Diary of hymenoptera, other insects, plants, etc. seen or taken by A. W. Stelfox, vol. 22 from 26th July 1954 until 2 October 1954
Download IIIF ManifestRequest permissionsDownload image PrintThis field book contains field notes of collections Stelfox made from 26 July to 2 October 1954 in Scotland and Ireland. Specimens collected or observed are mostly insects, primarily hymenoptera, but botanical specimens are also included. Stelfox lists the name of the specimen, date collected, sex, quantity, sometimes remarks on the weather, location, sometimes specific type of environment, sometimes remarks about which specimens he would like to collect, sometimes additional information. 'R.C.L.P' following a name signifies that specimen were seen and verified by D. R. C. L. Perkins, F.R.S. Localities include but are not limited to Loch Earn (Scotland), Killin (Scotland), the Birks, Ben Lawer, Royal Canal, and Murroogh.
Jul 26, 1954
Oct 02, 1954
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SIA RU007379
Arthur Wilson Stelfox papers, 1904-1967
1 field book
Smithsonian Institution Archives
Box 2 Folder 7