Diary 1, hymenoptera aculeata, and aarasitica
Download IIIF ManifestRequest permissionsDownload image PrintThis field book contains field notes of collections Stelfox made from 1 May 1921 and 30 May 1926 in Ireland. Most specimens collected were insects, primarily hymenoptera. Other specimens, for example a bat, were also collected. Stelfox lists the name of the specimen, date collected, sex, quantity, sometimes remarks on the weather (ex. “a wettish, dull day!”), location, and sometimes specific type of environment. By 1924, his lists contain more narrative style descriptions, although continue to remain brief. Some specimens in 1926 were collected by R. A. Phillips. Localities include, but are not limited to Malahide, Portmarnock, Rush, Wicklow River, Arklow,and Spanish Point.
May 01, 1921
May 30, 1926
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SIA RU007379
Arthur Wilson Stelfox papers, 1904-1967
1 field book
Smithsonian Institution Archives
Box 1 Folder 1