosty Peak, Alaska Peninsula. August 12, 1911.
B.S. 13885. Cliffs above lagoon where [[underlined]] Buteo 1. sancti^[[j]]ohannis [[/underlined]] nested. East base of Frosty Peak.
August 12, 1911.
783. Lagoon at King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula. August 14, 1911.
784. Aleut boys at King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula. August 14, 1911.
785. Skin boat landing at King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula. August 14, 1911
786. Sking boats landing at King's Cove, Alaska Peninsula. August 14, 1911.
787. Village at Unga, Unga Island, Alaska. August 16, 1911.
788. On Unga Island, Alaska. August 16, 1911.
2465. Excursion Inlet at head of inside passage, Alaska.
August 30, 1911.
2466. A pasture near Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
December 19, 1911.
2467. A lowland tree and a twisted royal palm. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. December 19, 1911.
2468. Coconut palms near Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. December 20,1911.
2469. Looking toward the distant hills from cerro above the Insular Experiment Station, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. December 21, 1911.
2470. Count^[[r]]y house near Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
December 21, 1911
2471. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
December 21, 1911.
2472. Path at the edge of forest. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
December 23, 1911.
2473. Border of small forest at Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
December 23, 1911.
B.S. 14564 - Small forest at Experiment Station with cane field below it. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. December 20, 1911.
B.S. 14565 - A brush filled valley. ([[underlined]] Jambosa jambos [[/underlined]]) Crotophaga and Vireo here. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. December 20, 1911.
B. S. 14568 - Royal Palms growing in a valley. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. December 20, 1911.
B. S. 14580 - A limestone hill near Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico. December 26, 1911.
2474. Entrance to La Cueva de Mollfulleda. Near Trujillo Alto, Puero Rico. December 26, 1911.
2476. Flame trees in the plaza at Caguas, Puerto Rico.
January 5, 1912.
2479. Rio Grande de Loiza, near Caguas, Puerto Rico.
January 6, 1912.
[[strikethrough]] No Negative [[/strikethrough]] ^[[2475]] Valley south of Fajardo, P.R.
December 30, 1911.
No Negative. Plaza in Caguas, P.R.
January 5, 1912.
No Negative. Water-worn rocks in the Rio Grande de Loiza, near Caguas, P.R.
January 6, 1912.
[[strikethrough]] No Negative. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[2480]] Rio Grande de Loiza, near Caguas, P.R.
January 6, 1912.
No Negative. Rio Grande de Loiza, near Caguas, P.R. January 6, 1912.
No Negative. Rio Grande de Loiza, near Caguas, P.R. January 6, 1912.
No Negative. Cane fields and low hills near Caguas, P.R. January 6, 1912.
^[[2478]] [[strikethrough]] No Negative. [[/strikethrough]] An open pasture near Caguas, P.R. January 6, 1912.
[[strikethrough]] No Negative [[/strikethrough]] ^[[2477]]. A [[strikethrough]] copper [[/strikethrough]] ^[[coffee]] plantation near Caguas, P.R.
January 6, 1912.
No Negative. A tobacco field near Caguas, P.R.
January 6, 1912.
B.S. 14582 - View of Fajardo, Puerto Rico. December 30, 1911.
B.S. 14591 - Jobo tree ([[underline]] Spondias lutea [[/underline]]) near Caguas, Puerto Rico. January 6, 1912
B.S. 14593 - Growing tobacco under cover. Caguas, Puerto Rico. January 6, 1912.
B.S. 14601 - Looking out of entrance of cave at Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico. January 12, 1912.
2481. Limestone formation near cave at Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico. January 12, 1912.
2482. Location of cave at Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico. January 12, 1912.
2483. Near Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico. January 12, 1912.
B.S. 14617 -At 2200 feet near summit of Mt. Pelado, Sierra de Cayey showing characteristic vegetation. Puerto Rico. January 18, 1912.
B.S. 14620 - A typical hillslope at 1300 feet above Cayey, Puerto Rico. January 18, 1912.
B.S. 14632 - Plaza at Aibonito, Puerto Rico. January 27, 1912.
B.S. 14633 - A road near Aibonito, Puerto Rico. Coffee plantation on the right and pastures to the left. January 28, 1912.
2484. View of Aibonito, Puerto Rico. January 27, 1912.
2485. View across the plateau at Aibonito, Puerto Rico. January 27, 1912.
2486. Large yellow-flowered shrub, [[underline]] Paritium [[/underline]] near Aibonito, Puerto Rico. January 27, 1912.
B.S. 14636 - Looking north from hill above Aibonito, Puerto Rico. Febuary 1, 1912.
B.S. 14637 - A newly cleared area in forest south of Aibonito, Puerto Rico. Showing rapid encroachment of cultivated land on forest area. February 1, 1912.
B.S. 14638 - Character of young forest growth at edge of clearing. Aibonito, Puerto Rico. February 1, 1912.
B.S. 14641 - Across the valley at Aibonito, Puerto Rico. Mount Torosillo in distance. February 1, 1912.
B.S. 14642 - Newly cleared land set with Tobacco. Aibonito, Puerto Rico. February 2, 1912.
B.S. 14643 - Land newly cleared for tobacco. Showing the rapid encroachment of this crop on the forest area. Aibonito, Puerto Rico. February 2, 1912.
B.S. 14644 - View in a coffee finca near Aibonito, Puerto Rico. February 2, 1912.
B.S. 14646 - A cocoanut grove at Punta Picua near Mameyes, Puerto Rico. February 14, 1912.
2487. At Punta Picua, near Mameyes, Puerto Rico. February 14, 1912.
2488. Uvas de playa (sea grape) [[underline]] Coccolobis uvifera [[/underline]]. At Punta Picua, near Mameyes, Puerto Rico, February 14, 1912.
B.S. 14650 - Stony bed of the Rio Mameyes. El Yunque in distance. Mameyes, Puerto Rico. February 16, 1912.
B.S. 14651 - Rio Mameyes just above tidewater with growth of caña de Marea. Mameyes, Puerto Rico. February 16, 1912.
B.S. 14653 - El Yunque and the low western end of the Sierra de Luquillo from Mameyes, Puerto Rico. February 16, 1912.
B.S. 14656 - Mouth of the Rio Mameyes. El Yunque in the background. Mameyes, Puerto Rico. February 16, 1912.
792. Hacienda Santa Catalina, El Yunque, Puerto Rico. March 3, 1912.
793. Hacienda Santa Catalina, El Yunque, Puerto Rico. March 3, 1912.
794. Racks for drying coffee. Hacienda Santa Catalina, El Yunque, Puerto Rico. March 3, 1912.
B.S. 14675 - The summit of El Yunque as seen from 2700 feet. March 8, 1912. ^[[U.S.N.M. negative 34107 (copy)]]
2489. Forest above the Rio Mameyes at 300 feet elevation at the base of El Yunque, east of the Hacienda Catalina, above Mameyes, Puerto Rico. March 6, 1912.
2490. At 400 feet elevation above Rio Mameyes; newly cleared field in foreground. East base of El Yunque, near Santa Catalina, above Mameyes, Puerto Rico. March 6, 1912.
2491. Lower slopes of El Yunque above Mameyes, Puerto Rico. March 6, 1912.
2492. Rio Mameyes near Santa Catalina above Mameyes, Puerto Rico. March 6, 1912.
2493. Newly cleared area on slope of El Yunque extending from 900 to 1500 feet. Near Santa Catalina, above Mameyes, Puerto Rico. March 8, 1912.
2494. Side of the rock at the summit of El Yunque de Luquillo, Puerto Rico. March 8, 1912.
2495. A "timberline" condition at the summit of El Yunque due to wind action. Puerto Rico. March 8, 1912.
2496. A "timberline" condition due to wind action near summit of El Yunque, Puerto Rico. March 8, 1912.
2497. Shrubs growing in fissure sheltered from the wind, near summit of El Yunque, Puerto Rico. March 8, 1912.
2498. Looking south from 2800 feet elevation on El Yunque, Puerto Rico. March 8, 1912.
2499. Dense forest growth at 2400 feet elevation on El Yunque de Luquillo, Puerto Rico. March 8, 1912.
2500. Dense forest at 2400 feet elevation on El Yunque de Luquillo, Puerto Rico. March 8, 1912.
2501. The Hacienda Santa Catalina, Catalina, 800 feet elevation on northeast base of El Yunque de Luquillo, above Mameyes, Puerto Rico. March 9, 1912.
B.S. 14692 - View of Hacienda Santa Catalina, below El Yunque, Puerto Rico. March 9, 1912.
^[[U.S.N.M negative 34107 (copy)]]
B.S. 14699 - "Palmo de Ilume", [[underline]] Aeria [[/underline]] (?) Abundant on hillsides. Vieques Island, Virgin Islands. March 20, 1912.
B.S. 14724 - Valley with brackish stream. Culebra Island. Virgin Islands. April 9, 1912.
2502. A dry inland pasture on Vieques Island. March 20, 1912.
2503. Brushy growth in a dry inland pasture. Vieques Island. March 20, 1912.
2504. Guamá tree. Vieques Island, Puerto Rico. March 20, 1912.
2505. Looking from Puerto Rico, from interior of Vieques Island. March 20, 1912.
2510. Dry forest at Manuel Qui, Vieques Island. March 27, 1912.
2511. Lagoon on Culebra Island. April 8, 1912.
2512. The interior of Culebra Island. April 8, 1912.
2513. Opuntia on Culebra Island. April 9, 1912.
2506. A view on Vieques Island. March 23, 1912.
2507. An inland valley on Vieques Island. March 23, 1912.
2508. Field of cane on Vieques Island. March 27, 1912.
2509. The region at Manuel Qui, Vieques Island. March 27, 1912.
B.S. 14728 - View of Playa Sardine. Culebra Island, Virgin Islands. April 9, 1912.
B.S. 14730 - Looking towards high interior of Culebrita Island, Virgin Islands. Lighthouse in center. April 15, 1912.
795. A. Wetmore, Culebra Island. April, 1912
796. Bahia Honda, below my house on Culebra Island. April, 1912.
2514. Culebra Island from the lighthouse on Culebrita Island. April 15, 1912.
2515. Growth on cactus on Culebrita Island. April 15, 1912.
2516. On Culebrita Island. April 15, 1912.
2517. Dry lagoon on Culebrita Island. Lighthouse in distance. April 15, 1912.
B.S. 14732 - Part of Culebrita Island with Cayo Norte beyond. Virgin Islands. April 15, 1912.
B.S. 14734 - Lighthouse on Culebrita Island, Virgin Islands. April 15, 1912.
B.S. 14753 - Rio de Santiago, near foothills. Yabucoa, Puerto Rico. May 6, 1912.
2518. North point of Culebrita Island. April 15, 1912.
2519. Mouth of Rio de la Lapa, near Salinas, Puerto Rico. April 29, 1912.
2520. A level canefield with no cover for birds. Salinas, Puerto Rico. April 29, 1912.
2521. Ucare tree, near Salinas, Puerto Rico. April 30, 1912.
2522. Dry bed of the Rio de la Lapa, near Salinas, Puerto Rico. April 30, 1912.
2523. A forested area near Salinas, Puerto Rico. April 30, 1912.
2524. View of the Valley at Yabucoa, Puerto Rico. May 8, 1912.
2525. View near Patillas, Puerto Rico, May 13, 1912
2526. Coastal plain near Patillas, Puerto Rico. May 13, 1912.
2527. View of the coastal plain near Patillas, Puerto Rico. May 13, 1912.
2528. Uvas de playa, [[underline]] Coccolobis uvifera [[/underline]], on beach near Patillas, Puerto Rico. May 13, 1912.
2529. The Rio Patillas, near Patillas, Puerto Rico. May 13, 1912.
B.S. 14756 - Cane fields in the valley at Yabucoa, Puerto Rico. May 6, 1912.
B.S. 14772 - Group of Royal Palms. Nesting site of colony of [[underlined]] Holoquiscalus [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Agelaius [[/underlined]]. Yanco, Puerto Rico. May 17, 1912.
B.S. 14776 - Looking towards the port of Guánica, Puerto Rico. (Type locality of [[underlined]] Chaemepelia p. portoricensis [[/underlined]]. May 20, 1912.
B.S. 14779 - In the limestone hills near Guánica, Puerto Rico. May 20, 1912.
2530. Looking across the valley toward the mountains at Yauco, Puerto Rico. May 27, 1912.
2531. Coffee near Maricao, Puerto Rico. May 30, 1912.
2532. Cerro Montuoso, near Maricao, Puerto Rico. May 30, 1912.
2533. Beach near Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. June 10, 1912.
2534. Pile of coconut husks near Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. June 11, 1912.
B.S. 14782 - "Maya" grown everywhere for hedges. The home of mongoose and rats. Guánica, Puerto Rico. May 20, 1912.
B.S. 14801 - Monument dated November 19, 1493, supposed to mark the landing-place of Columbus, near Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. June 11, 1912.
B.S. 14803 - Fishing village near Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. June 11, 1912.
B.S. 14804 - Making a landing on Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico. June 13, 1912.
2535. Landing on Desecheo Island. June 13, 1912.
2536. Rock on the beach of Desecheo Island. June 13, 1912.
2537. A view on Desecheo Island. June 13, 1912.
2538. Reefs laid bare by tide on Desecheo Island. June 13, 1912.
2539. The landing beach on Desecheo Island. Boat at anchor. June 13, 1912.
2540. Young frigate-birds on Desecheo Island. June 14, 1912.
B.S. 14810 - West Indian Birch ([[underlined]] Elaphrium simaruba [[/underlined]]. Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico. June 14, 1912.
B.S. 14811 - Small opening in the brush. Desecheo Island, Puerto Rico. June 14, 1912.
B.S. 14816 - Camp on Desecheo Island. Puerto Rico. June 14, 1912.
B.S. 14824 - Hacienda near Lares, Puerto Rico. June 21, 1912.
2541. An area of limestone hills near Lares, Puerto Rico. June 20, 1912.
2542. Near Lares, Puerto Rico. June 25, 1912.
2543. Near Lares, Puerto Rico. June 25, 1912.
2544. Near Quebradillas, Puerto Rico. July 3, 1912.
2545. Near Quebradillas, Puerto Rico. July 3, 1912.
2546. Windswept growth of Uvas de Playa, near Quebradillas, Puerto Rico. July 5, 1912.
2547. Windswept growth of Uvas de Playa, near Quebradillas, Puerto Rico. July 5, 1912.
2548. Dry limestone hills fronting the sea at Quebradillas, Puerto Rico. July 6, 1912.
2549. Limestone hills near Manati, Puerto Rico. July 8, 1912.
B.S. 14845. Limestone area in foothills near Manati, Puerto Rico. July 8, 1912.
2550. Brushy growth bordering on citrus grove. Manati, Puerto Rico. July 10, 1912.
2551. Citrus grove in limestone area. Manati, Puerto Rico. July 10, 1912.
2552. Border of a coffee plantation, Ciales, Puerto Rico. July 13, 1912.
2553. Valley below Cialetos. Ciales, Puerto Rico. July 13, 1912.
2554. Coffee plantation near Ciales, Puerto Rico. July 13, 1912.
2555. Hill country near Ciales, Puerto Rico. July 13, 1912.
2556. Valley of Rio Manati, below Ciales, Puerto Rico. July 13, 1912.
2557. Rio Manati, near Ciales, Puerto Rico. July 14, 1912.
2558. Home of grasshopper sparrow, near Bayamón, Puerto Rico. July 23, 1912.
2559. Rio Bayamón, near Bayamón, Puerto Rico. July 23, 1912.
2560. Locality favorable for small birds. Bayamon, Puerto Rico. July 23, 1912.
2561. Hills near Comerio, Puerto Rico. July 27, 1912.
2562. Hills near Comerio, Puerto Rico. July 27, 1912.
2563 Near Comerio, Puerto Rico. July 30, 1912.
2564. Near Comerio, Puerto Rico. July 30, 1912.
2565. A valley cane field near Utuado, Puerto Rico. August 5, 1912.
B.S. 14882. Valley of Rio Arecibo near Utuado, Puerto Rico. August 5, 1912.
2566. Hills above Utuado, Puerto Rico. August 6, 1912.
2567. A view of Utuado, Puerto Rico. August 6, 1912.
2568. Near Utuado, Puerto Rico. August 6, 1912.
2569. Hills above Utuado, Puerto Rico. August 8, 1912.
2570. Near Adjuntas, Puerto Rico. August 10, 1912.
2571. Mountain valley near Adjuntas, Puerto Rico. August 10, 1912.
B.S. 14897. Adjuntas, Puerto Rico and surrounding coffee plantations. August 16, 1912.
2572. Cactus near Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico. August 19, 1912.
2573. Pastureland near Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico. August 21, 1912.
2574. Pastureland near Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico. August 21, 1912.
B.S. 14904. Puerto Real near Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. August 26,1912.
2575. Puerto Real, near Cabo Puerto Rico. August 26, 1912.
2576. Puerto Real near Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. August 26, 1912.
2577. Level pastureland near Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. August 26, 1912.
2578. Near Joyuda, on the coast opposite Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. August 27, 1912.
2579. Near Joyuda, Puerto Rico, below Cabo Rojo. August 27, 1912.
2580. Level coastal plain at Joyuda, near Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. August 27, 1912.
2581. Level coastal plain at Joyuda, near Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. August 27, 1912.
B.S. 14913 - Valley below El Yunque de Luquillo, near Las Piedras, Puerto Rico. September 9, 1912.
B.S. 14915 - Traveling by coach near Juncos, Puerto Rico.
September 9, 1912.
797. Horseman. Puerto Rico. 1912.
798. Market Scene. Puerto Rico. 1912.
799. Market Scene. Puerto Rico. 1912.
800. Market Scene. Puerto Rico. 1912.
801. Market Scene. Puerto Rico. 1912.
802. Market Scene. Puerto Rico. 1912.
803. Market Scene, Puerto Rico. 1912.
804. Market scene. Puerto Rico. 1912.